Pursuing the planet-debris disk connection: Analysis of upper limits from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search
Wittenmeyer et al
Solid material in protoplanetary discs will suffer one of two fates after the epoch of planet formation; either being bound up into planetary bodies, or remaining in smaller planetesimals to be ground into dust. These end states are identified through detection of sub-stellar companions by periodic radial velocity (or transit) variations of the star, and excess emission at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths, respectively. Since the material that goes into producing the observable outcomes of planet formation is the same, we might expect these components to be related both to each other and their host star. Heretofore, our knowledge of planetary systems around other stars has been strongly limited by instrumental sensitivity. In this work, we combine observations at far-infrared wavelengths by IRAS, Spitzer, and Herschel with limits on planetary companions derived from non-detections in the 16-year Anglo-Australian Planet Search to clarify the architectures of these (potential) planetary systems and search for evidence of correlations between their constituent parts. We find no convincing evidence of such correlations, possibly owing to the dynamical history of the disk systems, or the greater distance of the planet-search targets. Our results place robust limits on the presence of Jupiter analogs which, in concert with the debris disk observations, provides insights on the small-body dynamics of these nearby systems.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Pursuing the Planet-debris Disk Connection
Modeling Non-isothermal Protoplanetary Disks
Gap formation and stability in non-isothermal protoplanetary discs
Les et al
Several observations of transition discs show lopsided dust-distributions. A potential explanation is the formation of a large-scale vortex acting as a dust-trap at the edge of a gap opened by a giant planet. Numerical models of gap-edge vortices have thus far employed locally isothermal discs, but the theory of this vortex-forming or `Rossby wave' instability was originally developed for adiabatic discs. We generalise the study of planetary gap stability to non-isothermal discs using customised numerical simulations of disc-planet systems where the planet opens an unstable gap. We include in the energy equation a simple cooling function with cooling timescale tc=βΩ−1k, where Ωk is the Keplerian frequency, and examine the effect of β on the stability of gap edges and vortex lifetimes. We find increasing β lowers the growth rate of non-axisymmetric perturbations, and the dominant azimuthal wavenumber m decreases. We find a quasi-steady state consisting of one large-scale, over-dense vortex circulating the outer gap edge, typically lasting O(103) orbits. Vortex lifetimes were found to generally increase with cooling times up to an optimal value, beyond which vortex lifetimes decrease. This non-monotonic dependence is qualitatively consistent with recent studies using strictly isothermal discs that vary the disc aspect ratio.
T Cha Exoplanet Detection a False Positive
New Spatially Resolved Observations of the T Cha Transition Disk and Constraints on the Previously Claimed Substellar Companion
Sallum et al
We present multi-epoch non-redundant masking observations of the T Cha transition disk, taken at the VLT and Magellan in H, Ks, and L' bands. T Cha is one of a small number of transition disks that host companion candidates discovered by high-resolution imaging techniques, with a putative companion at a position angle of 78 degrees, separation of 62 mas, and contrast at L' of 5.1 mag. We find comparable binary parameters in our re-reduction of the initial detection images, and similar parameters in the 2011 L', 2013 NaCo L', and 2013 NaCo Ks data sets. We find a close-in companion signal in the 2012 NaCo L' dataset that cannot be explained by orbital motion, and a non-detection in the 2013 MagAO/Clio2 L' data. However, Monte-carlo simulations show that the best fits to the 2012 NaCo and 2013 MagAO/Clio2 followup data may be consistent with noise. There is also a significant probability of false non-detections in both of these data sets. We discuss physical scenarios that could cause the best fits, and argue that previous companion and scattering explanations are inconsistent with the results of the much larger dataset presented here.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Does Near-Contact Binary Star System ZZ Eridani Have a Brown Dwarf Orbiting?
Samec et al
Complete Bessel BVRI light curves of ZZ Eridani [2MASS J04130109-1044545, HV 6280, NSVS 14888164 α(2000) = 04h13m1centerdots10, δ(2000) = −10°44'54centerdot''5 (ICRS), V = 13.9-14.4-15.0] are observed and analyzed. The system is a southern pre-contact W UMa binary. Its light curve has the appearance of an Algol (EA) light curve, however, it is made up of dwarf solar-type components with a period of only 0.4521 days. Our 34 year period study yields a sinusoidal fit or an increasing quadratic fit. The sinusoid may indicate that a third body is orbiting the close binary. The lower-limit mass of the third body is near that of the brown dwarf limit (0.095 M $\alpha $). Also included is an improved ephemeris, a mass ratio search, and a simultaneous BVRI Wilson–Devinney solution.
Six Exoplanets Giant Exoplanets & One Brown Dwarf Parameters Improved
Improved parameters of seven Kepler giant companions characterized with SOPHIE and HARPS-N
Bonomo et al
Radial-velocity observations of Kepler candidates obtained with the SOPHIE and HARPS-N spectrographs have permitted unveiling the nature of the five giant planets Kepler-41b, Kepler-43b, Kepler-44b, Kepler-74b, and Kepler-75b, the massive companion Kepler-39b, and the brown dwarf KOI-205b. These companions were previously characterized with long-cadence (LC) Kepler data. Here we aim at refining the parameters of these transiting systems by i) modelling the published radial velocities (RV) and Kepler short-cadence (SC) data that provide a much better sampling of the transits, ii) performing new spectral analyses of the SOPHIE and ESPaDOnS spectra, and iii) improving stellar rotation periods hence stellar age estimates through gyrochronology, when possible. Posterior distributions of the system parameters were derived with a differential evolution Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. Our main results are as follows: a) Kepler-41b is significantly larger and less dense than previously found because a lower orbital inclination is favoured by SC data. This also affects the determination of the geometric albedo that is lower than previously derived: Ag less than 0.135; b) Kepler-44b is moderately smaller and denser than reported in the discovery paper; c) good agreement was achieved with published Kepler-43, Kepler-75, and KOI-205 system parameters, although the host stars Kepler-75 and KOI-205 were found to be slightly richer in metals and hotter, respectively; d) the previously reported non-zero eccentricities of Kepler-39b and Kepler-74b might be spurious. If their orbits were circular, the two companions would be smaller and denser than in the eccentric case. The radius of Kepler-39b is still larger than predicted by theoretical isochrones. Its parent star is hotter and richer in metals than previously determined.
brown dwarf,
exoplanet characteristics,
gas giant,
giant planets,
Forming Brown Dwarf Binaries From Disintegrating Trinary Systems
Brown Dwarf Binaries from Disintegrating Triple Systems
Reipurth et al
We have carried out 200,000 N-body simulations of three identical stellar embryos with masses from a Chabrier IMF and embedded in a molecular core. The bodies are initially non-hierarchical and undergo chaotic motions, while accreting using Bondi-Hoyle accretion. The coupling of dynamics and accretion often leads to one or two dominant bodies controlling the center of the cloud core, while banishing the other(s) to the lower-density outskirts, leading to stunted growth. Eventually each system transforms either to a bound hierarchical configuration or breaks apart into separate single and binary components. The orbital motion is followed for 100 Myr. To illustrate the simulations we introduce the 'triple diagnostic diagram', which plots two dimensionless numbers against each other, representing the binary mass ratio and the mass ratio of the third body to the total system mass. Numerous freefloating BD binaries are formed in these simulations. The separation distribution function is in good correspondence with observations, showing a steep rise at close separations, peaking around 13 AU and then declining more gently. Unresolved BD triple systems may appear as wider BD binaries. Mass ratios are strongly peaked towards unity, as observed, but this is partially due to the initial assumptions. Eccentricities gradually increase towards higher values, due to the lack of viscous interactions in the simulations, which would both shrink the orbits and decrease their eccentricities. The main threat to newly born triple systems is internal instabilities, not external perturbations. Dynamical interactions in newborn triple systems of stellar embryos embedded in and accreting from a cloud core naturally form a population of freefloating BD binaries, and this mechanism may constitute a significant pathway for the formation of BD binaries.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Eccentric, Spin-orbit Synchronous Exoplanets may Have a Counterintuitive Warm Spots
Insolation patterns on eccentric exoplanets
Several studies have found that synchronously-rotating Earth-like planets in the habitable zones of M-dwarf stars should exhibit an “eyeball” climate pattern, with a pupil of open ocean facing the parent star, and ice everywhere else. Recent work on eccentric exoplanets by Wang et al. (Wang, Y., Tian, F., Hu, Y. [2014b] Astrophys. J. 791, L12) has extended this conclusion to the 2:1 spin–orbit resonance as well, where the planet rotates twice during one orbital period. However, Wang et al. also found that the 3:2 and 5:2 half-odd resonances produce a zonally-striped climate pattern with polar icecaps instead. Unfortunately, they used incorrect insolation functions for the 3:2 and 5:2 resonances whose long-term time averages are essentially independent of longitude.
This paper presents the correct insolation patterns for eccentric exoplanets with negligible obliquities in the 0:1, 1:2, 1:1, 3:2, 2:1, 5:2, 3:1, 7:2, and 4:1 spin–orbit resonances. I confirm that the mean insolation is distributed in an eyeball pattern for integer resonances; but for half-odd resonances, the mean insolation takes a “double-eyeball” pattern, identical over the “eastern” and “western” hemispheres. Presuming that liquids, ices, clouds, albedo, and thermal emission are similarly distributed, this has significant implications for the observation and interpretation of potentially habitable exoplanets.
Finally, whether a striped ball, eyeball, or double-eyeball pattern emerges, the possibility exists that long-term build-up of ice (or liquid) away from the hot spots may alter the planet’s inertia tensor and quadrupole moments enough to re-orient the planet, ultimately changing the distribution of liquid and ice.
eccentric orbit,
tidal locking
M Dwarfs may NOT be Able to Host Habitable Exoplanets due to EUV
An upper limit on the ratio between the Extreme Ultraviolet and the bolometric luminosities of stars hosting habitable planets
A large number of terrestrial planets in the habitable zone of stars of different age and luminosities has already been discovered and many are expected to be discovered in near future. However, owing to the lack of knowledge on the atmospheric properties, the ambient environment of such planets are unknown. It is known that sufficient amount of the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) radiation from the star can drive hydrodynamic outflow of hydrogen that may drag heavier species from the atmosphere of the planet. If the rate of mass loss is sufficiently high then substantial amount of volatiles would escape causing the planet to become inhabitable. Considering energy-limited hydrodynamical mass loss with an escape rate that causes oxygen to escape along with hydrogen, I present an upper limit for the ratio between the EUV and the bolometric luminosities of stars which constrains the habitability of planets around them . Application of the limit to planet-hosting stars with known EUV luminosities implies that many M-type of stars should not have habitable planets around them.
M Dwarfs may Produce Abiotic Oxygen in Carbon Dioxide Dominant Exoplanet Atmospheres
Stabilization of CO2 Atmospheres on Exoplanets around M Dwarf Stars
Gao et al
We investigate the chemical stability of CO2-dominated atmospheres of M dwarf terrestrial exoplanets using a 1-dimensional photochemical model. On planets orbiting Sun-like stars, the photolysis of CO2 by Far-UV (FUV) radiation is balanced by the reaction between CO and OH, the rate of which depends on H2O abundance. By comparison, planets orbiting M dwarf stars experience higher FUV radiation compared to planets orbiting Sun-like stars, and they are also likely to have low H2O abundance due to M dwarfs having a prolonged, high-luminosity pre-main sequence (Luger & Barnes 2015). We show that, for H2O-depleted planets around M dwarfs, a CO2-dominated atmosphere is stable to conversion to CO and O2 by relying on a catalytic cycle involving H2O2 photolysis. However, this cycle breaks down for planets with atmospheric hydrogen mixing ratios below ~1 ppm, resulting in ~40% of the atmospheric CO2 being converted to CO and O2 on a time scale of 1 Myr. The increased abundance of O2 also results in high O3 concentrations, which reacts with HO2 to generate OH, forming another catalytic cycle capable of stabilizing CO2. For atmospheres with less htan 0.1 ppm hydrogen, excess O atoms resulting from O3 photolysis react with CO and a third body to directly produce CO2. This series of catalytic cycles places an upper limit of ~50% on the amount of CO2 that can be destroyed via photolysis in such a dry atmosphere, which is enough to generate abundances of abiotic O2 and O3 rivaling that of modern Earth. Discrimination between O2 and O3 produced biologically and those produced abiotically through photolysis can perhaps be accomplished by noting the lack of water features in the spectra of these H2O-depleted planets, which necessitates observations in the infrared.
The Beginnings of Exoplanet Geophysics
Exoplanetary Geophysics -- An Emerging Discipline
Laughlin et al
Thousands of extrasolar planets have been discovered, and it is clear that the galactic planetary census draws on a diversity greatly exceeding that exhibited by the solar system's planets. We review significant landmarks in the chronology of extrasolar planet detection, and we give an overview of the varied observational techniques that are brought to bear. We then discuss the properties of the currently known distribution, using the mass-period diagram as a guide to delineating hot Jupiters, eccentric giant planets, and a third, highly populous, category that we term "ungiants", planets having masses less than 30 Earth masses and orbital periods less than 100 days. We then move to a discussion of the bulk compositions of the extrasolar planets. We discuss the long-standing problem of radius anomalies among giant planets, as well as issues posed by the unexpectedly large range in sizes observed for planets with masses somewhat greater than Earth's. We discuss the use of transit observations to probe the atmospheres of extrasolar planets; various measurements taken during primary transit, secondary eclipse, and through the full orbital period, can give clues to the atmospheric compositions, structures, and meteorologies. The extrasolar planet catalog, along with the details of our solar system and observations of star-forming regions and protoplanetary disks, provide a backdrop for a discussion of planet formation in which we review the elements of the favored pictures for how the terrestrial and giant planets were assembled. We conclude by listing several research questions that are relevant to the next ten years and beyond.
internal structure,
planetary structure
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Does the Presence of Exoplanets Affect the Formation of Kuiper Belts?
Does the presence of planets affect the frequency and properties of extrasolar Kuiper Belts? Results from the Herschel DEBRIS and DUNES surveys
Moro-Martin et al
The study of the planet-debris disk connection can shed light on the formation and evolution of planetary systems, and may help predict the presence of planets around stars with certain disk characteristics. In preliminary analyses of the Herschel DEBRIS and DUNES surveys, Wyatt et al. (2012) and Marshall et al. (2014) identified a tentative correlation between debris and low-mass planets. Here we use the cleanest possible sample out these surveys to assess the presence of such a correlation, discarding stars without known ages, with ages less than 1 Gyr and with binary companions less than 100 AU, to rule out possible correlations due to effects other than planet presence. In our sample of 204 FGK stars, we do not find evidence that debris disks are more common or more dusty around stars harboring high-mass or low-mass planets compared to a control sample without identified planets, nor that debris disks are more or less common (or more or less dusty) around stars harboring multiple planets compared to single-planet systems. Diverse dynamical histories may account for the lack of correlations. The data show the correlation between the presence of high-mass planets and stellar metallicity, but no correlation between the presence of low-mass planets or debris and stellar metallicity. Comparing the observed cumulative distribution of fractional luminosity to those expected from a Gaussian distribution, we find that a distribution centered on the Solar system's value fits well the data, while one centered at 10 times this value can be rejected. This is of interest in the context of future terrestrial planet characterization because it indicates that there are good prospects for finding a large number of debris disk systems (i.e. with evidence of harboring the building blocks of planets) with exozodiacal emission low enough to be appropriate targets for an ATLAST-type mission to search for biosignatures.
How the Kuiper Belt & Exoplanetary Kuiper Belts Form
Conglomeration of kilometre-sized planetesimals
Shannon et al
We study the efficiency of forming large bodies, starting from a sea of equal-sized planetesimals. This is likely one of the earlier steps of planet formation and relevant for the formation of the asteroid belt, the Kuiper belt and extra-solar debris disks. Here we consider the case that the seed planetesimals do not collide frequently enough for dynamical collisional to be important (the collisionless limit), using a newly constructed conglomeration code, and by carefully comparing numerical results with analytical scalings. In the absence of collisional cooling, as large bodies grow by accreting small bodies, the velocity dispersion of the small bodies (u) is increasingly excited. Growth passes from the well-known run-away stage (when u is higher than the big bodies' hill velocity) to the newly discovered trans-hill stage (when u and big bodies both grow, but u remains at the big bodies' hill velocity). We find, concurring with the analytical understandings developed in Lithwick (2014), as well as previous numerical studies, that a size spectrum dn/dR∝R−4 results, and that the formation efficiency, defined as mass fraction in bodies much larger than the initial size, is ∼afew×R⊙/a, or ∼10−3 at the distance of the Kuiper belt. We argue that this extreme inefficiency invalidates the conventional conglomeration model for the formation of both our Kuiper belt and extra-solar debris disks. New theories, possibly involving direct gravitational collapse, or strong collisional cooling of small planetesimals, are required.
The Formation of the Solar System
The formation of the solar system
Pfalzner et al
The solar system started to form about 4.56 Gyr ago and despite the long intervening time span, there still exist several clues about its formation. The three major sources for this information are meteorites, the present solar system structure and the planet-forming systems around young stars. In this introduction we give an overview of the current understanding of the solar system formation from all these different research fields. This includes the question of the lifetime of the solar protoplanetary disc, the different stages of planet formation, their duration, and their relative importance. We consider whether meteorite evidence and observations of protoplanetary discs point in the same direction. This will tell us whether our solar system had a typical formation history or an exceptional one. There are also many indications that the solar system formed as part of a star cluster. Here we examine the types of cluster the Sun could have formed in, especially whether its stellar density was at any stage high enough to influence the properties of today's solar system. The likelihood of identifying siblings of the Sun is discussed. Finally, the possible dynamical evolution of the solar system since its formation and its future are considered.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Do Giant Planets Block SuperEarths From Migrating Inward
Gas giant planets as dynamical barriers to inward-migrating super-Earths
Izidoro et al
Planets of 1-4 times Earth's size on orbits shorter than 100 days exist around 30-50% of all Sun-like stars. In fact, the Solar System is particularly outstanding in its lack of "hot super-Earths" (or "mini-Neptunes"). These planets -- or their building blocks -- may have formed on wider orbits and migrated inward due to interactions with the gaseous protoplanetary disk. Here, we use a suite of dynamical simulations to show that gas giant planets act as barriers to the inward migration of super-Earths initially placed on more distant orbits. Jupiter's early formation may have prevented Uranus and Neptune (and perhaps Saturn's core) from becoming hot super-Earths. Our model predicts that the populations of hot super-Earth systems and Jupiter-like planets should be anti-correlated: gas giants (especially if they form early) should be rare in systems with many hot super-Earths. Testing this prediction will constitute a crucial assessment of the validity of the migration hypothesis for the origin of close-in super-Earths.
exoplanet migration,
gas giant,
giant planets,
A Continuum of Planet Formation Between 1 and 4 Earth Radii
A Continuum of Planet Formation Between 1 and 4 Earth Radii
It has long been known that stars with high metallicity are more likely to host giant planets than stars with low metallicity. Yet the connection between host star metallicity and the properties of small planets is only just beginning to be investigated. It has recently been argued that the metallicity distribution of stars with exoplanet candidates identified by Kepler provides evidence for three distinct clusters of exoplanets, distinguished by planet radius boundaries at 1.7 R_Earth and 3.9 R_Earth. This would suggest that there are three distinct planet formation pathways for super-Earths, mini-Neptunes, and giant planets. However, as I show through three independent analyses, there is actually no evidence for the proposed radius boundary at 1.7 R_Earth. On the other hand, a more rigorous calculation demonstrates that a single, continuous relationship between planet radius and metallicity is a better fit to the data. The planet radius and metallicity data therefore provides no evidence for distinct categories of small planets. This suggests that the planet formation process in a typical protoplanetary disk produces a continuum of planet sizes between 1 R_Earth and 4 R_Earth. As a result, the currently available planet radius and metallicity data for solar-metallicity F and G stars give no reason to expect that the amount of solid material in a protoplanetary disk determines whether super-Earths or mini-Neptunes are formed.
Kepler-444: an 11 Billion+ Year Old System With Five sub Earth Class Exoplanets
An ancient extrasolar system with five sub-Earth-size planets
Campante et al
The chemical composition of stars hosting small exoplanets (with radii less than four Earth radii) appears to be more diverse than that of gas-giant hosts, which tend to be metal-rich. This implies that small, including Earth-size, planets may have readily formed at earlier epochs in the Universe's history when metals were more scarce. We report Kepler spacecraft observations of Kepler-444, a metal-poor Sun-like star from the old population of the Galactic thick disk and the host to a compact system of five transiting planets with sizes between those of Mercury and Venus. We validate this system as a true five-planet system orbiting the target star and provide a detailed characterization of its planetary and orbital parameters based on an analysis of the transit photometry. Kepler-444 is the densest star with detected solar-like oscillations. We use asteroseismology to directly measure a precise age of 11.2+/-1.0 Gyr for the host star, indicating that Kepler-444 formed when the Universe was less than 20% of its current age and making it the oldest known system of terrestrial-size planets. We thus show that Earth-size planets have formed throughout most of the Universe's 13.8-billion-year history, leaving open the possibility for the existence of ancient life in the Galaxy. The age of Kepler-444 not only suggests that thick-disk stars were among the hosts to the first Galactic planets, but may also help to pinpoint the beginning of the era of planet formation.
G dwarf exoplanets,
terrestrial planets
Monday, January 26, 2015
Examing Host Stars XO-2N and XO-2S
Abundance Differences Between Exoplanet Binary Host Stars XO-2N and XO-2S -- Dependence on Stellar Parameters
Teske et al
The chemical composition of exoplanet host stars is an important factor in understanding the formation and characteristics of their orbiting planets. The best example of this to date is the planet-metallicity correlation. Other proposed correlations are thus far less robust, in part due to uncertainty in the chemical history of stars pre- and post-planet formation. Binary host stars of similar type present an opportunity to isolate the effects of planets on host star abundances. Here we present a differential elemental abundance analysis of the XO-2 stellar binary, in which both G9 stars host giant planets, one of which is transiting. Building on our previous work, we report 16 elemental abundances and compare the Δ(XO-2N-XO-S) values to elemental condensation temperatures. The Δ(N-S) values and slopes with condensation temperature resulting from four different pairs of stellar parameters are compared to explore the effects of changing the relative temperature and gravity of the stars. We find that most of the abundance differences between the stars depend on the chosen stellar parameters, but that Fe, Si, and potentially Ni are consistently enhanced in XO-2N regardless of the chosen stellar parameters. This study emphasizes the power of binary host star abundance analysis for probing the effects of giant planet formation, but also illustrates the potentially large uncertainties in abundance differences and slopes induced by changes in stellar temperature and gravity.
binary star systems,
circumbinary systems,
host stars,
S type circumbinary systems,
Massive Rings of J1407b Dwarf Saturn's, Sculpted by Giant ExoMoon?
Modeling giant extrasolar ring systems in eclipse and the case of J1407b: sculpting by exomoons?
Kenworthy et al
The light curve of 1SWASP J140747.93-394542.6, a ∼16 Myr old star in the Sco-Cen OB association, underwent a complex series of deep eclipses that lasted 56 days, centered on April 2007. This light curve is interpreted as the transit of a giant ring system that is filling up a fraction of the Hill sphere of an unseen secondary companion, J1407b. We fit the light curve with a model of an azimuthally symmetric ring system, including spatial scales down to the temporal limit set by the star's diameter and relative velocity. The best ring model has 37 rings and extends out to a radius of 0.6 AU (90 million km), and the rings have an estimated total mass on the order of 100MMoon. The ring system has one clearly defined gap at 0.4 AU (61 million km), which we hypothesize is being cleared out by a less than 0.8M⊕ exosatellite orbiting around J1407b. This eclipse and model implies that we are seeing a circumplanetary disk undergoing a dynamic transition to an exosatellite-sculpted ring structure and is one of the first seen outside our Solar system.
circumplanetary disks,
The XO-2 Binary Exoplanetary S-Type System Given Comprehensive Analysis
The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N@TNG V. A comprehensive analysis of the XO-2 stellar and planetary systems
Damasso et al
XO-2 is the first confirmed wide stellar binary system where the almost twin components XO-2N and XO-2S have planets. This stimulated a detailed characterization study of the stellar and planetary components based on new observations. We collected high-resolution spectra with the HARPS-N spectrograph and multi-band light curves. Spectral analysis led to an accurate determination of the stellar atmospheric parameters and characterization of the stellar activity. We collected 14 transit light curves of XO-2Nb used to improve the transit parameters. Photometry provided accurate magnitude differences between the stars and a measure of their rotation periods. The iron abundance of XO-2N was found to be +0.054 dex greater, within more than 3-sigma, than that of XO-2S. We confirm a long-term variation in the radial velocities of XO-2N, and we detected a turn-over with respect to previous measurements. We suggest the presence of a second massive companion in an outer orbit or the stellar activity cycle as possible causes of the observed acceleration. The latter explanation seems more plausible with the present dataset. We obtained an accurate value of the projected spin-orbit angle for the XO-2N system (lambda=7+/-11 degrees), and estimated the real 3-D spin-orbit angle (psi=27 +12/-27 degrees). We measured the XO-2 rotation periods, and found a value of P=41.6 days in the case of XO-2N, in excellent agreement with the predictions. The period of XO-2S appears shorter, with an ambiguity between 26 and 34.5 days that we cannot solve with the present dataset alone. XO-2N appears to be more active than the companion, and this could be due to the fact that we sampled different phases of their activity cycle, or to an interaction between XO-2N and its hot Jupiter that we could not confirm.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
M Dwarf Stellar Activity Will Cause False Positives With Radial Velocity Exoplanet Detection
Stellar activity as noise in exoplanet detection II. Application to M dwarfs
Andersen et al
The ubiquity of M dwarf stars combined with their low masses and luminosities make them prime targets in the search for nearby, habitable exoplanets. We investigate the effects of starspot-induced radial velocity (RV) jitter on detection and characterization of planets orbiting M dwarfs. We create surface spot configurations with both random spot coverage and active regions. Synthetic stellar spectra are calculated from a given spot map, and RV measurements are obtained using cross-correlation technique. We add the RV signal of an orbiting planet to these jitter measurements, and reduce the data to "measure" the planetary parameters. We investigate the detectability of planets around M dwarfs of different activity levels, and the recovery of input planetary parameters. When studying the recovery of the planetary period we note that while our original orbital radius places the planet inside the HZ of its star, even at a filling factor of 2% a few of our measurements fall outside the "conservative Habitable Zone". Higher spot filling factors result in more and higher deviations. Our investigations suggest that caution should be used when characterizing planets discovered with the RV method around stars that are (or are potentially) active.
Stellar Activity as Noise in Exoplanet Detection for Sun-like Stars
Stellar activity as noise in exoplanet detection I. Methods and application to solar-like stars and activity cycles
Korhonen et al
The detection of exoplanets using any method is prone to confusion due to the intrinsic variability of the host star. We investigate the effect of cool starspots on the detectability of the exoplanets around solar-like stars using the radial velocity method. For investigating this activity-caused "jitter" we calculate synthetic spectra using radiative transfer, known stellar atomic and molecular lines, different surface spot configurations, and an added planetary signal. Here, the methods are described in detail, tested and compared to previously published studies. The methods are also applied to investigate the activity jitter in old and young solar-like stars, and over a solar-like activity cycles. We find that the mean full jitter amplitude obtained from the spot surfaces mimicking the solar activity varies during the cycle approximately between 1 m/s and 9 m/s. With a realistic observing frequency a Neptune mass planet on a one year orbit can be reliably recovered. On the other hand, the recovery of an Earth mass planet on a similar orbit is not feasible with high significance. The methods developed in this study have a great potential for doing statistical studies of planet detectability, and also for investigating the effect of stellar activity on recovered planetary parameters.
exoplanet detection,
g dwarf,
stellar activity
Sequential Covariance Calculation for Exoplanet Image Processing
Sequential Covariance Calculation for Exoplanet Image Processing
Savransky et al
Direct imaging of exoplanets involves the extraction of very faint signals from highly noisy data sets, with noise that often exhibits significant spatial, spectral and temporal correlations. As a results, a large number of post-processing algorithms have been developed in order to optimally decorrelate the signal from the noise. In this paper, we explore four such closely related algorithms, all of which depend heavily on the calculation of covariances between large data sets of imaging data. We discuss the similarities and differences between these methods, and demonstrate how the use sequential calculation techniques can significantly improve their computational efficiencies.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Does Class Oe Star HD 60848 Have a Protoplanetary Disk?
Spectroscopic variability of two Oe stars
Rauw et al
The Oe stars HD45314 and HD60848 have recently been found to exhibit very different X-ray properties: whilst HD60848 has an X-ray spectrum and emission level typical of most OB stars, HD45314 features a much harder and brighter X-ray emission, making it a so-called gamma Cas analogue. Monitoring the optical spectra could provide hints towards the origin of these very different behaviours. We analyse a large set of spectroscopic observations of HD45314 and HD60848, extending over 20 years. We further attempt to fit the H-alpha line profiles of both stars with a simple model of emission line formation in a Keplerian disk. Strong variations in the strengths of the H-alpha, H-beta, and He I 5876 emission lines are observed for both stars. In the case of HD60848, we find a time lag between the variations in the equivalent widths of these lines. The emission lines are double peaked with nearly identical strengths of the violet and red peaks. The H-alpha profile of this star can be successfully reproduced by our model of a disk seen under an inclination of 30 degrees. In the case of HD45314, the emission lines are highly asymmetric and display strong line profile variations. We find a major change in behaviour between the 2002 outburst and the one observed in 2013. This concerns both the relationship between the equivalent widths of the various lines and their morphologies at maximum strength (double-peaked in 2002 versus single-peaked in 2013). Our simple disk model fails to reproduce the observed H-alpha line profiles of HD45314. Our results further support the interpretation that Oe stars do have decretion disks similar to those of Be stars. Whilst the emission lines of HD60848 are explained by a disk with a Keplerian velocity field, the disk of HD45314 seems to have a significantly more complex velocity field that could be related to the phenomenon that produces its peculiar X-ray emission.
Exoplanet Detected in OPH IRS 48's Protoplanetary Disk?
Follette et al
We present the first resolved near-infrared imagery of the transition disk Oph IRS 48 (WLY 2-48), which was recently observed with ALMA to have a strongly asymmetric submillimeter flux distribution. H-band polarized intensity images show a ~60 AU radius scattered light cavity with two pronounced arcs of emission, one from northeast to southeast and one smaller, fainter, and more distant arc in the northwest. K-band scattered light imagery reveals a similar morphology, but with a clear third arc along the southwestern rim of the disk cavity. This arc meets the northwestern arc at nearly a right angle, revealing the presence of a spiral arm or local surface brightness deficit in the disk, and explaining the east-west brightness asymmetry in the H-band data. We also present 0.8-5.4 μm IRTF SpeX spectra of this object, which allow us to constrain the spectral class to A0 ± 1 and measure a low mass accretion rate of 10–8.5 M ☉ yr–1, both consistent with previous estimates. We investigate a variety of reddening laws in order to fit the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution of Oph IRS 48 and find a best fit consistent with a younger, higher luminosity star than previous estimates.
Class O Protostar IRAS 16547−4247 has a Compact, hot Protoplanetary Disk
ALMA reveals a candidate hot and compact disc around the O-type protostar IRAS 16547−4247
Zapata et al
We present high angular resolution (∼0.3 arcsec) submillimeter continuum (0.85 mm) and line observations of the O-type protostar IRAS 16547−4247 carried out with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA). In the 0.85 mm continuum band, the observations revealed two compact sources (with a separation of 2 arcsec), one of them associated with IRAS 16547−4247, and the other one to the west. Both sources are well-resolved angularly, revealing a clumpy structure. On the other hand, the line observations revealed a rich variety of molecular species related to both continuum sources. In particular, we found a large number of S-bearing molecules, such as the rare molecule methyl mercaptan (CH3SH). At scales larger than 10 000 au, molecules (e.g. SO2 or OCS) mostly with low-excitation temperatures in the upper states (Ek ≲ 300 K) are present in both millimeter continuum sources, and show a south-east–north-west velocity gradient of 7 km s− 1 over 3 arcsec (165 km s−1 pc−1). We suggest that this gradient probably is produced by the thermal (free–free) jet emerging from this object with a similar orientation at the base. At much smaller scales (about 1000 au), molecules with high-excitation temperatures (Ek ≳ 500 K) are tracing a rotating structure elongated perpendicular to the orientation of the thermal jet, which we interpret as a candidate disc surrounding IRAS 16547−4247. The dynamical mass corresponding to the velocity gradient of the candidate to disc is about 20 M⊙, which is consistent with the bolometric luminosity of IRAS 16547−4247.
IRAS 16547−4247,
o class star,
protoplanetary disks,
Friday, January 23, 2015
Very low Mass Brown Dwarf CT Chamaeleontis B Better Characterized
New Extinction and Mass Estimates from Optical Photometry of the Very Low Mass Brown Dwarf Companion CT Chamaeleontis B with the Magellan AO System
Wu et al
We used the Magellan adaptive optics (MagAO) system and its VisAO CCD camera to image the young low mass brown dwarf companion CT Chamaeleontis B for the first time at visible wavelengths. We detect it at r', i', z', and Ys. With our new photometry and Teff~2500 K derived from the shape its K-band spectrum, we find that CT Cha B has Av = 3.4+/-1.1 mag, and a mass of 14-24 Mj according to the DUSTY evolutionary tracks and its 1-5 Myr age. The overluminosity of our r' detection indicates that the companion has significant Halpha emission and a mass accretion rate ~6*10^-10 Msun/yr, similar to some substellar companions. Proper motion analysis shows that another point source within 2" of CT Cha A is not physical. This paper demonstrates how visible wavelength AO photometry (r', i', z', Ys) allows for a better estimate of extinction, luminosity, and mass accretion rate of young substellar companions.
binary star systems,
brown dwarf,
CT Chamaeleontis B
How to Form a Brown Dwarf
Characterizing the brown dwarf formation channels from the IMF and binary-star dynamics
Thies et al
The stellar initial mass function (IMF) is a key property of stellar populations. There is growing evidence that the classical star-formation mechanism by the direct cloud fragmentation process has difficulties to reproduce the observed abundance and binary properties of brown dwarfs and very-low-mass stars. In particular, recent analytical derivations of the stellar IMF exhibit a deficit of brown dwarfs compared to observational data. Here we derive the residual mass function of brown dwarfs as an empirical measure of the brown dwarf deficiency in recent star-formation models with respect to observations and show that it is compatible with the substellar part of the Thies-Kroupa-IMF and the mass function obtained by numerical simulations. We conclude that the existing models may be further improved by including a substellar correction term accounting for additional formation channels like disk or filament fragmentation. The term "peripheral fragmentation" is introduced here for such additional formation channels. In addition, we present an updated analytical model of stellar and substellar binarity. The resulting binary fraction as well as the dynamically evolved companion mass-ratio distribution are in good agreement with observational data on stellar and very-low-mass binaries in the Galactic field, in clusters, and in dynamically unprocessed groups of stars if all stars form as binaries with stellar companions. Cautionary notes are given on the proper analysis of mass functions and the companion-mass-ratio distribution and the interpretation of the results. The existence of accretion disks around young brown dwarfs does not imply these form just like stars in direct fragmentation.
The Strange Case of OGLE-2013-BLG-0102: Two Brown Dwarfs on at the far Ends of the BD Spectrum Boundaries
Jung et al
We present an analysis of the gravitational microlensing event OGLE-2013-BLG-0102. The light curve of the event is characterized by a strong short-term anomaly superposed on a smoothly varying lensing curve with a moderate magnification A max ~ 1.5. It is found that the event was produced by a binary lens with a mass ratio between the components of q = 0.13 and the anomaly was caused by the passage of the source trajectory over a caustic located away from the barycenter of the binary. Based on the analysis of the effects on the light curve due to the finite size of the source and the parallactic motion of the Earth, we determine the physical parameters of the lens system. The measured masses of the lens components are M 1 = 0.096 ± 0.013 M ☉ and M 2 = 0.012 ± 0.002 M ☉, which correspond to near the hydrogen-burning and deuterium-burning mass limits, respectively. The distance to the lens is 3.04 ± 0.31 kpc and the projected separation between the lens components is 0.80 ± 0.08 AU.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
New Technique Detects Cool M Dwarf Habitable Zone Terrestrial Exoplanets
Demonstration of a Near-IR Laser Comb for Precision Radial Velocity Measurements in Astronomy
Yi et al
We describe a successful effort to produce a laser comb around 1.55 μm in the astronomical H band using a method based on a line-referenced, electro-optical-modulation frequency comb. We discuss the experimental setup, laboratory results, and proof of concept demonstrations at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) and the Keck-II telescope. The laser comb has a demonstrated stability of less than 200 kHz, corresponding to a Doppler precision of ~0.3 m/s. This technology, when coupled with a high spectral resolution spectrograph, offers the promise of less than 1 m/s radial velocity precision suitable for the detection of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones of cool M-type stars.
SuperEarths may Have Long Lived Lava Oceans
Shock compression of stishovite and melting of silica at planetary interior conditions
Millot et al
Deep inside planets, extreme density, pressure, and temperature strongly modify the properties of the constituent materials. In particular, how much heat solids can sustain before melting under pressure is key to determining a planet’s internal structure and evolution. We report laser-driven shock experiments on fused silica, α-quartz, and stishovite yielding equation-of-state and electronic conductivity data at unprecedented conditions and showing that the melting temperature of SiO2 rises to 8300 K at a pressure of 500 gigapascals, comparable to the core-mantle boundary conditions for a 5–Earth mass super-Earth. We show that mantle silicates and core metal have comparable melting temperatures above 500 to 700 gigapascals, which could favor long-lived magma oceans for large terrestrial planets with implications for planetary magnetic-field generation in silicate magma layers deep inside such planets.
internal structure,
planetary structure,
How Common are Earth and SuperEarth Exoplanets in M Dwarf Habitable Zones?
The Occurrence of Potentially Habitable Planets Orbiting M Dwarfs Estimated from the Full Kepler Dataset and an Empirical Measurement of the Detection Sensitivity
Dressing et al
We present an improved estimate of the occurrence rate of small planets around small stars by searching the full four-year Kepler data set for transiting planets using our own planet detection pipeline and conducting transit injection and recovery simulations to empirically measure the search completeness of our pipeline. We identified 157 planet candidates, including 2 objects that were not previously identified as Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs). We inspected all publicly available follow-up images, observing notes, and centroid analyses, and corrected for the likelihood of false positives. We evaluate the sensitivity of our detection pipeline on a star-by-star basis by injecting 2000 transit signals in the light curve of each target star. For periods shorter than 50 days, we found an occurrence rate of 0.57 (+0.06/-0.05) Earth-size planets (1-1.5 Earth radii) and 0.51 (+0.07/-0.06) super-Earths (1.5-2 Earth radii) per M dwarf. Within a conservatively defined habitable zone based on the moist greenhouse inner limit and maximum greenhouse outer limit, we estimate an occurrence rate of 0.18 (+0.18/-0.07) Earth-size planets and 0.11 (+0.10/-0.05) super-Earths per M dwarf habitable zone. Accounting for the cooling effect of clouds by doubling the insolation limit at the inner edge of the habitable zone results in a higher occurrence rate of 0.27 (+0.16/-0.09) Earth-size planets and 0.25 (+0.11/- 0.07) super-Earths per M dwarf habitable zone.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
NN Serpentis as an Example of Exoplanetary Formation for Post-common-envelope Binaries?
Planet formation in post-common-envelope binaries
Schleicher et al
To understand the evolution of planetary systems, it is important to investigate planets in highly evolved stellar systems, and to explore the implications of their observed properties with respect to potential formation scenarios. Observations suggest the presence of giant planets in post-common-envelope binaries (PCEBs). A particularly well-studied system with planetary masses of 1.7 M_J and 7.0 M_J is NN Ser. We show here that a pure first-generation scenario where the planets form before the common envelope (CE) phase and the orbits evolve due to the changes in the gravitational potential is inconsistent with the current data. We propose a second-generation scenario where the planets are formed from the material that is ejected during the CE, which may naturally explain the observed planetary masses. In addition, hybrid scenarios where the planets form before the CE and evolve due to the accretion of the ejected gas appear as a realistic possibility.
Planetary Systems in Star Clusters
Planetary Systems in Star Clusters
Cai et al
In the solar neighborhood, where the typical relaxation timescale is larger than the cosmic age, at least 10\% to 15\% of Sun-like stars have planetary systems with Jupiter-mass planets. In contrast, dense star clusters, charactered by frequent close encounters, have been found to host very few planets. We carry out numerical simulations with different initial conditions to investigate the dynamical stability of planetary systems in star cluster environments.
Cool Star Exoplanets are Spin-Orbit Aligned, Hot Star Exoplanets Have High Obliquity
Photometric Amplitude Distribution of Stellar Rotation of Kepler KOIs-Indication for Spin-Orbit Alignment of Cool Stars and High Obliquity for Hot Stars
Mazeh et al
The observed amplitude of the rotational photometric modulation of a star with spots should depend on the inclination of its rotational axis relative to our line of sight. Therefore, the distribution of observed rotational amplitudes of a large sample of stars depends on the distribution of their projected axes of rotation. Thus, comparison of the stellar rotational amplitudes of the Kepler KOIs with those of Kepler single stars can provide a measure to indirectly infer the properties of the spin-orbit obliquity of Kepler planets. We apply this technique to the large samples of 993 KOIs and 33,614 single Kepler stars in temperature range of 3500-6500 K. We find with high significance that the amplitudes of cool KOIs are larger, on the order of 10%, than those of the single stars. In contrast, the amplitudes of hot KOIs are systematically lower. After correcting for an observational bias, we estimate that the amplitudes of the hot KOIs are smaller than the single stars by about the same factor of 10%. The border line between the relatively larger and smaller amplitudes, relative to the amplitudes of the single stars, occurs at about 6000K. Our results suggest that the cool stars have their planets aligned with their stellar rotation, while the planets around hot stars have large obliquities, consistent with the findings of Winn et al. (2010) and Albrecht et al. (2012). We show that the low obliquity of the planets around cool stars extends up to at least 50 days, a feature that is not expected in the framework of a model that assumes the low obliquity is due to planet-star tidal realignment.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
HD 128311 Exoplanetary System Reexamined
Reanalysis of radial velocity data from the resonant planetary system HD128311
Rein et al
The multi-planetary system HD128311 hosts at least two planets. Its dynamical formation history has been studied extensively in the literature. We reanalyse the latest radial velocity data for this system with the affine-invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler EMCEE. Using the high order integrator IAS15, we perform a fully dynamical fit, allowing the planets to interact during the sampling process. A stability analysis using the MEGNO indicator reveals that the system is located in a stable island of the parameter space. In contrast to a previous study, we find that the system is locked in a 2:1 mean motion resonance. The resonant angle φ1 is librating with a libration amplitude of approximately 37{\deg}. The existence of mean motion resonances has important implication for planet formation theories. Our results confirm predictions of models involving planet migration and stochastic forces.
Giant Star HD 145934 has a 2 Jupiter Mass Gas Giant in a 7 1/2 Year Orbit (plus updates to seven other exoplanet systems)
The California Planet Survey IV: A Planet Orbiting the Giant Star HD 145934 and Updates to Seven Systems with Long-Period Planets
Feng et al
We present an update to seven stars with long-period planets or planetary candidates using new and archival radial velocities from Keck-HIRES and literature velocities from other telescopes. Our updated analysis better constrains orbital parameters for these planets, four of which are known multi-planet systems. HD 24040 b and HD 183263 c are super-Jupiters with circular orbits and periods longer than 8 yr. We present a previously unseen linear trend in the residuals of HD 66428 indicative on an additional planetary companion. We confirm that GJ 849 is a multi-planet system and find a good orbital solution for the c component: it is a 1MJup planet in a 15 yr orbit (the longest known for a planet orbiting an M dwarf). We update the HD 74156 double-planet system. We also announce the detection of HD 145934 b, a 2MJup planet in a 7.5 yr orbit around a giant star. Two of our stars, HD 187123 and HD 217107, at present host the only known examples of systems comprising a hot Jupiter and a planet with a well constrained period greater than 5 yr, and with no evidence of giant planets in between. Our enlargement and improvement of long-period planet parameters will aid future analysis of origins, diversity, and evolution of planetary systems.
D 24040b,
gas giant,
giant stars,
gliese 849,
gliese 849c,
HD 145934b,
HD 183263c,
HD 187123,
HD 217107,
HD 66428,
hot jupiters,
jupiter analog,
multi exoplanet systems
One Year of Blog
A Year has passed already. Here's to next year and more exoplanet awesomeness.
A Year has passed already. Here's to next year and more exoplanet awesomeness.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Future NASA/NSF Exoplanet Hunting Missions
The last several years have made it clear we are living in a golden era of extrasolar planet studies. Less than 20 years ago, astronomers discovered the first planets orbiting Sun-like stars. Now, the number of exoplanets is in the thousands, including a growing number of “Earth-like” planets, a designation based on some combination of the planets’ mass, radius, and orbit around their stars. Just this past Friday, for example, astronomers reported detecting three planets between 1.5 and 2.4 times the radius of the Earth orbiting a single star, one of which lies in the star’s habitable zone, where liquid water could exist on its surface.
We don’t know, however, if these or other Earth-like planets are really like the Earth in the characteristics that really count: whether they have atmospheres like the Earth, oceans of liquid water like the Earth, and life like the Earth. Those determinations are largely beyond the capabilities of ground- and space-based observatories in operation today. A new generation—arguably, generations—of instruments and telescopes will be needed to determine just how Earth-like these Earth-like worlds really are. And the ability to develop those instruments will depend, at least in part, on the ability of exoplanet scientists to come into agreement on what’s needed to enable that next round of discoveries.
The Likelihood of ExoPlanet Formation in Close Binaries
On the Likelihood of Planet Formation in Close Binaries
To date, several exoplanets have been discovered orbiting stars with close binary companions (a~less than 30 AU). The fact that planets can form in these dynamically challenging environments implies that planet formation must be a robust process. The initial protoplanetary disks in these systems from which planets must form should be tidally truncated to radii of a few AU, which indicates that the efficiency of planet formation must be high. Here, we examine the truncation of circumstellar protoplanetary disks in close binary systems, studying how the likelihood of planet formation is affected over a range of disk parameters. If the semimajor axis of the binary is too small or its eccentricity is too high, the disk will have too little mass for planet formation to occur. However, we find that the stars in the binary systems known to have planets should have once hosted circumstellar disks that were capable of supporting planet formation despite their truncation. We present a way to characterize the feasibility of planet formation based on binary orbital parameters such as stellar mass, companion mass, eccentricity and semi-major axis. Using this measure, we can quantify the robustness of planet formation in close binaries and better understand the overall efficiency of planet formation in general.
Little Piece of the Fermi Puzzle? Solar Analog Stars With Exoplanets Formed in Inner Galaxy?
Solar analogs with and without planets: TC trends and galactic evolution
Adibekyan et al
We explore a sample of 148 solar-like stars to search for a possible correlation between the slopes of the abundance trends versus condensation temperature (known as the Tc slope) both with stellar parameters and Galactic orbital parameters in order to understand the nature of the peculiar chemical signatures of these stars and the possible connection with planet formation. We find that the Tc slope correlates at a significant level with the stellar age and the stellar surface gravity. We also find tentative evidence that the Tc slope correlates with the mean galactocentric distance of the stars (Rmean), suggesting that stars that originated in the inner Galaxy have fewer refractory elements relative to the volatile ones. We found that the chemical peculiarities (small refractory-to-volatile ratio) of planet-hosting stars is probably a reflection of their older age and their inner Galaxy origin. We conclude that the stellar age and probably Galactic birth place are key to establish the abundances of some specific elements.
g dwarf,
G dwarf exoplanets,
host stars,
stellar formation
Exoplanet System Demographics are Highly Tied to Host Star Type
Mulders et al
The Kepler spacecraft has discovered a large number of planets with up to one-year periods and down to terrestrial sizes. While the majority of the target stars are main-sequence dwarfs of spectral type F, G, and K, Kepler covers stars with effective temperatures as low as 2500 K, which corresponds to M stars. These cooler stars allow characterization of small planets near the habitable zone, yet it is not clear if this population is representative of that around FGK stars. In this paper, we calculate the occurrence of planets around stars of different spectral types as a function of planet radius and distance from the star and show that they are significantly different from each other. We further identify two trends. First, the occurrence of Earth- to Neptune-sized planets (1-4 R ⊕) is successively higher toward later spectral types at all orbital periods probed by Kepler; planets around M stars occur twice as frequently as around G stars, and thrice as frequently as around F stars. Second, a drop in planet occurrence is evident at all spectral types inward of a ~10 day orbital period, with a plateau further out. By assigning to each spectral type a median stellar mass, we show that the distance from the star where this drop occurs is stellar mass dependent, and scales with semi-major axis as the cube root of stellar mass. By comparing different mechanisms of planet formation, trapping, and destruction, we find that this scaling best matches the location of the pre-main-sequence co-rotation radius, indicating efficient trapping of migrating planets or planetary building blocks close to the star. These results demonstrate the stellar-mass dependence of the planet population, both in terms of occurrence rate and of orbital distribution. The prominent stellar-mass dependence of the inner boundary of the planet population shows that the formation or migration of planets is sensitive to the stellar parameters.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
20,367 Potential Transit Signals Detected in Kepler Data?
Detection of Potential Transit Signals in 17 Quarters of Kepler Mission Data
Seader et al
We present the results of a search for potential transit signals in the full 17-quarter data set collected during Kepler's primary mission that ended on May 11, 2013, due to the on-board failure of a second reaction wheel needed to maintain high precision, fixed, pointing. The search includes a total of 198,646 targets, of which 112,001 were observed in every quarter and 86,645 were observed in a subset of the 17 quarters. We find a total of 12,669 targets that contain at least one signal that meets our detection criteria: periodicity of the signal, a minimum of three transit events, an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio, and four consistency tests that suppress false positives. Each target containing at least one transit-like pulse sequence is searched repeatedly for other signals that meet the detection criteria, indicating a multiple planet system. This multiple planet search adds an additional 7,698 transit-like signatures for a total of 20,367. Comparison of this set of detected signals with a set of known and vetted transiting planet signatures in the Kepler field of view shows that the recovery rate of the search is 90.3%. We review ensemble properties of the detected signals and present various metrics useful in validating these potential planetary signals. We highlight previously undetected planetary candidates, including several small potential planets in the habitable zone of their host stars.
Mass and age Estimates for Transiting Exoplanet Host Stars
Bayesian mass and age estimates for transiting exoplanet host stars
Maxted et al
The mean density of a star transited by a planet, brown dwarf or low mass star can be accurately measured from its light curve. This measurement can be combined with other observations to estimate its mass and age by comparison with stellar models. Our aim is to calculate the posterior probability distributions for the mass and age of a star given its density, effective temperature, metallicity and luminosity. We computed a large grid of stellar models that densely sample the appropriate mass and metallicity range. The posterior probability distributions are calculated using a Markov-chain Monte-Carlo method. The method has been validated by comparison to the results of other stellar models and by applying the method to stars in eclipsing binary systems with accurately measured masses and radii. We have explored the sensitivity of our results to the assumed values of the mixing-length parameter, αMLT, and initial helium mass fraction, Y. For a star with a mass of 0.9 solar masses and an age of 4 Gyr our method recovers the mass of the star with a precision of 2% and the age to within 25% based on the density, effective temperature and metallicity predicted by a range of different stellar models. The masses of stars in eclipsing binaries are recovered to within the calculated uncertainties (typically 5%) in about 90% of cases. There is a tendency for the masses to be underestimated by about 0.1 solar masses for some stars with rotation periods Prot less than 7d. Our method makes it straightforward to determine accurately the joint posterior probability distribution for the mass and age of a star eclipsed by a planet or other dark body based on its observed properties and a state-of-the art set of stellar models.
Coronagraphic Exoplanet Imaging and Spectroscopy Using WFIRST
Scientific Return of Coronagraphic Exoplanet Imaging and Spectroscopy Using WFIRST
In this study, we explore and review the scientific potential for exoplanet characterization by a high-contrast optical coronagraph on WFIRST/AFTA. We suggest that the heterogeneity in albedo spectra and planet/star flux ratios as a function of orbital distance, planet mass, and composition expected for the giant exoplanets at separations from their primaries accessible to WFIRST will provide unique constraints on giant planet atmospheres, evolution, aerosol and cloud properties, and general theory. Such exoplanets are not merely extrapolations of Jupiter and Saturn, but are likely to occupy a rich continuum of varied behaviors. Each in themselves and jointly, optical spectra, photometry, and polarization measurements of a diverse population of giant exoplanets in the solar neighborhood has the potential to reveal a multitude of fundamental features of their gas-giant chemistry, atmospheres, and formation. Such a campaign will enrich our understanding of this class of planets beyond what is possible with even a detailed exploration of the giants in our own solar system, and will compliment ongoing studies of exoplanets in the infrared and on close-in orbits inaccessible to coronagraphy.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Circumstellar Material Observed Around Directly Imaged Exoplanetary Systems
A Quick Study of Science Return from Direct Imaging Exoplanet Missions: Detection and Characterization of Circumstellar Material with an AFTA or EXO-C/S CGI
The capabilities of a high (~ 10^-9 resel^-1) contrast, narrow-field, coronagraphic instrument (CGI) on a space-based AFTA-C or probe-class EXO-C/S mission, conceived to study the diversity of exoplanets now known to exist into stellar habitable zones, are particularly and importantly germane to symbiotic studies of the systems of circumstellar (CS) material from which planets have emerged and interact with throughout their lifetimes. The small particle populations in "disks" of co-orbiting materials can trace the presence of planets through dynamical interactions that perturb the spatial distribution of the light-scattering debris, detectable at optical wavelengths and resolvable with an AFTA-C or EXO-S/C CGI. Herein we: (1) present the science case to study the formation, evolution, architectures, diversity, and properties of the material in the planet-hosting regions of nearby stars, (2) discuss how a CGI under current conception can uniquely inform and contribute to those investigations, (3) consider the applicability of CGI anticipated performance for CS debris system (CDS) studies, (4) investigate, through AFTA CGI image simulations, the anticipated interpretive fidelity and metrical results from specific, representative, zodiacal debris disk observations, (5) comment on specific observational modes and methods germane to, and augmenting, CDS observations, (6) present, in detail, the case for augmenting the currently conceived CGI two-band Nyquist sampled (or better) imaging capability with a full linear-Stokes imaging polarimeter of great benefit in characterizing the material properties of CS dust (and exoplanet atmospheres, discussed in other studies).
Halting Exoplanetary Migration in Protoplanetary Disks
Halting Migration: Numerical Calculations of Corotation Torques in the Weakly Nonlinear Regime
Planets in their formative years can migrate due to the influence of gravitational torques in the protoplanetary disk they inhabit. For low-mass planets in an isothermal disk, it is known that there is a strong negative torque on the planet due to its linear perturbation to the disk, causing fast inward migration. The current investigation demonstrates that in these same isothermal disks, for intermediate-mass planets, there is a strong positive nonlinear corotation torque due to the effects of gas being pulled through a gap on horseshoe orbits. For intermediate-mass planets, this positive torque can partially or completely cancel the linear (Type I) torque, leading to slower or outward migration, even in an isothermal disk. The effect is most significant for Super-Earth and Sub-Jovian planets, during the transition from a low-mass linear perturber to a non-linear gap-opening planet, when the planet has opened a so-called 'partial gap'. In this study, numerical calculations of planet-disk interactions calculate these torques explicitly, and scalings are empirically constructed for migration rates in this weakly nonlinear regime. These results find outward migration is possible for planets with masses in the 20 - 100 Earth Mass range.
Tidal Torques on Misaligned Protoplanetary Disks in Binary Systems
Tidal Torques on Misaligned Disks in Binary Systems
Lubow et al
We extend previous studies of the tidal truncation of coplanar disks in binary systems to the more general case of noncoplanar disks. As in the prograde coplanar case, Lindblad resonances play a key role in tidal truncation. We analyze the tidal torque acting on a misaligned nearly circular disk in a circular orbit binary system. We concentrate on the 2:1 inner Lindblad resonance associated with the m=2 tidal forcing (for azimuthal wavenumber m) that plays a major role in the usual coplanar case. We determine the inclination dependence of this torque, which is approximately cos^8(i/2) for misalignment angle i. Compared to the prograde coplanar case (i=0), this torque decreases by a factor of about 2 for i = pi/6 and by a factor of about 20 for i=pi/2. The Lindblad torque decreases to zero for a tilt angle of pi (counter-rotation), consistent with previous investigations. The effects of higher order resonances associated with m greater than 2 tidal forcing may contribute somewhat, but are much more limited than in the i=0 case. These results suggest that misaligned disks in binary systems can be significantly extended compared to their coplanar counterparts. In cases where a disk is sufficiently inclined and viscous, it can overrun all Lindblad resonances and overflow the Roche lobe of the disk central object.
Friday, January 16, 2015
PhotoEvaporation Could Turn Mini Neptunes Into Habitable SuperEarths
Habitable Evaporated Cores: Transforming Mini-Neptunes into Super-Earths in the Habitable Zones of M Dwarfs
Luger et al
We show that photoevaporation of small gaseous exoplanets (“mini-Neptunes”) in the habitable zones of M dwarfs can remove several Earth masses of hydrogen and helium from these planets and transform them into potentially habitable worlds. We couple X-ray/extreme ultraviolet (XUV)–driven escape, thermal evolution, tidal evolution, and orbital migration to explore the types of systems that may harbor such “habitable evaporated cores” (HECs). We find that HECs are most likely to form from planets with ∼1 M⊕ solid cores with up to about 50% H/He by mass, though whether or not a given mini-Neptune forms a HEC is highly dependent on the early XUV evolution of the host star. As terrestrial planet formation around M dwarfs by accumulation of local material is likely to form planets that are small and dry, evaporation of small migrating mini-Neptunes could be one of the dominant formation mechanisms for volatile-rich Earths around these stars.
mini neptunes,
Habitable Zone Earth-mass ExoPlanets are NOT Necessarily Tidally Locked When Orbiting M Dwarfs
Asynchronous rotation of Earth-mass planets in the habitable zone of lower-mass stars
Leconte et al
Planets in the habitable zone of lower-mass stars are often assumed to be in a state of tidally synchronized rotation, which would considerably affect their putative habitability. Although thermal tides cause Venus to rotate retrogradely, simple scaling arguments tend to attribute this peculiarity to the massive Venusian atmosphere. Using a global climate model, we show that even a relatively thin atmosphere can drive terrestrial planets’ rotation away from synchronicity. We derive a more realistic atmospheric tide model that predicts four asynchronous equilibrium spin states, two being stable, when the amplitude of the thermal tide exceeds a threshold that is met for habitable Earth-like planets with a 1 bar atmosphere around stars more massive than ~0.5 – 0.7 M☉. Thus, many recently discovered terrestrial planets could exhibit asynchronous spin-orbit rotation, even with a thin atmosphere.
M dwarf,
m dwarf exoplanets,
thermal tide,
tidal locking
EPIC 201367065: an Cool M Dwarf With Three Transiting SuperEarths 146 Light Years Away
A nearby M star with three transiting super-Earths discovered by K2
Crossfield et al
Small, cool planets represent the typical end-products of planetary formation. Studying the archi- tectures of these systems, measuring planet masses and radii, and observing these planets' atmospheres during transit directly informs theories of planet assembly, migration, and evolution. Here we report the discovery of three small planets orbiting a bright (Ks = 8.6 mag) M0 dwarf using data collected as part of K2, the new transit survey using the re-purposed Kepler spacecraft. Stellar spectroscopy and K2 photometry indicate that the system hosts three transiting planets with radii 1.5-2.1 R_Earth, straddling the transition region between rocky and increasingly volatile-dominated compositions. With orbital periods of 10-45 days the planets receive just 1.5-10x the flux incident on Earth, making these some of the coolest small planets known orbiting a nearby star; planet d is located near the inner edge of the system's habitable zone. The bright, low-mass star makes this system an excellent laboratory to determine the planets' masses via Doppler spectroscopy and to constrain their atmospheric compositions via transit spectroscopy. This discovery demonstrates the power of K2 and future space-based transit searches to find many fascinating objects of interest.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Exoplanet hunting NGTS telescope array achieves first light
The Next-Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) array, built by a UK, German and Swiss consortium, has achieved first light at the Paranal Observatory in Chile. The installation is designed to search for exoplanets between two and eight times the size of Earth, studying them as they pass in front of their parent star.
The array consists of 12 telescopes, each of which has an aperture of 20 centimeters. The installation is being hosted by the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) at its Paranal Observatory in northern Chile – the site of the organization’s existing and highly prolific Very Large Telescope (VLT), as well as the VISTA telescope and the under-construction European Extremely Large Telescope.
The NGTS is designed to operate robotically, monitoring the brightness of hundreds of thousands of stars. Specifically, it’s designed to look for transiting exoplanets – those passing in front of a parent star and producing light fluctuations in the process. It performs this task with the highest level of precision of any ground-based wide-field survey instrument, measuring the brightness of stars to an accuracy of one part in a thousand.
Whither Giant Stars With Giant Exoplanets?
Precise Radial Velocities of Giant Stars VII. Occurrence Rate of Giant Extrasolar Planets as a Function of Mass and Metallicity
Reffert et al
We have obtained precise radial velocities for a sample of 373 G and K type giants at Lick Observatory regularly over more than 12 years. Planets have been identified around 15 giant stars; an additional 20 giant stars host planet candidates. We investigate the occurrence rate of substellar companions around giant stars as a function of stellar mass and metallicity. We probe the stellar mass range from about 1 to beyond 3 M_Sun, which is not being explored by main-sequence samples. We fit the giant planet occurrence rate as a function of stellar mass and metallicity with a Gaussian and an exponential distribution, respectively. We find strong evidence for a planet-metallicity correlation among the secure planet hosts of our giant star sample, in agreement with the one for main-sequence stars. However, the planet-metallicity correlation is absent for our sample of planet candidates, raising the suspicion that a good fraction of them might indeed not be planets. Consistent with the results obtained by Johnson for subgiants, the giant planet occurrence rate increases in the stellar mass interval from 1 to 1.9 M_Sun. However, there is a maximum at a stellar mass of 1.9 +0.1/-0.5 M_Sun, and the occurrence rate drops rapidly for masses larger than 2.5-3.0 M_Sun. We do not find any planets around stars more massive than 2.7 M_Sun, although there are 113 stars with masses between 2.7 and 5 M_Sun in our sample (corresponding to a giant planet occurrence rate < 1.6% at 68.3% confidence in that stellar mass bin). We also show that this result is not a selection effect related to the planet detectability being a function of the stellar mass. We conclude that giant planet formation or inward migration is suppressed around higher mass stars, possibly because of faster disk depletion coupled with a longer migration timescale.
false positive,
giant planets,
giant stars,
Minimum Core Masses for Giant Planet Formation
Minimum Core Masses for Giant Planet Formation With Realistic Equations of State and Opacities
Piso et al
Giant planet formation by core accretion requires a core that is sufficiently massive to trigger runaway gas accretion in less that the typical lifetime of protoplanetary disks. We explore how the minimum required core mass, M_crit, depends on a non-ideal equation of state and on opacity changes due to grain growth, across a range of stellocentric distances from 5-100 AU. This minimum M_crit applies when planetesimal accretion does not substantially heat the atmosphere. Compared to an ideal gas polytrope, the inclusion of molecular hydrogen (H_2) dissociation and variable occupation of H_2 rotational states increases M_crit. Specifically, M_crit increases by a factor of ~2 if the H_2 spin isomers, ortho- and parahydrogen, are in thermal equilibrium, and by a factor of ~2-4 if the ortho-to-para ratio is fixed at 3:1. Lower opacities due to grain growth reduce M_crit. For a standard disk model around a Solar mass star, we calculate M_crit ~ 8 M_Earth at 5 AU, decreasing to ~5 M_Earth at 100 AU, for a realistic EOS with an equilibrium ortho-to-para ratio and for grain growth to cm-sizes. If grain coagulation is taken into account, M_crit may further reduce by up to one order of magnitude. These results for the minimum critical core mass are useful for the interpretation of surveys that find exoplanets at a range of orbital distances.
core accretion,
gas giant,
giant planets,
planetary formation
Characterizing Cool Gas Giant Exoplanets Detected by Radial Velocity
A Quick Study of the Characterization of Radial Velocity Giant Planets in Reflected Light by Forward and Inverse Modeling
Marley et al
We explored two aspects of the problem of characterizing cool extrasolar giant planets in scattered optical light with a space based coronagraph. First, for a number of the known radial velocity (RV) giants we computed traditional forward models of their atmospheric structure and clouds, given various input assumptions, and computed model albedo spectra. Such models have been computed before, but mostly for generic planets. Our new models demonstrate that there is likely interesting spectral diversity among those planets that are most favorable for direct detection. Second, we applied a powerful Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) retrieval technique to synthetic noisy data of cool giants to better understand how well various atmospheric parameters--particularly molecular abundances and cloud properties--could be constrained. This is the first time such techniques have been applied to this problem. The process is time consuming, so only a dozen or so cases could be completed in the limited time available. Nevertheless the results clearly show that even at S/N ~ 5, scientifically interesting and valuable conclusions can be drawn about the properties of giant planet atmospheres from noisy spectra. We find that atmospheric abundances are best constrained when the planet gravity is bounded. Thus direct imaging observations of known radial velocity planets are extremely valuable as limits on a target planet's gravity can be obtained from astrometric imaging and reflectivity and mass-radius relationship arguments (for mass and radius, respectively). Further retrieval studies are clearly warranted and would be valuable to help guide instrument design decisions.
exoplanet characteristics,
gas giant,
giant planets
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Can the Mass of Free-Foating ExoPlanets be Measured by Parallax?
Can the masses of isolated planetary-mass gravitational lenses be measured by terrestrial parallax?
Freeman et al
Recently Sumi et al. (2011) reported evidence for a large population of planetary-mass objects (PMOs) that are either unbound or orbit host stars in orbits greater than 10 AU. Their result was deduced from the statistical distribution of durations of gravitational microlensing events observed by the MOA collaboration during 2006 and 2007. Here we study the feasibility of measuring the mass of an individual PMO through microlensing by examining a particular event, MOA-2011-BLG-274. This event was unusual as the duration was short, the magnification high, the source-size effect large and the angular Einstein radius small. Also, it was intensively monitored from widely separated locations under clear skies at low air masses. Choi et al. (2012) concluded that the lens of the event may have been a PMO but they did not attempt a measurement of its mass. We report here a re-analysis of the event using re-reduced data. We confirm the results of Choi et al. and attempt a measurement of the mass and distance of the lens using the terrestrial parallax effect. Evidence for terrestrial parallax is found at a 3 sigma level of confidence. The best fit to the data yields the mass and distance of the lens as 0.80 +/- 0.30 M_J and 0.80 +/- 0.25 kpc respectively. We exclude a host star to the lens out to a separation ~ 40 AU. Drawing on our analysis of MOA-2011-BLG-274 we propose observational strategies for future microlensing surveys to yield sharper results on PMOs including those down to super-Earth mass.
Fomalhaut's Disk is Shaped by an Exoplanet, not Gas-Dust Interactions
Constraints on the gas content of the Fomalhaut debris belt; Can gas-dust interactions explain the belt's morphology?
Cataldi et al
The 440 Myr old main-sequence A-star Fomalhaut is surrounded by an eccentric debris belt with sharp edges. Such a morphology is usually attributed to planetary perturbations, but the orbit of the only planetary candidate detected so far, Fomalhaut b, is too eccentric to efficiently shape the belt. Alternative models that could account for the morphology without invoking a planet are stellar encounters and gas-dust interactions.
We aim to test the possibility of gas-dust interactions as the origin of the observed morphology by putting upper limits on the total gas content of the Fomalhaut belt.
We derive upper limits on the CII 158 μm and OI 63 μm emission by using non-detections from the PACS instrument onboard the Herschel Space Observatory. Line fluxes are converted into total gas mass using the non-LTE code RADEX. We consider two different cases for the elemental abundances of the gas: solar abundances and abundances similar to those observed for the gas in the β Pictoris debris disk.
The gas mass is shown to be below the millimetre dust mass by a factor of at least ∼3 (for solar abundances) respectively ∼300 (for β Pic-like abundances).
The lack of gas co-spatial with the dust implies that gas-dust interactions cannot efficiently shape the Fomalhaut debris belt. The morphology is therefore more likely due to a yet unseen planet (Fomalhaut c) or stellar encounters.
debris disk,
fomalhaut c,
protoplanetary disks
Spitzer's Deep Observations of Vega, Fomalhaut, and epsilon Eridani
High-contrast Imaging with Spitzer: Deep Observations of Vega, Fomalhaut, and epsilon Eridani
Janson et al
Stars with debris disks are intriguing targets for direct imaging exoplanet searches, both due to previous detections of wide planets in debris disk systems, as well as commonly existing morphological features in the disks themselves that may be indicative of a planetary influence. Here we present observations of three of the most nearby young stars, that are also known to host massive debris disks: Vega, Fomalhaut, and eps Eri. The Spitzer Space Telescope is used at a range of orientation angles for each star, in order to supply a deep contrast through angular differential imaging combined with high-contrast algorithms. The observations provide the opportunity to probe substantially colder bound planets (120--330 K) than is possible with any other technique or instrument. For Vega, some apparently very red candidate point sources detected in the 4.5 micron image remain to be tested for common proper motion. The images are sensitive to ~2 Mjup companions at 150 AU in this system. The observations presented here represent the first search for planets around Vega using Spitzer. The upper 4.5 micron flux limit on Fomalhaut b could be further constrained relative to previous data. In the case of eps Eri, planets below both the effective temperature and the mass of Jupiter could be probed from 80 AU and outwards, although no such planets were found. The data sensitively probe the regions around the edges of the debris rings in the systems where planets can be expected to reside. These observations validate previous results showing that more than an order of magnitude improvement in performance in the contrast-limited regime can be acquired with respect to conventional methods by applying sophisticated high-contrast techniques to space-based telescopes, thanks to the high degree of PSF stability provided in this environment.
epsilon Eridani,
fomalhaut b,
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