Properties of microlensing events by wide separation planets with a moon
Chung et al
We investigate the properties of microlensing events caused by planetary systems where planets with a moon are widely separated from their host stars. From this investigation, we find that the moon feature generally appears as an very short-duration perturbation on the smooth asymmetric light curve of the lensing event induced by the wide separation planet; thus it can be easily discriminated from the planet feature responsible for the overall asymmetric light curve. For typical Galactic lensing events with the Einstein radius of ∼2 AU, the asymmetry of the light curves due to bound planets can be noticed up to ∼20AU. We also find that the perturbations of the wide planetary systems become dominated by the moon as the projected star-planet separation increases, and eventually the light curves of events produced by the systems appear as the single lensing light curve of the planet itself with a very short-duration perturbation induced by the moon, which is a representative light curve of the event induced by a star and a planet, except on the Einstein timescale of the planet. We also study the effect of a finite source star on the moon feature in the wide planetary lensing events. From this study, we find that when the lunar caustic is sufficiently separated from the planetary caustic, the lower limit on the ratio of the lunar caustic size to the source radius causing a ≥5% lunar deviation depends mostly on the projected planet-moon separation regardless of the moon/star mass ratio, and it decreases as the planet-moon separation becomes smaller or larger than the planetary Einstein radius.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Detecting Exomoons Through Micro Lensing
Possibility for albedo estimation of exomoons: Why should we care about M dwarfs?
Authors:Dobos et alAbstract:Occultation light curves of exomoons may give information on their albedo and hence indicate the presence of ice cover on the surface. Icy moons might have subsurface oceans thus these may potentially be habitable. The objective of our paper is to determine whether next generation telescopes will be capable of albedo estimations for icy exomoons using their occultation light curves. The success of the measurements depends on the depth of the moon's occultation in the light curve and on the sensitivity of the used instruments. We applied simple calculations for different stellar masses in the V and J photometric bands, and compared the flux drop caused by the moon's occultation and the estimated photon noise of next generation missions with 5 σ confidence. We found that albedo estimation by this method is not feasible for moons of solar-like stars, but small M dwarfs are better candidates for such measurements. Our calculations in the J photometric band show that E-ELT MICADO's photon noise is just about 4 ppm greater than the flux difference caused by a 2 Earth-radii icy satellite in a circular orbit at the snowline of an 0.1 stellar mass star. However, considering only photon noise underestimates the real expected noise, because other noise sources, such as CCD read-out and dark signal become significant in the near infrared measurements. Hence we conclude that occultation measurements with next generation missions are far too challenging, even in the case of large, icy moons at the snowline of small M dwarfs. We also discuss the role of the parameters that were neglected in the calculations, e.g. inclination, eccentricity, orbiting direction of the moon. We predict that the first albedo estimations of exomoons will probably be made for large icy moons around the snowline of M4 -- M9 type main sequence stars.
exomoon detection,
m dwarf exoplanets
What is the Frequency of Exoplanets in Wide Circumbinary Orbits
SPOTS: The Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars: II. First constraints on the frequency of sub-stellar companions on wide circumbinary orbits
Bonavita et al
A large number of direct imaging surveys for exoplanets have been performed in recent years, yielding the first directly imaged planets and providing constraints on the prevalence and distribution of wide planetary systems. However, like most of the radial velocity ones, these surveys generally focus on single stars, hence binaries and higher-order multiples have not been studied to the same level of scrutiny. This motivated the SPOTS (Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars) survey, which is an ongoing direct imaging study of a large sample of close binaries, started with VLT/NACO and now continuing with VLT/SPHERE. To complement this survey, we have identified the close binary targets in 24 published direct imaging surveys. Here we present our statistical analysis of this combined body of data. We analysed a sample of 117 tight binary systems, using a combined Monte Carlo and Bayesian approach to derive the expected values of the frequency of companions, for different values of the companion's semi-major axis. Our analysis suggest that the frequency of sub-stellar companions in wide orbit is moderately low (≲13% with a best value of 6% at 95% confidence level) and not significantly different between single stars and tight binaries. One implication of this result is that the very high frequency of circumbinary planets in wide orbits around post-common envelope binaries, implied by eclipse timing (up to 90% according to Zorotovic & Schreiber 2013), can not be uniquely due to planets formed before the common-envelope phase (first generation planets), supporting instead the second generation planet formation or a non-Keplerian origin of the timing variations.
circumbinary systems,
exoplanet detection,
wide orbit
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Beyond Extraordinary Claim: Tabby's Star is Being "Star Lifted" (aka Mined)
Authors:Heindl et alAbstract:The star KIC 8462852 shows a very unusual and hard to comprehend light curve. The dip d7922 absorbs 16% of the starlight. The light curve is unusually smooth but the very steep edges make it hard to find a simple natural explanation by covering due to comets or other well-known planetary objects. We describe a mathematical approximation to the light curve, which is motivated by a physically meaningful event of a large stellar beam which generates an orbiting cloud. The data might fit to the science fiction idea of star lifting, a mining technology that could extract star matter. We extend the model to d1519 and d1568 using multiple beams and get an encouraging result that fits essential parts of the dips but misses other parts of the measured flux. We recommend further exploration of this concept with refined models.
Boyajian's Star,
KIC 8462852,
light curves,
tabby's star
A 1.9 Earth radius rocky planet and the discovery of a non-transiting planet in the Kepler-20 system
A 1.9 Earth radius rocky planet and the discovery of a non-transiting planet in the Kepler-20 systemAuthors:Buchhave et alAbstract:Kepler-20 is a solar-type star (V = 12.5) hosting a compact system of five transiting planets, all packed within the orbital distance of Mercury in our own Solar System. A transition from rocky to gaseous planets with a planetary transition radius of ~1.6 REarth has recently been proposed by several publications in the literature (Rogers 2015;Weiss & Marcy 2014). Kepler-20b (Rp ~ 1.9 REarth) has a size beyond this transition radius, however previous mass measurements were not sufficiently precise to allow definite conclusions to be drawn regarding its composition. We present new mass measurements of three of the planets in the Kepler-20 system facilitated by 104 radial velocity measurements from the HARPS-N spectrograph and 30 archival Keck/HIRES observations, as well as an updated photometric analysis of the Kepler data and an asteroseismic analysis of the host star (MStar = 0.948+-0.051 Msun and Rstar = 0.964+-0.018 Rsun). Kepler-20b is a 1.868+0.066-0.034 REarth planet in a 3.7 day period with a mass of 9.70+1.41-1.44 MEarth resulting in a mean density of 8.2+1.5-1.3 g/cc indicating a rocky composition with an iron to silicate ratio consistent with that of the Earth. This makes Kepler-20b the most massive planet with a rocky composition found to date. Furthermore, we report the discovery of an additional non-transiting planet with a minimum mass of 19.96+3.08-3.61 MEarth and an orbital period of ~34 days in the gap between Kepler-20f (P ~ 11 days) and Kepler-20d (P ~ 78 days).
m dwarf exoplanets,
terrestrial planets
Impacts of stellar evolution and dynamics on the habitable zone
Authors:Gallet et alAbstract:In this article, we aim to provide the community with the dependence of the habitable zone upon the stellar mass, metallicity, rotation, and for various prescriptions of the limits of the habitable zone. We use the STAREVOL code to study the evolution of the habitable zone and of the continuously habitable zone limits. Mass and metallicity are the stellar parameters that have the most dramatic effects on the habitable zone limits. Conversely, for a given stellar mass and metallicity, stellar rotation has only a marginal effect on these limits and does not modify the width of the habitable zone. The evolution of the habitable zone limits is also correlated to the evolution of the stellar activity (through the Rossby number) that depends on the stellar mass considered. While the magnetic activity has negligible consequence in the case of more massive stars, these effects may have a strong impact on the habitability of a planet around M dwarf stars. Thus, stellar activity cannot be neglected and may have strong impacts on the development of life during the early stage of the continuously habitable zone phase of low-mass stars. Using observed trends of stellar magnetic field strength we also constrain the planetary magnetic field (at the zero order) required for a sufficient magnetospheric protection during the whole stellar evolution. We explicit for the first time the systematic dependence of planet habitability on stellar parameters along the full evolution of low- and intermediate-mass stars. These results can be used as physical inputs for a first order estimation of exoplanetary habitability.
High-temperature miscibility of iron and rock during terrestrial planet formation
Authors:Wahl et alAbstract:The accretion of a terrestrial body and differentiation of its silicate/oxide mantle from iron core provide abundant energy for heating its interior to temperatures much higher than the present day Earth. The consequences of differentiation on the structure and composition of planets are typically addressed considering only the interaction of molten iron with an immiscible `rocky' phase. We demonstrate that mixing in a representative system of liquid or solid MgO and liquid iron to a single homogeneous liquid occurs at sufficiently low temperature to be present in the aftermath of a giant impact. Applying the thermodynamic integration technique to density functional theory molecular dynamics simulations, we determine the solvus closure temperature for the Fe-MgO system for pressures up to 400 GPa. Solvus closure occurs at ∼4000 K at low pressure, and has a weak positive pressure dependence, such that its gradient with respect to depth is less steep than an adiabatic temperature profile. This predicts a new mode of core-mantle differentiation following the most energetic giant impacts, with exsolution of iron from the mixture beginning in the outer layers of the planet. We demonstrate that high-temperature equilibration results in delivery of nominally insoluble Mg-rich material to the early core. Since MgO is the least soluble major mantle component in iron at low temperatures, these results may represent an upper bound on temperature for mixing in terrestrial planets.
planetary formation,
terrestrial planets
Monday, November 28, 2016
Will the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory 188-cm telescope Detect Oxygen in Potentially Habitable Exoplanet K2-3d?
A group of researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), the University of Tokyo, and the Astrobiology Center among others has observed the transit of a potentially Earth-like extrasolar planet known as K2-3d using the MuSCAT instrument on the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory 188-cm telescope. A transit is a phenomenon in which a planet passes in front of its parent star, blocking a small amount of light from the star, like a shadow of the planet. While transits have previously been observed for thousands of other extrasolar planets, K2-3d is important because there is a possibility that it might harbor extraterrestrial life.
By observing its transit precisely using the next generation of telescopes, such as TMT, scientists expect to be able to search the atmosphere of the planet for molecules related to life, such as oxygen.
With only the previous space telescope observations, however, researchers can't calculate the orbital period of the planet precisely, which makes predicting the exact times of future transits more difficult. This research group has succeeded in measuring the orbital period of the planet with a high precision of about 18 seconds. This greatly improved the forecast accuracy for future transit times. So now researchers will know exactly when to watch for the transits using the next generation of telescopes. This research result is an important step towards the search for extraterrestrial life in the future.
A Catalog of Kepler Habitable Zone Exoplanet Candidates
Authors:Kane et alAbstract:The NASA Kepler mission has discovered thousands of new planetary candidates, many of which have been confirmed through follow-up observations. A primary goal of the mission is to determine the occurrance rate of terrestrial-size planets within the Habitable Zone (HZ) of their host stars. Here we provide a list of HZ exoplanet candidates from the Kepler Data Release 24 Q1-Q17 data vetting process. This work was undertaken as part of the Kepler Habitable Zone Working Group. We use a variety of criteria regarding HZ boundaries and planetary sizes to produce complete lists of HZ candidates, including a catalog of 104 candidates within the optimistic HZ and 20 candidates with radii less than two Earth radii within the conservative HZ. We cross-match our HZ candidates with the Data Release 25 stellar properties and confirmed planet properties to provide robust stellar parameters and candidate dispositions. We also include false positive probabilities recently calculated by Morton et al. (2016) for each of the candidates within our catalogs to aid in their validation. Finally, we performed dynamical analysis simulations for multi-planet systems that contain candidates with radii less than two Earth radii as a step toward validation of those systems.
Do Rocky, Terrestrial Planets Form in Warm Protoplanetary Disks?
Authors:Kenyon et alAbstract:We reconsider the commonly held assumption that warm debris disks are tracers of terrestrial planet formation. The high occurrence rate inferred for Earth-mass planets around mature solar-type stars based on exoplanet surveys (roughly 20%) stands in stark contrast to the low incidence rate (less than 2-3%) of warm dusty debris around solar-type stars during the expected epoch of terrestrial planet assembly (roughly 10 Myr). If Earth-mass planets at AU distances are a common outcome of the planet formation process, this discrepancy suggests that rocky planet formation occurs more quickly and/or is much neater than traditionally believed, leaving behind little in the way of a dust signature. Alternatively, the incidence rate of terrestrial planets has been overestimated or some previously unrecognized physical mechanism removes warm dust efficiently from the terrestrial planet region. A promising removal mechanism is gas drag in a residual gaseous disk with a surface density of roughly or somewhat more than 0.001% of the minimum mass solar nebula.
Milankovitch Cycles of Terrestrial Planets in Binary Star Systems
Milankovitch Cycles of Terrestrial Planets in Binary Star Systems
The habitability of planets in binary star systems depends not only on the radiation environment created by the two stars, but also on the perturbations to planetary orbits and rotation produced by the gravitational field of the binary and neighbouring planets. Habitable planets in binaries may therefore experience significant perturbations in orbit and spin. The direct effects of orbital resonances and secular evolution on the climate of binary planets remain largely unconsidered. We present latitudinal energy balance modelling of exoplanet climates with direct coupling to an N Body integrator and an obliquity evolution model. This allows us to simultaneously investigate the thermal and dynamical evolution of planets orbiting binary stars, and discover gravito-climatic oscillations on dynamical and secular timescales. We investigate the Kepler-47 and Alpha Centauri systems as archetypes of P and S type binary systems respectively. In the first case, Earthlike planets would experience rapid Milankovitch cycles (of order 1000 years) in eccentricity, obliquity and precession, inducing temperature oscillations of similar periods (modulated by other planets in the system). These secular temperature variations have amplitudes similar to those induced on the much shorter timescale of the binary period. In the Alpha Centauri system, the influence of the secondary produces eccentricity variations on 15,000 year timescales. This produces climate oscillations of similar strength to the variation on the orbital timescale of the binary. Phase drifts between eccentricity and obliquity oscillations creates further cycles that are of order 100,000 years in duration, which are further modulated by neighbouring planets.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Authors:Kruss et alAbstract:In laboratory experiments, we studied collisions of ensembles of compact (filling factor = 0.33) millimeter dust aggregates composed of micrometer quartz grains. We used cylindrical aggregates, triangular aggregates, square aggregates, and rectangular aggregates. Ensembles of equal size aggregates as well as ensembles with embedded larger aggregates were studied. The typical collision velocities are 10–20 mm s−1. High spatial and temporal resolution imaging unambiguously shows that individual collisions lead to sticking with a high probability of 20%. This leads to connected clusters of aggregates. The contact areas between two aggregates increase with collision velocity. However, this cluster growth is only temporary, as subsequent collisions of aggregates and clusters eventually lead to the detachment of all aggregates from a cluster. The contacts are very fragile as aggregates cannot be compressed further or fragment under our experimental conditions to enhance the contact stability. Therefore, the evolution of the ensemble always leads back to a distribution of individual aggregates of initial size. This supports and extends earlier experiments showing that a bouncing barrier in planetesimal formation would be robust against shape and size variations.
Candidate Snowlines Found Around T Tauri Stars
Authors:Notsu et alAbstract:Inside the H2O snowline of protoplanetary disks, water evaporates from the dust-grain surface into the gas phase, whereas it is frozen out onto the dust in the cold region beyond the snowline. H2O ice enhances the solid material in the cold outer part of a disk, which promotes the formation of gas-giant planet cores. We can regard the H2O snowline as the surface that divides the regions between rocky and gaseous giant planet formation. Thus observationally measuring the location of the H2O snowline is crucial for understanding the planetesimal and planet formation processes, and the origin of water on Earth. In this paper, we find candidate water lines to locate the H2O snowline through future high-dispersion spectroscopic observations. First, we calculate the chemical composition of the disk and investigate the abundance distributions of H2O gas and ice, and the position of the H2O snowline. We confirm that the abundance of H2O gas is high not only in the hot midplane region inside the H2O snowline but also in the hot surface layer of the outer disk. Second, we calculate the H2O line profiles and identify those H2O lines that are promising for locating the H2O snowline: the identified lines are those that have small Einstein A coefficients and high upper state energies. The wavelengths of the candidate H2O lines range from mid-infrared to sub-millimeter, and they overlap with the regions accessible to the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array and future mid-infrared high-dispersion spectrographs (e.g., TMT/MICHI, SPICA).
Modelling the Inner Debris Disc of HR 8799
Authors:Contro et alAbstract:In many ways, the HR 8799 planetary system strongly resembles our own. It features four giant planets and two debris belts, analogues to the Asteroid and Edgeworth-Kuiper belts. Here, we present the results of dynamical simulations of HR8799’s inner debris belt, to study its structure and collisional environment. Our results suggest that HR 8799’s inner belt is highly structured, with gaps between regions of dynamical stability. The belt is likely constrained between sharp inner and outer edges, located at ∼6 and ∼8 au, respectively. Its inner edge coincides with a broad gap cleared by the 4:1 mean-motion resonance with HR 8799e. Within the belt, planetesimals are undergoing a process of collisional attrition like that observed in the Asteroid belt. However, whilst the mean collision velocity in the Asteroid belt exceeds 5 kms−1, the majority of collisions within HR 8799’s inner belt occur with velocities of order 1.2 kms−1, or less. Despite this, they remain sufficiently energetic to be destructive – giving a source for the warm dust detected in the system. Interior to the inner belt, test particles remain dynamically unstirred, aside from narrow bands excited by distant high-order resonances with HR 8799e. This lack of stirring is consistent with earlier thermal modelling of HR 8799’s infrared excess, which predicted little dust inside 6 au. The inner system is sufficiently stable and unstirred that the formation of telluric planets is feasible, although such planets would doubtless be subject to a punitive impact regime, given the intense collisional grinding required in the inner belt to generate the observed infrared excess.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
G11.92–0.61 MM1: A Keplerian disc around a massive young proto-O star
Authors:Ilee et alAbstract:The formation process of massive stars is not well understood, and advancement in our understanding benefits from high resolution observations and modelling of the gas and dust surrounding individual high-mass (proto)stars. Here we report sub-arcsecond (≲1550 au) resolution observations of the young massive star G11.92–0.61 MM1 with the SMA and VLA. Our 1.3 mm SMA observations reveal consistent velocity gradients in compact molecular line emission from species such as CH3CN, CH3OH, OCS, HNCO, H2CO, DCN and CH3CH2CN, oriented perpendicular to the previously-reported bipolar molecular outflow from MM1. Modelling of the compact gas kinematics suggests a structure undergoing rotation around the peak of the dust continuum emission. The rotational profile can be well fit by a model of a Keplerian disc, including infall, surrounding an enclosed mass of ∼30–60 M⊙, of which 2–3 M⊙ is attributed to the disc. From modelling the CH3CN emission, we determine that two temperature components, of ∼ 150 K and 230 K, are required to adequately reproduce the spectra. Our 0.9 and 3.0 cm VLA continuum data exhibit an excess above the level expected from dust emission; the full centimetre-submillimetre wavelength spectral energy distribution of MM1 is well reproduced by a model including dust emission, an unresolved hypercompact H ii region, and a compact ionised jet. In combination, our results suggest that MM1 is an example of a massive proto-O star forming via disc accretion, in a similar way to that of lower mass stars.
o class star,
protoplanetary disks,
Self-gravitating disc candidates around massive young stars
Authors:Forgan et alAbstract:There have been several recent detections of candidate Keplerian discs around massive young protostars. Given the relatively large disc-to-star mass ratios in these systems, and their young ages, it is worth investigating their propensity to becoming self-gravitating. To this end, we compute self-consistent, semi-analytic models of putative self-gravitating discs for five candidate disc systems. Our aim is not to fit exactly the observations, but to demonstrate that the expected dust continuum emission from marginally unstable self-gravitating discs can be quite weak, due to high optical depth at the midplane even at millimetre wavelengths. In the best cases, the models produce “observable” disc masses within a factor of
Global multifluid simulations of the magnetorotational instability in radially stratified protoplanetary disks
Authors:Rodgers-Lee et alAbstract:The redistribution of angular momentum is a long standing problem in our understanding of protoplanetary disk (PPD) evolution. The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is considered a likely mechanism. We present the results of a study involving multifluid global simulations including Ohmic dissipation, ambipolar diffusion and the Hall effect in a dynamic, self-consistent way. We focus on the turbulence resulting from the non-linear development of the MRI in radially stratified PPDs and compare with ideal MHD simulations. In the multifluid simulations the disk is initially set up to transition from a weak Hall dominated regime, where the Hall effect is the dominant non-ideal effect but approximately the same as or weaker than the inductive term, to a strong Hall dominated regime, where the Hall effect dominates the inductive term. As the simulations progress a substantial portion of the disk develops into a weak Hall dominated disk. We find a transition from turbulent to laminar flow in the inner regions of the disk, but without any corresponding overall density feature. We introduce a dimensionless parameter, αRM, to characterise accretion with αRM ≳ 0.1 corresponding to turbulent transport. We calculate the eddy turnover time, teddy, and compared this with an effective recombination timescale, trcb, to determine whether the presence of turbulence necessitates non-equilibrium ionisation calculations. We find that trcb is typically around three orders of magnitude smaller than teddy. Also, the ionisation fraction does not vary appreciably. These two results suggest that these multifluid simulations should be comparable to single fluid non-ideal simulations.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Are Brown DWarfs More Common Than We Think?
Authors:Willson et alAbstract:Transitional discs are a class of circumstellar discs around young stars with extensive clearing of dusty material within their inner regions on 10s of au scales. One of the primary candidates for this kind of clearing is the formation of planet(s) within the disc that then accrete or clear their immediate area as they migrate through the disc.Our sample included eight transitional discs. Using the Keck/NIRC2 instrument we utilised the Sparse Aperture Masking (SAM) interferometry technique to search for asymmetries indicative of ongoing planet formation. We searched for close-in companions using both model fitting and interferometric image reconstruction techniques. Using simulated data, we derived diagnostics that helped us to distinguish between point sources and extended asymmetric disc emission. In addition, we investigated the degeneracy between the contrast and separation that appear for marginally resolved companions.We found FP Tau to contain a previously unseen disc wall, and DM Tau, LkHa 330, and TW Hya to contain an asymmetric signal indicative of point source-like emission.We placed upper limits on the contrast of a companion in RXJ1842.9-3532 and V2246 Oph. We ruled the asymmetry signal in RXJ1615.3-3255 and V2062 Oph to be false positives.In the cases where our data indicated a potential companion we computed estimates for the value of McM˙c and found values in the range of 10−5−10−3M2Jyr−1.We found significant asymmetries in four targets. Of these, three were consistent with companions. We resolved a previously unseen gap in the disc of FP Tau extending inwards from approximately 10 au.
A LOFAR mini-survey for low-frequency radio emission from the nearest brown dwarfs
Authors:Burningham et alAbstract:We have conducted a mini-survey for low-frequency radio emission from some of the closest brown dwarfs to the Sun with rapid rotation rates: SIMP J013656.5+093347, WISEPC J150649.97+702736.0, and WISEPA J174124.26+255319.5. We have placed robust 3-sigma upper limits on the flux density in the 111 - 169 MHz frequency range for these targets: WISE 1506: < 0.72 mJy; WISE 1741: < 0.87 mJy; SIMP 0136: < 0.66 mJy. At 8 hours of integration per target to achieve these limits, we find that systematic and detailed study of this class of object at LOFAR frequencies will require a substantial dedication of resources.
Variable and polarized radio emission from the T6 brown dwarf WISEP J112254.73+255021.5
Authors:Williams et alAbstract:Route & Wolszczan (2016) recently detected five radio bursts from the T6 dwarf WISEP J112254.73+255021.5 and used the timing of these events to propose that this object rotates with an ultra-short period of ~17.3 minutes. We conducted follow-up observations with the Very Large Array and Gemini-North but found no evidence for this periodicity. We do, however, observe variable, highly circularly polarized radio emission possibly with a period of 116 minutes, although our observation lasted only 162 minutes and so more data are needed to confirm it. Our proposed periodicity is typical of other radio-active ultracool dwarfs. The handedness of the circular polarization alternates with time and there is no evidence for any unpolarized emission component, the first time such a phenomenology has been observed in radio studies of very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. We suggest that the object's magnetic dipole axis may be highly misaligned relative to its rotation axis.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Cariable Radio Emissions From a Hot Jupiter Host Star V830 Tau
Authors:Bower et alAbstract:We report the discovery of variable radio emission associated with the T Tauri star, V830 Tau, which was recently shown to host a hot Jupiter companion. Very Large Array observations at a frequency of 6 GHz reveal a detection on 01 May 2011 with a flux density 919±26 μJy, along with non-detections in two other epochs at <66 a="" additionally="" and="" array="" at="" baseline="" comparable="" consistent="" demonstrating="" detection="" emission="" field="" from="" gyro-synchrotron="" in="" include="" is="" long="" magnetic="" mechanism="" non-detection="" nonthermal="" observations="" one="" or="" origin.="" region="" sensitivity="" synchrotron="" that="" the="" very="" with="" y.="">30 G, and is likely driven by an energetic event such as magnetic reconnection that accelerated electrons. With the limited data we have, we are not able to place any constraint on the relationship between the radio emission and the rotational or orbital properties of V830 Tau. This is the first detection of radio emission from a non-degenerate star known to host an exoplanet.
Orbital alignment and starspot properties in the WASP-52 planetary system
Authors:Mancini et alAbstract:We report 13 high-precision light curves of eight transits of the exoplanet WASP-52 b, obtained by using four medium-class telescopes, through different filters, and adopting the defocussing technique. One transit was recorded simultaneously from two different observatories and another one from the same site but with two different instruments, including a multi-band camera. Anomalies were clearly detected in five light curves and modelled as starspots occulted by the planet during the transit events. We fitted the clean light curves with the jktebop code, and those with the anomalies with the prism+gemc codes in order to simultaneously model the photometric parameters of the transits and the position, size and contrast of each starspot. We used these new light curves and some from the literature to revise the physical properties of the WASP-52 system. Starspots with similar characteristics were detected in four transits over a period of 43 days. In the hypothesis that we are dealing with the same starspot, periodically occulted by the transiting planet, we estimated the projected orbital obliquity of WASP-52 b to be λ = 3.8° ± 8.4°. We also determined the true orbital obliquity, ψ = 20° ± 50°, which is, although very uncertain, the first measurement of ψ purely from starspot crossings. We finally assembled an optical transmission spectrum of the planet and searched for variations of its radius as a function of wavelength. Our analysis suggests a flat transmission spectrum within the experimental uncertainties.
gas giants,
hot jupiters,
spin orbit misalignment,
Updated Characteristics for hot Jupiter HD 209458b
Authors:del Burgo et alAbstract:We present updated parameters for the star HD 209458 and its transiting giant planet. The stellar angular diameter θ=0.2254±0.0017 mas is obtained from the average ratio between the absolute flux observed with the Hubble Space Telescope and that of the best-fitting Kurucz model atmosphere. This angular diameter represents an improvement in precision of more than four times compared to available interferometric determinations. The stellar radius R⋆=1.20±0.05 R⊙ is ascertained by combining the angular diameter with the Hipparcos trigonometric parallax, which is the main contributor to its uncertainty, and therefore the radius accuracy should be significantly improved with Gaia's measurements. The radius of the exoplanet Rp=1.41±0.06 RJ is derived from the corresponding transit depth in the light curve and our stellar radius. From the model fitting, we accurately determine the effective temperature, Teff=6071±20 K, which is in perfect agreement with the value of 6070±24 K calculated from the angular diameter and the integrated spectral energy distribution. We also find precise values from recent Padova Isochrones, such as R⋆=1.20±0.06 R⊙ and Teff=6099±41 K. We arrive at a consistent picture from these methods and compare the results with those from the literature.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
KIC 7917485b: A 12 Jupiter Mass Gas Giant Around an A Class Star in the Habitable Zone
Authors:Murphy et alAbstract:We have detected a 12 MJup planet orbiting in or near the habitable zone of a main-sequence A star via the pulsational phase shifts induced by orbital motion. The planet has an orbital period of 840±20 d and an eccentricity of 0.15. All known planets orbiting main-sequence A stars have been found via the transit method or by direct imaging. The absence of astrometric or radial-velocity detections of planets around these hosts makes ours the first discovery using the orbital motion. It is also the first A star known to host a planet within 1σ of the habitable zone. We find evidence for planets in a large fraction of the parameter space where we are able to detect them. This supports the idea that A stars harbor high-mass planets in wide orbits.
The Orbital Parameters and Mass of Kepler-56c
Authors:Otor et alAbstract:While the vast majority of multiple-planet systems have their orbital angular momentum axes aligned with the spin axis of their host star, Kepler-56 is an exception: its two transiting planets are coplanar yet misaligned by at least 40 degrees with respect to their host star. Additional follow-up observations of Kepler-56 suggest the presence of a massive, non-transiting companion that may help explain this misalignment. We model the transit data along with Keck/HIRES and HARPS-N radial velocity data to update the masses of the two transiting planets and infer the physical properties of the third, non-transiting planet. We employ a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler to calculate the best-fitting orbital parameters and their uncertainties for each planet. We find the outer planet has a period of 1002 ± 5 days and minimum mass of 5.61 ± 0.38 Jupiter masses. We also place a 95% upper limit of 0.80 m/s/yr on long-term trends caused by additional, more distant companions.
gas giants,
giant planets,
The Mass of Exoplanet GJ 676Ab
Authors:Sahlmann et alAbstract:GJ676A is an M0 dwarf hosting both gas-giant and super-Earth-type planets discovered with radial-velocity measurements. Using FORS2/VLT, we obtained position measurements of the star in the plane of the sky that tightly constrain its astrometric reflex motion caused by the super-Jupiter planet `b` in a 1052-day orbit. This allows us to determine the mass of this planet to Mb=6.7+1.8−1.5MJ, which is ∼40 \% higher than the minimum mass inferred from the radial-velocity orbit. Using new HARPS radial-velocity measurements, we improve upon the orbital parameters of the inner low-mass planets `d` and `e` and we determine the orbital period of the outer giant planet `c` to Pc=7340 days under the assumption of a circular orbit. The preliminary minimum mass of planet `c` is Mcsini=6.8MJ with an upper limit of ∼39MJ that we set using NACO/VLT high-contrast imaging. We also determine precise parallaxes and relative proper motions for both GJ676A and its wide M3 companion GJ676B. Despite the probably mature age of the system, the masses and projected separations (∼0.1" -- 0.4") of planets `b` and `c` make them promising targets for direct imaging with future instruments in space and on extremely large telescopes. In particular, we estimate that GJ676A b and GJ676A c are promising targets for directly detecting their reflected light with the WFIRST space mission. Our study demonstrates the synergy of radial-velocity and astrometric surveys that is necessary to identify the best targets for such a mission.
gas giants,
giant planets,
gj 676Ab,
gliese 676Ab
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Authors:Lomax et alAbstract:We present a new analysis of multi-epoch, H-band, scattered light images of the AB Aur system. We use a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code to simultaneously model the system's spectral energy distribution (SED) and H-band polarized intensity (PI) imagery. We find that a disk-dominated model, as opposed to one that is envelope-dominated, can plausibly reproduce AB Aur's SED and near-IR imagery. This is consistent with previous modeling attempts presented in the literature and supports the idea that at least a subset of AB Aur's spirals originate within the disk. In light of this, we also analyzed the movement of spiral structures in multi-epoch H-band total light and PI imagery of the disk. We detect no significant rotation or change in spatial location of the spiral structures in these data, which span a 5.8-year baseline. If such structures are caused by disk–planet interactions, the lack of observed rotation constrains the location of the orbit of planetary perturbers to be >47 au.
Orbital obliquities of transiting planets from starspot occultations
Authors:Southworth et alAbstract:When a planet passes in front of a starspot during a transit of its host star, it causes a small upward blip in the light curve. Modelling the transit with the starspot allows the size, brightness and position of the spot to be measured. If the same spot can be observed in two different transits, it is possible to track the motion of the spot due to the rotation of the star. The rotation period and velocity of the star (Prot and Vsini) and the sky-projected orbital obliquity of the system (lambda) can then be determined. If one has three or more observations of the same spot, the true orbital obliquity (psi) can be measured. We are performing this analysis for a number of cool stars orbited by transiting planets. We present our results so far and compile a catalogue of lambda and psi measurements from spot crossing events. The method is particularly useful for cool stars, and is therefore complementary to studies of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, which perform better on hotter and faster-rotating stars.
A Closer Look at Gliese 832
Authors:Fontenla et alAbstract:Stellar radiation from X-rays to the visible provides the energy that controls the photochemistry and mass loss from exoplanet atmospheres. The important extreme ultraviolet (EUV) region (10--91.2~nm) is inaccessible and should be computed from a reliable stellar model. It is essential to understand the formation regions and physical processes responsible for the various stellar emission features in order to predict how the spectral energy distribution varies with age and activity levels. We compute a state-of-the-art semi-empirical atmospheric model and the emergent high-resolution synthetic spectrum of the moderately active M2~V star GJ~832 as the first of a series of models for stars with different activity levels. Using non-LTE radiative transfer techniques and including many molecular lines, we construct a one-dimensional simple model for the physical structure of the star's chromosphere, chromosphere-corona transition region, and corona. The synthesized spectrum for this model fits the continuum and lines across the UV to optical spectrum. Particular emphasis is given to the emission lines at wavelengths shorter than 300~nm observed with {\em HST}, which have important effects on the photochemistry in the exoplanet atmospheres. The FUV line ratios indicate that the transition region of GJ~832 is more biased to hotter material than that of the quiet Sun. The excellent agreement of our computed EUV luminosity with that obtained by two other techniques indicates that our model predicts reliable EUV emission from GJ~832. We find that unobserved EUV flux of GJ~832, which heats the outer atmospheres of exoplanets and drives their mass loss, is comparable to the active Sun.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Gliese 536b: a SuperEarth Orbiting a M Dwarf even 8.7 Days
Red dwarf stars have proven to be a treasure trove for exoplanet hunters in recent years. In addition to multiple exoplanets candidates being detected around stars like TRAPPIST-1, Gliese 581, Gliese 667C, and Kepler 296, there was also the ESO’s recent discovery of a planet orbiting within the habitable zone of our Sun’s closest neighbor – Proxima Centauri.
And it seems the trend is likely to continue, with the latest discovery comes from a team of European scientists. Using data from the ESO’s High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) and HARPS-N instruments, they detected an exoplanet candidate orbiting around GJ 536 – an M-class red dwarf star located about 32.7 light years (10.03 parsecs) from Earth.
According to their study, “A super-Earth Orbiting the Nearby M-dwarf GJ 536“, this planet is a super-Earth – a class of exoplanet that has between more than one, but less than 15, times the mass of Earth. In this case, the planet boasts a minimum of 5.36 ± 0.69 Earth masses, has an orbital period of 8.7076 ± 0.0025 days, and orbits its sun at a distance of 0.06661 AU.
gj 536b,
gl 536b,
gliese 536b,
m dwarf exoplanets,
Convection in Condensible-rich Atmospheres
Authors:Ding et alAbstract:Condensible substances are nearly ubiquitous in planetary atmospheres. For the most familiar case-water vapor in Earth's present climate-the condensible gas is dilute, in the sense that its concentration is everywhere small relative to the noncondensible background gases. A wide variety of important planetary climate problems involve nondilute condensible substances. These include planets near or undergoing a water vapor runaway and planets near the outer edge of the conventional habitable zone, for which CO2 is the condensible. Standard representations of convection in climate models rely on several approximations appropriate only to the dilute limit, while nondilute convection differs in fundamental ways from dilute convection. In this paper, a simple parameterization of convection valid in the nondilute as well as dilute limits is derived and used to discuss the basic character of nondilute convection. The energy conservation properties of the scheme are discussed in detail and are verified in radiative-convective simulations. As a further illustration of the behavior of the scheme, results for a runaway greenhouse atmosphere for both steady instellation and seasonally varying instellation corresponding to a highly eccentric orbit are presented. The latter case illustrates that the high thermal inertia associated with latent heat in nondilute atmospheres can damp out the effects of even extreme seasonal forcing.
Could Tidal Heating Explain the DIfference Between Super Earths and Mini Neptunes?
Authors:Ginzburg et alAbstract:Short-period Earth to Neptune size exoplanets (super-Earths) with voluminous gas envelopes seem to be very common. These gas atmospheres are thought to have originated from the protoplanetary disk in which the planets were embedded during their first few Myr. The accretion rate of gas from the surrounding nebula is determined by the ability of the gas to cool and radiate away its gravitational energy. Here we demonstrate that heat from the tidal interaction between the star and the young (and therefore inflated) planet can inhibit the gas cooling and accretion. Quantitatively, we find that the growth of super-Earth atmospheres halts for planets with periods of about 10 days, provided that their initial eccentricities are of the order of 0.2. Thus, tidal heating provides a robust and simple mechanism that can simultaneously explain why these planets did not become gas giants and account for the deficit of low-density planets closer to the star, where the tides are even stronger. We suggest that tidal heating may be as important as other factors (such as the nebula's lifetime and atmosphere evaporation) in shaping the observed super-Earth population.
mini neptunes,
tidal heating
The Decrease of the Habitable Zone due to Limited Carbon Dioxide Outgassing Rates
Author:AbbotAbstract:The habitable zone concept is important because it focuses the scientific search for extraterrestrial life and aids the planning of future telescopes. Recent work has shown that planets near the outer edge of the habitable zone might not actually be able to stay warm and habitable if CO2 outgassing rates are not large enough to maintain high CO2 partial pressures against removal by silicate weathering. In this paper, I use simple equations for the climate and CO2 budget of a planet in the habitable zone that can capture the qualitative behavior of the system. With these equations I derive an analytical formula for an effective outer edge of the habitable zone, including limitations imposed by the CO2 outgassing rate. I then show that climate cycles between a snowball state and a warm climate are only possible beyond this limit if the weathering rate in the snowball climate is smaller than the CO2 outgassing rate (otherwise stable snowball states result). I derive an analytical solution for the climate cycles including a formula for their period in this limit. This work allows us to explore the qualitative effects of weathering processes on the effective outer edge of the habitable zone, which is important because weathering parameterizations are uncertain.
carbon dioxide,
habitable zone,
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Authors:Flock et alAbstract:Many stars host planets orbiting within a few astronomical units (AU). The occurrence rate and distributions of masses and orbits vary greatly with the host star's mass. These close planets' origins are a mystery that motivates investigating protoplanetary disks' central regions. A key factor governing the conditions near the star is the silicate sublimation front, which largely determines where the starlight is absorbed, and which is often called the inner rim. We present the first radiation hydrodynamical modeling of the sublimation front in the disks around the young intermediate-mass stars called Herbig Ae stars. The models are axisymmetric and include starlight heating; silicate grains sublimating and condensing to equilibrium at the local, time-dependent temperature and density; and accretion stresses parameterizing the results of MHD magnetorotational turbulence models. The results compare well with radiation hydrostatic solutions and prove to be dynamically stable. Passing the model disks into Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations, we show that the models satisfy observational constraints on the inner rim's location. A small optically thin halo of hot dust naturally arises between the inner rim and the star. The inner rim has a substantial radial extent, corresponding to several disk scale heights. While the front's overall position varies with the stellar luminosity, its radial extent depends on the mass accretion rate. A pressure maximum develops near the location of thermal ionization at temperatures of about 1000 K. The pressure maximum is capable of halting solid pebbles' radial drift and concentrating them in a zone where temperatures are sufficiently high for annealing to form crystalline silicates.
Behaviour of elements from lithium to europium in stars with and without planets
Authors:Flock et alAbstract:We conducted an analysis of the distribution of elements from lithium to europium in 200 dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood (∼20 pc) with temperatures in the range 4800–6200 K and metallicities [Fe/H] higher than –0.5 dex. Determinations of atmospheric parameters and the chemical compositions of the dwarfs were taken from our previous studies. We found that the lithium abundances in the planet-hosting solar-analogue stars of our sample were lower than those in the stars without planetary systems. Our results reveal no significant differences exceeding the determination errors for the abundances of investigated elements, except for aluminium and barium, which are more and less abundant in the planet-hosting stars, respectively. We did not find confident dependences of the lithium, aluminium and barium abundances on the ages of our target stars (which is probably because of the small number of stars). Furthermore, we found no correlation between the abundance differences in [El/Fe] and the condensation temperature (Tcond) for stars in the 16 Cyg binary system, unlike the case for 51 Peg (HD 217014), for which a slight excess of volatile elements and a deficit of refractories were obtained relative to those of solar twins. We found that one of the components of 16 Cyg exhibits a slightly higher average abundance than its counterpart (<[El/H](A – B)> = 0.08 ±0.02 dex); however, no significant abundance trend versus Tcond was observed. Owing to the relatively large errors, we cannot provide further constraints for this system.
A Steeper than Linear Disk Mass-Stellar Mass Scaling Relation
Authors:Pascucci et alAbstract:The disk mass is among the most important input parameter for every planet formation model to determine the number and masses of the planets that can form. We present an ALMA 887micron survey of the disk population around objects from 2 to 0.03Msun in the nearby 2Myr-old Chamaeleon I star-forming region. We detect thermal dust emission from 66 out of 93 disks, spatially resolve 34 of them, and identify two disks with large dust cavities of about 45AU in radius. Assuming isothermal and optically thin emission, we convert the 887micron flux densities into dust disk masses, hereafter Mdust. We find that the Mdust-Mstar relation is steeper than linear with power law indices 1.3-1.9, where the range reflects two extremes of the possible relation between the average dust temperature and stellar luminosity. By re-analyzing all millimeter data available for nearby regions in a self-consistent way, we show that the 1-3 Myr-old regions of Taurus, Lupus, and Chamaeleon I share the same Mdust-Mstar relation, while the 10Myr-old Upper Sco association has a steeper relation. Theoretical models of grain growth, drift, and fragmentation reproduce this trend and suggest that disks are in the fragmentation-limited regime. In this regime millimeter grains will be located closer in around lower-mass stars, a prediction that can be tested with deeper and higher spatial resolution ALMA observations.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Implications of Apocenter Glow in Eccentric Debris Disks for Fomalhaut and ε Eridani
Authors:Pan et alAbstract:Debris disks often take the form of eccentric rings with azimuthal asymmetries in surface brightness. Such disks are often described as showing "pericenter glow", an enhancement of the disk brightness in regions nearest the central star. At long wavelengths, however, the disk apocenters should appear brighter than their pericenters: in the long wavelength limit, we find the apocenter/pericenter flux ratio scales as 1+e for disk eccentricity e. We produce new models of this "apocenter glow" to explore its causes and wavelength dependence and study its potential as a probe of dust grain properties. Based on our models, we argue that several far-infrared and (sub)millimeter images of the Fomalhaut and epsilon Eridani debris rings obtained with Herschel, JCMT, SHARC II, ALMA, and ACTA should be reinterpreted as suggestions or examples of apocenter glow. This reinterpretation yields new constraints on the disks' dust grain properties and size distributions.
Authors:Lim et alAbstract:Both bulk rotation and local turbulence have been widely suggested to drive the fragmentation in collapsing cores that produces multiple star systems. Even when the two mechanisms predict different alignments for stellar spins and orbits, subsequent internal or external interactions can drive multiple systems toward or away from alignment, thus masking their formation processes. Here, we demonstrate that the geometrical and dynamical relationship between a binary system and its surrounding bulk envelope provide the crucial distinction between fragmentation models. We find that the circumstellar disks of the binary protostellar system L1551 IRS 5 are closely parallel, not just with each other but also with their surrounding flattened envelope. Measurements of the relative proper motion of the binary components spanning nearly 30 years indicate an orbital motion related to that of the envelope rotation. Eliminating orbital solutions whereby the circumstellar disks would be tidally truncated to sizes smaller than observed, the remaining solutions favor a circular or low-eccentricity orbit tilted by up to ~25° from the circumstellar disks. Turbulence-driven fragmentation can generate local angular momentum to produce a coplanar binary system, but this would have no particular relationship to the system's surrounding envelope. Instead, the observed properties conform with predictions for rotationally driven fragmentation. If the fragments were produced at different heights or on opposite sides of the mid-plane in the flattened central region of a rotating core, the resulting protostars would then exhibit circumstellar disks parallel with the surrounding envelope but tilted from the orbital plane, as is observed.
binary star systems,
circumbinary disks,
disk fragmentation,
L1551 IRS 5,
protosolar disk,
Evidence of Magnetic Braking in the HH 111 Protostellar System?
Authors:Lee et alAbstract:HH 111 is a Class I protostellar system at a distance of ~400 pc, with the central source VLA 1 associated with a rotating disk deeply embedded in a flattened envelope. Here we present the observations of this system at ~0farcs6 (240 au) resolution in C18O (J = 2 — 1) and a 230 GHz continuum obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array, and in SO (${N}_{J}\,=\,{5}_{6}-{4}_{5}$) obtained with the Submillimeter Array. The observations show for the first time how a Keplerian rotating disk can be formed inside a flattened envelope. The flattened envelope is detected in C18O, extending out to gsim2400 au from the VLA 1 source. It has a differential rotation, with the outer part (gsim2000 au) better described by a rotation that has constant specific angular momentum, and the innermost part (lesssim160 au) by a Keplerian rotation. The rotationally supported disk is therefore relatively compact in this system, which is consistent with the dust continuum observations. Most interestingly, if the flow is in steady state, there is a substantial drop in specific angular momentum in the envelope–disk transition region from 2000 to 160 au, by a factor of ~3. Such a decrease is not expected outside a disk formed from simple hydrodynamic core collapse, but can happen naturally if the core is significantly magnetized, because magnetic fields can be trapped in the transition region outside the disk by the ram pressure of the protostellar accretion flow, which can lead to efficient magnetic braking. In addition, SO shock emission is detected around the outer radius of the disk and could trace an accretion shock around the disk.
Friday, November 18, 2016
The Composition of Fragmenting Asteroids Around White Dwarf WD 1145+017
Authors:Redfield et alAbstract:With the recent discovery of transiting planetary material around WD 1145+017, a critical target has been identified that links the evolution of planetary systems with debris disks and their accretion onto the star. We present a series of observations, five epochs over a year, taken with Keck and the VLT, which for the first time show variability of circumstellar absorption in the gas disk surrounding WD 1145+017 on timescales of minutes to months. Circumstellar absorption is measured in more than 250 lines of 14 ions among ten different elements associated with planetary composition, e.g., O, Mg, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni. Broad circumstellar gas absorption with a velocity spread of 225 km/s is detected, but over the course of a year blue shifted absorption disappears while redshifted absorption systematically increases. A correlation of equivalent width and oscillator strength indicates that the gas is not highly optically thick (median tau approximately 2). We discuss simple models of an eccentric disk coupled with magnetospheric accretion to explain the basic observed characteristics of these high resolution and high signal-to-noise observations. Variability is detected on timescales of minutes in the two most recent observations, showing a loss of redshifted absorption for tens of minutes, coincident with major transit events and consistent with gas hidden behind opaque transiting material. This system currently presents a unique opportunity to learn how the gas causing the spectroscopic, circumstellar absorption is associated with the ongoing accretion evidenced by photospheric contamination, as well as the transiting planetary material detected in photometric observations.
debris disk,
WD 1145+017,
white dwarf
Observing Asteroid Fragmentation Around White Dwarf WD 1145+017
Authors:Gary et alAbstract:WD 1145+017 was observed from 2015 November to 2016 July for the purpose of characterizing transit behavior of the white dwarf by dust clouds thought to be produced by fragments of an asteroid in close orbit with the star. Fortuitously, most of these observations were carried out during a time when the overall "dip" activity was dramatically enhanced over that during its discovery with K2. By the end of our reported observations the dip activity had declined to a level close to its original state. Three notable events were observed. In 2016 January a large number of dust clouds appeared that had an orbital period of 4.4912 hours, and this event also marked the end of a 3-month interval of individual dip appearances that were dominated by short-lived activity producing an apparent 4.5004-hour periodicity that previous studies associated with the Kepler K2 "A" period. The second event was a 2016 April 21 appearance of four dip features with drift lines in a waterfall (date vs. phase) diagram that diverged from their origin date, and which lasted for two weeks. These dips appeared at a location in the orbit that cannot be explained as fragments that had just broken away from the "A" asteroid. The third event was the sudden appearance of a dip feature with a period of 4.6064 hours, which is essentially the same as the Kepler K2 "B" period. The evolution of dip shape, depth, and total fade amount provide constraints on dust production and loss mechanisms. Collisions can account for the sudden appearance of dust clouds, and the sudden increase in dust amount, but another mechanism for continual dust production is also required.
WD 1145+017,
white dwarf
The gaseous debris disk of the white dwarf SDSS J1228+1040
Authors:Hartmann et alAbstract:Gaseous and dust debris disks around white dwarfs (WDs) are formed from tidally disrupted planetary bodies. This offers an opportunity to determine the composition of exoplanetary material by measuring element abundances in the accreting WD's atmosphere. A more direct way to do this is through spectral analysis of the disks themselves. Currently, the number of chemical elements detected through disk emission-lines is smaller than that of species detected through lines in the WD atmospheres.
We assess the far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectrum of one well-studied object (SDSS J122859.93+104032.9) to search for disk signatures at wavelengths greater than 1050 angstrom, where the broad absorption lines of the Lyman series effectively block the WD photospheric flux. We performed FUV observations (950-1240 angstrom) with the Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph and used archival optical spectra. We compared them with non-local thermodynamic equilibrium model spectra. In addition, we investigate the Ca II infrared triplet (IRT) line profiles to constrain disk geometry and composition.
<1050 absorption="" addition="" and="" angstrom="" archival="" block="" br="" broad="" ca="" compared="" composition.="" constrain="" disk="" effectively="" equilibrium="" flux.="" fuv="" geometry="" hubble="" ii="" in="" infrared="" investigate="" line="" lines="" lyman="" model="" non-local="" observations="" of="" optical="" origins="" osmic="" performed="" photospheric="" profiles="" series="" space="" spectra.="" spectrograph="" telescope="" the="" them="" thermodynamic="" to="" triplet="" used="" wd="" we="" where="" with=""> No disk emission-lines were detected in the FUV spectrum, indicating that the disk effective temperature is about 5000K. The long-time variability of the Ca II IRT was reproduced with a precessing disk model of bulk Earth-like composition, having a surface mass density of 0.3g/cm2 and an extension from 55 to 90 WD radii. The disk has a spiral shape that precesses with a period of approximately 37 years, confirming previous results.
Princeton is Directly Imaging Exoplanets Using CHARIS
The revelation that there are thousands of planets out there, orbiting other stars, is mostly due to the success of the Kepler mission. But now that we know these exoplanets are there, we want to know all about them. We want to know their mass, their temperature, how old they are, and pretty much everything else about them.
Now, a new instrument called the Coronagraphic High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrograph (CHARIS) has captured the light from one of those exoplanets. This has the researchers excited about what they can see.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Comprehensive wide-band magnitudes and albedos for the planets, with applications to exo-planets and Planet Nine
Authors:Mallama et alAbstract:Complete sets of reference magnitudes in all 7 Johnson-Cousins bands (U, B, V, R, I, RC and IC) and the 5 principal Sloan bands (u’, g’, r’, i', and z’) are presented for the 8 planets. These data are accompanied by illumination phase functions and other formulas which characterize the instantaneous brightness of the planets. The main source of Johnson-Cousins magnitudes is a series of individualized photometric studies reported in recent years. Gaps in that dataset were filled with magnitudes synthesized in this study from published spectrophotometry. The planetary Sloan magnitudes, which are established here for the first time, are an average of newly recorded Sloan filter photometry, synthetic magnitudes and values transformed from the Johnson-Cousins system. Geometric albedos derived from these two sets of magnitudes are consistent within each photometric system and between the systems for all planets and in all bands. This consistency validates the albedos themselves as well as the magnitudes from which they were derived. In addition, a quantity termed the delta stellar magnitude is introduced to indicate the difference between the magnitude of a planet and that of its parent star. A table of these delta values for exo-planets possessing a range of physical characteristics is presented. The delta magnitudes are for phase angle 90° where a planet is near the greatest apparent separation from its star. This quantity may be useful in exo-planet detection and observation strategies when an estimate of the signal-to-noise ratio is needed. Likewise, the phase curves presented in this paper can be used for characterizing exo-planets. Finally, magnitudes for the proposed Planet Nine are estimated, and we note that P9 may be especially faint at red and near-IR wavelengths.
Hot Jupiter HAT-P-32b is Definitely NOT Cloud Free
Authors:Mallonn et alAbstract:Multi-colour broad-band transit observations offer the opportunity to characterise the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet with small- to medium-sized telescopes. One of the most favourable targets is the hot Jupiter HAT-P-32 b. We combined 21 new transit observations of this planet with 36 previously published light curves for a homogeneous analysis of the broad-band transmission spectrum from the Sloan u’ band to the Sloan z’ band. Our results rule out cloud-free planetary atmosphere models of solar metallicity. Furthermore, a discrepancy at reddest wavelengths to previously published results makes a recent tentative detection of a scattering feature less likely. Instead, the available spectral measurements of HAT-P-32 b favour a completely flat spectrum from the near-UV to the near-IR. A plausible interpretation is a thick cloud cover at high altitudes.
gas giants,
hot jupiters
Authors:Ingalls et alAbstract:We examine the repeatability, reliability, and accuracy of differential exoplanet eclipse depth measurements made using the InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope during the post-cryogenic mission. We have re-analyzed an existing 4.5 μm data set, consisting of 10 observations of the XO-3b system during secondary eclipse, using seven different techniques for removing correlated noise. We find that, on average, for a given technique, the eclipse depth estimate is repeatable from epoch to epoch to within 156 parts per million (ppm). Most techniques derive eclipse depths that do not vary by more than a factor 3 of the photon noise limit. All methods but one accurately assess their own errors: for these methods, the individual measurement uncertainties are comparable to the scatter in eclipse depths over the 10 epoch sample. To assess the accuracy of the techniques as well as to clarify the difference between instrumental and other sources of measurement error, we have also analyzed a simulated data set of 10 visits to XO-3b, for which the eclipse depth is known. We find that three of the methods (BLISS mapping, Pixel Level Decorrelation, and Independent Component Analysis) obtain results that are within three times the photon limit of the true eclipse depth. When averaged over the 10 epoch ensemble, 5 out of 7 techniques come within 60 ppm of the true value. Spitzer exoplanet data, if obtained following current best practices and reduced using methods such as those described here, can measure repeatable and accurate single eclipse depths, with close to photon-limited results.
eclipse depth,
gas giants,
hot jupiters,
Ultra Short Period Exoplanets in K2 Campaigns 0 to 5
Authors:Adams et alAbstract:We analyzed data from Campaigns 0–5 of the K2 mission and report 19 ultra-short-period candidate planets with orbital periods of less than one day (nine of which have not been previously reported). Planet candidates range in size from 0.7 to 16 Earth radii and in orbital period from 4.2 to 23.5 hr. One candidate (EPIC 203533312, Kp = 12.5) is among the shortest-period planet candidates discovered to date ($P=4.2$ hr), and, if confirmed as a planet, must have a density of at least $\rho =8.9\ {\rm{g}}\,{\mathrm{cm}}^{-3}$ to not be tidally disrupted. Five candidates have nominal radius values in the sub-Jovian desert (${R}_{P}=3\mbox{--}11\,{R}_{\oplus }$ and $P\leqslant 1.5$ days) where theoretical models do not favor their long-term stability; the only confirmed planet in this range is thought to be disintegrating (EPIC 201637175). In addition to the planet candidates, we report on four objects that may not be planetary, including one with intermittent transits (EPIC 211152484) and three initially promising candidates that are likely false positives based on characteristics of their light curves and on radial velocity follow-up. A list of 91 suspected eclipsing binaries identified at various stages in our vetting process is also provided. Based on an assessment of our survey's completeness, we estimate an occurrence rate for ultra-short-period planets among K2 target stars that is about half that estimated from the Kepler sample, raising questions as to whether K2 systems are intrinsically different from Kepler systems, possibly as a result of their different galactic location.
hot jupiters,
k2 mission,
ultra short period planets
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Raman Scattering by Molecular Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Exoplanetary Atmospheres
Raman Scattering by Molecular Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Exoplanetary Atmospheres
Oklopčić et al
An important source of opacity in the atmospheres of exoplanets at short visible and near-UV wavelengths is Rayleigh scattering of light on molecules. It is accompanied by a related, albeit weaker process -- Raman scattering. In this paper, we analyze the signatures of Raman scattering imprinted in the reflected light and the geometric albedo of exoplanets, which could provide valuable information about planetary atmospheres. Raman scattering affects the geometric albedo spectra of planets in two main ways. Firstly, it causes filling-in of strong absorption lines in the incident radiation, thus producing sharp peaks in the albedo. Secondly, it shifts the wavelengths of spectral features in the reflected light causing the so-called Raman ghost lines. Observing the Raman peaks in the albedo could be used to measure the column density of the scattering molecule, thus providing constrains on the presence of clouds and hazes in the atmosphere. Observing the Raman ghost lines could be used to spectroscopically identify the main scatterer in the atmosphere -- molecules like H2 or N2 that do not have prominent spectral signatures in the optical wavelength range. If detected, ghost lines could also provide information about the temperature of the atmosphere. In this work we investigate the effects of Raman scattering in hydrogen- and nitrogen-dominated atmospheres. We analyze the feasibility of detecting the signatures of Raman scattering with the existing and future observational facilities, and of using these signatures as probes of exoplanetary atmospheres.
raman scattering
GJ 676Ab is a Super Jupiter
Authors:Sahlmann et alAbstract:GJ676A is an M0 dwarf hosting both gas-giant and super-Earth-type planets discovered with radial-velocity measurements. Using FORS2/VLT, we obtained position measurements of the star in the plane of the sky that tightly constrain its astrometric reflex motion caused by the super-Jupiter planet `b` in a 1052-day orbit. This allows us to determine the mass of this planet to Mb=6.7+1.8−1.5MJ, which is ∼40 \% higher than the minimum mass inferred from the radial-velocity orbit. Using new HARPS radial-velocity measurements, we improve upon the orbital parameters of the inner low-mass planets `d` and `e` and we determine the orbital period of the outer giant planet `c` to Pc=7340 days under the assumption of a circular orbit. The preliminary minimum mass of planet `c` is Mcsini=6.8MJ with an upper limit of ∼39MJ that we set using NACO/VLT high-contrast imaging. We also determine precise parallaxes and relative proper motions for both GJ676A and its wide M3 companion GJ676B. Despite the probably mature age of the system, the masses and projected separations (∼0.1" -- 0.4") of planets `b` and `c` make them promising targets for direct imaging with future instruments in space and on extremely large telescopes. In particular, we estimate that GJ676A b and GJ676A c are promising targets for directly detecting their reflected light with the WFIRST space mission. Our study demonstrates the synergy of radial-velocity and astrometric surveys that is necessary to identify the best targets for such a mission.
Authors:Bryan et alAbstract:We have conducted an angular differential imaging survey with NIRC2 at Keck in search of close-in substellar companions to a sample of seven systems with confirmed planetary-mass companions (PMCs) on wide orbits (>50 au). These wide-separation PMCs pose significant challenges to all three possible formation mechanisms: core accretion plus scattering, disk instability, and turbulent fragmentation. We explore the possibility that these companions formed closer in and were scattered out to their present-day locations by searching for other massive bodies at smaller separations. The typical sensitivity for this survey is ΔK ~ 12.5 at 1''. We identify eight candidate companions, whose masses would reach as low as one Jupiter mass if gravitationally bound. From our multi-epoch astrometry we determine that seven of these are conclusively background objects, while the eighth near DH Tau is ambiguous and requires additional monitoring. We rule out the presence of >7 M Jup bodies in these systems down to 15–50 au that could be responsible for scattering. This result combined with the totality of evidence suggests that dynamical scattering is unlikely to have produced this population of PMCs. We detect orbital motion from the companions ROXs 42B b and ROXs 12 b, and from this determine 95% upper limits on the companions' eccentricities of 0.58 and 0.83 respectively. Finally, we find that the 95% upper limit on the occurrence rate of additional planets with masses between 5 and 15 M Jup outside of 40 au in systems with PMCs is 54%.
gas giants,
giant planets,
nemesis class planet,
planet-planet scattering,
ROX 12b,
ROX 42Bb,
wide orbit
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