Monday, March 7, 2016

How Terrestrial Exoplanets Lose Their Hydrogen to oft X-ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Flux

Thermal mass loss of protoplanetary cores with hydrogen-dominated atmospheres: The influences of ionization and orbital distance


Erkaev et al


We investigate the loss rates of the hydrogen atmospheres of terrestrial planets with a range of masses and orbital distances by assuming a 100 times stronger soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (XUV) flux. We apply a 1D upper atmosphere radiation absorption and hydrodynamic escape model that takes into account ionization, dissociation and recombination to calculate hydrogen mass loss rates. We study the effect of the ionization, dissociation and recombination on the thermal mass loss rates of hydrogen-dominated super-Earths and compare the results with those obtained by the energy-limited escape formula which is widely used for mass loss evolution studies. Our results indicate that the energy-limited formula can to a great extent over- or underestimate the hydrogen mass loss rates by amounts that depend on the stellar XUV flux and planetary parameters such as mass, size, effective temperature, and XUV absorption radii.

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