Thursday, May 14, 2015

UV Driven Evaporation of Close-in Exoplanets

UV driven evaporation of close-in planets: energy-limited; recombination-limited and photon-limited flows


Owen et al


We have investigated the evaporation of close-in exoplanets irradiated by ionizing photons. We find that the properties of the flow are controlled by the ratio of the recombination time to the flow time-scale. When the recombination time-scale is short compared to the flow time-scale the the flow is in approximate local ionization equilibrium with a thin ionization front, where the photon mean free path is short compared to flow scale. In this "recombination limited" flow the mass-loss scales roughly with the square root of the incident flux. When the recombination time is long compared to the flow time-scale the ionization front becomes thick and encompasses the entire flow, with the mass-loss rate scaling linearly with flux. If the planet's potential is deep the flow is approximately "energy-limited"; however, if the planet's potential is shallow we identify a new limiting mass-loss regime, which we term "photon-limited". In this scenario the mass-loss rate is purely limited by the incoming flux of ionizing photons. We have developed a new numerical approach that takes into account the frequency dependence of the incoming ionizing spectrum and performed a large suite of 1D simulations to characterise UV driven mass-loss around low mass planets. We find the flow is "recombination-limited" at high fluxes but becomes "energy-limited" at low fluxes; however, the transition is broad occurring over several order of magnitude in flux. Finally, we point out the transitions between the different flow types does not occur at a single flux value, but depends on the planet's properties, with higher mass planets becoming "energy-limited" at lower fluxes.

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