Planet-disc evolution and the formation of Kozai-Lidov planets
Martin et al
With hydrodynamical simulations we determine the conditions under which an initially coplanar planet-disc system that orbits a member of a misaligned binary star evolves to form a planet that undergoes Kozai-Lidov (KL) oscillations once the disc disperses. These oscillations may explain the large orbital eccentricities, as well as the large misalignments with respect to the spin of the central star, observed for some exoplanets. The planet is assumed to be massive enough to open a gap in the disc. The planet's tilt relative to the binary orbital plane is subject to two types of oscillations. The first type, present at even small inclination angles relative to the binary orbital plane, is due to the interaction of the planet with the disc and binary companion and is amplified by a secular resonance. The second type of oscillation is the KL oscillation that operates on both the planet and disc at larger binary inclination angles. We find that for a sufficiently massive disc, even a relatively low inclination planet-disc system can force a planet to an inclination above the critical KL angle, as a consequence of the first type of tilt oscillation, allowing it to undergo the second type of oscillation. We conclude that the hydrodynamical evolution of a sufficiently massive and inclined disc in a binary system broadens the range of systems that form eccentric and misaligned giant planets to include a wide range of initial misalignment angles (20 to 160 degrees).
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Exoplanet-disk Interaction and the Formation of Kozai-Lidov planets
Geometric Effect as a Probe of Planetary Obliquity
Frequency Modulation of Directly Imaged Exoplanets: Geometric Effect as a Probe of Planetary Obliquity
Kawahara et al
We consider the time-frequency analysis of a scattered light curve by a directly imaged exoplanet. We show that the geometric effect due to planetary obliquity and orbital inclination induce the frequency modulation of the apparent diurnal periodicity. We construct a model of the frequency modulation and compare with the instantaneous frequency extracted from the pseudo-Wigner distribution of the simulated light curves of a cloudless Earth. The model provides good agreement with the simulated modulation factor even for the light curve with Gaussian noise comparable to the signal. Notably, the shape of the instantaneous frequency is sensitive to the difference between prograde, retrograde, and pole-on spin rotations. Whereas our technique requires the static property of the albedo map, it does not need to solve the albedo map of the planet. The time-frequency analysis is complementary to other methods which utilize the amplitude modulation. This paper demonstrates the importance of the frequency domain of the photometric variability to the characterization of directly imaged exoplanet in future.
direct imaging,
light curves,
scattered light curve
Jumping Jupiter can explain Mercury's orbit
Jumping Jupiter can explain Mercury's orbit
Roig et al
The orbit of Mercury has large values of eccentricity and inclination that cannot be easily explained if this planet formed on a circular and coplanar orbit. Here, we study the evolution of Mercury's orbit during the instability related to the migration of the giant planets in the framework of the jumping Jupiter model. We found that some instability models are able to produce the correct values of Mercury's eccentricity and inclination, provided that relativistic effects are included in the precession of Mercury's perihelion. The orbital excitation is driven by the fast change of the normal oscillation modes of the system corresponding to the perihelion precession of Jupiter (for the eccentricity), and the nodal regression of Uranus (for the inclination).
Monday, May 30, 2016
How Much Water is TOO Much to be a Habitable World?
Water-rich planets: How habitable is a water layer deeper than on Earth?
Noack et al
Water is necessary for the origin and survival of life as we know it. In the search for life-friendly worlds, water-rich planets therefore are obvious candidates and have attracted increasing attention in recent years. The surface H2O layer on such planets (containing a liquid water ocean and possibly high-pressure ice below a specific depth) could potentially be hundreds of kilometres deep depending on the water content and the evolution of the proto-atmosphere.
We study possible constraints for the habitability of deep water layers and introduce a new habitability classification relevant for water-rich planets (from Mars-size to super-Earth-size planets). A new ocean model has been developed that is coupled to a thermal evolution model of the mantle and core. Our interior structure model takes into account depth-dependent thermodynamic properties and the possible formation of high-pressure ice.
We find that heat flowing out of the silicate mantle can melt an ice layer from below (in some cases episodically), depending mainly on the thickness of the ocean-ice shell, the mass of the planet, the surface temperature and the interior parameters (e.g. radioactive mantle heat sources). The high pressure at the bottom of deep water–ice layers could also impede volcanism at the water–mantle boundary for both stagnant lid and plate tectonics silicate shells.
We conclude that water-rich planets with a deep ocean, a large planet mass, a high average density or a low surface temperature are likely less habitable than planets with an Earth-like ocean.
terrestrial planets,
Did Lithium Rich Giant Stars eat Their hot Jupiters?
The Gaia-ESO Survey: A simple explanation for the Li-rich giant problem
Casey et al
The discovery of lithium-rich giants contradicts expectations from canonical stellar evolution. Although multiple scenarios have been proposed to preserve or produce Li, no model can explain the ensemble properties of Li-rich giants. We report on the serendipitous discovery of 20 Li-rich giants observed through the Gaia-ESO Survey. Our sample is one of the largest in the literature, and includes nine towards the CoRoT fields. We explore all mechanisms proposed to explain Li-rich giants. While the planet accretion scenario was presented to reconcile observations of Li-rich giants across the RGB/AGB, this is inconsistent with recent studies of close-in giant planets. We highlight recent observations of the difference in hot Jupiter occurrence rates around dwarf and sub-giant stars as evidence for their tidal destruction when the convective envelope expands. Therefore any close-in giant planet is likely to be engulfed well before the host evolves up the RGB/AGB. When this occurs, simulations indicate a giant planet will provide a small reservoir of unburnt Li to replenish the stellar photospheric abundance, and subsequently induce deep mixing to produce additional Li. We argue these two independent lines of evidence actually predict the existence of Li-rich giants, and suggests they should be preferentially found before the luminosity bump at near-solar metallicities, consistent with observations. This scenario explains (indeed, predicts) the majority properties of Li-rich giants, leaving a minority population of evolved metal-poor Li-rich giants which are explainable by internal mixing processes associated with late evolutionary stages, or mass transfer from more evolved AGB stars.
Introducing the Life Supporting Zone Concept as an Alternative to the Habitable Zone
Effective stellar flux calculations for limits of Life-supporting zones of Exoplanets
Ludwig et al
Habitable zones (HZ) are key concepts in the quest for finding extrasolar planets that may host life as we know it. HZs encompass regions around a star that would allow for liquid water to be present on the surface of a rocky planet. However, water may not be the only solvent capable of producing and sustaining biospheres (e.g. Schulze-Makuch & Irwin 2006), so the concept of life-supporting zones (LSZ) was introduced as a generalization of the classical HZ for a broader range of solvents (Leitner et al. 2010) . The aim of this work is to offer a straightforward means of calculating LSZs similar to those presented by Kopparapu et al. (2014) for the HZ. We used a 1D radiative convective model to determine LSZ limits for water/ammonia mixtures and sulfuric acid. A simplified cloud model was used for offline sulfuric acid cloud simulation. Water clouds were accounted for by variations of surface albedo values. Compared to recently updated results by Kopparapu et al. (2014), our results lie well within the uncertainty range of the Toon algorithm (Toon et al. 1989) for flux calculations. We found an inner limit of the LSZ closer and an outer limit further away from the star than the limits for the HZ would be. Recently discovered exoplanets (like Kepler 452-b) are shown to be positioned very well in the LSZ. The concept of LSZs adds additional perspectives to an exoplanet's ability to maintain life on its surface.
On Kepler-62f's Possible Climates and Habitability
The Effect of Orbital Configuration on the Possible Climates and Habitability of Kepler-62f
Shields et al
As lower-mass stars often host multiple rocky planets, gravitational interactions among planets can have significant effects on climate and habitability over long timescales. Here we explore a specific case, Kepler-62f, a potentially habitable planet in a five-planet system with a K2V host star. N-body integrations reveal the stable range of initial eccentricities for Kepler-62f is 0.00⩽e⩽0.32, absent the effect of additional, undetected planets. We simulate the tidal evolution of Kepler-62f in this range and find that, for certain assumptions, the planet can be locked in a synchronous rotation state. Simulations using LMD Generic GCM indicate that with 3 bars of CO2 in its atmosphere, Kepler-62f would only be warm enough for surface liquid water at the upper limit of this eccentricity range, providing it has a high planetary obliquity (between 60∘ and 90∘). A climate similar to modern-day Earth is possible for the entire range of stable eccentricities if atmospheric CO2 is increased to 5-bar levels. In a low-CO2 case, simulations with CCSM4 and LMD Generic GCM indicate that increases in planetary obliquity and orbital eccentricity coupled with an orbital configuration that places the summer solstice at or near pericenter permit regions of the planet with above-freezing surface temperatures. This may melt ice sheets formed during colder seasons. If Kepler-62f is synchronously rotating and has an ocean, CO2 levels above 3 bars would be required to distribute enough heat to the night side of the planet to avoid atmospheric freeze-out and permit a large enough region of open water at the planet's substellar point to remain stable. Overall, we find multiple plausible combinations of orbital and atmospheric properties that permit surface liquid water on Kepler-62f.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Serendipitous discovery of the faint solar twin Inti 1
Serendipitous discovery of the faint solar twin Inti 1
Galarza et al
We determine the atmospheric parameters and differential abundances using high-resolution (R≈50000), high signal-to-noise (S/N ≈ 110 - 240 per pixel) Keck HIRES spectra for our solar twin candidate, the previously known solar twin HD 45184, and the Sun.
For the bright solar twin HD 45184, we found Teff=5864±9 K, log g=4.45±0.03 dex, vt=1.11±0.02 km s−1, and [Fe/H]=0.04±0.01 dex, which are in good agreement with previous works. The star Inti 1 has atmospheric parameters Teff=5837±11 K, log g=4.42±0.03 dex, vt=1.04±0.02 km s−1, and [Fe/H]=0.07±0.01 dex that are higher than solar. The age and mass of the solar twin HD 45184 (3 Gyr and 1.05 M⊙) and the faint solar twin Inti 1 (4 Gyr and 1.04 M⊙) were estimated using isochrones. The differential analysis shows that HD 45184 presents an abundance pattern that is similar to typical nearby solar twins; this means this star has an enhanced refractory relative to volatile elements, while Inti 1 has an abundance pattern closer to solar, albeit somewhat enhanced in refractories. The abundance pattern of HD 45184 and Inti 1 could be reproduced by adding ≈3.5 M⊕ and ≈1.5 M⊕ of Earth-like material to the convective zone of the Sun.
The star Inti 1 is a faint solar twin, therefore, it could be used to calibrate the zero points of different photometric systems. The distant solar twin Inti 1 has an abundance pattern similar to the Sun with only a minor enhancement in the refractory elements. It would be important to analyze other distant solar twins to verify whether they share the Sun's abundance pattern or if they are enhanced in refractories, as is the case in the majority of nearby solar twins.
Constraining the physical structure of the inner few 100 AU scales of deeply-embedded low-mass protostars
Constraining the physical structure of the inner few 100 AU scales of deeply-embedded low-mass protostars
Persson et al
The physical structure of deeply-embedded low-mass protostars (Class 0) on scales of less than 300 AU is still poorly constrained. Determining this is crucial for understanding the physical and chemical evolution from cores to disks. In this study two models of the emission, a Gaussian disk intensity distribution and a parametrized power-law disk model, are fitted to sub-arcsecond resolution interferometric continuum observations of five Class 0 sources, including one source with a confirmed Keplerian disk. For reference, a spherically symmetric single power-law envelope is fitted to the larger scale (∼1000 AU) emission and investigated further for one of the sources on smaller scales. A thin disk model can approximate the emission and physical structure in the inner few 100 AU scales of the studied deeply-embedded low-mass protostars and paves the way for analysis of a larger sample with ALMA. While the disk radii agree with previous estimates the masses are different for some of the sources studied. Assuming a typical temperature distribution, the fractional amount of mass in the disk above 100 K varies in between 7% to 30%. Kinematic data are needed to determine the presence of any Keplerian disk. Using previous observations of p-H182O, we estimate the relative gas phase water abundances roughly an order of magnitude higher than previously inferred when both warm and cold H2 was used as reference. A spherically symmetric single power-law envelope model fails to simultaneously reproduce both the small and large scale emission.
Towards a Global Evolutionary Model of Protoplanetary Disks
Towards a Global Evolutionary Model of Protoplanetary Disks
Bai et al
A global evolution picture of protoplanetary disks (PPDs) is key to understanding almost every aspect of planet formation, where standard alpha-disk models have been constantly employed for its simplicity. In the mean time, disk mass loss has been conventionally attributed to photoevaporation, which controls disk dispersal. However, a paradigm shift towards accretion driven by magnetized disk winds has been realized in the recent years, thanks to studies of non-ideal magneto-hydrodynamic effects in PPDs. I present a framework of global PPD evolution aiming to incorporate these advances, highlighting the role of wind-driven accretion and wind mass loss. Disk evolution is found to be largely dominated by wind-driven processes, and viscous spreading is suppressed. The timescale of disk evolution is controlled primarily by the amount of external magnetic flux threading the disks, and how rapidly the disk loses the flux. Rapid disk dispersal can be achieved if the disk is able to hold most of its magnetic flux during the evolution. In addition, because wind launching requires sufficient level of ionization at disk surface (mainly via external far-UV radiation), wind kinematics is also affected by far-UV penetration depth and disk geometry. For typical disk lifetime of a few Myrs, the disk loses approximately the same amount of mass through the wind as through accretion onto the protostar, and most of the wind mass loss proceeds from the outer disk via a slow wind. Fractional wind mass loss increases with increasing disk lifetime. Significant wind mass loss likely substantially enhances the dust to gas mass ratio, and promotes planet formation.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Ringed accretion disks: instabilities
Ringed accretion disks: instabilities
Pugliese et al
We analyze the possibility that several instability points may be formed, due to the Paczy\'nski mechanism of violation of mechanical equilibrium, in the orbiting matter around a supermassive Kerr black hole. We consider recently proposed model of ringed accretion disk, made up by several tori (rings) which can be corotating or counterrotating relative to the Kerr attractor due to the history of the accretion process. Each torus is governed by the general relativistic hydrodynamic Boyer condition of equilibrium configurations of rotating perfect fluids. We prove that the number of the instability points is generally limited and depends on the dimensionless spin of the rotating attractor.
Growth of eccentric modes in disc-planet interactions
Growth of eccentric modes in disc-planet interactions
Teyssandier et al
We formulate a set of linear equations that describe the behaviour of small eccentricities in a protoplanetary system consisting of a gaseous disc and a planet. Eccentricity propagates through the disc by means of pressure and self-gravity, and is exchanged with the planet via secular interactions. Excitation and damping of eccentricity can occur through Lindblad and corotation resonances, as well as viscosity. We compute normal modes of the coupled disc-planet system in the case of short-period giant planets orbiting inside an inner cavity, possibly carved by the stellar magnetosphere. Three-dimensional effects allow for a mode to be trapped in the inner parts of the disc. This mode can easily grow within the disc's lifetime. An eccentric mode dominated by the planet can also grow, although less rapidly. We compute the structure and growth rates of these modes and their dependence on the assumed properties of the disc.
Magnetic Fields in Early Protostellar Disk Formation
Magnetic Fields in Early Protostellar Disk Formation
González-Casanova et al
We consider formation of accretion disks from a realistically turbulent molecular gas using 3D MHD simulations. In particular, we analyze the effect of the fast turbulent reconnection described by the Lazarian & Vishniac model for the removal of magnetic flux from a disk. With our numerical simulations we demonstrate how the fast reconnection enables protostellar disk formation resolving the so-called "magnetic braking catastrophe." In particular, we provide a detailed study of the dynamics of a 0.5 M⊙ protostar and the formation of its disk for up to several thousands years. We measure the evolution of the mass, angular momentum, magnetic field, and turbulence around the star. We consider effects of two processes that strongly affect the magnetic transfer of angular momentum, both of which are based on turbulent reconnection: the first, "reconnection diffusion," removes the magnetic flux from the disk; the other involves the change of the magnetic field's topology, but does not change the absolute value of the magnetic flux through the disk. We demonstrate that for the first mechanism, turbulence causes a magnetic flux transport outward from the inner disk to the ambient medium, thus decreasing the coupling of the disk to the ambient material. A similar effect is achieved through the change of the magnetic field's topology from a split monopole configuration to a dipole configuration. We explore how both mechanisms prevent the catastrophic loss of disk angular momentum and compare both above turbulent reconnection mechanisms with alternative mechanisms from the literature.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Bradley Schaefer: Further Thoughts on the Dimming of KIC 8462852
Is the anomalous star KIC 8462852 undergoing a long-term dimming or not? We’ve looked at Bradley Schaefer’s work on the star and the follow-ups disputing the idea from Michael Hippke and Daniel Angerhausen (NASA GSFC), with collaboration from Keivan Stassun and Michael Lund (both at Vanderbilt University) and LeHigh University’s Joshua Pepper. Dr. Schaefer (Louisiana State University) believes the evidence for dimming is still strong, and in the post below explains why. He has also provided a link to a more detailed analysis with supporting graphs and figures for those who want to go still deeper (further information below). As we embark on the Kickstarter campaign to put ‘Tabby’s Star’ in the sights of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network — an important project to which I have contributed and hope you will as well — we continue to monitor this evolving story. No matter how it turns out, the Kepler data are iron-clad, so the success of the Kickstarter campaign is vital to provide us with the further data we need to make sense of what we are seeing at this unusual star.
A revised condition for self-gravitational fragmentation of protoplanetary disks
A revised condition for self-gravitational fragmentation of protoplanetary disks
Takahashi et al
Fragmentation of protoplanetary disks due to gravitational instabilities is a candidate of a formation mechanism of binary stars, brown dwarfs, and gaseous giant planets. The condition for the fragmentation has been thought that the disk cooling timescale is comparable to its dynamical timescale. However, some numerical simulations suggest that the fragmentation does not occur even if the cooling time is small enough, or the fragmentation can occur even when the cooling is inefficient. To reveal a realistic condition for fragmentation of self-gravitating disks, we perform two-dimensional numerical simulations that take into account the effect of the irradiation of the central star and radiation cooling of the disk, and precisely investigate the structure of the spiral arms formed in the protoplanetary disks. We show that the Toomre Q parameter in the spiral arms is an essential parameter for fragmentation. The spiral arms fragment only when Q less than 0.6 in the spiral arms. We have further confirmed that this fragmentation condition observed in the numerical simulations can be obtained from the linear stability analysis for the self-gravitating spiral arms. These results indicate that the process of fragmentation of protoplanetary disks is divided into two stages: formation of the spiral arms in the disks; and fragmentation of the spiral arm. Our work reduces the condition for the fragmentation of the protoplanetary disks to the condition of the formation of the spiral arm that satisfies Q less than 0.6.
Gravitational Instabilities in Circumstellar Disks
Gravitational Instabilities in Circumstellar Disks
Kratter et al
Star and planet formation are the complex outcomes of gravitational collapse and angular momentum transport mediated by protostellar and protoplanetary disks. In this review we focus on the role of gravitational instability in this process. We begin with a brief overview of the observational evidence for massive disks that might be subject to gravitational instability, and then highlight the diverse ways in which the instability manifests itself in protostellar and protoplanetary disks: the generation of spiral arms, small scale turbulence-like density fluctuations, and fragmentation of the disk itself. We present the analytic theory that describes the linear growth phase of the instability, supplemented with a survey of numerical simulations that aim to capture the non-linear evolution. We emphasize the role of thermodynamics and large scale infall in controlling the outcome of the instability. Despite apparent controversies in the literature, we show a remarkable level of agreement between analytic predictions and numerical results. We highlight open questions related to (1) the development of a turbulent cascade in thin disks, and (2) the role of mode-mode coupling in setting the maximum angular momentum transport rate in thick disks.
A non-uniform distribution of the nearest brown dwarfs
A non-uniform distribution of the nearest brown dwarfs
Bihain et al
The census of solar neighbours is still complemented by new discoveries, mainly of very low-mass, faint dwarfs, close to or within the substellar domain. These discoveries contribute to a better understanding of the field population; its origin in terms of Galactic dynamics and (sub)stellar formation and evolution. Also, the nearest stars and brown dwarfs at any given age allow the most precise direct characterization, including the search for planetary companions. We aim to further assess the substellar census on the Galactic plane. We projected the 136 stars and 26 brown dwarfs known at less than 6.5 pc on the Galactic plane and evaluated their distributions. Stars present a uniform- and brown dwarfs a non-uniform distribution, with 21 objects behind the Sun and only five ahead relative to the direction of rotation of the Galaxy. This substellar configuration has a probability of 0.098+10.878−0.098% relative to uniformity. The helio- and geocentric nature of the distribution suggests it might result in part from an observational bias, which if compensated for by future discoveries, might increase the brown-dwarf-to-star ratio, shifting it closer to values found in some star forming regions.
Do asteroids evaporate near pulsars?
Do asteroids evaporate near pulsars? Induction heating by pulsar waves revisited
Kotera et al
We investigate the evaporation of close-by pulsar companions, such as planets, asteroids, and white dwarfs, by induction heating. Assuming that the outflow energy is dominated by a Poynting flux (or pulsar wave) at the location of the companions, we calculate their evaporation timescales, by applying the Mie theory. Depending on the size of the companion compared to the incident electromagnetic wavelength, the heating regime varies and can lead to a total evaporation of the companion. In particular, we find that inductive heating is mostly inefficient for small pulsar companions, although it is generally considered the dominant process. Small objects like asteroids can survive induction heating for 104years at distances as small as 1R⊙ from the neutron star. For degenerate companions, induction heating cannot lead to evaporation and another source of heating (likely by kinetic energy of the pulsar wind) has to be considered. It was recently proposed that bodies orbiting pulsars are the cause of fast radio bursts; the present results explain how those bodies can survive in the pulsar's highly energetic environment.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
New Analysis Supports HL Tauri Having Exoplanets
A new analysis of the ALMA data for a young star HL Tauri provides yet more firm evidence of baby planets around the star. Researchers uncovered two gaps in the gas disk around HL Tauri. The locations of these gaps in the gas match the locations of gaps in the dust found in the ALMA high resolution image taken in 2014. This discovery supports the idea that planets form in much shorter timescales than previously thought and prompts a reconsideration of alternative planet formation scenarios.
In November 2014, ALMA released a startling image of HL Tauri and its dust disk. This image, the sharpest ever taken for this kind of object, clearly depicts several gaps in the dust disk around the star.
Astronomers have not yet reached a definitive answer for what makes the gaps in the dust disk. Because these disks are the sites of planet formation, some suggest that infant planets are the key; the dark gaps are carved by planets forming in the disk that attract or sweep away the dust along their orbits.
But others doubt the planet explanation because HL Tauri is very young, estimated to be only about a million years, and classical studies indicate that it takes more than tens of millions of years for planets to form from small dust. Those researchers propose other possible mechanisms to form the gaps: changes in the dust size through coalescence or destruction; or the formation of dust due to gas molecules freezing.
exoplanet detection,
HL Tauri,
protoplanetary disks
Modeling the Atmospheres of hot Jupiters with CLOUDY
Investigation of the environment around close-in transiting exoplanets using CLOUDY
Turner et al
It has been suggested that hot stellar wind gas in a bow shock around an exoplanet is sufficiently opaque to absorb stellar photons and give rise to an observable transit depth at optical and UV wavelengths. In the first part of this paper, we use the CLOUDY plasma simulation code to model the absorption from X-ray to radio wavelengths by 1-D slabs of gas in coronal equilibrium with varying densities (104−108cm−3) and temperatures (2000−106 K) illuminated by a solar spectrum. For slabs at coronal temperatures (106 K) and densities even orders of magnitude larger than expected for the compressed stellar wind (104−105cm−3), we find optical depths orders of magnitude too small (greater than 3×10−7) to explain the ∼3% UV transit depths seen with Hubble. Using this result and our modeling of slabs with lower temperatures (2000−104K), the conclusion is that the UV transits of WASP-12b and HD 189733b are likely due to atoms originating in the planet, as the stellar wind is too highly ionized. A corollary of this result is that transport of neutral atoms from the denser planetary atmosphere outward must be a primary consideration when constructing physical models. In the second part of this paper, additional calculations using CLOUDY are carried out to model a slab of planetary gas in radiative and thermal equilibrium with the stellar radiation field. Promising sources of opacity from the X-ray to radio wavelengths are discussed, some of which are not yet observed.
Hot Jupiter WASP-43b's Orbit is NOT Decaying
Ruling out the orbital decay of the WASP-43b
Hoyer et al
We present 15 new transit observations of the exoplanet WASP-43b in the i′,g′, and R filters with the 1.0-m telescopes of Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope (LCOGT) Network and the IAC80 telescope. We combine our 15 new light curves with 52 others from literature, to analyze homogeneously all the available transit light curves of this exoplanet. By extending the time span of the monitoring of the transits to more than 5 yr, and by analyzing the individual mid-times of 72 transits, we study the proposed shortening of the orbital period of WASP-43b. We estimate that the times of transit are well-matched by our updated ephemeris equation, using a constant orbital period. We estimate an orbital period change rate no larger than P˙=−0.02±6.6 ms yr−1, which is fully consistent with a constant period. Based on the timing analysis, we discard stellar tidal dissipation factors Q∗ less than 105. In addition, with the modelling of the transits we update the system parameters: a/Rs=4.867(23), i=82.11(10)∘ and Rp/Rs=0.15942(41), noticing a difference in the relative size of the planet between optical and NIR bands.
gas giants,
giant planets,
hot jupiters,
orbital decay,
Tidal Decay and Disruption of hot gas Giants
Tidal Decay and Disruption of Short-Period Gaseous Exoplanets
Jackson et al
Many gaseous exoplanets in short-period orbits are on the verge or are in the process of tidal disruption. Moreover, orbital stability analysis shows tides can drive many hot Jupiters to spiral toward their host stars. Thus, the coupled processes of orbital evolution and tidal disruption likely shape the observed distribution of close-in exoplanets and may even be responsible for producing some of the short-period rocky planets. However, the exact outcome for a disrupting planet depends on its internal response to mass loss, and the accompanying orbital evolution can act to enhance or inhibit the disruption process. In this study, we apply the fully-featured and robust Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA) suite to model Roche-lobe overflow (RLO) of short-period gaseous planets. We show that, although the detailed evolution may depend on several properties of the planetary system, it is largely determined by the core mass of the disrupting gas giant. In particular, we find that the orbital expansion that accompanies RLO often stops and reverses at a specific maximum period that depends on the core mass. We suggest that RLO may often strand the remnant of a disrupted gas giant near this orbital period, which provides an observational prediction that can corroborate the hypothesis that short period gas giants undergo RLO. We conduct a preliminary comparison of this prediction to the observed population of small, short-period planets and find some planets in orbits that may be consistent with this picture. To the extent that we can establish some short-period planets are indeed the remnants of disrupted gas giants, that population can elucidate the properties of gas giant cores, the properties of which remain largely unconstrained.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
James Webb Space Telescope Instruments Installed
With surgical precision, two dozen engineers and technicians successfully installed the package of science instruments of the James Webb Space Telescope into the telescope structure. The package is the collection of cameras and spectrographs that will record the light collected by Webb's giant golden mirror.
Gas Gaps in the Protoplanetary Disk around the Young Protostar HL Tauri
Gas Gaps in the Protoplanetary Disk around the Young Protostar HL Tau
Yen et al
We have analyzed the HCO+ (1-0) data of the Class I-II protostar, HL Tau, obtained from the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array long baseline campaign. We generated the HCO+ image cube at an angular resolution of ~0.07 (~10 AU), and performed azimuthal averaging on the image cube to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio and measure the radial profile of the HCO+ integrated intensity. Two gaps at radii of ~28 AU and ~69 AU and a central cavity are identified in the radial intensity profile. The inner HCO+ gap is coincident with the millimeter continuum gap at a radius of 32 AU. The outer HCO+ gap is located at the millimeter continuum bright ring at a radius of 69 AU and overlaps with the two millimeter continuum gaps at radii of 64 AU and 74 AU. On the contrary, the presence of the central cavity is likely due to the high optical depth of the 3 mm continuum emission and not the depletion of the HCO+ gas. We derived the HCO+ column density profile from its intensity profile. From the column density profile, the full-width-half-maximum widths of the inner and outer HCO+ gaps are both estimated to be ~14 AU, and their depths are estimated to be ~2.4 and ~5.0. These results are consistent with the expectation from the gaps opened by forming (sub-)Jovian mass planets, while placing tight constraints on the theoretical models solely incorporating the variation of dust properties and grain sizes.
gapped disk,
HL Tauri,
protoplanetary disks,
Stellar Activity and Exclusion of the Outer Planet in the HD 99492 System
Stellar Activity and Exclusion of the Outer Planet in the HD 99492 System
Kane et al
A historical problem for indirect exoplanet detection has been contending with the intrinsic variability of the host star. If the variability is periodic, it can easily mimic various exoplanet signatures, such as radial velocity variations that originate with the stellar surface rather than the presence of a planet. Here we present an update for the HD~99492 planetary system, using new radial velocity and photometric measurements from the Transit Ephemeris Refinement and Monitoring Survey (TERMS). Our extended time series and subsequent analyses of the Ca II H\&K emission lines show that the host star has an activity cycle of ∼13 years. The activity cycle correlates with the purported orbital period of the outer planet, the signature of which is thus likely due to the host star activity. We further include a revised Keplerian orbital solution for the remaining planet, along with a new transit ephemeris. Our transit-search observations were inconclusive.
HD 135344B's Protoplanetary Disk Shows Evidence of at Least one Gas Giant Protoplanet
Shadows cast on the transition disk of HD 135344B
Stolker et al
The protoplanetary disk of the F-type star HD 135344B (SAO 206462) is in a transition stage and shows many intriguing structures both in scattered light and thermal millimeter emission which are possibly related to planet formation processes and planet-disk interactions. We have carried out high-contrast polarimetric differential imaging (PDI) observations with VLT/SPHERE and obtained the first optical polarized scattered light images with the sub-instrument ZIMPOL in R- and I-band. Additionally, near-infrared polarimetric observations were done with IRDIS in Y- and J-band. We will use the scattered light images, surface brightness profiles and color to study in detail disk structures and brightness variations. The scattered light images reveal with unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution the spiral arm structure of the disk as well as the inner disk cavity of 25 au in all filters. Multiple shadow features are discovered on the outer disk and the observations of the two epochs show indications of variability of one shadow. A positive surface brightness gradient is observed in the r^2-scaled images in south-west direction due to an azimuthally asymmetric perturbation of the temperature and/or surface density by the passing spiral arms. The scattering efficiency in polarized light shows a positive linear trend towards longer wavelengths presumably because of large/aggregate dust grains (2pi a greater than or equal lambda) in the disk surface. The shadows on the outer disk of HD 135344B could be cast by an inner dust belt which is 22 degrees inclined with respect to the outer disk, a warped disk region which connects the inner disk with the cavity and an accretion funnel flow from the inner disk onto the star. The wide open spiral arms indicate the presence of one or multiple massive protoplanets, a local disk instability beyond the dust cavity or a combination of the two.
gas giants,
giant planets,
HD 135344B,
planetary formation,
protoplanetary disks,
transition disks
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
The minimum mass of detectable planets in protoplanetary discs and the derivation of planetary masses from high resolution observations
The minimum mass of detectable planets in protoplanetary discs and the derivation of planetary masses from high resolution observations
We investigate the minimum planet mass that produces observable signatures in infrared scattered light and submm continuum images and demonstrate how these images can be used to measure planet masses to within a factor of about two. To this end we perform multi-fluid gas and dust simulations of discs containing low mass planets, generating simulated observations at 1.65μm, 10μm and 850μm. We show that the minimum planet mass that produces a detectable signature is ∼15M⊕: this value is strongly dependent on disc temperature and changes slightly with wavelength (favouring the submm). We also confirm previous results that there is a minimum planet mass of ∼20M⊕ that produces a pressure maximum in the disc: only planets above this threshold mass generate a dust trap that can eventually create a hole in the submm dust. Below this mass, planets produce annular enhancements in dust outward of the planet and a reduction in the vicinity of the planet. These features are in steady state and can be understood in terms of variations in the dust radial velocity, imposed by the perturbed gas pressure radial profile, analogous to a traffic jam. We also show how planet masses can be derived from structure in scattered light and sub-mm images. We emphasise that simulations with dust need to be run over thousands of planetary orbits so as to allow the gas profile to achieve a steady state and caution against the estimation of planet masses using gas only simulations.
K2-3 & K2-26 Systems Observed by Spitzer
Spitzer Observations of Exoplanets Discovered with The Kepler K2 Mission
Beichman et al
We have used the Spitzer Space Telescope to observe two transiting planetary systems orbiting low mass stars discovered in the Kepler K2 mission. The system K2-3 (EPIC 201367065) hosts three planets while EPIC 202083828 (K2-26) hosts a single planet. Observations of all four objects in these two systems confirm and refine the orbital and physical parameters of the planets. The refined orbital information and more precise planet radii possible with Spitzer will be critical for future observations of these and other K2 targets. For K2-3b we find marginally significant evidence for a Transit Timing Variation between the K2 and Spitzer epochs.
k2 mission,
space telescope,
A highly biased and skewed summary of IAU Symposium 314, "Young Stars and Planets Near the Sun"
Young Stars and Planets Near the Sun in 2015: Five Takeaways and Five Predictions
I present a highly biased and skewed summary of IAU Symposium 314, "Young Stars and Planets Near the Sun," held in Atlanta. This summary includes takeaway thoughts about the rapidly evolving state of the field, as well as crowd-sourced predictions for progress over the next ~10 years. We predict the elimination of 1-2 of the currently recognized young moving groups, the addition of 3 or more new moving groups within 100 pc, the continued lack of a predictive theory of stellar mass, robust measurements of the gas and dust content of circumstellar disks, and an ongoing struggle to achieve a consensus definition for a planet.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Simulating the Thermal Light Curve of Earth-like Exoplanets
Thermal light curves of Earth-like planets: 1. Varying surface and rotation on planets in a terrestrial orbit
Gómez-Leal et al
The integrated thermal emission of an exoplanet and its variations along the orbital motion can carry information about the climatic conditions and the rotation of the planet. In this study, we use the LMDZ 3D Global Climate Model (GCM) to simulate the climate of a synthetic Earth and three quasi-Earth configurations: a slowly rotating Earth, an ocean-covered Earth and its snowball counterpart. We also generate the time-dependent broadband thermal emission of the planet from these simulations. In a first step, we validate the model by comparing the synthetic Earth emission with the actual emission of our planet as constrained by observations. Then, we determine the main properties of the climate and emission of the three Earth-like planets and compare them to those of the Earth. We show that planets with an uneven distribution of continents exhibit a maximum of emission during the summer of the hemisphere with larger continental masses, and they may exhibit a maximum of emission at apastron. Large convective clouds might form over the continents of slow rotating planets, having an important effect over their climate and their emission. We also show that, in all the modeled cases, the equilibrium temperature, the Bond albedo and the rotation period can in theory be retrieved from the light curve by a distant observer. The values obtained at transiting geometries have a low deviation from the global values for cases with an axis tilt similar to that of the Earth, and we are able to distinguish between the four planets presented here by the data obtained from their light curves. However, this might not be the case under different conditions.
exoplanet rotation,
light curves,
terrestrial planets
Water Rich SuperEarths Probably Form Around Oxygen Depleted Stars
Influence of the water content in protoplanetary discs on planet migration and formation
Bitsh et al
The temperature and density profiles of protoplanetary discs depend crucially on the mass fraction of micrometre-sized dust grains and on their chemical composition. A larger abundance of micrometre-sized grains leads to an overall heating of the disc, so that the water ice line moves further away from the star. An increase in the water fraction inside the disc, maintaining a fixed dust abundance, increases the temperature in the icy regions of the disc and lowers the temperature in the inner regions. Discs with a larger silicate fraction have the opposite effect. Here we explore the consequence of the dust composition and abundance for the formation and migration of planets. We find that discs with low water content can only sustain outwards migration for planets up to 4 Earth masses, while outwards migration in discs with a larger water content persists up to 8 Earth masses in the late stages of the disc evolution. Icy planetary cores that do not reach run-away gas accretion can thus migrate to orbits close to the host star if the water abundance is low. Our results imply that hot and warm super-Earths found in exoplanet surveys could have formed beyond the ice line and thus contain a significant fraction in water. These water-rich super-Earths should orbit primarily around stars with a low oxygen abundance, where a low oxygen abundance is caused by either a low water-to-silicate ratio or by overall low metallicity.
Terrestrial Planets are Able to Form in the Grand Tack Scenario
Analysis of terrestrial planet formation by the Grand Tack model: System architecture and tack location
Brasser et al
The Grand Tack model of terrestrial planet formation has emerged in recent years as the premier scenario used to account for several observed features of the inner solar system. It relies on early migration of the giant planets to gravitationally sculpt and mix the planetesimal disc down to ~1 AU, after which the terrestrial planets accrete from material left in a narrow circum-solar annulus. Here we have investigated how the model fares under a range of initial conditions and migration course-change (`tack') locations. We have run a large number of N-body simulations with a tack location of 1.5 AU and 2 AU and tested initial conditions using equal mass planetary embryos and a semi-analytical approach to oligarchic growth. We make use of a recent model of the protosolar disc that takes account of viscous heating, include the full effect of type 1 migration, and employ a realistic mass-radius relation for the growing terrestrial planets. Results show that the canonical tack location of Jupiter at 1.5 AU is inconsistent with the most massive planet residing at 1 AU at greater than 95% confidence. This favours a tack farther out at 2 AU for the disc model and parameters employed. Of the different initial conditions, we find that the oligarchic case is capable of statistically reproducing the orbital architecture and mass distribution of the terrestrial planets, while the equal mass embryo case is not.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Collision velocity of dust grains in self-gravitating protoplanetary discs
Collision velocity of dust grains in self-gravitating protoplanetary discs
Booth et al
We have conducted the first comprehensive numerical investigation of the relative velocity distribution of dust particles in self-gravitating protoplanetary discs with a view to assessing the viability of planetesimal formation via direct collapse in such environments. The viability depends crucially on the large sizes that are preferentially collected in pressure maxima produced by transient spiral features (Stokes numbers, St∼1); growth to these size scales requires that collision velocities remain low enough that grain growth is not reversed by fragmentation. We show that, for a single sized dust population, velocity driving by the disc's gravitational perturbations is only effective for St>3, while coupling to the gas velocity dominates otherwise. We develop a criterion for understanding this result in terms of the stopping distance being of order the disc scale height. Nevertheless, the relative velocities induced by differential radial drift in multi-sized dust populations are too high to allow the growth of silicate dust particles beyond St∼10−2 or 10−1 (10cm to m sizes at 30au), such Stokes numbers being insufficient to allow concentration of solids in spiral features. However, for icy solids (which may survive collisions up to several 10ms−1), growth to St∼1 (10m size) may be possible beyond 30au from the star. Such objects would be concentrated in spiral features and could potentially produce larger icy planetesimals/comets by gravitational collapse. These planetesimals would acquire moderate eccentricities and remain unmodified over the remaining lifetime of the disc.
protoplanetary disks
Low-rank plus sparse decomposition for exoplanet detection in direct-imaging ADI sequences. The LLSG algorithm
Low-rank plus sparse decomposition for exoplanet detection in direct-imaging ADI sequences. The LLSG algorithm
Gomez Gonzalez et al
Data processing constitutes a critical component of high-contrast exoplanet imaging. Its role is almost as important as the choice of a coronagraph or a wavefront control system, and it is intertwined with the chosen observing strategy. Among the data processing techniques for angular differential imaging (ADI), the most recent is the family of principal component analysis (PCA) based algorithms. PCA serves, in this case, as a subspace projection technique for constructing a reference point spread function (PSF) that can be subtracted from the science data for boosting the detectability of potential companions present in the data. Unfortunately, when building this reference PSF from the science data itself, PCA comes with certain limitations such as the sensitivity of the lower dimensional orthogonal subspace to non-Gaussian noise. Inspired by recent advances in machine learning algorithms such as robust PCA, we aim to propose a localized subspace projection technique that surpasses current PCA-based post-processing algorithms in terms of the detectability of companions at near real-time speed, a quality that will be useful for future direct imaging surveys. We used randomized low-rank approximation methods recently proposed in the machine learning literature, coupled with entry-wise thresholding to decompose an ADI image sequence locally into low-rank, sparse, and Gaussian noise components (LLSG). This local three-term decomposition separates the starlight and the associated speckle noise from the planetary signal, which mostly remains in the sparse term. We tested the performance of our new algorithm on a long ADI sequence obtained on beta Pictoris with VLT/NACO. Compared to a standard PCA approach, LLSG decomposition reaches a higher signal-to-noise ratio and has an overall better performance in the receiver operating characteristic space.
State of the Field: Extreme Precision Radial Velocities
State of the Field: Extreme Precision Radial Velocities
Fischer et al
The Second Workshop on Extreme Precision Radial Velocities defined circa 2015 the state of the art Doppler precision and identified the critical path challenges for reaching 10 cm/s measurement precision. The presentations and discussion of key issues for instrumentation and data analysis and the workshop recommendations for achieving this precision are summarized here.
Beginning with the HARPS spectrograph, technological advances for precision radial velocity measurements have focused on building extremely stable instruments. To reach still higher precision, future spectrometers will need to produce even higher fidelity spectra. This should be possible with improved environmental control, greater stability in the illumination of the spectrometer optics, better detectors, more precise wavelength calibration, and broader bandwidth spectra. Key data analysis challenges for the precision radial velocity community include distinguishing center of mass Keplerian motion from photospheric velocities, and the proper treatment of telluric contamination. Success here is coupled to the instrument design, but also requires the implementation of robust statistical and modeling techniques. Center of mass velocities produce Doppler shifts that affect every line identically, while photospheric velocities produce line profile asymmetries with wavelength and temporal dependencies that are different from Keplerian signals.
Exoplanets are an important subfield of astronomy and there has been an impressive rate of discovery over the past two decades. Higher precision radial velocity measurements are required to serve as a discovery technique for potentially habitable worlds and to characterize detections from transit missions. The future of exoplanet science has very different trajectories depending on the precision that can ultimately be achieved with Doppler measurements.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Exocomets Detected Around HD 181327 160 Light Years Away
An international team of astronomers have found evidence of ice and comets orbiting a nearby sun-like star, which could give a glimpse into how our own solar system developed.
Using data from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), the researchers, led by the University of Cambridge, detected very low levels of carbon monoxide gas around the star, in amounts that are consistent with the comets in our own solar system.
The results, which will be presented today at the 'Resolving Planet Formation in the era of ALMA and extreme AO' conference in Santiago, Chile, are a first step in establishing the properties of comet clouds around sun-like stars just after the time of their birth.
Comets are essentially 'dirty snowballs' of ice and rock, sometimes with a tail of dust and evaporating ice trailing behind them, and are formed early in the development of stellar systems. They are typically found in the outer reaches of our solar system, but become most clearly visible when they visit the inner regions. For example, Halley's Comet visits the inner solar system every 75 years, some take as long as 100,000 years between visits, and others only visit once before being thrown out into interstellar space.
It's believed that when our solar system was first formed, the Earth was a rocky wasteland, similar to how Mars is today, and that as comets collided with the young planet, they brought many elements and compounds, including water, along with them.
The star in this study, HD 181327, has a mass about 30% greater than the sun and is located 160 light years away in the Painter constellation. The system is about 23 million years old, whereas our solar system is 4.6 billion years old.
"Young systems such as this one are very active, with comets and asteroids slamming into each other and into planets," said Sebastián Marino, a PhD student from Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy and the paper's lead author. "The system has a similar ice composition to our own, so it's a good one to study in order to learn what our solar system looked like early in its existence."
Using ALMA, the astronomers observed the star, which is surrounded by a ring of dust caused by the collisions of comets, asteroids and other bodies. It's likely that this star has planets in orbit around it, but they are impossible to detect using current telescopes.
Vortices in stratified protoplanetary disks
Vortices in stratified protoplanetary disks : from baroclinic instability to vortex layers
Richard et al
Large scale vortices could play a key role in the evolution of protoplanetary disks, particularly in the dead-zone where no turbulence associated with magnetic field is expected. Their possible formation by the subcritical baroclinic instability is a complex issue due to the vertical structure of the disk and to the elliptical instability.} {In two-dimensional disks the baroclinic instability is studied as a function of the thermal transfer efficiency. In three-dimensional disks we explore the importance of radial and vertical stratification on the processes of vortex formation and amplification.} {Numerical simulations are performed using a fully compressible hydrodynamical code based on a second order finite volume method. We assume a perfect gas law in inviscid disk models in which heat transfer is due to either relaxation or diffusion.} {In 2D, the baroclinic instability with thermal relaxation leads to the formation of large-scale vortices, which are unstable with respect to the elliptic instability. In the presence of heat diffusion, hollow vortices are formed which evolve into vortical structures with a turbulent core. In 3D, the disk stratification is found to be unstable in a finite layer which can include the mid-plane or not. When the unstable layer contains the mid-plane, the 3D baroclinic instability with thermal relaxation is found to develop first in the unstable layer as in 2D, producing large-scale vortices. These vortices are then stretched out in the stable layer, creating long-lived columnar vortical structures extending through the height of the disk. They are also found to be the source of internal vortex layers that develop across the whole disk along baroclinic critical layer surfaces, and form new vortices in the upper region of the disk.} {In three-dimensional disks, vortices can survive for a very long time if the production of vorticity by.
circumstellar disks,
protoplanetary disks,
The evolution of self-gravitating accretion discs
The evolution of self-gravitating accretion discs
Rice et al
It is quite likely that self-gravity will play an important role in the evolution of accretion discs, in particular those around young stars, and those around supermassive black holes. We summarise, here, our current understanding of the evolution of such discs, focussing more on discs in young stellar system, than on discs in active galactic nuclei. We consider the conditions under which such discs may fragment to form bound objects, and when they might, instead, be expected to settle into a quasi-steady, self-regulated state. We also discuss how this understanding may depend on the mass of the disc relative to the mass of the central object, and how it might depend on the presence of external irradiation. Additionally, we consider whether or not fragmentation might be stochastic, where we might expect it to occur in an actual protostellar disc, and if there is any evidence for fragmentation actually playing a role in the formation of planetary-mass bodies. Although there are still a number of outstanding issue, such as the convergence of simulations of self-gravitating discs, whether or not there is more than one mode of fragmentation, and quite what role self-gravitating discs may play in the planet formation process, our general understanding of these systems seems quite robust.
Optically thin decretion disks of classical Oe/Be stars
Line-driven ablation of circumstellar disks: I. Optically thin decretion disks of classical Oe/Be stars
Kee et al
The extreme luminosities of hot, massive stars drive strong stellar winds through UV line-scattering. For OB stars with an orbiting circumstellar disk, we explore the effect of such line-scattering in ablating disk material, initially focusing on the marginally optically thin decretion disks of classical Oe and Be stars. For this we apply a multi-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamics code, assuming optically thin ray tracing for the stellar continuum and a multi-ray Sobolev treatment of the line transfer. This accounts for desaturation of line-absorption by Keplerian shear in the disk, and associated driving by non-radial photons. Results show dense, intermediate-speed surface ablation, consistent with the strong, blue-shifted absorption seen in UV wind lines of Be shell stars. The asymptotic ablation rate is typically an order-unity factor times the stellar wind mass loss rate, leading to disk destruction times of order months to years for Be disks, consistent with observations. The much stronger radiative forces of O stars reduce this time to order days, making sustaining a disk difficult, and so providing a natural explanation for the rarity of Galactic Oe stars. Additionally, the weakened line-driving at lower metallicity implies both a reduction in the winds that help spin-down stars from near-critical rotation, and in the ablation of decretion disks, thus providing a natural explanation for the higher fraction of Classical Be stars, and the presence of Oe stars, in the Magellanic Clouds. We conclude with a discussion of future extensions to study line-driven ablation of denser, optically thick, accretion disks around pre-main-sequence massive stars.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Photometric brown-dwarf classification of 1361 L and T dwarfs brighter than J = 17.5
Photometric brown-dwarf classification. II. A homogeneous sample of 1361 L and T dwarfs brighter than J = 17.5 with accurate spectral types
Skrzypek et al
We present a homogeneous sample of 1361 L and T dwarfs brighter than J = 17.5 (of which 998 are new), from an effective area of 3070 deg2, classified by the photo-type method to an accuracy of one spectral sub-type using izYJHKW1W2 photometry from SDSS+UKIDSS+WISE. Other than a small bias in the early L types, the sample is shown to be effectively complete to the magnitude limit, for all spectral types L0 to T8. The nature of the bias is an incompleteness estimated at 3% because peculiar blue L dwarfs of type L4 and earlier are classified late M. There is a corresponding overcompleteness because peculiar red (likely young) late M dwarfs are classified early L. Contamination of the sample is confirmed to be small: so far spectroscopy has been obtained for 19 sources in the catalogue and all are confirmed to be ultracool dwarfs. We provide coordinates and izYJHKW1W2 photometry of all sources. We identify an apparent discontinuity, Δm ∼ 0.4 mag., in the Y-K colour between spectral types L7 and L8. We present near-infrared spectra of nine sources identified by photo-type as peculiar, including a new low-gravity source ULAS J005505.68+013436.0, with spectroscopic classification L2{γ}. We provide revised izYJHKW1W2 template colours for late M dwarfs, types M7 to M9.
brown dwarf,
L class,
L dwarf,
T class,
T Dwarf
"Hot" Brown Dwarfs may not be Possible Around Stars Larger Than M Dwarfs
Can brown dwarfs survive on close orbits around convective stars?
Damiani et al
Brown dwarfs straddle the mass range transition from planetary to stellar objects. There is a relative paucity of brown dwarfs companions around FGKM stars compared to exoplanets for orbital periods less than a few years, but most of the short-period brown dwarf companions fully characterised by transits and radial velocities are found around F-type stars. We examine the hypothesis that brown dwarf companions could not survive on close orbit around stars with important convective envelopes because the tides and angular momentum loss through magnetic breaking should lead to a rapid orbital decay and quick engulfment of the companion. We use a classical Skumanich-type braking law, and constant time-lag tidal theory to assess the characteristic timescale for orbital decay for the brown dwarf mass range as a function of the host properties. We find that F-type stars may host massive companions for a significantly longer time than G-type stars for a given orbital period, which may explain the paucity of G-type hosts for brown dwarfs with orbital period less than 5 days. On the other hand, we show that the small radius of early M-type stars contributes to orbital decay timescales that are only half those of F-type stars, despite their more efficient tidal dissipation and magnetic braking. For fully convective later type M-dwarfs, orbital decay timescales could be orders of magnitude greater than for F-type stars. For orbital periods greater than 10 days, brown dwarf occurrence should largely be unaffected by tidal decay, whatever the mass of the host. On closer orbital periods, the rapid engulfment of massive companions could explain the lack of G and K-type hosts in the sample of known systems with transiting brown dwarfs. However, the paucity of M-type hosts can not be an effect of tidal decay alone, but may be the result of a selection effect in the sample and/or the formation mechanism.
274 M-type Brown Dwarfs IDed
The Size and Shape of the Milky Way Disk and Halo from M-type Brown Dwarfs in the BoRG Survey
van Vledder et al
We have identified 274 M-type Brown Dwarfs in the Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) pure parallel fields from the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies (BoRG) survey for high redshift galaxies. These are near-infrared observations with multiple lines-of-sight out of our Milky Way. Using these observed M-type Brown Dwarfs we fitted a Galactic disk and halo model with a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis. This model worked best with the scale length of the disk fixed at h = 2.6 kpc. For the scale height of the disk, we found z0=0.29+0.02−0.019 kpc and for the central number density ρ0=0.29+0.20−0.13 #/pc3. For the halo we derived a flattening parameter κ = 0.45±0.04 and a power-law index p = 2.4±0.07. We found the fraction of M-type brown dwarfs in the local density that belong to the halo to be fh = 0.0075+0.0025−0.0019. We found no correlation between subtype of M-dwarf and any model parameters. The total number of M-type Brown Dwarfs in the disk and halo was determined to be 58.2+9.81−6.70×109. We found an upper limit for the fraction of M-type Brown Dwarfs in the halo of 7+5−4%. The upper limit for the total Galactic Disk mass in M-dwarfs is 4.34+0.73−0.5×109 M⊙, assuming all M-type Brown Dwarfs have a mass of 80MJ.
White Dwarf Star Steals Enough Material to Transform Star into Brown Dwarf
An irradiated brown-dwarf companion to an accreting white dwarf
Hernández Santisteban et al
Interacting compact binary systems provide a natural laboratory in which to study irradiated substellar objects. As the mass-losing secondary (donor) in these systems makes a transition from the stellar to the substellar regime, it is also irradiated by the primary (compact accretor)1, 2. The internal and external energy fluxes are both expected to be comparable in these objects, providing access to an unexplored irradiation regime. The atmospheric properties of donors are largely unknown3, but could be modified by the irradiation. To constrain models of donor atmospheres, it is necessary to obtain accurate observational estimates of their physical properties (masses, radii, temperatures and albedos). Here we report the spectroscopic detection and characterization of an irradiated substellar donor in an accreting white-dwarf binary system. Our near-infrared observations allow us to determine a model-independent mass estimate for the donor of 0.055 ± 0.008 solar masses and an average spectral type of L1 ± 1, supporting both theoretical predictions and model-dependent observational constraints that suggest that the donor is a brown dwarf. Our time-resolved data also allow us to estimate the average irradiation-induced temperature difference between the dayside and nightside of the substellar donor (57 kelvin) and the maximum difference between the hottest and coolest parts of its surface (200 kelvin). The observations are well described by a simple geometric reprocessing model with a bolometric (Bond) albedo of less than 0.54 at the 2σ confidence level, consistent with high reprocessing efficiency, but poor lateral heat redistribution in the atmosphere of the brown-dwarf donor4, 5. These results add to our knowledge of binary evolution, in that the donor has survived the transition from the stellar to the substellar regime, and of substellar atmospheres, in that we have been able to test a regime in which the irradiation and the internal energy of a brown dwarf are comparable.
brown dwarf,
L class,
L dwarf,
SDSS J143317.78+101123.3,
white dwarf,
white dwarf-brown dwarf binary
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Where are the Very Shot Period Hot Neptunes (II)?
On the origin of the sub-Jovian desert in the orbital-period--planetary-mass plane
Matsakos et al
Transit and radial velocity observations indicate a dearth of sub-Jupiter--mass planets on short-period orbits, outlined roughly by two oppositely sloped lines in the period--mass plane. We interpret this feature in terms of high-eccentricity migration of planets that arrive in the vicinity of the Roche limit, where their orbits are tidally circularized, long after the dispersal of their natal disk. We demonstrate that the two distinct segments of the boundary are a direct consequence of the different slopes of the empirical mass--radius relation for small and large planets, and show that this relation also fixes the mass coordinate of the intersection point. The period coordinate of this point, as well as the detailed shape of the lower boundary, can be reproduced with a plausible choice of a key parameter in the underlying migration model. The detailed shape of the upper boundary, on the other hand, is determined by the post-circularization tidal exchange of angular momentum with the star and can be reproduced with a stellar tidal quality factor Q′∗∼106.
Where are the Very Short Period hot Neptunes?
The dearth of short-period Neptunian exoplanets - a desert in the period-mass/radius planes
Mazeh et al
A few studies have noticed a significant dearth of Neptune-mass/radius exoplanets with orbital periods below 2--4 d. This cannot be explained by observational biases, as many Neptunian planets with longer orbital periods have been detected. The existence of this "desert" is similar to the appearance of the "brown-dwarf desert", which suggests different formation mechanisms of planets and stellar companions with short orbital periods. Similarly, the Neptunian desert could indicate different mechanisms of formation and evolution for hot Jupiters and short-period super-Earths. As done by Szab\'o & Kiss (2011), we study here the location and shape of the desert in both the period-mass and the period-radius planes, using the presently available large samples of planets. The desert in the period-mass plane has a relatively sharp upper edge, with planetary mass that is inversely proportional to the planetary orbital period, while the lower, somewhat blurred, boundary, is along mass that is apparently linearly proportional to the period. The desert in the period-radius plane of the transiting planets is less clear. It seems as if along the upper boundary the radius is inversely proportional to the period to the power of one third, while the lower boundary shows a radius that is proportional to the period to the power of two thirds. The combination of the two upper bounds of the desert, in the period-mass and period-radius planes, yields a planetary mass-radius relation of Rp/RJup≃(1.2±0.3)(Mp/MJup)0.27±0.11 for 0.1≲Mp/MJup≲1. The derived shape of the desert, which might extend up to periods of 5--10 d, could shed some light on the formation and evolution of close-in planets.
One Proposed Early Science Effort for JWST Will be Observing hot Jupiter WASP-62b's Atmosphere
Transiting Exoplanet Studies and Community Targets for JWST's Early Release Science Program
Stevenson et al
The James Webb Space Telescope will revolutionize transiting exoplanet atmospheric science due to its capability for continuous, long-duration observations and its larger collecting area, spectral coverage, and spectral resolution compared to existing space-based facilities. However, it is unclear precisely how well JWST will perform and which of its myriad instruments and observing modes will be best suited for transiting exoplanet studies. In this article, we describe a prefatory JWST Early Release Science (ERS) program that focuses on testing specific observing modes to quickly give the community the data and experience it needs to plan more efficient and successful future transiting exoplanet characterization programs. We propose a multi-pronged approach wherein one aspect of the program focuses on observing transits of a single target with all of the recommended observing modes to identify and understand potential systematics, compare transmission spectra at overlapping and neighboring wavelength regions, confirm throughputs, and determine overall performances. In our search for transiting exoplanets that are well suited to achieving these goals, we identify 12 objects (dubbed "community targets") that meet our defined criteria. Currently, the most favorable target is WASP-62b because of its large predicted signal size, relatively bright host star, and location in JWST's continuous viewing zone. Since most of the community targets do not have well-characterized atmospheres, we recommend initiating preparatory observing programs to determine the presence of obscuring clouds/hazes within their atmospheres. Measurable spectroscopic features are needed to establish the optimal resolution and wavelength regions for exoplanet characterization. Other initiatives from our proposed ERS program include testing the instrument brightness limits and performing phase-curve observations.
gas giants,
giant planets,
hot jupiters,
space telescope,
transit spectra,
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Vampre Star (White Dwarf) Turns Binary Companion into Zombie (Brown Dwarf)
Astronomers have detected a sub-stellar object that used to be a star, after being consumed by its white dwarf companion.
An international team of astronomers made the discovery by observing a very faint binary system, J1433 which is located 730 light-years away. The system consists of a low-mass object - about 60 times the mass of Jupiter - in an extremely tight 78-minute orbit around a white dwarf (the remnant of a star like our Sun).
Due to their close proximity, the white dwarf strips mass from its low-mass companion. This process has removed about 90 per cent of the mass of the companion, turning it from a star into a brown dwarf.
Most brown dwarfs are 'failed stars', objects that were born with too little mass to shine brightly by fusing hydrogen in their cores. By contrast, the brown dwarf in this system was born as a full-fledged star, but has been stripped to its current mass by billions of years of stellar cannibalism.
Kepler-167e: the FIrst Transiting Jupiter Analog
A Transiting Jupiter Analog
Kipping et al
Decadal-long radial velocity surveys have recently started to discover analogs to the most influential planet of our solar system, Jupiter. Detecting and characterizing these worlds is expected to shape our understanding of our uniqueness in the cosmos. Despite the great successes of recent transit surveys, Jupiter analogs represent a terra incognita, owing to the strong intrinsic bias of this method against long orbital periods. We here report on the first validated transiting Jupiter analog, Kepler-167e (KOI-490.02), discovered using Kepler archival photometry orbiting the K4-dwarf KIC-3239945. With a radius of (0.91±0.02) RJup, a low orbital eccentricity (0.06+0.10−0.04) and an equilibrium temperature of (131±3) K, Kepler-167e bears many of the basic hallmarks of Jupiter. Kepler-167e is accompanied by three Super-Earths on compact orbits, which we also validate, leaving a large cavity of transiting worlds around the habitable-zone. With two transits and continuous photometric coverage, we are able to uniquely and precisely measure the orbital period of this post snow-line planet ($1071.2323\pm0.0006d),pavingthewayforfollow−upofthisK=11.8$ mag target.
gas giants,
giant planets,
jupiter analog,
K dwarf exoplanets,
transit detection
A Super-Jupiter Microlens Planet
A Super-Jupiter Microlens Planet Characterized by High-Cadence KMTNet Microlensing Survey Observations
Shin et al
We report the characterization of a massive planet m_p=4.4 +- 1.6 M_jup orbiting an M dwarf host M=0.37 +- 0.14 M_sun at a distance of 0.6 +- 0.3 kpc toward the Galactic bulge, with planet host projected separation a_perp ~ 1.2 AU. The characterization was made possible by the wide-field (4 deg^2) high cadence (6/hr) monitoring of the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet), which had two of its three telescopes in commissioning operations at the time of the planetary anomaly. The source crossing time, t_* ~ 16 min, is among the shortest ever published. The high-cadence, wide-field observations that are the hallmark of KMTNet are the only way to routinely capture such short crossings. High-cadence resolution of short caustic crossings will preferentially lead to mass and distance measurements for the lens. This is because the short crossing time typically implies a nearby lens, which enables the measurement of additional effects (bright lens and/or microlens parallax). When combined with the measured crossing time, these effects can yield complete solutions.
Looking for Exoplanets Past the Snowline
Transiting Planet Candidates Beyond the Snow Line Detected by Visual Inspection of 7557 Kepler Objects of Interest
Uehara et al
We visually inspected the light curves of 7557 Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) to search for single transit events (STEs) possibly due to long-period giant planets. We identified 28 STEs in 24 KOIs, among which 14 events are newly reported in this paper. We estimate the radius and orbital period of the objects causing STEs by fitting the STE light curves simultaneously with the transits of the other planets in the system or with the prior information on the host star density. As a result, we found that STEs in seven of those systems are consistent with Neptune- to Jupiter-sized objects of orbital periods ranging from a few to ∼ 20yr. We also estimate that ≳20% of the compact multi-transiting systems host cool giant planets with periods ≳3yr on the basis of their occurrence in the KOIs with multiple candidates, assuming the small mutual inclination between inner and outer planetary orbits.
exoplanet detection,
gas giants,
giant planets,
light curves,
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Attempting to Explain the Kepler-223 System
The four planets of the Kepler-223 star system seem to have little in common with the planets of Earth's own solar system. And yet a new study shows that the Kepler-223 system is trapped in an orbital configuration that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune may have broken from in the early history of the solar system.
"Exactly how and where planets form is an outstanding question in planetary science," said the study's lead author, Sean Mills, a graduate student in astronomy & astrophysics at the University of Chicago. "Our work essentially tests a model for planet formation for a type of planet we don't have in our solar system."
These puffy, gaseous planets, far more massive than Earth, orbit close to their stars. "That's why there's a big debate about how they form, how they got there, and why don't we have one," Mills said.
Mills and his collaborators used brightness data from NASA's Kepler telescope to analyze how the four planets block the starlight and change each other's orbits, thus inferring the planets' sizes and masses. The team performed numerical simulations of planetary migration that generate this system's current architecture, similar to the migration suspected for the solar system's gas giants. These calculations are described in the May 11 Advance Online edition of Nature.
orbital mechanics,
system stability
Magnetic variability in the young solar analog KIC 10644253
Magnetic variability in the young solar analog KIC 10644253: Observations from the Kepler satellite and the HERMES spectrograph
Salabert et al
The continuous photometric observations collected by the Kepler satellite over 4 years provide a whelm of data with an unequalled quantity and quality for the study of stellar evolution of more than 200000 stars. Moreover, the length of the dataset provide a unique source of information to detect magnetic activity and associated temporal variability in the acoustic oscillations. In this regards, the Kepler mission was awaited with great expectation. The search for the signature of magnetic activity variability in solar-like pulsations still remained unfruitful more than 2 years after the end of the nominal mission. Here, however, we report the discovery of temporal variability in the low-degree acoustic frequencies of the young (1 Gyr-old) solar analog KIC 10644253 with a modulation of about 1.5 years with significant temporal variations along the duration of the Kepler observations. The variations are in agreement with the derived photometric activity. The frequency shifts extracted for KIC 10644253 are shown to result from the same physical mechanisms involved in the inner sub-surface layers as in the Sun. In parallel, a detailed spectroscopic analysis of KIC 10644253 is performed based on complementary ground-based, high-resolution observations collected by the HERMES instrument mounted on the MERCATOR telescope. Its lithium abundance and chromospheric activity S-index confirm that KIC 10644253 is a young and more active star than the Sun.
Stability of a planet in the HD 41004 binary system
Stability of a planet in the HD 41004 binary system
Satyal et al
The Hill stability criterion is applied to analyse the stability of a planet in the binary star system of HD 41004 AB, with the primary and secondary separated by 22 AU, and masses of 0.7 M⊙ and 0.4 M⊙, respectively. The primary hosts one planet in an S-type orbit, and the secondary hosts a brown dwarf (18.64 MJ) on a relatively close orbit, 0.0177 AU, thereby forming another binary pair within this binary system. This star-brown dwarf pair (HD 41004 B+Bb) is considered a single body during our numerical calculations, while the dynamics of the planet around the primary, HD 41004 Ab, is studied in different phase-spaces. HD 41004 Ab is a 2.6 MJ planet orbiting at the distance of 1.7 AU with orbital eccentricity 0.39. For the purpose of this study, the system is reduced to a three-body problem and is solved numerically as the elliptic restricted three-body problem (ERTBP). The Hill stability function is used as a chaos indicator to configure and analyse the orbital stability of the planet, HD 41004 Ab. The indicator has been effective in measuring the planet's orbital perturbation due to the secondary star during its periastron passage. The calculated Hill stability time series of the planet for the coplanar case shows the stable and quasi-periodic orbits for at least ten million years. For the reduced ERTBP the stability of the system is also studied for different values of planet's orbital inclination with the binary plane. Also, by recording the planet's ejection time from the system or collision time with a star during the integration period, stability of the system is analysed in a bigger phase-space of the planet's orbital inclination, ≤ 90°, and its semimajor axis, 1.65–1.75 AU. Based on our analysis it is found that the system can maintain a stable configuration for the planet's orbital inclination as high as 65° relative to the binary plane. The results from the Hill stability criterion and the planet's dynamical lifetime map are found to be consistent with each other.
gas giants,
giant planets,
HD 41004,
HD 41004Ab,
hill's radius,
hot jupiters,
system stability
Simulating Closely Packed Systems Over 14 Billion Years
Full-lifetime simulations of multiple unequal-mass planets across all phases of stellar evolution
Veras et al
We know that planetary systems are just as common around white dwarfs as around main sequence stars. However, self-consistently linking a planetary system across these two phases of stellar evolution through the violent giant branch poses computational challenges, and previous studies restricted architectures to equal-mass planets. Here, we remove this constraint and perform over 450 numerical integrations over a Hubble time (14 Gyr) of packed planetary systems with unequal-mass planets. We characterize the resulting trends as a function of planet order and mass. We find that intrusive radial incursions in the vicinity of the white dwarf become less likely as the dispersion amongst planet masses increases. The orbital meandering which may sustain a sufficiently dynamic environment around a white dwarf to explain observations is more dependent on the presence of terrestrial-mass planets than any variation in planetary mass. Triggering unpacking or instability during the white dwarf phase is comparably easy for systems of unequal-mass planets and systems of equal-mass planets; instabilities during the giant branch phase remain rare and require fine-tuning of initial conditions. We list the key dynamical features of each simulation individually as a potential guide for upcoming discoveries.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Hunting for Exoplanets in the Habitable Zones of Evolved Stars
All throughout the universe, there are stars in varying phases and ages. The oldest detected Kepler planets (exoplanets found using NASA's Kepler telescope) are about 11 billion years old, and the planetary diversity suggests that around other stars, such initially frozen worlds could be the size of Earth and could even provide habitable conditions once the star becomes older. Astronomers usually looked at middle-aged stars like our sun, but to find habitable worlds, one needs to look around stars of all ages.
In their work, Ramses M. Ramirez, research associate at Cornell's Carl Sagan Institute and Lisa Kaltenegger, associate professor of astronomy and director of the Carl Sagan Institute, have modeled the locations of the habitable zones for aging stars and how long planets can stay in it. Their research, "Habitable Zones of Post-Main Sequence Stars," is published in the Astrophysical Journal May 16.
The "habitable zone" is the region around a star in which water on a planet's surface is liquid and signs of life can be remotely detected by telescopes.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Earth's Solar Transit Zone
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Earth's Solar Transit Zone
Heller et al
Over the past few years, astronomers have detected thousands of planets and planet candidates by observing their periodic transits in front of their host stars. A related transit method, called transit spectroscopy, might soon allow studies of the chemical imprints of life in extrasolar planetary atmospheres. We here address the reciprocal question, namely, from where is Earth detectable by extrasolar observers using similar methods. Thus, we explore the Earth's transit zone (ETZ), the projection of a band around the Earth's ecliptic onto the celestial plane, where observers can detect Earth transits across the Sun. The ETZ is between 0.520∘ and 0.537∘ wide due to the non-circular Earth orbit. The restricted ETZ (rETZ), where the Earth transits the Sun less than 0.5 solar radii from its center, is about 0.262∘ wide. We compile a target list of 45 K and 37 G dwarf stars inside the rETZ and within 1 kiloparsec (about 3260 lightyears). We construct an analytic galactic disk model and find that about 105 K and G dwarf stars should reside within the rETZ. The ongoing GAIA space mission can potentially discover all G dwarfs among them (several 104) within the next five years. Many more potentially habitable planets orbit dim, unknown M stars in the ETZ and other stars that traversed the ETZ thousands of years ago. If any of these planets host intelligent observers, they could have identified Earth as a habitable or even as a living world long ago and we could be receiving their broadcasts today. The K2 mission, the Allen Telescope Array, and the upcoming Square Kilometer Array might detect such deliberate extraterrestrial messages.
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