Coordinated X-ray and Optical observations of Star-Planet Interaction in HD 17156
Maggio et al
The large number of close-in Jupiter-size exoplanets prompts the question whether star-planet interaction (SPI) effects can be detected. We focused our attention on the system HD 17156, having a Jupiter-mass planet in a very eccentric orbit. Here we present results of the XMM-Newton observations and of a five month coordinated optical campaign with the HARPS-N spectrograph. We observed HD 17156 with XMM-Newton when the planet was approaching the apoastron and then at the following periastron passage, quasi simultaneously with HARPS-N. We obtained a clear (≈5.5σ) X-ray detection only at the periastron visit, accompanied by a significant increase of the R′HK chromospheric index. We discuss two possible scenarios for the activity enhancement: magnetic reconnection and flaring or accretion onto the star of material tidally stripped from the planet. In any case, this is possibly the first evidence of a magnetic SPI effect caught in action.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Eccentric Jupiter HD 17156b's Interaction With its Host Star
eccentric orbit,
gas giants,
giant planets,
HD 17156,
HD 17156b,
host star exoplanet interaction
Looking at the Transit-Depth Metallicity Correlation for gas Giant Exoplanets & Host Stars
Transit-Depth Metallicity Correlation: A Bayesian Approach
Sarkis et al
A negative correlation was previously reported between the transit depth of Kepler's Q1-Q12 gas giant candidates and the stellar metallicity. In this present work, we revisit this correlation to better understand the role of the stellar metallicity in the formation of giant planets, in particular, to investigate the effect of the metallicity on the transit depth. We selected the 82 confirmed giant planets from the cumulative catalog. This is the first large and homogeneous sample of confirmed giant planets used to study this correlation. Such samples are suitable to perform robust statistical analysis. We present the first hierarchical Bayesian linear regression model to revise this correlation. The advantages of using a Bayesian framework are to incorporate measurement errors in the model and to quantify both the intrinsic scatter and the uncertainties on the parameters of the model. Our statistical analysis reveals no correlation between the transit depth of confirmed giant planets and the stellar metallicity.
gas giants,
giant planets,
host stars,
transit depth
OGLE-2015-BLG-0966b: a Cold Neptune Orbiting an M Dwarf
Spitzer Parallax of OGLE-2015-BLG-0966: A Cold Neptune in the Galactic Disk
Street et al
We report the detection of a Cold Neptune m_planet=21+/-2MEarth orbiting a 0.38MSol M dwarf lying 2.5-3.3 kpc toward the Galactic center as part of a campaign combining ground-based and Spitzer observations to measure the Galactic distribution of planets. This is the first time that the complex real-time protocols described by Yee et al. (2015), which aim to maximize planet sensitivity while maintaining sample integrity, have been carried out in practice. Multiple survey and follow-up teams successfully combined their efforts within the framework of these protocols to detect this planet. This is the second planet in the Spitzer Galactic distribution sample. Both are in the near-to-mid disk and clearly not in the Galactic bulge.
gas giants,
m dwarf exoplanets,
neptune class,
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
The Signatures of Rocky Impacts on a Young Star
The Gaia-ESO Survey: chemical signatures of rocky accretion in a young solar-type star
Spina et al
It is well known that newly formed planetary systems undergo processes of orbital reconfiguration and planetary migration. As a result, planets or protoplanetary objects may accrete onto the central star, being fused and mixed into its external layers. If the accreted mass is sufficiently high and the star has a sufficiently thin convective envelope, such events may result in a modification of the chemical composition of the stellar photosphere in an observable way, enhancing it with elements that were abundant in the accreted mass. The recent Gaia-ESO Survey observations of the 10-20 Myr old Gamma Velorum cluster have enabled identifying a star that is significantly enriched in iron with respect to other cluster members. In this Letter we further investigate the abundance pattern of this star, showing that its abundance anomaly is not limited to iron, but is also present in the refractory elements, whose overabundances are correlated with the condensation temperature. This finding strongly supports the hypothesis of a recent accretion of rocky material.
Looking for Shoemaker-Levy 9 Like Events on Giant Exoplanets
Detectability of Planetesimal Impacts on Giant Exoplanets
Flagg et al
The detectability of planetesimal impacts on imaged exoplanets can be measured using Jupiter during the 1994 comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 events as a proxy. By integrating the whole planet flux with and without impact spots, the effect of the impacts at wavelengths from 2 - 4 microns is revealed. Jupiter's reflected light spectrum in the near-infrared is dominated by its methane opacity including a deep band at 2.3 microns. After the impact, sunlight that would have normally been absorbed by the large amount of methane in Jupiter's atmosphere was instead reflected by the cometary material from the impacts. As a result, at 2.3 microns, where the planet would normally have low reflectivity, it brightened substantially and stayed brighter for at least a month.
gas giants,
giant planets,
Modeling the Formation of Kepler-16 and Kepler-34 Circumbinary Exoplanetary Systems
Modelling circumbinary protoplanetary disks: I. Fluid simulations of the Kepler-16 and 34 systems
Lines et al
The Kepler mission's discovery of a number of circumbinary planets orbiting close (a_p less than 1.1 au) to the stellar binary raises questions as to how these planets could have formed given the intense gravitational perturbations the dual stars impart on the disk. The gas component of circumbinary protoplanetary disks is perturbed in a similar manner to the solid, planetesimal dominated counterpart, although the mechanism by which disk eccentricity originates differs. This is the first work of a series that aims to investigate the conditions for planet formation in circumbinary protoplanetary disks. We present a number of hydrodynamical simulations that explore the response of gas disks around two observed binary systems: Kepler-16 and Kepler-34. We probe the importance of disk viscosity, aspect-ratio, inner boundary condition, initial surface density gradient, and self-gravity on the dynamical evolution of the disk, as well as its quasi steady-state profile. We find there is a strong influence of binary type on the mean disk eccentricity, e_d, leading to e_d = 0.02 - 0.08 for Kepler-16 and e_d = 0.10 - 0.15 in Kepler-34. The value of alpha-viscosity has little influence on the disk, but we find a strong increase in mean disk eccentricity with increasing aspect-ratio due to wave propagation effects. The choice of inner boundary condition only has a small effect on the surface density and eccentricity of the disk. Our primary finding is that including disk self-gravity has little impact on the evolution or final state of the disk for disks with masses less than 12.5 times that of the minimum-mass solar nebula. This finding contrasts with the results of self-gravity relevance in circumprimary disks, where its inclusion is found to be an important factor in describing the disk evolution.
Monday, September 28, 2015
How Many Cosmic Rays Can Reach the Surface of Different Types of Terrestrial Exoplanets
Galactic cosmic rays on extrasolar Earth-like planets I. Cosmic ray flux
Grießmeier et al
Theoretical arguments indicate that close-in terrestial exoplanets may have weak magnetic fields, especially in the case of planets more massive than Earth (super-Earths). Planetary magnetic fields, however, constitute one of the shielding layers that protect the planet against cosmic-ray particles. In particular, a weak magnetic field results in a high flux of Galactic cosmic rays that extends to the top of the planetary atmosphere. We wish to quantify the flux of Galactic cosmic rays to an exoplanetary atmosphere as a function of the particle energy and of the planetary magnetic moment. We numerically analyzed the propagation of Galactic cosmic-ray particles through planetary magnetospheres. We evaluated the efficiency of magnetospheric shielding as a function of the particle energy (in the range 16 MeV ≤ E ≤ 524 GeV) and as a function of the planetary magnetic field strength (in the range 0 M⊕ ≤ {M} ≤ 10 M⊕). Combined with the flux outside the planetary magnetosphere, this gives the cosmic-ray energy spectrum at the top of the planetary atmosphere as a function of the planetary magnetic moment. We find that the particle flux to the planetary atmosphere can be increased by more than three orders of magnitude in the absence of a protecting magnetic field. For a weakly magnetized planet (M=0.05M⊕), only particles with energies below 512 MeV are at least partially shielded. For a planet with a magnetic moment similar to Earth, this limit increases to 32 GeV, whereas for a strongly magnetized planet (M=10.0M⊕), partial shielding extends up to 200 GeV. We find that magnetic shielding strongly controls the number of cosmic-ray particles reaching the planetary atmosphere. The implications of this increased particle flux are discussed in a companion article.
cosmic rays,
magnetic field,
terrestrial planets
Terrestrial Exoplanets Without Plate Tectonics Will Lose Their Water, Become Uninhabitable
The Role of Plate Tectonic-Climate Coupling and Exposed Land Area in the Development of Habitable Climates on Rocky Planets
The long-term carbon cycle is vital for maintaining liquid water oceans on rocky planets due to the negative climate feedbacks involved in silicate weathering. Plate tectonics plays a crucial role in driving the long-term carbon cycle because it is responsible for CO2 degassing at ridges and arcs, the return of CO2 to the mantle through subduction, and supplying fresh, weatherable rock to the surface via uplift and orogeny. However, the presence of plate tectonics itself may depend on climate according to recent geodynamical studies showing that cool surface temperatures are important for maintaining vigorous plate tectonics. Using a simple carbon cycle model, I show that the negative climate feedbacks inherent in the long-term carbon cycle are uninhibited by climate's effect on plate tectonics. Furthermore, initial atmospheric CO2 conditions do not impact the final climate state reached when the carbon cycle comes to equilibrium, as long as liquid water is present and silicate weathering can occur. Thus an initially hot, CO2 rich atmosphere does not prevent the development of a temperate climate and plate tectonics on a planet. However, globally supply-limited weathering does prevent the development of temperate climates on planets with small subaerial land areas and large total CO2 budgets because supply-limited weathering lacks stabilizing climate feedbacks. Planets in the supply-limited regime may become inhospitable for life and could experience significant water loss. Supply-limited weathering is less likely on plate tectonic planets, because plate tectonics promotes high erosion rates and thus a greater supply of bedrock to the surface.
Water Vapor Detected in the Terrestrial Exoplanet Forming Region in a Protoplanetary Disk
Detection of water vapor in the terrestrial planet forming region of a transition disk
Salyk et al
We report a detection of water vapor in the protoplanetary disk around DoAr 44 with the Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph --- a visitor instrument on the Gemini north telescope. The DoAr 44 disk consists of an optically thick inner ring and outer disk, separated by a dust-cleared 36 AU gap, and has therefore been termed "pre-transitional". To date, this is the only disk with a large inner gap known to harbor detectable quantities of warm (T=450 K) water vapor. In this work, we detect and spectrally resolve three mid-infrared pure rotational emission lines of water vapor from this source, and use the shapes of the emission lines to constrain the location of the water vapor. We find that the emission originates near 0.3 AU --- the inner disk region. This characteristic region coincides with that inferred for both optically thick and thin thermal infrared dust emission, as well as rovibrational CO emission. The presence of water in the dust-depleted region implies substantial columns of hydrogen (less than 10^{22} cm-2) as the water vapor would otherwise be destroyed by photodissociation. Combined with the dust modeling, this column implies a gas/small-dust ratio in the optically thin dusty region of less than 1000. These results demonstrate that DoAr 44 has maintained similar physical and chemical conditions to classical protoplanetary disks in its terrestrial-planet forming regions, in spite of having formed a large gap.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Gaia's Astrometry Revolution
Gaia: The Astrometry Revolution
Sozzetti et al
The power of micro-arcsecond (μas) astrometry is about to be unleashed. ESA's Gaia mission, now headed towards the end of the first year of routine science operations, will soon fulfil its promise for revolutionary science in countless aspects of Galactic astronomy and astrophysics. The potential of Gaia position measurements for important contributions to the astrophysics of planetary systems is huge. We focus here on the expectations for detection and improved characterization of 'young' planetary systems in the neighborhood of the Sun using a combination of Gaia μas astrometry and direct imaging techniques.
Determining Exoplanet Masses and Radii in Multiplanetary Systems Without Stellar Models
Absolute masses and radii determination in multiplanetary systems without stellar models
Almenara et al
The masses and radii of extrasolar planets are key observables for understanding their interior, formation and evolution. While transit photometry and Doppler spectroscopy are used to measure the radii and masses respectively of planets relative to those of their host star, estimates for the true values of these quantities rely on theoretical models of the host star which are known to suffer from systematic differences with observations. When a system is composed of more than two bodies, extra information is contained in the transit photometry and radial velocity data. Velocity information (finite speed-of-light, Doppler) is needed to break the Newtonian MR−3 degeneracy. We performed a photodynamical modelling of the two-planet transiting system Kepler-117 using all photometric and spectroscopic data available. We demonstrate how absolute masses and radii of single-star planetary systems can be obtained without resorting to stellar models. Limited by the precision of available radial velocities (38 ms−1), we achieve accuracies of 20 per cent in the radii and 70 per cent in the masses, while simulated 1 ms−1 precision radial velocities lower these to 1 per cent for the radii and 2 per cent for the masses. Since transiting multi-planet systems are common, this technique can be used to measure precisely the mass and radius of a large sample of stars and planets. We anticipate these measurements will become common when the TESS and PLATO mission provide high-precision light curves of a large sample of bright stars. These determinations will improve our knowledge about stars and planets, and provide strong constraints on theoretical models.
Direct Exoplanet Detection and Characterization Using the ANDROMEDA Method
Direct exoplanet detection and characterization using the ANDROMEDA method: Performance on VLT/NaCo data
Cantalloube et al
The direct detection of exoplanets with high-contrast imaging requires advanced data processing methods to disentangle potential planetary signals from bright quasi-static speckles. Among them, angular differential imaging (ADI) permits potential planetary signals with a known rotation rate to be separated from instrumental speckles that are either statics or slowly variable. The method presented in this paper, called ANDROMEDA for ANgular Differential OptiMal Exoplanet Detection Algorithm is based on a maximum likelihood approach to ADI and is used to estimate the position and the flux of any point source present in the field of view. Aims. In order to optimize and experimentally validate this previously proposed method, we applied ANDROMEDA to real VLT/NaCo data. In addition to its pure detection capability, we investigated the possibility of defining simple and efficient criteria for automatic point source extraction able to support the processing of large surveys.
To assess the performance of the method, we applied ANDROMEDA on VLT/NaCo data of TYC-8979-1683-1 which is surrounded by numerous bright stars and on which we added synthetic planets of known position and flux in the field. In order to accommodate the real data properties, it was necessary to develop additional pre-processing and post-processing steps to the initially proposed algorithm. We then investigated its skill in the challenging case of a well-known target, β Pictoris, whose companion is close to the detection limit and we compared our results to those obtained by another method based on principal component analysis (PCA).
Application on VLT/NaCo data demonstrates the ability of ANDROMEDA to automatically detect and characterize point sources present in the image field. We end up with a robust method bringing consistent results with a sensitivity similar to the recently published algorithms, with only two parameters to be fine tuned. Moreover, the companion flux estimates are not biased by the algorithm parameters and do not require a posteriori corrections.
ANDROMEDA is an attractive alternative to current standard image processing methods that can be readily applied to on-sky data.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Protoplanetary DisK Fragmentation Rarely Forms Exoplanets
Disc fragmentation rarely forms planetary-mass objects
Rice et al
It is now reasonably clear that disc fragmentation can only operate in the outer parts of protostellar discs (r greater than 50 au). It is also expected that any object that forms via disc fragmentation will have an initial mass greater than that of Jupiter. However, whether or not such a process actually operates, or can play a significant role in the formation of planetary-mass objects, is still unclear. We do have a few examples of directly imaged objects that may have formed in this way, but we have yet to constrain how often disc fragmentation may actually form such objects. What we want to consider here is whether or not we can constrain the likely population of planetary-mass objects formed via disc fragmentation by considering how a population of objects at large radii (a greater than 50) au - if they do exist - would evolve under perturbations from more distant stellar companions. We find that there is a specific region of parameter space to which such objects would be scattered and show that the known exoplanets in that region have properties more consistent with that of the bulk exoplanet population, than with having been formed via disc fragmentation at large radii. Along with the scarcity of directly-imaged objects at large radii, our results provide a similar, but independent, constraint on the frequency of objects formed via disc fragmentation.
Does BF Cygni Have a Circumbinary Disk?
Transient accretion disc-like envelope in the symbiotic binary BF Cygni during its 2006 - 2015 optical outburst
Tomov et al
The optical light of the symbiotic binary BF Cygni during its last eruption after 2006 shows orbital variations because of an eclipse of the outbursting compact object. The first orbital minimum is deeper than the following ones. Moreover, the Balmer profiles of this system acquired additional satellite components indicating bipolar collimated outflow at one time between the first and second orbital minima. This behaviour is interpreted in the framework of the model of collimated stellar wind from the outbursting object. It is supposed that one extended disc-like envelope covering the accretion disc of the compact object and collimating its stellar wind forms in the period between the first and second minima. The uneclipsed part of this envelope is responsible for the decrease of the depth of the orbital minimum. The calculated UBVRCIC fluxes of this uneclipsed part are in agreement with the observed residual of the depths of the first and second orbital minima. The parameters of the envelope require that it is the main emitting region of the line Hα but the Hα profile is less determined from its rotation and mostly from other mechanisms. It is concluded that the envelope is a transient nebular region and its destruction determines the increase of the depth of the orbital minimum with fading of the optical light.
Overcoming the Electrostatic Barrier Against Dust Growth in Protoplanetary Disks
A Possible Mechanism for Overcoming the Electrostatic Barrier Against Dust Growth in Protoplanetary disks
The coagulation of dust particles under the conditions in protoplanetary disks is investigated. The study focuses on the repulsive electrostatic barrier against growth of charged dust grains. Taking into account the photoelectric effect leads to the appearance of a layer at intermediate heights where the dust has a close to zero charge, enabling the dust grains to grow efficiently. An increase in the coagulation rate comes about not only due to the lowering of the Coulomb barrier, but also because of the electrostatic attraction between grains of opposite charge due to the non-zero dispersion of the near-zero charge. Depending on the efficiency of mixing in the disk, the acceleration of the evolution of the dust in this layer could be important, both in the quasi-stationary stage of the disk evolution and during its dispersal.
planetary formation,
protoplanetary disks
Friday, September 25, 2015
51 Eridani has a Wide Orbiting Binary M Dwarf Companion
Dynamical Masses of Young M Dwarfs. I. Masses and Orbital Parameters of GJ 3305 AB, the Wide Binary Companion to the Imaged Exoplanet Host 51 Eri
Montet et al
We combine new high resolution imaging and spectroscopy from Keck/NIRC2, Discovery Channel Telescope/DSSI, and Keck/HIRES with published astrometry and radial velocities to measure individual masses and orbital elements of the GJ 3305 AB system, a young (~20 Myr) M+M binary (unresolved spectral type M0) member of the beta Pictoris moving group comoving with the imaged exoplanet host 51 Eri. We measure a total system mass of 1.10 \pm 0.04 M_sun, a period of 29.16 \pm 0.65$ yr, a semimajor axis of 9.80 \pm 0.15 AU, and an eccentricity of 0.19 \pm 0.02. The primary component has a dynamical mass of 0.65 \pm 0.05 M_sun and the secondary has a mass of 0.44 \pm 0.05 M_sun. The recently updated BHAC15 models are consistent with the masses of both stars to within 1.5 sigma. Given the observed masses the models predict an age of the GJ 3305 AB system of 28 +15/-6 Myr. Based on the the observed system architecture and our dynamical mass measurement, it is unlikely that the orbit of 51 Eri b has been significantly altered by the Kozai-Lidov mechanism.
Radio Emission and Orbital Motion of M Dwarf-Brown Dwarf Binary Scholz's Star
Radio Emission and Orbital Motion from the Close-Encounter Star-Brown Dwarf Binary WISE J072003.20-084651.2
Burgasser et al
We report the detection of radio emission and orbital motion from the nearby star-brown dwarf binary WISE J072003.20-084651.2AB. Radio observations across the 4.5-6.5 GHz band with the Very Large Array identify at the position of the system quiescent emission with a flux density of 15±3 μJy, and a highly-polarized radio source that underwent a 2-3 min burst with peak flux density 300±90 μJy. The latter emission is likely a low-level magnetic flare similar to optical flares previously observed for this source. No outbursts were detected in separate narrow-band Hα monitoring observations. We report new high-resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations that confirm the presence of a co-moving T5.5 secondary and provide the first indications of three-dimensional orbital motion. We used these data to revise our estimates for the orbital period (4.1+2.7−1.3 yr) and tightly constrain the orbital inclination to be nearly edge-on (93.6\deg+1.6deg−1.4deg), although robust measures of the component and system masses will require further monitoring. The inferred orbital motion does not change the high likelihood that this radio-emitting very low-mass binary made a close pass to the Sun in the past 100 kyr.
CoRoT-33B: a "hot" 59 Jupiter Mass Brown Dwarf Orbiting a G9V Star Every 5.82 Days
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission XXVIII. CoRoT-33b, an object in the brown dwarf desert with 2:3 commensurability with its host star
Csizmadia et al
We report the detection of a rare transiting brown dwarf with a mass of 59 M_Jup and radius of 1.1 R_Jup around the metal-rich, [Fe/H] = +0.44, G9V star CoRoT-33. The orbit is eccentric (e = 0.07) with a period of 5.82 d. The companion, CoRoT-33b, is thus a new member in the so-called brown dwarf desert. The orbital period is within 3% to a 3:2 resonance with the rotational period of the star. CoRoT-33b may be an important test case for tidal evolution studies. The true frequency of brown dwarfs close to their host stars (P less than 10 d) is estimated to be approximately 0.2% which is about six times smaller than the frequency of hot Jupiters in the same period range. We suspect that the frequency of brown dwarfs declines faster with decreasing period than that of giant planets.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Hot Saturn Kelt-6b has a Sister Exoplanet Gas Giant
The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N@TNG X. The multi-planet system KELT-6: detection of the planet KELT-6 c and measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect for KELT-6 b
Damasso et al
For more than 1.5 years we monitored spectroscopically the star KELT-6 (BD+312447), known to host the transiting hot Saturn KELT-6b, because a previously observed long-term trend in radial velocity time series suggested the existence of an outer companion.
We collected a total of 93 new spectra with the HARPS-N and TRES spectrographs. A spectroscopic transit of KELT-6b was observed with HARPS-N, and simultaneous photometry was obtained with the IAC-80 telescope.
We proved the existence of an outer planet with a mininum mass Mpsini=3.71±0.21 MJup and a moderately eccentric orbit (e=0.21+0.039−0.036) of period P∼3.5 years. We improved the orbital solution of KELT-6b and obtained the first measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, showing that the planet has a likely circular, prograde, and slightly misaligned orbit, with a projected spin-orbit angle λ=−36±11 degrees. We improved the KELT-6b transit ephemeris from photometry, and we provided new measurements of the stellar parameters. KELT-6 appears as an interesting case to study the formation and evolution of multi-planet systems.
gas giants,
hot saturns,
Ground-based transit observations of the HAT-P-18, HAT-P-19, HAT-P-27/WASP-40 and WASP-21 systems
Ground-based transit observations of the HAT-P-18, HAT-P-19, HAT-P-27/WASP-40 and WASP-21 systems
Seeliger et al
As part of our ongoing effort to investigate transit timing variations (TTVs) of known exoplanets, we monitored transits of the four exoplanets HAT-P-18b, HAT-P-19b, HAT-P-27b/WASP-40b and WASP-21b. All of them are suspected to show TTVs due to the known properties of their host systems based on the respective discovery papers. During the past three years 46 transit observations were carried out, mostly using telescopes of the Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative. The analyses are used to refine the systems orbital parameters. In all cases we found no hints for significant TTVs, or changes in the system parameters inclination, fractional stellar radius and planet to star radius ratio. However, comparing our results with those available in the literature shows that we can confirm the already published values.
hot jupiters,
hot saturns,
transit timing variations,
Accutely Characterizing the WASP-33 System
Accurate characterization of the stellar and orbital parameters of the exoplanetary system WASP-33 b from orbital dynamics
By using the most recently published Doppler tomography measurements and accurate theoretical modeling of the oblateness-driven orbital precessions, we tightly constrain some of the physical and orbital parameters of the planetary system hosted by the fast rotating star WASP-33. In particular, the measurements of the orbital inclination ip to the plane of the sky and of the sky-projected spin-orbit misalignment λ at two epochs six years apart allowed for the determination of the longitude of the ascending node Ω and of the orbital inclination I to the apparent equatorial plane at the same epochs. As a consequence, average rates of change Ω˙exp, I˙exp of this two orbital elements, accurate to a ≈10−2 deg yr−1 level, were calculated as well. By comparing them to general theoretical expressions Ω˙J2, I˙J2 for their precessions induced by an arbitrarily oriented quadrupole mass moment, we were able to determine the angle i⋆ between the star's spin S and the line of sight and its first even zonal harmonic J⋆2 obtaining
exoplanet characteristics,
hot jupiters,
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Radiative Braking in the Extended Exosphere of GJ 436b
Radiative braking in the extended exosphere of GJ436b
Bourrier et al
The recent detection of a giant exosphere surrounding the warm Neptune GJ436 b has shed new light on the evaporation of close-in planets, revealing that moderately irradiated, low-mass exoplanets could make exceptional targets for studying this mechanism and its impact on the exoplanet population. Three HST/STIS observations were performed in the Lyman-α line of GJ436 at different epochs, showing repeatable transits with large depths and extended durations. Here, we study the role played by stellar radiation pressure on the structure of the exosphere and its transmission spectrum. We found that the neutral hydrogen atoms in the exosphere of GJ436 b are not swept away by radiation pressure as shown to be the case for evaporating hot Jupiters. Instead, the low radiation pressure from the M-dwarf host star only brakes the gravitational fall of the escaping hydrogen toward the star and allows its dispersion within a large volume around the planet, yielding radial velocities up to about -120 km s−1 that match the observations. We performed numerical simulations with the EVaporating Exoplanets code (EVE) to study the influence of the escape rate, the planetary wind velocity, and the stellar photoionization. While these parameters are instrumental in shaping the exosphere and yield simulation results in general agreement with the observations, the spectra observed at the different epochs show specific, time-variable features that require additional physics.
Theia was not Unique: Uranus Formed From two Protoplanets Colliding
Stimulated Radiative Molecular Association in the Early Solar System. II. Orbital Radii of the Planets and Other Satellites of the Sun
In a previous investigation, the orbital radii of regular satellites of Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn are shown to be directly related to photon energies in the spectra of atomic and molecular hydrogen. To explain these observations a model was developed involving stimulated radiative molecular association (SRMA) reactions among photons and atoms in the protosatellite disks of the planets. In the present investigation, the previously developed model is applied to the planets and important satellites of the Sun. A key component of the model involves resonance associated with SRMA. Through this resonance, thermal energy is extracted from the protosun's protoplanetary disk at specific distances from the protosun wherever there is a match between the local thermal energy of the disk and the energy of photons impinging on the disk. Orbital radii of the planets and satellites are related to photon energies (EP values) in the spectrum of atomic hydrogen. An expression determined previously is used to relate EP values to temperatures in the disk. Results indicate the surface temperature of the protosun at the time when the evolution of the planets begins is higher than the surface temperature of a typical T Tauri star. The present investigation offers an explanation for the existence of the asteroid and classical Kuiper belts and predicts that a primordial belt once existed in the vicinity of Neptune. It also indicates that Uranus is formed from two protoplanets and is thus consistent with the theory that the large tilt of Uranus's axis of rotation was created by the collision of two bodies.
gas giants,
neptune class,
planetary formation
How a Circumbinary Gas Giant can end up Misaligned
Decoupling of a giant planet from its disk in an inclined binary system
Picogna et al
We explore the dynamical evolution of a planet embedded in a disk surrounding a star part of a binary system where the orbital plane of the binary is significantly tilted respect to the initial disk plane. Our aim is to test whether the planet remains within the disk and continues to migrate towards the star in a Type I/II mode in spite of the secular perturbations of the companion star. This would explain observed exoplanets with significant inclination respect to the equatorial plane of their host star. We have used two different SPH codes, vine and phantom, to model the evolution of a system star+disk+planet and companion star with time. After an initial coupled evolution, the inclination of the disk and that of the planet begin to differ significantly. The period of oscillation of the disk inclination, respect to the initial plane, is shorter than that of the planet which evolves independently after about 10^4 yr following a perturbed N-body behavior. However, the planet keeps migrating towards the star because during its orbital motion it crosses the disk plane and the friction with the gas causes angular momentum loss. Disk and planet in a significantly inclined binary system are not dynamically coupled for small binary separations but evolve almost independently. The planet abandons the disk and, due to the onset of a significant mutual inclination, it interacts with the gas only when its orbit intersects the disk plane. The drift of the planet towards the star is not due to type I/II with the planet embedded in the disk but to the friction with the gas during the disk crossing.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Fast Migration of Low-mass ExoPlanets in Radiative Protoplanetary Disks
Fast migration of low-mass planets in radiative discs
Pierenset al
Low-mass planets are known to undergo Type I migration and this process must have played a key role during the evolution of planetary systems. Analytical formulae for the disc torque have been derived assuming that the planet evolves on a fixed circular orbit. However, recent work has shown that in isothermal discs, a migrating protoplanet may also experience dynamical corotation torques that scale with the planet drift rate. The aim of this study is to examine whether dynamical corotation torques can also affect the migration of low-mass planets in non-isothermal discs. We performed 2D radiative hydrodynamical simulations to examine the orbital evolution outcome of migrating protoplanets as a function of disc mass. We find that a protoplanet can enter a fast migration regime when it migrates in the direction set by the entropy-related horseshoe drag and when the Toomre stability parameter is less than a threshold value below which the horseshoe region contracts into a tadpole-like region. In that case, an underdense trapped region appears near the planet, with an entropy excess compared to the ambient disc. If the viscosity and thermal diffusivity are small enough so that the entropy excess is conserved during migration, the planet then experiences strong corotation torques arising from the material flowing across the planet orbit. During fast migration, we observe that a protoplanet can pass through the zero-torque line predicted by static torques. We also find that fast migration may help in disrupting the mean-motion resonances that are formed by convergent migration of embryos.
How Dwarf Planets can Heat Kuiper Belts
Dynamical Heating Induced by Dwarf Planets on Cold Kuiper Belt-like Debris Disks
Muñoz-Gutiérrez et al
With the use of long-term numerical simulations, we study the evolution and orbital behavior of cometary nuclei in cold Kuiper belt-like debris disks under the gravitational influence of dwarf planets (DPs); we carry out these simulations with and without the presence of a Neptune-like giant planet. This exploratory study shows that in the absence of a giant planet, 10 DPs are enough to induce strong radial and vertical heating on the orbits of belt particles. On the other hand, the presence of a giant planet close to the debris disk, acts as a stability agent reducing the radial and vertical heating. With enough DPs, even in the presence of a Neptune-like giant planet some radial heating remains; this heating grows steadily, re-filling resonances otherwise empty of cometary nuclei. Specifically for the solar system, this secular process seems to be able to provide material that, through resonant chaotic diffusion, increase the rate of new comets spiraling into the inner planetary system, but only if more than the ∼10 known DP sized objects exist in the trans-Neptunian region.
How Common are Free Floating ExoPlanets?
Estimating Finite Source Effects in Microlensing Events due to Free-Floating Planets with the Euclid Survey
Hamolli et al
In recent years free-loating planets (FFPs) have drawn a great interest among astrophysicists. Gravitational microlensing is a unique and exclusive method for their investigation which may allow obtaining precious information about their mass and spatial distribution. The planned Euclid space-based observatory will be able to detect a substantial number of microlensing events caused by FFPs towards the Galactic bulge. Making use of a synthetic population algorithm, we investigate the possibility of detecting finite source effects in simulated microlensing events due to FFPs. We find a significant efficiency for finite source effect detection that turns out to be between 20% and 40% for a FFP power law mass function index in the range [0.9, 1.6]. For many of such events it will also be possible to measure the angular Einstein radius and therefore constrain the lens physical parameters. These kinds of observations will also offer a unique possibility to investigate the photosphere and atmosphere of Galactic bulge stars.
Monday, September 21, 2015
What ATLAST Needs to do Direct Biosignature Characterization
ATLAST detector needs for direct spectroscopic biosignature characterization in the visible and near-IR
Rauscher et al
Are we alone? Answering this ageless question will be a major focus for astrophysics in coming decades. Our tools will include unprecedentedly large UV-Optical-IR space telescopes working with advanced coronagraphs and starshades. Yet, these facilities will not live up to their full potential without better detectors than we have today. To inform detector development, this paper provides an overview of visible and near-IR (VISIR; λ=0.4−1.8 μm) detector needs for the Advanced Technology Large Aperture Space Telescope (ATLAST), specifically for spectroscopic characterization of atmospheric biosignature gasses. We also provide a brief status update on some promising detector technologies for meeting these needs in the context of a passively cooled ATLAST.
ExTrA Itends to Detect Habitable Zone Terrestrial Exoplanets Around Nearby M Dwarfs
ExTrA: Exoplanets in Transit and their Atmospheres
Bonfils et al
The ExTrA facility, located at La Silla observatory, will consist of a near-infrared multi-object spectrograph fed by three 60-cm telescopes. ExTrA will add the spectroscopic resolution to the traditional differential photometry method. This shall enable the fine correction of color-dependent systematics that would otherwise hinder ground-based observations. With both this novel method and an infrared-enabled efficiency, ExTrA aims to find transiting telluric planets orbiting in the habitable zone of bright nearby M dwarfs. It shall have the versatility to do so by running its own independent survey and also by concurrently following-up on the space candidates unveiled by K2 and TESS. The exoplanets detected by ExTrA will be amenable to atmospheric characterisation with VLTs, JWST, and ELTs and could give our first peek into an exo-life laboratory.
habitable zone,
terrestrial planets
How Exoplanets Accrete Their Atmospheres From Protoplanetary Disks
To Cool is to Accrete: Analytic Scalings for Nebular Accretion of Planetary Atmospheres
Lee et al
Planets acquire atmospheres from their parent circumstellar disks. We derive a general analytic expression for how the atmospheric mass grows with time t, as a function of the underlying core mass Mcore and nebular conditions, including the gas metallicity Z. Planets accrete as much gas as can cool: an atmosphere's doubling time is given by its Kelvin-Helmholtz time. Dusty atmospheres behave differently from atmospheres made dust-free by grain growth and sedimentation. The gas-to-core mass ratio (GCR) of a dusty atmosphere scales as GCR ∝t0.4M1.7coreZ−0.4μ3.4rcb, where μrcb∝1/(1−Z) (for Z not too close to 1) is the mean molecular weight at the innermost radiative-convective boundary. This scaling applies across all orbital distances and nebular conditions for dusty atmospheres; their radiative-convective boundaries, which regulate cooling, are not set by the external environment, but rather by the internal microphysics of dust sublimation, H2 dissociation, and the formation of H−. By contrast, dust-free atmospheres have their radiative boundaries at temperatures Trcb close to nebular temperatures Tout, and grow faster at larger orbital distances where cooler temperatures, and by extension lower opacities, prevail. At 0.1 AU in a gas-poor nebula, GCR ∝t0.4T−1.9rcbM1.6coreZ−0.4μ3.3rcb, while beyond 1 AU in a gas-rich nebula, GCR ∝t0.4T−1.5rcbM1coreZ−0.4μ2.2rcb. We confirm our analytic scalings against detailed numerical models for objects ranging in mass from Mars (0.1 M⊕) to the most extreme super-Earths (10-20 M⊕), and explain why heating from planetesimal accretion cannot prevent the latter from undergoing runaway gas accretion.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Circumstellar Disks in Binary Systems Have Infrared Excess, may be Undergoing Photoevaporation
Study of infrared excess from circumstellar disks in binaries with Spitzer/IRAC
Itoh et al
The presence of excess emission at 3.6--8.0 μm was investigated in a sample of 27 binary systems located in two nearby star-forming regions, Taurus and Ophiuchus, by using Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) archival data. Angular (Projected) separations for the binaries are greater than 2"(∼280 AU), which allowed us to perform spatially resolved photometry of individual primary and secondary sources. The measured occurrence of infrared excess suggests that binarity plays a role in the evolution of circumstellar disks, even at such wide binary separations. Most of the binaries have excess emission from both the circumprimary and circumsecondary disks, or show photospheric levels for both components at all four wavelengths of IRAC. On the other hand, four systems (17+11−8%, designated by "mixed" systems) exhibit excess emission from a single binary component. This ratio is significantly smaller than that predicted by the random pairing of single stars, suggesting that circumprimary and circumsecondary disks are synchronously dispersed. In addition, the excess frequencies (EFs) of primary and secondary sources with a projected distance of ap≃280--450 AU are 100+0−17% and 91+8−18%, respectively, and significantly higher than that of single stars (70±5%). We made a simple model describing the EF distribution as a function of the disk outer radius, Rout. Comparisons with observations using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test show that the observational data are consistent with the model when the EF≃1 region is found at Rout∼30--100 AU. This disk radius is smaller than that typically estimated for single stars. The high EF of circumstellar disks with these radii may indicate a prolonged lifetime of dust in binary systems possibly because smaller disks counteract mass loss by photoevaporation.
Resolution Dependence of Disruptive Collisions between Planetesimals in the Gravity Regime
Resolution Dependence of Disruptive Collisions between Planetesimals in the Gravity Regime
Genda et al
Collisions are a fundamental process in planet formation. If colliding objects simply merge, a planetary object can grow. However, if the collision is disruptive, planetary growth is prevented. Therefore, the impact conditions under which collisions are destructive are important in understanding planet formation. So far, the critical specific impact energy for a disruptive collision Q_D^* has been investigated for various types of collisions between objects ranging in scale from centimeters to thousands of kilometers. Although the values of Q_D^* have been calculated numerically while taking into consideration various physical properties such as self-gravity, material strength, and porosity, the dependence of Q_D^* on numerical resolution has not been sufficiently investigated. In this paper, using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, we performed numerical simulations of collisions between planetesimals at various numerical resolutions (from 2 x 10^4 to 5 x 10^6 SPH particles) and investigated the resulting variation in Q_D^*. The value of Q_D^* is shown to decrease as the number of SPH particles increases, and the difference between the Q_D^* values for the lowest and highest investigated resolutions is approximately a factor of two. Although the results for 5 x 10^6 SPH particles do not fully converge, higher-resolution simulations near the impact site show that the value of Q_D^* for the case with 5 x 10^6 SPH particles is close to the expected converged value. Although Q_D^* depends on impact parameters and material parameters, our results indicate that at least 5 x 10^6 SPH particles are required for numerical simulations in disruptive collisions to obtain the value of Q_D^* within 20% error.
Modeling Eclipsing Light Curves With XY Bootis as a Reference
Phenomenological modelling of eclipsing system light curves
The observed light curves of most eclipsing binaries and stars with transiting planets can be well described and interpreted by current advanced physical models which also allow for the determination of many physical parameters of eclipsing systems. However, for several common practical tasks there is no need to know the detailed physics of a variable star, but only the shapes of their light curves or other phase curves. We present a set of phenomenological models for the light curves of eclipsing systems. We express the observed light curves of eclipsing binaries and stars, transited by their exoplanets orbiting in circular trajectories, by a sum of special, analytical, few-parameter functions that enable fitting their light curves with an accuracy of better than 1%. The proposed set of phenomenological models of eclipsing variable light curves were then tested on several real systems. For XY Bootis, we also compare in details the results obtained using our phenomenological modelling with those found using available physical models. We demonstrate that the proposed phenomenological models of transiting exoplanet and eclipsing binary light curves applied to ground-based photometric observations yields results compatible with those obtained by the application of more complex physical models. The suggested phenomenological modelling appears useful to solve a number of common tasks in the field of eclipsing variable research.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Gravitational Instabilities in a Protosolar-like Disk
Gravitational instabilities in a protosolar-like disc – I. Dynamics and chemistry
Evans et al
To date, most simulations of the chemistry in protoplanetary discs have used 1 + 1D or 2D axisymmetric α-disc models to determine chemical compositions within young systems. This assumption is inappropriate for non-axisymmetric, gravitationally unstable discs, which may be a significant stage in early protoplanetary disc evolution. Using 3D radiative hydrodynamics, we have modelled the physical and chemical evolution of a 0.17 M⊙ self-gravitating disc over a period of 2000 yr. The 0.8 M⊙ central protostar is likely to evolve into a solar-like star, and hence this Class 0 or early Class I young stellar object may be analogous to our early Solar system. Shocks driven by gravitational instabilities enhance the desorption rates, which dominate the changes in gas-phase fractional abundances for most species. We find that at the end of the simulation, a number of species distinctly trace the spiral structure of our relatively low-mass disc, particularly CN. We compare our simulation to that of a more massive disc, and conclude that mass differences between gravitationally unstable discs may not have a strong impact on the chemical composition. We find that over the duration of our simulation, successive shock heating has a permanent effect on the abundances of HNO, CN and NH3, which may have significant implications for both simulations and observations. We also find that HCO+ may be a useful tracer of disc mass. We conclude that gravitational instabilities induced in lower mass discs can significantly, and permanently, affect the chemical evolution, and that observations with high-resolution instruments such as Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) offer a promising means of characterizing gravitational instabilities in protosolar discs.
Sequence of how Gaps Open in Protoplanetary Disks
Banzatti et al
The fundamental rovibrational band of CO near 4.7 μm is a sensitive tracer of the presence and location of molecular gas in the planet-forming region of protoplanetary disks at 0.01–10 AU. We present a new analysis of a high-resolution spectral survey (R ~ 96,000, or $\sim 3.2\;\mathrm{km}\;{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$) of CO rovibrational lines from protoplanetary disks spanning a wide range of stellar masses and of evolutionary properties. We find that the CO emission originates in two distinct velocity components. Line widths of both components correlate strongly with disk inclination, as expected for gas in Keplerian rotation. By measuring the line flux ratios between vibrational transitions ${F}_{v=2-1}/{F}_{v=1-0}$, we find that the two velocity components are clearly distinct in excitation. The broad component ($\mathrm{FWHM}=50-200\;\mathrm{km}\;{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$) probes the disk region near the magnetospheric accretion radius at $\approx 0.05$ AU, where the gas is hot ($800-1500$ K). The narrow component ($\mathrm{FWHM}=10-50\;\mathrm{km}\;{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$) probes the disk at larger radii of 0.1–10 AU, where the gas is typically colder (200–700 K). CO excitation temperatures and orbital radii define an empirical temperature–radius relation as a power law with index −0.3 ± 0.1 between 0.05 and 3 AU. The broad CO component, co-spatial with the observed orbital distribution of hot Jupiters, is rarely detected in transitional and Herbig Ae disks, providing evidence for an early dissipation of the innermost disk. An inversion in the temperature profile beyond 3 AU is interpreted as a tracer of a regime dominated by UV pumping in largely devoid inner disks, and may be a signature of the last stage before the disk enters the gas-poor debris phase.
Scattered Light From Protoplanety Disk Spiral Arms With an Embedded Exoplanet
Scattered light images of spiral arms in marginally gravitationally unstable discs with an embedded planet
Pohl et al
Scattered light images of transition discs in the near-infrared often show non-axisymmetric structures in the form of wide-open spiral arms in addition to their characteristic low-opacity inner gap region. We study self-gravitating discs and investigate the influence of gravitational instability on the shape and contrast of spiral arms induced by planet-disc interactions. Two-dimensional non-isothermal hydrodynamical simulations including viscous heating and a cooling prescription are combined with three-dimensional dust continuum radiative transfer models for direct comparison to observations. We find that the resulting contrast between the spirals and the surrounding disc in scattered light is by far higher for pressure scale height variations, i.e. thermal perturbations, than for pure surface density variations. Self-gravity effects suppress any vortex modes and tend to reduce the opening angle of planet-induced spirals, making them more tightly wound. If the disc is only marginally gravitationally stable with a Toomre parameter around unity, an embedded massive planet (planet-to-star mass ratio of 10−2) can trigger gravitational instability in the outer disc. The spirals created by this instability and the density waves launched by the planet can overlap resulting in large-scale, more open spiral arms in the outer disc. The contrast of these spirals is well above the detection limit of current telescopes.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Apparent Positions of Planets
Apparent Positions of Planets
Kim et al
The apparent positions of planets are determined by means of the fundamental ephemerides, the precession-nutation models of the Earth, the gravitational effects and aberrations et al. Around 2000, many astrometrical conceptions, models and theories had been newly defined and updated:for the fiducial celestial reference system, the ICRS is introduced, the fundamental ephemerides - DE405/LE405 et al.,precession-nutation model - IAU 2000A/IAU 2006 model. Using the traditional algorithm and the updated models, we develop the system of calculating the apparent positions of planets. The results are compared with the Astronomical Almanac and proved in their correctness.
AU Microscopii Debris Disk has Hints of Exoplanets
Gemini Planet Imager Observations of the AU Microscopii Debris Disk: Asymmetries within One Arcsecond
Wang et al
We present Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) observations of AU Microscopii, a young M dwarf with an edge-on, dusty debris disk. Integral field spectroscopy and broadband imaging polarimetry were obtained during the commissioning of GPI. In our broadband imaging polarimetry observations, we detect the disk only in total intensity and find asymmetries in the morphology of the disk between the southeast and northwest sides. The southeast side of the disk exhibits a bump at 1″ (10 AU projected separation) that is three times more vertically extended and three times fainter in peak surface brightness than the northwest side at similar separations. This part of the disk is also vertically offset by 69±30 mas to the northeast at 1″ when compared to the established disk mid-plane and consistent with prior ALMA and Hubble Space Telescope/STIS observations. We see hints that the southeast bump might be a result of detecting a horizontal sliver feature above the main disk that could be the disk backside. Alternatively when including the morphology of the northwest side, where the disk mid-plane is offset in the opposite direction ∼50 mas between 0.″4 and 1.″2, the asymmetries suggest a warp-like feature. Using our integral field spectroscopy data to search for planets, we are 50% complete for ∼4 MJup planets at 4 AU. We detect a source, resolved only along the disk plane, that could either be a candidate planetary mass companion or a compact clump in the disk.
8 Giant Stars Discovered to Have Exoplanets
Precise radial velocities of giant stars VIII. Testing for the presence of planets with CRIRES Infrared Radial Velocities
Trifonov et al
We have been monitoring 373 very bright (V less than 6 mag) G and K giants with high precision optical Doppler spectroscopy for more than a decade at Lick Observatory. Our goal was to discover planetary companions around those stars and to better understand planet formation and evolution around intermediate-mass stars. However, in principle, long-term, g-mode nonradial stellar pulsations or rotating stellar features, such as spots, could effectively mimic a planetary signal in the radial velocity data. Our goal is to compare optical and infrared radial velocities for those stars with periodic radial velocity patterns and to test for consistency of their fitted radial velocity semiamplitudes. Thereby, we distinguish processes intrinsic to the star from orbiting companions as reason for the radial velocity periodicity observed in the optical. Stellar spectra with high spectral resolution have been taken in the H-band with the CRIRES near-infrared spectrograph at ESO's VLT for 20 stars of our Lick survey. Radial velocities are derived using many deep and stable telluric CO2 lines for precise wavelength calibration. We find that the optical and near-infrared radial velocities of the giant stars in our sample are consistent. We present detailed results for eight stars in our sample previously reported to have planets or brown dwarf companions. All eight stars passed the infrared test. We conclude that the planet hypothesis provides the best explanation for the periodic radial velocity patterns observed for these giant stars.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Sensitivity and Variability in Hot-Jupiter Atmospheric Flow Simulations
Sensitivity and Variability Redux in Hot-Jupiter Flow Simulations
Cho et al
We revisit the issue of sensitivity to initial flow and intrinsic variability in hot-Jupiter atmospheric flow simulations, originally investigated by Cho et al. (2008) and Thrastarson & Cho (2010). The flow in the lower region (~1 to 20 MPa) `dragged' to immobility and uniform temperature on a very short timescale, as in Liu & Showman (2013), leads to effectively a complete cessation of variability as well as sensitivity in three-dimensional (3D) simulations with traditional primitive equations. Such momentum (Rayleigh) and thermal (Newtonian) drags are, however, ad hoc for 3D giant planet simulations. For 3D hot-Jupiter simulations, which typically already employ strong Newtonian drag in the upper region, sensitivity is not quenched if only the Newtonian drag is applied in the lower region, without the strong Rayleigh drag: in general, both sensitivity and variability persist if the two drags are not applied concurrently in the lower region. However, even when the drags are applied concurrently, vertically-propagating planetary waves give rise to significant variability in the ~0.05 to 0.5 MPa region, if the vertical resolution of the lower region is increased (e.g. here with 1000 layers for the entire domain). New observations on the effects of the physical setup and model convergence in `deep' atmosphere simulations are also presented.
Hot Jupiter HD 189733b may Have a Thin, Leading bow Shock
Optical hydrogen absorption consistent with a thin bow shock leading the hot Jupiter HD 189733b
Cauley et al
Bow shocks are ubiquitous astrophysical phenomena resulting from the supersonic passage of an object through a gas. Recently, pre-transit absorption in UV metal transitions of the hot Jupiter exoplanets HD 189733b and WASP12-b have been interpreted as being caused by material compressed in a planetary bow shock. Here we present a robust detection of a time-resolved pre-transit, as well as in-transit, absorption signature around the hot Jupiter exoplanet HD 189733b using high spectral resolution observations of several hydrogen Balmer lines. The line shape of the pre-transit feature and the shape of the time series absorption provide the strongest constraints on the morphology and physical characteristics of extended structures around an exoplanet. The in-transit measurements confirm the previous exospheric H-alpha detection although the absorption depth measured here is ~50% lower. The pre-transit absorption feature occurs 125 minutes before the predicted optical transit, a projected linear distance from the planet to the stellar disk of 7.2 planetary radii. The absorption strength observed in the Balmer lines indicates an optically thick, but physically small, geometry. We model this signal as the early ingress of a planetary bow shock. If the bow shock is mediated by a planetary magnetosphere, the large standoff distance derived from the model suggests a large equatorial planetary magnetic field strength of 28 G. Better knowledge of exoplanet magnetic field strengths is crucial to understanding the role these fields play in planetary evolution and the potential development of life on planets in the habitable zone.
bow shock,
gas giant,
gas giants,
hot jupiters,
optical spectra,
Orbital Decay of hot Jupiters
Orbital decay of hot Jupiters due to nonlinear tidal dissipation within solar-type hosts
Essick et al
We study the orbital evolution of hot Jupiters due to the excitation and damping of tidally driven g-modes within solar-type host stars. Linearly resonant g-modes (the dynamical tide) are driven to such large amplitudes in the stellar core that they excite a sea of other g-modes through weakly nonlinear interactions. By solving the dynamics of large networks of nonlinearly coupled modes, we show that the nonlinear dissipation rate of the dynamical tide is several orders of magnitude larger than the linear dissipation rate. As a result, we find that the orbits of planets with mass Mp greater than 0.5MJ and period P less than 2 days decay on timescales that are small compared to the main-sequence lifetime of their solar-type hosts. This corresponds to stellar tidal quality factors Q′∗≃105−106 for this range of Mp and P. Our results imply that there are ≃10 currently known exoplanetary systems, including WASP-19b and HAT-P-36-b, with orbital decay timescales shorter than a Gyr. Rapid, tide induced orbital decay may explain the observed paucity of planets with Mp greater than MJ and P less than 2 days around solar-type hosts and could generate detectable transit-timing variations in the near future.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
New Orbital Parameters for β Pictoris b
β Pictoris' inner disk in polarized light and new orbital parameters for β Pictoris b
Millar-Blanchaer et al
We present H-band observations of β Pic with the Gemini Planet Imager's (GPI's) polarimetry mode that reveal the debris disk between ~0.3" (~6 AU) and ~1.7" (~33 AU), while simultaneously detecting β Pic b. The polarized disk image was fit with a dust density model combined with a Henyey-Greenstein scattering phase function. The best fit model indicates a disk inclined to the line of sight (ϕ=85.27deg+0.26−0.19) with a position angle θPA=30.35deg+0.29−0.28 (slightly offset from the main outer disk, θPA≈29deg), that extends from an inner disk radius of 23.6+0.9−0.6 AU to well outside GPI's field of view. In addition, we present an updated orbit for β Pic b based on new astrometric measurements taken in GPI's spectroscopic mode spanning 14 months. The planet has a semi-major axis of a=9.2+1.5−0.4AU, with an eccentricity e≤0.26. The position angle of the ascending node is Ω=31.75deg±0.15, offset from both the outer main disk and the inner disk seen in the GPI image. The orbital fit constrains the stellar mass of β Pic to 1.60±0.05M⊙. Dynamical sculpting by β Pic b cannot easily account for the following three aspects of the inferred disk properties: 1) the modeled inner radius of the disk is farther out than expected if caused by β Pic b; 2) the mutual inclination of the inner disk and β Pic b is 4deg, when it is expected to be closer to zero; and 3) the aspect ratio of the disk (h0=0.137+0.005−0.006) is larger than expected from interactions with β Pic b or self-stirring by the disk's parent bodies.
Irregular Satellite Swarms Around Fomalhaut b
Collisional Cascade Caclulations for Irregular Satellite Swarms in Fomalhaut b
Kenyon et al
We describe an extensive suite of numerical calculations for the collisional evolution of irregular satellite swarms around 1--300 M-earth planets orbiting at 120 AU in the Fomalhaut system. For 10--100 M-earth planets, swarms with initial masses of roughly 1% of the planet mass have cross-sectional areas comparable to the observed cross-sectional area of Fomalhaut b. Among 30--300 M-earth planets, our calculations yield optically thick swarms of satellites for ages of 1-10 Myr. Observations with HST and ground-based AO instruments can constrain the frequency of these systems around stars in the beta Pic moving group and possibly other nearby associations of young stars.
circumplanetary disks,
exomoon formation,
fomalhaut b,
satellite swarms
Young Gas Giant Exoplanet 51 Eri b has Water, Methane in its Atmosphere
Discovery and spectroscopy of the young Jovian planet 51 Eri b with the Gemini Planet Imager
MacIntosh et al
Directly detecting thermal emission from young extrasolar planets allows measurement of their atmospheric composition and luminosity, which is influenced by their formation mechanism. Using the Gemini Planet Imager, we discovered a planet orbiting the $sim$20 Myr-old star 51 Eridani at a projected separation of 13 astronomical units. Near-infrared observations show a spectrum with strong methane and water vapor absorption. Modeling of the spectra and photometry yields a luminosity of L/LS=1.6-4.0 x 10-6 and an effective temperature of 600-750 K. For this age and luminosity, "hot-start" formation models indicate a mass twice that of Jupiter. This planet also has a sufficiently low luminosity to be consistent with the "cold- start" core accretion process that may have formed Jupiter.
51 Eridani b,
gas giant,
gemini planet imager,
giant planets,
jupiter analog,
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Discovery of Young, Nearby M Dwarf Stars Challenges Exoplanet Formation Theories
An accidental find of a collection of young red dwarf stars close to our solar system could give us a rare glimpse of slow-motion planet formation.
Astronomers from The Australian National University (ANU) and UNSW Canberra found large discs of dust around two of the stars, tell-tale signs of planets in the process of forming.
"We think the Earth and all the other planets formed from discs like these so it is fascinating to see a potential new solar system evolving," said the lead researcher Dr Simon Murphy, from the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
"However, other stars of this age usually don't have discs any more. The red dwarf discs seem to live longer than those of hotter stars like the Sun. We don't understand why," said Dr Murphy.
The discovery of objects like these two challenges current theories about planet formation, said co-author Professor Warrick Lawson from UNSW Canberra.
M dwarf,
m dwarf exoplanets,
planetary formation
Tides Cannot Explain Kepler Exoplanets in 2:1 Orbital Resonances
Tides Alone Cannot Explain Kepler Planets Close to 2:1 MMR
Silburt et al
A number of Kepler planet pairs lie just wide of first-order mean motion resonances (MMRs). Tides have been frequently proposed to explain these pileups, but it is still an ongoing discussion. We contribute to this discussion by calculating an optimistic theoretical estimate on the minimum initial eccentricity required by Kepler planets to explain the current observed spacing, and compliment these calculations with N-body simulations. In particular, we investigate 27 Kepler systems having planets within 6% of the 2:1 MMR, and find that the initial eccentricities required to explain the observed spacings are unreasonable from simple dynamical arguments. Furthermore, our numerical simulations reveal resonant tugging, an effect which conspires against the migration of resonant planets away from the 2:1 MMR, requiring even higher initial eccentricities in order to explain the current Kepler distribution. Overall, we find that tides alone cannot explain planets close to 2:1 MMR, and additional mechanisms are required to explain these systems.
Synthesizing M Dwarf Exoplanet Demographics From Five Different Detection Methods
Synthesizing Exoplanet Demographics: A Single Population of Long-Period Planetary Companions to M Dwarfs Consistent with Microlensing, Radial Velocity, and Direct Imaging Surveys
Clanton et al
We present the first study to synthesize results from five different exoplanet surveys using three independent detection methods: microlensing, radial velocity, and direct imaging. The constraints derived herein represent the most comprehensive picture of the demographics of large-separation (less than approximately 2 AU) planets orbiting the most common stars in our Galaxy that has been constructed to date. We assume a simple, joint power-law planet distribution function of the form d^2N_{pl}/[dlog(m_p)dlog(a)] = A(m_p/M_{Sat})^{alpha}(a/2.5 AU)^{beta} with an outer cutoff radius of the separation distribution function of a_{out}. Generating populations of planets from these models and mapping them into the relevant observables for each survey, we use actual or estimated detection sensitivities to determine the expected observations for each survey. Comparing with the reported results, we derive constraints on the parameters {alpha, beta, A, a_{out}} that describe a single population of planets that is simultaneously consistent with the results of microlensing, RV, and direct imaging surveys. We find median and 68% confindence intervals of alpha = -0.86^{+0.21}_{-0.19} (-0.85^{+0.21}_{-0.19}), beta = 1.1^{+1.9}_{-1.4} (1.1^{+1.9}_{-1.3}), A = 0.21^{+0.20}_{-0.15} dex^{-2} (0.21^{+0.20}_{-0.15} dex^{-2}), and a_{out} = 10^{+26}_{-4.7} AU (12^{+50}_{-6.2} AU) assuming "hot-start" ("cold-start") planet evolutionary models. These values are consistent with all current knowledge of planets on orbits beyond ~2 AU around M dwarfs.
Using Micro Lensing to Generate a Galactic Distribution of Exoplanets
Planet Sensitivity from Combined Ground- and Space-based Microlensing Observations
Zhu et al
To move one step forward toward a Galactic distribution of planets, we present the first planet sensitivity analysis for microlensing events with simultaneous observations from space and the ground. We present this analysis for two such events, OGLE-2014-BLG-0939 and OGLE-2014-BLG-0124, which both show substantial planet sensitivity even though neither of them reached high magnification. This suggests that an ensemble of low to moderate magnification events can also yield significant planet sensitivity and therefore probability to detect planets. The implications of our results to the ongoing and future space-based microlensing experiments to measure the Galactic distribution of planets are discussed.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Are we Doing SETI Wrong?
Is looking for radio transmissions in space like claiming the lack of smoke signals means there are no modern humans?
gravity astronomy,
neutrino astronomy,
radio astronomy,
Stars With High Mg/Si Ratios Have low Mass Exoplanets
From stellar to planetary composition: Galactic chemical evolution of Mg/Si mineralogical ratio
Abidekyan et al
The main goal of this work is to study element ratios that are important for the formation of planets of different masses. We study potential correlations between the existence of planetary companions and the relative elemental abundances of their host stars. We use a large sample of FGK-type dwarf stars for which precise Mg, Si, and Fe abundances have been derived using HARPS high-resolution and high-quality data. A first analysis of the data suggests that low-mass planet host stars show higher [Mg/Si] ratios, while giant planet hosts present [Mg/Si] that is lower than field stars. However, we found that the [Mg/Si] ratio significantly depends on metallicity through Galactic chemical evolution. After removing the Galactic evolution trend only the difference in the [Mg/Si] elemental ratio between low-mass planet hosts and non-hosts was present in a significant way. These results suggests that low-mass planets are more prevalent around stars with high [Mg/Si]. Our results demonstrate the importance of Galactic chemical evolution and indicate that it may play an important role in the planetary internal structure and composition.
Galactic Habitable Zone Modeling to Consider Where Intelligent Life Could Arise
Extending Galactic Habitable Zone Modeling to Include the Emergence of Intelligent Life
Morrison et al
Previous studies of the galactic habitable zone have been concerned with identifying those regions of the Galaxy that may favor the emergence of complex life. A planet is deemed habitable if it meets a set of assumed criteria for supporting the emergence of such complex life. In this work, we extend the assessment of habitability to consider the potential for life to further evolve to the point of intelligence—termed the propensity for the emergence of intelligent life, φI. We assume φI is strongly influenced by the time durations available for evolutionary processes to proceed undisturbed by the sterilizing effects of nearby supernovae. The times between supernova events provide windows of opportunity for the evolution of intelligence. We developed a model that allows us to analyze these window times to generate a metric for φI, and we examine here the spatial and temporal variation of this metric. Even under the assumption that long time durations are required between sterilizations to allow for the emergence of intelligence, our model suggests that the inner Galaxy provides the greatest number of opportunities for intelligence to arise. This is due to the substantially higher number density of habitable planets in this region, which outweighs the effects of a higher supernova rate in the region. Our model also shows that φI is increasing with time. Intelligent life emerged at approximately the present time at Earth's galactocentric radius, but a similar level of evolutionary opportunity was available in the inner Galaxy more than 2 Gyr ago. Our findings suggest that the inner Galaxy should logically be a prime target region for searches for extraterrestrial intelligence and that any civilizations that may have emerged there are potentially much older than our own.
Detecting Light Sails in Exoplanetary Systems for SETI
SETI via Leakage from Light Sails in Exoplanetary Systems
Guillochon et al
The primary challenge of rocket propulsion is the burden of needing to accelerate the spacecraft's own fuel, resulting in only a logarithmic gain in maximum speed as propellant is added to the spacecraft. Light sails offer an attractive alternative in which fuel is not carried by the spacecraft, with acceleration being provided by an external source of light. By artificially illuminating the spacecraft with beamed radiation, speeds are only limited by the area of the sail, heat resistance of its material, and power use of the accelerating apparatus. In this paper, we show that leakage from a light sail propulsion apparatus in operation around a solar system analogue would be detectable. To demonstrate this, we model the launch and arrival of a microwave beam-driven light sail constructed for transit between planets in orbit around a single star, and find an optimal beam frequency on the order of tens of GHz. Leakage from these beams yields transients with flux densities of 0.1 Jy and durations of seconds at 100 pc. Because most travel within a planetary system would be conducted between the habitable worlds within that system, multiply-transiting exoplanetary systems offer the greatest chance of detection, especially when the planets are in projected conjunction as viewed from Earth. If interplanetary travel via beam-driven light sails is commonly employed in our galaxy, this activity could be revealed by radio follow-up of nearby transiting exoplanetary systems. The expected signal properties define a new strategy in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
Sunday, September 13, 2015
The Theoretical Performance and Feasibility of Quantum Telescopes
Quantum Telescopes: feasibility and constrains
Kurek et al
Quantum Telescope is a recent idea aimed at beating the diffraction limit of spaceborne telescopes and possibly also other distant target imaging systems. There is no agreement yet on the best setup of these devices, but some configurations were already proposed.
In this Letter we characterize the predicted performance of Quantum Telescopes and their possible limitations. Our rigorous simulations confirm that the general idea of such instruments is feasible and the device can provide considerable gains in the angular resolution of imaging in the UV, optical and infrared bands. We argue that it is generally possible to construct and manufacture such instruments using the latest or soon to be available technology. We refer to the latest literature to discuss the feasibility of the proposed QT system design.
Starspot Effects in Microlensing Events
Starspot induced effects in microlensing events with rotating source star
Giordano et al
We consider the effects induced by the presence of hot and cold spots on the source star in the light curves of simulated microlensing events due to either single or binary lenses taking into account the rotation of the source star and the orbital motion of the lens system. Our goal is to study the anomalies induced by these effects on simulated microlensing light curves.
Detection of N2D+ in T Tauri Star AS 209's Protoplanetary Disk
Detection of N2D+ in a protoplanetary disk
Huang et al
Observations of deuterium fractionation in the solar system, and in interstellar and circumstellar material, are commonly used to constrain the formation environment of volatiles. Toward protoplanetary disks, this approach has been limited by the small number of detected deuterated molecules, i.e. DCO+ and DCN. Based on ALMA Cycle 2 observations toward the disk around the T Tauri star AS 209, we report the first detection of N2D+ (J=3-2) in a protoplanetary disk. These data are used together with previous Submillimeter Array observations of N2H+ (J=3-2) to estimate a disk-averaged D/H ratio of 0.3--0.5, an order of magnitude higher than disk-averaged ratios previously derived for DCN/HCN and DCO+/HCO+ around other young stars. The high fractionation in N2H+ is consistent with model predictions. The presence of abundant N2D+ toward AS 209 also suggests that N2D+ and the N2D+/N2H+ ratio can be developed into effective probes of deuterium chemistry, kinematics, and ionization processes outside the CO snowline of disks.
protoplanetary disks,
t tauri stars
Saturday, September 12, 2015
The effects of Magnetic Field on 5 to 20 Earth Mass Exoplanet Migration
The effects of a magnetic field on planetary migration in laminar and turbulent discs
Comins et al
We investigate the migration of low-mass planets (5M⊕ and 20M⊕) in accretion discs threaded with a magnetic field using 2D MHD code in polar coordinates. We observed that, in the case of a strong azimuthal magnetic field where the plasma parameter is β∼1−2, density waves at the magnetic resonances exert a positive torque on the planet and may slow down or reverse its migration. However, when the magnetic field is weaker (i.e., the plasma parameter β is relatively large), then non-axisymmetric density waves excited by the planet lead to growth of the radial component of the field and, subsequently, to development of the magneto-rotational instability, such that the disc becomes turbulent. Migration in a turbulent disc is stochastic, and the migration direction may change as such. To understand migration in a turbulent disc, both the interaction between a planet and individual turbulent cells, as well as the interaction between a planet and ordered density waves, have been investigated.
Observing F Dwarf ε Aurigae's Protoplanetary Disk for 14 Years
Interferometry of ε Aurigae: Characterization of the asymmetric eclipsing disk
Kloppenborg et al
We report on a total of 106 nights of optical interferometric observations of the ϵ Aurigae system taken during the last 14 years by four beam combiners at three different interferometric facilities. This long sequence of data provides an ideal assessment of the system prior to, during, and after the recent 2009-2011 eclipse. We have reconstructed model-independent images from the 10 in-eclipse epochs which show that a disk-like object is indeed responsible for the eclipse. Using new 3D, time-dependent modeling software, we derive the properties of the F-star (diameter, limb darkening), determine previously unknown orbital elements (Ω, i), and access the global structures of the optically thick portion of the eclipsing disk using both geometric models and approximations of astrophysically relevant density distributions. These models may be useful in future hydrodynamical modeling of the system. Lastly, we address several outstanding research questions including mid-eclipse brightening, possible shrinking of the F-type primary, and any warps or sub-features within the disk.
FAR IR Signatures of Protoplanetary Disk Dust Dispersal
Far-infrared signatures and inner hole sizes of protoplanetary discs undergoing inside-out dust dispersal
Ercolano et al
By means of radiative transfer simulation, we study the evolution of the far-infrared colours of protoplanetary discs undergoing inside-out dispersal, often referred to as transition discs. We show that a brightening of the mid- and far-infrared emission from these objects is a natural consequence of the removal of the inner disc. Our results can fully explain recent observations of transition discs in the Chamaleon and Lupus star-forming regions from the Herschel Gould Belt Survey, which shows a higher median for the 70 μm (Herschel PACS 1) band of known transition objects compared with primordial discs. Our theoretical results hence support the suggestion that the 70 μm band may be a powerful diagnostic for the identification of transition discs from photometry data, provided that the inner hole is larger than tens of au, depending on spectral type. Furthermore, we show that a comparison of photometry in the K, 12 μm and 70 μm bands to model tracks can provide a rough, but quick estimate of the inner hole size of these objects, provided their inclination is below ∼85° and the inner hole size is again larger than tens of au.
Friday, September 11, 2015
A Particle-based Model for Planetary Formation
A particle-based hybrid code for planet formation
We introduce a new particle-based hybrid code for planetary accretion. The code uses an N-body routine for interactions with planetary embryos while it can handle a large number of planetesimals using a super-particle approximation, in which a large number of small planetesimals are represented by a small number of tracers. Tracer–tracer interactions are handled by a statistical routine which uses the phase-averaged stirring and collision rates. We compare hybrid simulations with analytic predictions and pure N-body simulations for various problems in detail and find good agreements for all cases. The computational load on the portion of the statistical routine is comparable to or less than that for the N-body routine. The present code includes an option of hit-and-run bouncing but not fragmentation, which remains for future work.
Planetesimal Formation Through Dust Trapping Vortices
Planetesimal formation in self-gravitating discs -- dust trapping by vortices
Gibbons et al
The mechanism through which meter-sized boulders grow to km-sized planetesimals in protoplanetary discs is a subject of active research, since it is critical for planet formation. To avoid spiralling into the protostar due to aerodynamic drag, objects must rapidly grow from cm-sized pebbles, which are tightly coupled to the gas, to large boulders of 1-100m in diameter. It is already well known that over-densities in the gaseous component of the disc provide potential sites for the collection of solids, and that significant density structures in the gaseous component of the disc (e.g., spiral density waves) can trap solids efficiently enough for the solid component of the disc to undergo further gravitational collapse due to their own self-gravity. In this work, we employ the PENCIL CODE to conduct local shearing sheet simulations of massive self-gravitating protoplanetary discs, to study the effect of anticyclonic transient vortices, or eddies, on the evolution of solids in these discs. We find that these types of structures are extremely efficient at concentrating small and intermediate-sized dust particles with friction times comparable to, or less than, the local orbital period of the disc. This can lead to significant over-densities in the solid component of the disc, with density enhancements comparable to, and even higher, than those within spiral density waves; increasing the rate of gravitational collapse of solids into bound structures.
protoplanetary disks,
Using KMOS to Observe Exoplanet Atmospheres
Exoplanet Transmission Spectroscopy using KMOS
Parviainen et al
KMOS (K-Band Multi Object Spectrograph) is a novel integral field spectrograph installed in the VLT's ANTU unit. The instrument offers an ability to observe 24 2.8"×2.8" sub-fields positionable within a 7.2' patrol field, each sub-field producing a spectrum with a 14×14-pixel spatial resolution. The main science drivers for KMOS are the study of galaxies, star formation, and molecular clouds, but its ability to simultaneously measure spectra of multiple stars makes KMOS an interesting instrument for exoplanet atmosphere characterization via transmission spectroscopy. We set to test whether transmission spectroscopy is practical with KMOS, and what are the conditions required to achieve the photometric precision needed, based on observations of a partial transit of WASP-19b, and full transits of GJ 1214b and HD 209458b. Our analysis uses the simultaneously observed comparison stars to reduce the effects from instrumental and atmospheric sources, and Gaussian processes to model the residual systematics. We show that KMOS can, in theory, deliver the photometric precision required for transmission spectroscopy. However, this is shown to require a) pre-imaging to ensure accurate centering and b) a very stable night with optimal observing conditions (seeing ∼0.8"). Combining these two factors with the need to observe several transits, each with a sufficient out-of-transit baseline (and with the fact that similar or better precision can be reached with telescopes and instruments with smaller pressure,) we conclude that transmission spectroscopy is not the optimal science case to take advantage of the abilities offered by KMOS and VLT.
GJ 1214b,
HD 209458b,
transmission spectra,
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Atmospheric Oxygen may NOT be a Biomarker on Exoplanets
The Earth's atmosphere contains oxygen because plants continuously produce it through photosynthesis. This abundant supply of oxygen allows life forms like animals to flourish. Therefore, oxygen had been thought to be an essential biomarker for life on extrasolar planets. But now, a research assistant professor Norio Narita of the Astrobiology Center of National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), which was founded in April 2015, and an associate professor Shigeyuki Masaoka, of the Institute of Molecular Science of NINS, have presented a novel hypothesis that it could be possible for planets to have large quantities of abiotic (non-biologically produced) oxygen. This study is a good example of interdisciplinary studies that combine knowledge from different fields of science to promote astrobiology in the search for life on extrasolar planets. The study is published in Scientific Reports on Sep 10, 2015.
Until now, it had been thought that if a planet has oxygen, that must mean that some form of plants are producing it through photosynthesis. Therefore, it had been assumed that when searching for signs of life on habitable extrasolar planets, the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere could be considered a definitive biomarker. However, non-biological chemical reactions can also affect atmospheric compositions of extrasolar planets. Now, the research team led by Dr. Narita has shown that, abiotic oxygen produced by the photocatalytic reaction of titanium oxide, which is known to be abundant on the surfaces of terrestrial planets, meteorolites, and the Moon in the Solar System, cannot be discounted.
For a planet with an environment similar to the Sun-Earth system, continuous photocatalytic reaction of titanium oxide on about 0.05 % of the planetary surface could produce the amount of oxygen found in the current Earth's atmosphere. In addition, the team estimated the amount of possible oxygen production for habitable planets around other types of host stars with various masses and temperatures. They found that even in the least efficient production case of a low-temperature star, the photocatalytic reaction of the titanium oxide on about 3% of the planetary surface could maintain this level of atmospheric oxygen through abiotic processes. In other words, it is possible that a habitable extrasolar planet could maintain an atmosphere with Earth-like oxygen, even without organisms to perform photosynthesis.
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