A global analysis of Spitzer and new HARPS data confirms the loneliness and metal-richness of GJ 436 b
Lanotte et al
GJ 436b is one of the few transiting warm Neptunes for which a detailed characterisation of the atmosphere is possible, whereas its non-negligible orbital eccentricity calls for further investigation. Independent analyses of several individual datasets obtained with Spitzer have led to contradicting results attributed to the different techniques used to treat the instrumental effects. Aims. We aim at investigating these previous controversial results and developing our knowledge of the system based on the full Spitzer photometry dataset combined with new Doppler measurements obtained with the HARPS spectrograph. We also want to search for additional planets.
We optimise aperture photometry techniques and the photometric deconvolution algorithm DECPHOT to improve the data reduction of the Spitzer photometry spanning wavelengths from 3-24 {\mu}m. Adding the high precision HARPS radial velocity data, we undertake a Bayesian global analysis of the system considering both instrumental and stellar effects on the flux variation.
We present a refined radius estimate of RP=4.10 +/- 0.16 R_Earth, mass MP=25.4 +/- 2.1 M_Earth and eccentricity e= 0.162 +/- 0.004 for GJ 436b. Our measured transit depths remain constant in time and wavelength, in disagreement with the results of previous studies. In addition, we find that the post-occultation flare-like structure at 3.6 {\mu}m that led to divergent results on the occultation depth measurement is spurious. We obtain occultation depths at 3.6, 5.8, and 8.0 {\mu}m that are shallower than in previous works, in particular at 3.6 {\mu}m. However, these depths still appear consistent with a metal-rich atmosphere depleted in methane and enhanced in CO/CO2, although perhaps less than previously thought. We find no evidence for a potential planetary companion, stellar activity, nor for a stellar spin-orbit misalignment.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Warm Neptune Gliese 436b is Alone and is Depleted in Methane, but Rich in CO/CO2
carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide,
gj 436b,
gl 436b,
gliese 436b,
warm neptunes
Water Vapor Detected in Eclipse Spectrum of hot Jupiter HD 189733b
Water vapor in the spectrum of the extrasolar planet HD 189733b: 2. The eclipse
Crouzet et al
Spectroscopic observations of exoplanets are crucial to infer the composition and properties of their atmospheres. HD 189733b is one of the most extensively studied exoplanets and is a corner stone for hot Jupiter models. In this paper, we report the day-side emission spectrum of HD 189733b in the wavelength range 1.1 to 1.7 μm obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 in spatial scan mode. The quality of the data is such that even a straightforward analysis yields a high precision Poisson noise limited spectrum: the median 1-σ uncertainty is 57 ppm per 0.02 μm bin. We also build a white-light curve correcting for systematic effects and derive an absolute eclipse depth of 96±39 ppm. The resulting spectrum shows marginal evidence for water vapor absorption, but can also be well explained by a blackbody spectrum. However, the combination of these WFC3 data with previous Spitzer photometric observations is best explained by a day-side atmosphere of HD 189733b with no thermal inversion and a nearly solar or sub-solar H2O abundance in a cloud-free atmosphere. Alternatively, this apparent sub-solar abundance may be the result of clouds or hazes which future studies need to investigate.
eclipse spectra,
HD 189733 Ab,
HD 189733b,
hot jupiters,
Bayesian Analysis of Hot Jupiter Kepler-2b
A Bayesian Analysis of Kepler-2b Using the EXONEST Algorithm
Placek et al
The study of exoplanets (planets orbiting other stars) is revolutionizing the way we view our universe. High-precision photometric data provided by the Kepler Space Telescope (Kepler) enables not only the detection of such planets, but also their characterization. This presents a unique opportunity to apply Bayesian methods to better characterize the multitude of previously confirmed exoplanets. This paper focuses on applying the EXONEST algorithm to characterize the transiting short-period-hot-Jupiter, Kepler-2b. EXONEST evaluates a suite of exoplanet photometric models by applying Bayesian Model Selection, which is implemented with the MultiNest algorithm. These models take into account planetary effects, such as reflected light and thermal emissions, as well as the effect of the planetary motion on the host star, such as Doppler beaming, or boosting, of light from the reflex motion of the host star, and photometric variations due to the planet-induced ellipsoidal shape of the host star. By calculating model evidences, one can determine which model best describes the observed data, thus identifying which effects dominate the planetary system. Presented are parameter estimates and model evidences for Kepler-2b.
bayesian analysis,
hot jupiters,
Monday, September 29, 2014
Atmospheric Escape From Kepler Exoplanetary Demographics
Planetary population synthesis coupled with atmospheric escape: a statistical view of evaporation
Jin et al
We apply hydrodynamic evaporation models to different synthetic planet populations that were obtained from a planet formation code based on a core-accretion paradigm. We investigated the evolution of the planet populations using several evaporation models, which are distinguished by the driving force of the escape flow (X-ray or EUV), the heating efficiency in energy-limited evaporation regimes, or both. Although the mass distribution of the planet populations is barely affected by evaporation, the radius distribution clearly shows a break at approximately 2 R⊕. We find that evaporation can lead to a bimodal distribution of planetary sizes (Owen & Wu 2013) and to an "evaporation valley" running diagonally downwards in the orbital distance - planetary radius plane, separating bare cores from low-mass planet that have kept some primordial H/He. Furthermore, this bimodal distribution is related to the initial characteristics of the planetary populations because low-mass planetary cores can only accrete small primordial H/He envelopes and their envelope masses are proportional to their core masses. We also find that the population-wide effect of evaporation is not sensitive to the heating efficiency of energy-limited description. However, in two extreme cases, namely without evaporation or with a 100\% heating efficiency in an evaporation model, the final size distributions show significant differences; these two scenarios can be ruled out from the size distribution of Kepler candidates.
How to get Misalignment in Hot Jupiters in Binary Systems
Chaotic Dynamics of Stellar Spin in Binaries and the Production of Misaligned Hot Jupiters
Storch et al
Many exoplanetary systems containing hot Jupiters are observed to have highly misaligned orbital axes relative to the stellar spin axes. Kozai-Lidov oscillations of orbital eccentricity/inclination induced by a binary companion, in conjunction with tidal dissipation, is a major channel for the production of hot Jupiters. We demonstrate that gravitational interaction between the planet and its oblate host star can lead to chaotic evolution of the stellar spin axis during Kozai cycles. As parameters such as the planet mass and stellar rotation period vary, periodic islands can appear in an ocean of chaos, in a manner reminiscent of other dynamical systems. In the presence of tidal dissipation, the complex spin evolution can leave an imprint on the final spin-orbit misalignment angles.
binary star systems,
hot jupiters,
orbital mechanics
Hot-Jupiters WASP-19b and WASP-43b Observed by the Anglo-Australian Telescope
Ks band secondary eclipses of WASP-19b and WASP-43b with the Anglo-Australian Telescope
Zhou et al
We report new Ks band secondary eclipse observations for the hot-Jupiters WASP-19b and WASP-43b. Using the IRIS2 infrared camera on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT), we measured significant secondary eclipses for both planets, with depths of 0.287 -0.020/+0.020% and 0.181 -0.027/+0.027% for WASP-19b and WASP-43b respectively. We compare the observations to atmosphere models from the VSTAR line-by-line radiative transfer code, and examine the effect of C/O abundance, top layer haze, and metallicities on the observed spectra. We performed a series of signal injection and recovery exercises on the observed light curves to explore the detection thresholds of the AAT+IRIS2 facility. We find that the optimal photometric precision is achieved for targets brighter than Kmag = 9, for which eclipses as shallow as 0.05% are detectable at greater than 5 sigma significance.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Spiral Arms and Rings Observed in Surface Geometry of Protoplanetary Disks
Surface Geometry of Protoplanetary Disks Inferred From Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry
Takami et al
We present a new method of analysis for determining the surface geometry of five protoplanetary disks observed with near-infrared imaging polarimetry using Subaru-HiCIAO. Using as inputs the observed distribution of polarized intensity (PI), disk inclination, assumed properties for dust scattering, and other reasonable approximations, we calculate a differential equation to derive the surface geometry. This equation is numerically integrated along the distance from the star at a given position angle. We show that, using these approximations, the local maxima in the PI distribution of spiral arms (SAO 206462, MWC 758) and rings (2MASS J16042165-2130284, PDS 70) is associated with local concave-up structures on the disk surface. We also show that the observed presence of an inner gap in scattered light still allows the possibility of a disk surface that is parallel to the light path from the star, or a disk that is shadowed by structures in the inner radii. Our analysis for rings does not show the presence of a vertical inner wall as often assumed in studies of disks with an inner gap. Finally, we summarize the implications of spiral and ring structures as potential signatures of ongoing planet formation.
The Kozai-Lidov Mechanism in Hydrodynamical Disks
The Kozai-Lidov Mechanism in Hydrodynamical Disks
Martin et al
We use three dimensional hydrodynamical simulations to show that a highly misaligned accretion disk around one component of a binary system can exhibit global Kozai-Lidov cycles, where the inclination and eccentricity of the disk are interchanged periodically. This has important implications for accreting systems on all scales, for example, the formation of planets and satellites in circumstellar and circumplanetary disks, outbursts in X-ray binary systems and accretion on to supermassive black holes.
OGLE-IV Real Time Transient Search of Magellanic Clouds Data Online for Public
OGLE-IV Real-Time Transient Search
Wyrzykowski et al
We present the design and first results of a real-time search for transients within the 650 sq. deg. area around the Magellanic Clouds, conducted as part of the OGLE-IV project and aimed at detecting supernovae, novae and other events. The average sampling of about 4 days from September to May, yielded a detection of 238 transients in 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 seasons. The superb photometric and astrometric quality of the OGLE data allows for numerous applications of the discovered transients.
We use this sample to prepare and train a Machine Learning-based automated classifier for early light curves, which distinguishes major classes of transients with more than 80% of correct answers. Spectroscopically classified 49 supernovae Type Ia are used to construct a Hubble Diagram with statistical scatter of about 0.3 mag and fill the least populated region of the redshifts range in the Union sample. We investigate the influence of host galaxy environments on supernovae statistics and find the mean host extinction of A_I=0.19+-0.10 mag and A_V=0.39+-0.21 mag based on a subsample of supernovae Type Ia. We show that the positional accuracy of the survey is of the order of 0.5 pixels (0.13 arcsec) and that the OGLE-IV Transient Detection System is capable of detecting transients within the nuclei of galaxies. We present a few interesting cases of nuclear transients of unknown type.
All data on the OGLE transients are made publicly available to the astronomical community via the OGLE website.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Exoplanet Host Stars are Lithium Depleted
Exoplanet hosts reveal lithium depletion: Results from a homogeneous statistical analysis
Figueira et al
We study the impact of the presence of planets on the lithium abundance of host stars and evaluate the previous claim that planet hosts exhibit lithium depletion when compared to their non-host counterparts.
Using previously published lithium abundances, we remove the confounding effect of the different fundamental stellar parameters by applying a multivariable regression on our dataset. In doing so, we explicitly make an assumption made implicitly by different authors: that lithium abundance depends linearly on fundamental stellar parameters. Using a moderator variable to distinguish stars with planets from those without, we evaluate the existence of an offset in lithium abundances between the two groups. We perform this analysis first for stars that present a clear lithium detection exclusively and include in a second analysis upper lithium measurements.
Our analysis shows that under the above-mentioned assumption of linearity, a statistically significant negative offset in lithium abundance between planet hosts and non-hosts is recovered. We concluded that an inflation on the lithium uncertainty estimations by a factor of larger than 5 is required to render the measured offset compatible with zero at less than 3-4 {\sigma} and make it non-significant. We demonstrated that the offset as delivered by our method depends on the different nature of the stars in the two samples. We did so by showing that the offset is reduced down to zero if the planet-host stars are replaced by comparison stars. Moreover, the measured depletion is still significant when one imposes different constraints on the dataset, such as a limit in planetary mass or constrain the host temperature to around solar value. We conclude then that planet-host stars exhibit enhanced lithium depletion when compared with non-host stars.
Kepler Host Stars Prepped in Automatically for Asteroseismic Analysis
Automated preparation of Kepler time series of planet hosts for asteroseismic analysis
Handberg et al
One of the tasks of the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Operations Center (KASOC) is to provide asteroseismic analyses on Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs). However, asteroseismic analysis of planetary host stars presents some unique complications with respect to data preprocessing, compared to pure asteroseismic targets. If not accounted for, the presence of planetary transits in the photometric time series often greatly complicates or even hinders these asteroseismic analyses. This drives the need for specialised methods of preprocessing data to make them suitable for asteroseismic analysis. In this paper we present the KASOC Filter, which is used to automatically prepare data from the Kepler/K2 mission for asteroseismic analyses of solar-like planet host stars. The methods are very effective at removing unwanted signals of both instrumental and planetary origins and produce significantly cleaner photometric time series than the original data. The methods are automated and can therefore easily be applied to a large number of stars. The application of the filter is not restricted to planetary hosts, but can be applied to any solar-like or red giant stars observed by Kepler/K2.
astroseismic analysis,
host stars,
Most Sub-Arcsecond Companions of Kepler Exoplanet Candidate Host Stars are Gravitationally Bound
Most Sub-Arcsecond Companions of Kepler Exoplanet Candidate Host Stars are Gravitationally Bound
Horch et al
Using the known detection limits for high-resolution imaging observations and the statistical properties of true binary and line-of-sight companions, we estimate the binary fraction of {\it Kepler} exoplanet host stars. Our speckle imaging programs at the WIYN 3.5-m and Gemini North 8.1-m telescopes have observed over 600 {\it Kepler} objects of interest (KOIs) and detected 49 stellar companions within ∼1 arcsecond. Assuming binary stars follow a log-normal period distribution for an effective temperature range of 3,000 to 10,000 K, then the model predicts that the vast majority of detected sub-arcsecond companions are long period (P greater than 50 years), gravitationally bound companions. In comparing the model predictions to the number of real detections in both observational programs, we conclude that the overall binary fraction of host stars is similar to the 40-50\% rate observed for field stars.
binary star systems,
multi stellar systems
Friday, September 26, 2014
Outcome of Collisions of Ceres-sized Planetesimals With Mixed Compositions
Fragmentation of colliding planetesimals with water content
Maindl et al
We investigate the outcome of collisions of Ceres-sized planetesimals composed of a rocky core and a shell of water ice. These collisions are not only relevant for explaining the formation of planetary embryos in early planetary systems, but also provide insight into the formation of asteroid families and possible water transport via colliding small bodies. Earlier studies show characteristic collision velocities exceeding the bodies' mutual escape velocity which - along with the distribution of the impact angles - cover the collision outcome regimes 'partial accretion', 'erosion', and 'hit-and-run' leading to different expected fragmentation scenarios. Existing collision simulations use bodies composed of strengthless material; we study the distribution of fragments and their water contents considering the full elasto-plastic continuum mechanics equations also including brittle failure and fragmentation.
Observed Protoplanetary Disk Dissipation Rates due to Observation Bias?
Short dissipation times of proto-planetary discs - an artifact of selection effects?
Pfalzner et al
The frequency of discs around young stars, a key parameter for understanding planet formation, is most readily determined in young stellar clusters where many relatively coeval stars are located in close proximity. Observational studies seem to show that the disc frequency decreases rapidly with cluster age with less than 10% of cluster stars retaining their discs for longer than 2-6 Myr. Given that at least half of all stars in the field seem to harbor one or more planets, this would imply extremely fast disc dispersal and rapid planet growth. Here we question the validity of this constraint by demonstrating that the short disc dissipation times inferred to date might have been heavily underestimated by selection effects. Critically, for ages greater than 3Myr only stars that originally populated the densest areas of very populous clusters, which are prone to disc erosion, are actually considered. This tiny sample may not be representative of the majority of stars. In fact, the higher disc fractions in co-moving groups indicate that it is likely that over 30% of all field stars retain their discs well beyond 10 Myr, leaving ample time for planet growth. Equally our solar system, with a likely formation time greater than 10 Myr, need no longer be an exception but in fact typical of planetary systems.
Warm Dust Around Cool Stars: From Exoplanet Collisions, Failed Formation or Tidal Destruction?
Warm Dust around Cool Stars: Field M Dwarfs with WISE 12 or 22 Micron Excess Emission
Theissen et al
Using the SDSS DR7 spectroscopic catalog, we searched the WISE AllWISE catalog to investigate the occurrence of warm dust, as inferred from IR excesses, around field M dwarfs (dMs). We developed SDSS/WISE color selection criteria to identify 175 dMs (from 70,841) that show IR flux greater than typical dM photosphere levels at 12 and/or 22 μm, including seven new stars within the Orion OB1 footprint. We characterize the dust populations inferred from each IR excess, and investigate the possibility that these excesses could arise from ultracool binary companions by modeling combined SEDs. Our observed IR fluxes are greater than levels expected from ultracool companions (greater than 3σ). We also estimate that the probability the observed IR excesses are due to chance alignments with extragalactic sources is less than 0.1%. Using SDSS spectra we measure surface gravity dependent features (K, Na, and CaH 3), and find less than 15% of our sample indicate low surface gravities. Examining tracers of youth (Hα, UV fluxes, and Li absorption), we find less than 3% of our sample appear young, indicating we are observing a population of field stars ≳ 1 Gyr, likely harboring circumstellar material. We investigate age-dependent properties probed by this sample, studying the disk fraction as a function of Galactic height. The fraction remains small and constant to |Z|∼700 pc, and then drops, indicating little to no trend with age. Possible explanations for disks around field dMs include: 1) collisions of planetary bodies, 2) tidal disruption of planetary bodies, or 3) failed planet formation.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Microlensing, Brown Dwarfs and GAIA
Microlensing, Brown Dwarfs and GAIA
The GAIA satellite can precisely measure the masses of nearby brown dwarfs and lower main sequence stars by the microlensing effect. The scientific yield is maximised if the microlensing event is also followed with ground-based telescopes to provide densely sampled photometry. There are two possible strategies. First, ongoing events can be triggered by photometric or astrometric alerts by GAIA. Second, events can be predicted using known high proper motion stars as lenses. This is much easier, as the location and time of an event can be forecast. Using the GAIA source density, we estimate that the sample size of high proper motion ( less than 300 mas yr−1) brown dwarfs needed to provide predictable events during the 5 year mission lifetime is surprisingly small, only of the order of a hundred. This is comparable to the number of high proper motion brown dwarfs already known from the work of the UKIDSS Large Area Survey and the all-sky WISE satellite. Provided the relative parallax of the lens and the angular Einstein radius can be recovered from astrometric data, then the mass of the lens can be found. Microlensing provides the only way of measuring the masses of individual objects irrespective oftheir luminosity. So, microlensing with GAIA is the best way to carry out an inventory of masses in the brown dwarf regime.
Follow-up Observations of Directly Imaged Companions to Young Stars and Brown Dwarfs
Astrometric follow-up observations of directly imaged sub-stellar companions to young stars and brown dwarfs
Ginski et al
The formation of massive planetary or brown dwarf companions at large projected separations from their host star is not yet well understood. In order to put constraints on formation scenarios we search for signatures in the orbit dynamics of the systems. We are specifically interested in the eccentricities and inclinations since those parameters might tell us about the dynamic history of the systems and where to look for additional low-mass sub-stellar companions. For this purpose we utilized VLT/NACO to take several well calibrated high resolution images of 6 target systems and analyze them together with available literature data points of those systems as well as Hubble Space Telescope archival data. We used a statistical Least-Squares Monte-Carlo approach to constrain the orbit elements of all systems that showed significant differential motion of the primary star and companion. We show for the first time that the GQ Lup system shows significant change in both separation and position angle. Our analysis yields best fitting orbits for this system, which are eccentric (e between 0.21 and 0.69), but can not rule out circular orbits at high inclinations. Given our astrometry we discuss formation scenarios of the GQ Lup system. In addition, we detected an even fainter new companion candidate to GQ Lup, which is most likely a background object. We also updated the orbit constraints of the PZ Tel system, confirming that the companion is on a highly eccentric orbit with e greater than 0.62. Finally we show with a high significance, that there is no orbital motion observed in the cases of the DH Tau, HD 203030 and 1RXS J160929.1-210524 systems and give the most precise relative astrometric measurement of the UScoCTIO 108 system to date.
1RXS J160929.1-210524,
brown dwarf,
DH Tau b,
GQ Lupi,
GQ Lupi b,
HD 203030,
PZ Tel,
UScoCTIO 108
Two Brown Dwarf Candidates Around hot subdwarf B Class Stars
Two candidate brown dwarf companions around core helium-burning stars
Schaffenroth et al
Hot subdwarf stars of spectral type B (sdBs) are evolved, core helium-burning objects. The formation of those objects is puzzling, because the progenitor star has to lose almost its entire hydrogen envelope in the red-giant phase. Binary interactions have been invoked, but single sdBs exist as well. We report the discovery of two close hot subdwarf binaries with small radial velocity amplitudes. Follow-up photometry revealed reflection effects originating from cool irradiated companions, but no eclipses. The lower mass limits for the companions of CPD-64∘481 (0.048M⊙) and PHL\,457 (0.027M⊙) are significantly below the stellar mass limit. Hence they could be brown dwarfs unless the inclination is unfavourable. Two very similar systems have already been reported. The probability that none of them is a brown dwarf is very small, 0.02%. Hence we provide further evidence that substellar companions with masses that low are able to eject a common envelope and form an sdB star. Furthermore, we find that the properties of the observed sample of hot subdwarfs in reflection effect binaries is consistent with a scenario where single sdBs can still be formed via common envelope events, but their low-mass substellar companions do not survive.
The Extreme Exoplanetary System of KIC10001893: Worlds Around a Subdwarf-B Pulsator
Kepler detection of a new extreme planetary system orbiting the subdwarf-B pulsator KIC10001893
Silvotti et al
KIC10001893 is one out of 19 subdwarf-B (sdB) pulsators observed by the Kepler spacecraft in its primary mission. In addition to tens of pulsation frequencies in the g-mode domain, its Fourier spectrum shows three weak peaks at very low frequencies, which is too low to be explained in terms of g modes. The most convincing explanation is that we are seeing the orbital modulation of three Earth-size planets (or planetary remnants) in very tight orbits, which are illuminated by the strong stellar radiation. The orbital periods are P1=5.273, P2=7.807, and P3=19.48 hours, and the period ratios P2/P1=1.481 and P3/P2=2.495 are very close to the 3:2 and 5:2 resonances, respectively. One of the main pulsation modes of the star at 210.68 {\mu}Hz corresponds to the third harmonic of the orbital frequency of the inner planet, suggesting that we see, for the first time in an sdB star, g-mode pulsations tidally excited by a planetary companion. The extreme planetary system that emerges from the Kepler data is very similar to the recent discovery of two Earth-size planets orbiting the sdB pulsator KIC05807616 (Charpinet et al. 2011a).
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Advances in Exoplanet Science From Kepler
Advances in exoplanet science from Kepler
Lissauer et al
Numerous telescopes and techniques have been used to find and study extrasolar planets, but none has been more successful than NASA's Kepler Space Telescope. Kepler has discovered the majority of known exoplanets, the smallest planets to orbit normal stars, and the worlds most likely to be similar to our home planet. Most importantly, Kepler has provided our first look at typical characteristics of planets and planetary systems for planets with sizes as small as and orbits as large as those of the Earth.
White Dwarf Exoplanets Orbits Updated
On the Orbits of Low-mass Companions to White Dwarfs and the Fates of the Known Exoplanets
Nordhaus et al
The ultimate fates of binary companions to stars (including whether the companion survives and the final orbit of the binary) are of interest in light of an increasing number of recently discovered, low-mass companions to white dwarfs (WDs). In this Letter, we study the evolution of a two-body system wherein the orbit adjusts due to structural changes in the primary, dissipation of orbital energy via tides, and mass loss during the giant phases; previous studies have not incorporated changes in the primary's spin. For companions ranging from Jupiter's mass to ~0.3 Msun and primaries ranging from 1-3 Msun, we determine the minimum initial semimajor axis required for the companion to avoid engulfment by the primary during post-main-sequence evolution, and highlight the implications for the ultimate survival of the known exoplanets. We present regions in secondary mass and orbital period space where an engulfed companion might be expected to survive the common envelope phase (CEP), and compare with known M dwarf+WD short-period binaries. Finally, we note that engulfed Earth-like planets cannot survive a CEP. Detection of a first-generation terrestrial planet in the white dwarf habitable zone requires scattering from a several-AU orbit to a high-eccentricity orbit (with a periastron of ~Rsun) from which it is damped into a circular orbit via tidal friction, possibly rendering it an uninhabitable, charred ember.
A 5 Day Variability for Zw 229-15
Discovery of a ~5 day characteristic timescale in the Kepler power spectrum of Zw 229-15
Edelson et al
We present time series analyses of the full Kepler dataset of Zw 229-15. This Kepler light curve --- with a baseline greater than three years, composed of virtually continuous, evenly sampled 30-minute measurements --- is unprecedented in its quality and precision. We utilize two methods of power spectral analysis to investigate the optical variability and search for evidence of a bend frequency associated with a characteristic optical variability timescale. Each method yields similar results. The first interpolates across data gaps to use the standard Fourier periodogram. The second, using the CARMA-based time-domain modeling technique of Kelly et al. (2014), does not need evenly-sampled data. Both methods find excess power at high frequencies that may be due to Kepler instrumental effects. More importantly both also show strong bends ({\Delta}{\alpha} ~ 2) at timescales of ~5 days, a feature similar to those seen in the X-ray PSDs of AGN but never before in the optical. This observed ~5 day timescale may be associated with one of several physical processes potentially responsible for the variability. A plausible association could be made with light-crossing, dynamical or thermal timescales, depending on the assumed value of the accretion disk size and on unobserved disk parameters such as {\alpha} and H/R. This timescale is not consistent with the viscous timescale, which would be years in a ~10^7 Solar mass AGN such as Zw 229-15. However there must be a second bend on long (greater than ~1 year) timescales, and that feature could be associated with the viscous timescale.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Tau Retrieval for Exoplanets: A Framework for Detecting Exoplanetary Atmospheres
Tau-REx I: A next generation retrieval code for exoplanetary atmospheres
Waldmann et al
Spectroscopy of exoplanetary atmospheres has become a well established method for the characterisation of extrasolar planets. We here present a novel inverse retrieval code for exoplanetary atmospheres. Tau-REx (Tau Retrieval for Exoplanets) is a line-by-line radiative transfer fully Bayesian retrieval framework. It differentiates itself from existing codes in the literature through: 1) the optimised use of molecular line-lists from the ExoMol project; 2) an unbiased atmospheric composition prior selection, through custom built pattern recognition software; 3) the use of two independent algorithms to fully sample the Bayesian likelihood space: nested sampling as well as a more classical Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach; 4) iterative Bayesian parameter and model selection using the full Bayesian Evidence as well as the Savage-Dickey Ratio for nested models, and 5) the ability to fully map very large parameter spaces through optimal code parallelisation and scalability to cluster computing. In this publication we outline the Tau-REx framework and demonstrate, using a theoretical hot-Jupiter transmission spectrum, the parameter retrieval and model selection. We investigate the impact of Signal-to-Noise and spectral resolution on the retrievability of individual model parameters, both in terms of error bars on the temperature and molecular mixing ratios as well as its effect on the model's global Bayesian evidence.
Effects of Stellar Winds on the Habitability of Exoplanets
The effects of stellar winds on the magnetospheres and potential habitability of exoplanets
See et al
The principle definition of habitability for exoplanets is whether they can sustain liquid water on their surfaces, i.e. that they orbit within the habitable zone. However, the planet's magnetosphere should also be considered, since without it, an exoplanet's atmosphere may be eroded away by stellar winds. Aims: The aim of this paper is to investigate magnetospheric protection of a planet from the effects of stellar winds from solar-mass stars.
We study hypothetical Earth-like exoplanets orbiting in the host star's habitable zone for a sample of 124 solar-mass stars. These are targets that have been observed by the Bcool collaboration. Using two wind models, we calculate the magnetospheric extent of each exoplanet. These wind models are computationally inexpensive and allow the community to quickly estimate the magnetospheric size of magnetised Earth-analogues orbiting cool stars.
Most of the simulated planets in our sample can maintain a magnetosphere of ~5 Earth radii or larger. This suggests that magnetised Earth analogues in the habitable zones of solar analogues are able to protect their atmospheres and is in contrast to planets around young active M dwarfs. In general, we find that Earth-analogues around solar-type stars, of age 1.5 Gyr or older, can maintain at least a Paleoarchean Earth sized magnetosphere. Our results indicate that planets around 0.6 - 0.8 solar-mass stars on the low activity side of the Vaughan-Preston gap are the optimum observing targets for habitable Earth analogues.
Gliese 667Cd may be an Artifact of Host Star Activity
Disentangling Planets and Stellar Activity for Gliese 667C
Robertson et al
Gliese 667C is an M1.5V star with a multi-planet system, including planet candidates in the habitable zone (HZ). The exact number of planets in the system is unclear, because the existing radial velocity (RV) measurements are known to contain contributions from stellar magnetic activity. Following our analysis of Gliese 581 (Robertson et al. 2014), we have analyzed the effect of stellar activity on the HARPS/HARPS-TERRA RVs of GJ 667C, finding significant RV-activity correlation when using the width (FWHM) of the HARPS cross-correlation function to trace magnetic activity. When we correct for this correlation, we confirm the detections of the previously-observed planets b and c in the system, while simultaneously ascribing the RV signal near 90 days ("planet d") to an artifact of the stellar rotation. We are unable to confirm the existence of the additional RV periodicities described in Anglada-Escude et al. (2013) in our activity-corrected data.
Monday, September 22, 2014
The Potential of High Resolution Transmission Spectroscopy for Gas Giant Exoplanets
High Resolution Transmission Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic for Jovian Exoplanet Atmospheres: Constraints from Theoretical Models
Kempton et al
We present high resolution transmission spectra of giant planet atmospheres from a coupled 3-D atmospheric dynamics and transmission spectrum model that includes Doppler shifts which arise from winds and planetary motion. We model jovian planets covering more than two orders of magnitude in incident flux, corresponding to planets with 0.9 to 55 day orbital periods around solar-type stars. The results of our 3-D dynamical models reveal certain aspects of high resolution transmission spectra that are not present in simple 1-D models. We find that the hottest planets experience strong substellar to anti-stellar (SSAS) winds, resulting in transmission spectra with net blue shifts of up to 3 km s−1, whereas less irradiated planets show almost no net Doppler shifts. Compared to 1-D models, peak line strengths are significantly reduced for the hottest atmospheres owing to Doppler broadening from a combination of rotation (which is faster for close-in planets under the assumption of tidal locking) and atmospheric winds. Finally, high resolution transmission spectra may be useful in studying the atmospheres of exoplanets with optically thick clouds since line cores for very strong transitions should remain optically thick to very high altitude. High resolution transmission spectra are an excellent observational test for the validity of 3-D atmospheric dynamics models, because they provide a direct probe of wind structures and heat circulation. Ground-based exoplanet spectroscopy is currently on the verge of being able to verify some of our modeling predictions, most notably the dependence of SSAS winds on insolation. We caution that interpretation of high resolution transmission spectra based on 1-D atmospheric models may be inadequate, as 3-D atmospheric motions can produce a noticeable effect on the absorption signatures.
The Implications of Solar System Bodies With Atmospheres for Exoplanets
Geology and Photometric Variation of Solar System Bodies with Minor Atmospheres: Implications for Solid Exoplanets
Fujii et al
A reasonable basis for future astronomical investigations of exoplanets lies in our best knowledge of the planets and satellites in the Solar System. Solar System bodies exhibit a wide variety of surface environments, even including potential habitable conditions beyond Earth, and it is essential to know how they can be characterized from outside the Solar System. In this study, we provide an overview of geological features of major Solar System solid bodies with minor atmospheres (i.e., the Terrestrial Moon, Mercury, the Galilean moons, and Mars) that affect surface albedo at local to global scale, and we survey how they influence point-source photometry in UV, visible, and near IR (i.e., the reflection-dominant range). We simulate them based on recent mapping products and also compile observed light curves where available. We show a 5-50% peak-to-trough variation amplitude in one spin rotation associated with various geological processes including heterogeneous surface compositions due to igneous activities, interaction with surrounding energetic particles, and distribution of grained materials. Some indications of these processes are provided by the amplitude and wavelength dependence of variation in combinations of the time-averaged spectra. We also estimate the photometric precision needed to detect their spin rotation rates through periodogram analysis. Our survey illustrates realistic possibilities for inferring the detailed properties of solid exoplanets with future direct imaging observations.
Examining HD 209458b Hints at Overestimate of H2 Escape From Exoplanetary Atmospheres
Heating efficiency in hydrogen-dominated upper atmospheres
Shemtovich et al
The heating efficiency is defined as the ratio of the net local gas-heating rate to the rate of stellar radiative energy absorption. It plays an important role in thermal-escape processes from the upper atmospheres of planets that are exposed to stellar soft X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation (XUV).
We model the thermal-escape-related heating efficiency of the stellar XUV radiation in the hydrogen-dominated upper atmosphere of the extrasolar gas giant HD 209458b. The model result is then compared with previous thermal-hydrogen-escape studies which assumed heating efficiency values between 10-100%.
The photolytic and electron impact processes in the thermosphere were studied by solving the kinetic Boltzmann equation and applying a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo model. We calculated the energy deposition rates of the stellar XUV flux and that of the accompanying primary photoelectrons that are caused by electron impact processes in the H2 to H transition region in the upper atmosphere.
The heating by XUV radiation of hydrogen-dominated upper atmospheres does not reach higher than 20% above the main thermosphere altitude, if the participation of photoelectron impact processes is included.
Hydrogen-escape studies from exoplanets that assume heating efficiency values that are greater than or equal to 20 % probably overestimate the thermal escape or mass-loss rates, while those who assumed values that are less than 20% probably produce more realistic atmospheric-escape rates.
gas giant,
giant planets,
HD 209458,
HD 209458b
Sunday, September 21, 2014
How to Detect the Signatures of Self-Gravitating Circumstellar Disks
How to Detect the Signatures of Self-Gravitating Circumstellar Discs with the Atacama Large Millimetre/sub-millimetre Array
Dipierro et al
In this paper we present simulated Atacama Large Millimetre/sub-millimetre Array (ALMA) observations of self-gravitating circumstellar discs with different properties in size, mass and inclination, located in four of the most extensively studied and surveyed star-forming regions. Starting from a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation and representative dust opacities, we have initially constructed maps of the expected emission at sub-mm wavelengths of a large sample of discs with different properties. We have then simulated realistic observations of discs as they may appear with ALMA using the Common Astronomy Software Application ALMA simulator. We find that, with a proper combination of antenna configuration and integration time, the spiral structure characteristic of self-gravitating discs is readily detectable by ALMA over a wide range of wavelengths at distances comparable to TW Hydrae (∼50pc), Taurus - Auriga and Ophiucus (∼140pc) star-forming regions. However, for discs located in Orion complex (∼400pc) only the largest discs in our sample (outer radius of 100 au) show a spatially resolved structure while the smaller ones (outer radius of 25 au) are characterized by a spiral structure that is not conclusively detectable with ALMA.
Hall-effect Controlled Gas Dynamics in Outer Protoplanetary Disks
Hall-effect Controlled Gas Dynamics in Protoplanetary Disks: II. Full 3D Simulations toward the Outer Disk
Bai et al
We perform 3D stratified shearing-box MHD simulations on the gas dynamics of protoplanetary disks threaded by net vertical magnetic field Bz. All three non-ideal MHD effects, Ohmic resistivity, the Hall effect and ambipolar diffusion are included in a self-consistent manner based on equilibrium chemistry. We focus on regions toward outer disk radii, from 5-60AU, where Ohmic resistivity tends to become negligible, ambipolar diffusion dominates over an extended region across disk height, and the Hall effect largely controls the dynamics near the disk midplane. We find that around R=5AU, the system launches a laminar/weakly turbulent magnetocentrifugal wind when the net vertical field Bz is not too weak, as expected. Moreover, the wind is able to achieve and maintain a configuration with reflection symmetry at disk midplane. The case with anti-aligned field polarity (Omega. Bz less than 0) is more susceptible to the MRI when Bz drops, leading to an outflow oscillating in radial directions and very inefficient angular momentum transport. At the outer disk around and beyond R=30AU, the system shows vigorous MRI turbulence in the surface layer due to far-UV ionization, which efficiently drives disk accretion. The Hall effect affects the stability of the midplane region to the MRI, leading to strong/weak Maxwell stress for aligned/anti-aligned field polarities. Nevertheless, the midplane region is only very weakly turbulent. Overall, the basic picture is analogous to the conventional layered accretion scenario applied to the outer disk. In addition, we find that the vertical magnetic flux is strongly concentrated into thin, azimuthally extended shells in most of our simulations beyond 15AU. This is a generic phenomenon unrelated to the Hall effect, and leads to enhanced zonal flow. Observational and theoretical implications, as well as future prospects are briefly discussed.
Hydrodynamically Simulating Exoplanet-Disk Interactions Using a Free Moving Mesh
Planet-disc interaction on a freely moving mesh
Munoz et al
General-purpose, moving-mesh schemes for hydrodynamics have opened the possibility of combining the accuracy of grid-based numerical methods with the flexibility and automatic resolution adaptivity of particle-based methods. Due to their supersonic nature, Keplerian accretion discs are in principle a very attractive system for applying such freely moving mesh techniques. However, the high degree of symmetry of simple accretion disc models can be difficult to capture accurately by these methods, due to the generation of geometric grid noise and associated numerical diffusion, which is absent in polar grids. To explore these and other issues, in this work we study the idealized problem of two-dimensional planet-disc interaction with the moving-mesh code AREPO. We explore the hydrodynamic evolution of discs with planets through a series of numerical experiments that vary the planet mass, the disc viscosity and the mesh resolution, and compare the resulting surface density, vortensity field and tidal torque with results from the literature. We find that the performance of the moving-mesh code in this problem is in accordance with published results, showing good consistency with grid codes written in polar coordinates. We also conclude that grid noise and mesh distortions do not introduce excessive numerical diffusion. Finally, we show how the moving-mesh approach can help in resolving an outstanding challenge for polar-coordinate grid codes, namely the successful implementation of adaptive mesh refinement in regions of high density around planets and planetary wakes, while retaining the background flow at low resolution.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Torques on Migrating Low-mass Exoplanets
Dynamical corotation torques on low-mass planets
Paardekooper et al
We study torques on migrating low-mass planets in locally isothermal discs. Previous work on low-mass planets generally kept the planet on a fixed orbit, after which the torque on the planet was measured. In addition to these static torques, when the planet is allowed to migrate it experiences dynamical torques, which are proportional to the migration rate and whose sign depends on the background vortensity gradient. We show that in discs a few times more massive than the Minimum Mass Solar Nebula, these dynamical torques can have a profound impact on planet migration. Inward migration can be slowed down significantly, and if static torques lead to outward migration, dynamical torques can take over, taking the planet beyond zero-torque lines set by saturation of the corotation torque in a runaway fashion. This means the region in non-isothermal discs where outward migration is possible can be larger than what would be concluded from static torques alone.
Exoplanet Formation In a Thermally Evolving Protoplanetary Disk
On the formation of planetary systems via oligarchic growth in thermally evolving viscous discs
Coleman et al
We present N-body simulations of planetary system formation in thermally-evolving, viscous disc models. The simulations incorporate type I migration (including corotation torques and their saturation), gap formation, type II migration, gas accretion onto planetary cores, and gas disc dispersal through photoevaporation. The aim is to examine whether or not the oligarchic growth scenario, when combined with self-consistent disc models and up-to-date prescriptions for disc-driven migration, can produce planetary systems similar to those that have been observed.
The results correlate with the initial disc mass. Low mass discs form close-packed systems of terrestrial-mass planets and super-Earths. Higher mass discs form multiple generations of planets, with masses in the range 10 less than mp less than 45M_Earth. These planets generally type I migrate into the inner disc, because of corotation torque saturation, where they open gaps and type II migrate into the central star. Occasionally, a final generation of low-to-intermediate mass planets forms and survives due to gas disc dispersal. No surviving gas giants were formed in our simulations. Analysis shows that these planets can only survive migration if a core forms and experiences runaway gas accretion at orbital radii r greater than 10 au prior to the onset of type II migration.
We conclude that planet growth above masses mp greater than 10M_Earth during the gas disc life time leads to corotation torque saturation and rapid inward migration, preventing the formation and survival of gas giants. This result is in contrast to the success in forming gas giant planets displayed by some population synthesis models. This discrepancy arises, in part, because the type II migration prescription adopted in the population synthesis models causes too large a reduction in the migration speed when in the planet dominated regime.
HD 15115's Inner Protoplanetary Disk is NOT Asymmertrical
Is the HD 15115 inner disk really asymmetrical ?
Mazoyer et al
Debris disks are intrinsically connected to the planetary system's formation and evolution. The development of high-contrast imaging techniques in the past 20 years is now allowing the detection of faint material around bright stars with high angular resolution, hence opening an avenue to study in detail the structures of circumstellar disks and their relation to planetary formation.
The purpose of this paper is to revisit the morphology of the almost edge-on debris disk around HD 15115.
We analyzed data from the Gemini science archive obtained in 2009 and 2011 with the Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager instrument in the H and Ks bands using coronagraphy and angular differential imaging tech- niques.
We resolved the disk in both the H and Ks bands. We confirmed the position angles inferred by previous authors, as well as the brightness asymmetry, which is the origin of the object's nickname, the blue needle. We were able to detect the bow-like shape of the disk suspected from other observations. However, these new NICI images suggest the presence of a highly inclined ring-like disk of which we see the brighter side and the ansae located at 90 AU symmetrically about the star. The inner part is likely depleted of dust. The fainter side of the disk is suspected but not firmly detected, which also indicates a large anisotropic scattering factor.
The morphological symmetry of the disk contrasts with the obvious brightness asymmetry. This asymmetry may be explained by the coexistence of several types of grains in this disk and/or variable dust density. Interaction with the interstellar medium was invoked by previous authors as a possible explanation but other mechanisms may account for the brightness asymmetry, for instance a recent collision in the disk
circumstellar disks,
HD 15115,
protoplanetary disks
Friday, September 19, 2014
Accretion Outbursts in Self-gravitating Protoplanetary Disks
Accretion Outbursts in Self-gravitating Protoplanetary Disks
Bae et al
We improve on our previous treatments of long-term evolution of protostellar disks by explicitly solving disk self-gravity in two dimensions. The current model is an extension of the one-dimensional layered accretion disk model of Bae et al. We find that gravitational instability (GI)-induced spiral density waves heat disks via compressional heating (i.e. PdV work), and can trigger accretion outbursts by activating the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in the magnetically inert disk dead-zone. The GI-induced spiral waves propagate well inside of gravitationally unstable region before they trigger outbursts at R≲1 AU where GI cannot be sustained. This long-range propagation of waves cannot be reproduced with the previously used local α treatments for GI. In our standard model where zero dead-zone residual viscosity (αrd) is assumed, the GI-induced stress measured at the onset of outbursts is locally as large as 0.01 in terms of the generic α parameter. However, as suggested in our previous one-dimensional calculations, we confirm that the presence of a small but finite αrd triggers thermally-driven bursts of accretion instead of the GI + MRI-driven outbursts that are observed when αrd=0. The inclusion of non-zero residual viscosity in the dead-zone decreases the importance of GI soon after mass feeding from the envelope cloud ceases. During the infall phase while the central protostar is still embedded, our models stay in a quiescent accretion phase with M˙acc∼10−8−10−7 M⊙ yr−1 over 60 % of the time and spend less than 15 % of the infall phase in accretion outbursts.
Debris Disk Detected at Tau Ceti: Only Neptune or Smaller Worlds Possible Past 5 AU
The debris disc of solar analogue τ Ceti: Herschel observations and dynamical simulations of the proposed multiplanet system
Lawler et al
τ Ceti is a nearby, mature G-type star very similar to our Sun, with a massive Kuiper Belt analogue and possible multiplanet system that has been compared to our Solar system. We present Herschel Space Observatory images of the debris disc, finding the disc is resolved at 70 μm and 160 μm, and marginally resolved at 250 μm. The Herschel images and infrared photometry from the literature are best modelled using a wide dust annulus with an inner edge between 1 and 10 au and an outer edge at ∼55 au, inclined from face-on by 35° ± 10°, and with no significant azimuthal structure. We model the proposed tightly packed planetary system of five super-Earths and find that the innermost dynamically stable disc orbits are consistent with the inner edge found by the observations. The photometric modelling, however, cannot rule out a disc inner edge as close to the star as 1 au, though larger distances produce a better fit to the data. Dynamical modelling shows that the five-planet system is stable with the addition of a Neptune or smaller mass planet on an orbit outside 5 au, where the radial velocity data analysis would not have detected a planet of this mass.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Predicting the Existence of Circumbinary Planet Kepler-47d
Predicting a third planet in the Kepler-47 circumbinary system
Hinse et al
We have explored the possibility of a third circumbinary planet having a dynamically stable orbit in the Kepler-47 system and producing the single, unexplained transit event (not associated with either the binary star or the two known circumbinary planets) reported in the discovery paper (Orosz et al. 2012). We applied the dynamical mapping MEGNO technique to identify regions in the phase space of the system where this third planet can maintain stable, quasi-periodic orbits. The long-term, Lagrangian stability of the entire 5-body configuration (eclipsing binary + three planets) is confirmed by direct numerical integrations for 10 Myr. We identified several long-term stable regions between the two confirmed planets, and also an extended region beyond the orbit of the outer planet Kepler-47c. To further constrain the orbit of the hypothetical third planet, we compared the synthetic single transit duration it produces from the ensemble of stable orbits to the measured duration of the unexplained transit event (~4.15 hours). Due to the rich dynamics of the system, different stable orbits of such a hypothetical, third circumbinary planet can produce similar single-transit durations. To remove this degeneracy, we fixed the planet's orbit as circular and use the observed duration of the unexplained transit to analytically place an upper limit of 424 days for the planetary period. Our analysis strongly suggests that, if the yet unexplained single transit event is indeed due to a planetary object, then the most probable orbit for this undetected planet will be between Kepler-47b and Kepler-47c -- a region characterized by low-order mean motion resonances. We present our methodology in details, and discuss the implication of our results.
circumbinary systems,
The Effects of Extreme UV on Circumbinary ExoPlanets
Effects of XUV radiation on circumbinary planets
Sanz-Forcada et al
Several circumbinary planets have recently been discovered. The orbit of a planet around a binary stellar system poses several dynamic constraints. The effects that radiation from the host stars may have on the planet atmospheres must be considered. Because of the configuration of a close binary system, these stars have a high rotation rate, which causes a permanent state of high stellar activity and copious XUV radiation. The accumulated effects are stronger than for exoplanets around single stars, and cause a faster evaporation of their atmospheres. We evaluate the effects that stellar radiation has on the evaporation of exoplanets around binary systems and on the survival of these planets. We considered the XUV spectral range to account for the photons that are easily absorbed by a planet atmosphere that is mainly composed of hydrogen. A more complex atmospheric composition is expected to absorb this radiation more efficiently. We used direct X-ray observations to evaluate the energy in the X-rays range and coronal models to calculate the (nondetectable) EUV part of the spectrum. The simulations show that exoplanets in a close orbit will suffer strong photoevaporation that may cause a total loss of atmosphere in a short time. A binary system of two solar-like stars will be highly efficient in evaporating the atmosphere of the planet. These systems will be difficult to find, even if they are dynamically stable. Still, planets may orbit around binary systems of low mass stars for wider orbits. Currently known circumbinary planets are not substantially affected by thermal photoevaporation processes, unless Kepler-47 b has an inflated atmosphere. The distribution of the orbital periods of circumbinary planets is shifted to much longer periods than the average of Kepler planets, which supports a scenario of strong photoevaporation in close-in circumbinary planets.
Formation of P and S Type Binary Star System Exoplanets
First- versus second-generation planet formation in post-common envelope binary (PCEB) planetary systems
Bear et al
We examine planets orbiting post-common envelope binaries from the perspective of angular momentum evolution, and conclude that the planets are more likely to be first-generation (FG) planets than second generation (SG) planets. FG planets were born together with the parent stars, while SG planets form later from an SG protoplanetary disc formed by mass-loss from the evolved primary star during its red giant branch phase or asymptotic giant branch phase. We find that in some systems the SG scenario requires that more than 20 per cent of the SG protoplanetary disc mass ends in planets. Although we cannot rule out SG planet formation in these systems, this fraction of mass that ends in planets is much higher than the value commonly used in planet formation theories. On the other hand, we find that for each of the systems, we can build a progenitor system composed of a main-sequence binary system orbited by the appropriate planets. This can be done if the secondary star was in a resonance with the inner planet. To account for the progenitor properties, we suggest that in cases where the secondary star has a mass of ∼0.1–0.2 M⊙, it was formed in the same way planets are formed, i.e. from a disc.
KIC 9632895b: A Circumbinary 6.2 Earth-radius Superearth/Mini Neptune
KIC 9632895 - The 10th Kepler Transiting Circumbinary Planet
Welsh et al
We present the discovery of KIC 9632895b, a 6.2 Earth-radius planet in a low-eccentricity, 240.5-day orbit about an eclipsing binary. The binary itself consists of a 0.93 and 0.194 solar mass pair of stars with an orbital period of 27.3 days. The plane of the planet's orbit is rapidly precessing, and its inclination only becomes sufficiently aligned with the primary star in the latter portion of the Kepler data. Thus three transits are present in the latter half of the light curve, but none of the three conjunctions that occurred during the first half of the light curve produced transits. The precession period is ~103 years, and during that cycle, transits are visible only ~8% of the time. This has the important implication that for every system like KIC 9632895 that we detect, there are ~12 circumbinary systems that exist but are not currently exhibiting transits. The planet's mass is too small to noticeably perturb the binary, consequently its mass is not measurable with these data; but our photodynamical model places a 1-sigma upper limit of 16 Earth masses. With a period 8.8 times that of the binary, the planet is well outside the dynamical instability zone. It does, however, lie within the habitable zone of the binary, and making it the third of ten Kepler circumbinary planets to do so.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Habitability of Exoplanets in Elliptical Orbits of P-Type and S Type Binary Systems
S-Type and P-Type Habitability in Stellar Binary Systems: A Comprehensive Approach. II. Elliptical Orbits
Cuntz et al
In the first paper of this series, a comprehensive approach has been provided for the study of S-type and P-type habitable regions in stellar binary systems, which was, however, restricted to circular orbits of the stellar components. Fortunately, a modest modification of the method also allows for the consideration of elliptical orbits, which of course entails a much broader range of applicability. This augmented method is presented here, and numerous applications are conveyed. In alignment with Paper I, the selected approach considers a variety of aspects, which comprise the consideration of a joint constraint including orbital stability and a habitable region for a putative system planet through the stellar radiative energy fluxes (radiative habitable zone; RHZ). The devised method is based on a combined formalism for the assessment of both S-type and P-type habitability; in particular, mathematical criteria are deduced for which kinds of systems S-type and P-type habitable zones are realized. If the RHZs are truncated by the additional constraint of orbital stability, the notation of ST-type and PT-type habitability applies. In comparison to the circular case, it is found that in systems of higher eccentricity, the range of the RHZs is significantly reduced. Furthermore, the orbital stability constraint again impacts S-type and P-type habitability in an unfavorable manner. Nonetheless, S-, P-, ST-, and PT-type habitability is identified for a considerable set of system parameters. The method as presented is utilized for BinHab, a black box code available at The University of Texas at Arlington.
BinHab: Tool for the Calculation of S/P-Type Habitable Zones in Binary Systems
BinHab: A Numerical Tool for the Calculation of S/P-Type Habitable Zones in Binary Systems
Cuntz et al
The aim of this contribution is to introduce the numerical tool BinHab, a publicly accessible code, available at The University of Texas at Arlington, that allows the calculation of S-type and P-type habitable zones of general binary systems.
Carbon's Role in Exoplanetary Geodynamics & Habitability
Unterborn et al
The proportions of oxygen, carbon, and major rock-forming elements (e.g., Mg, Fe, Si) determine a planet's dominant mineralogy. Variation in a planet's mineralogy subsequently affects planetary mantle dynamics as well as any deep water or carbon cycle. Through thermodynamic models and high pressure diamond anvil cell experiments, we demonstrate that the oxidation potential of C is above that of Fe at all pressures and temperatures, indicative of 0.1-2 Earth-mass planets. This means that for a planet with (Mg+2Si+Fe+2C)/O greater than 1, excess C in the mantle will be in the form of diamond. We find that an increase in C, and thus diamond, concentration slows convection relative to a silicate-dominated planet, due to diamond's ~3 order of magnitude increase in both viscosity and thermal conductivity. We assert then that in the C-(Mg+2Si+Fe)-O system, there is a compositional range in which a planet can be habitable. Planets outside of this range will be dynamically sluggish or stagnant, thus having limited carbon or water cycles leading to surface conditions inhospitable to life as we know it.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Silicon-Carbon Worlds' Internal Structure & 55 Cancri e
Wilson et al
Planets such as 55 Cancri e orbiting stars with a high carbon-to-oxygen ratio may consist primarily of silicon and carbon, with successive layers of carbon, silicon carbide, and iron. The behavior of silicon-carbon materials at the extreme pressures prevalent in planetary interiors, however, has not yet been sufficiently understood. In this work, we use simulations based on density functional theory to determine high-pressure phase transitions in the silicon-carbon system, including the prediction of new stable compounds with Si2C and SiC2 stoichiometry at high pressures. We compute equations of state for these silicon-carbon compounds as a function of pressure, and hence derive interior structural models and mass-radius relationships for planets composed of silicon and carbon. Notably, we predict a substantially smaller radius for SiC planets than in previous models, and find that mass radius relationships for SiC planets are indistinguishable from those of silicate planets. We also compute a new equation of state for iron. We rederive interior models for 55 Cancri e and are able to place more stringent restrictions on its composition.
The Impact of Oceans on Exoplanet Climates
A Sea Change in Exoplanet Climate Models?
What would Earth's climate be like without the oceans? This is a question that is not easy to answer in detail, since it depends among other things upon what impact removing the oceans would have on the composition of the atmosphere and, in particular, on the concentration of greenhouse gases such as water vapor, atmospheric dust concentrations, and cloudiness. But one immediate consequence would be the likelihood of much more extreme geographic, seasonal, and diurnal variability in surface temperature, almost certainly rendering large areas of the planet virtually uninhabitable for advanced forms of life. The immense heat capacity of the oceans causes their surface temperature to respond only very slowly to seasonal changes in solar heating, while their near-global extent ensures that temperature swings across the planet are kept to tolerable levels. But the ocean circulation also carries a huge amount of heat energy from the steamy tropics towards the poles, thereby also moderating the extreme temperature contrast between equator and high latitudes. It is clear, therefore, that the oceans play a vital role in keeping much of Earth comfortably habitable.
terrestrial planets
The Next Steps in Spectroscopic Detection of Life on Exoplanets
The future of spectroscopic life detection on exoplanets
Seager et al
The discovery and characterization of exoplanets have the potential to offer the world one of the most impactful findings ever in the history of astronomy—the identification of life beyond Earth. Life can be inferred by the presence of atmospheric biosignature gases—gases produced by life that can accumulate to detectable levels in an exoplanet atmosphere. Detection will be made by remote sensing by sophisticated space telescopes. The conviction that biosignature gases will actually be detected in the future is moderated by lessons learned from the dozens of exoplanet atmospheres studied in last decade, namely the difficulty in robustly identifying molecules, the possible interference of clouds, and the permanent limitations from a spectrum of spatially unresolved and globally mixed gases without direct surface observations. The vision for the path to assess the presence of life beyond Earth is being established.
How Common are Venus Analogs?
On the Frequency of Potential Venus Analogs from Kepler Data
Kane et al
The field of exoplanetary science has seen a dramatic improvement in sensitivity to terrestrial planets over recent years. Such discoveries have been a key feature of results from the {\it Kepler} mission which utilizes the transit method to determine the size of the planet. These discoveries have resulted in a corresponding interest in the topic of the Habitable Zone (HZ) and the search for potential Earth analogs. Within the Solar System, there is a clear dichotomy between Venus and Earth in terms of atmospheric evolution, likely the result of the large difference (∼ factor of two) in incident flux from the Sun. Since Venus is 95\% of the Earth's radius in size, it is impossible to distinguish between these two planets based only on size. In this paper we discuss planetary insolation in the context of atmospheric erosion and runaway greenhouse limits for planets similar to Venus. We define a ``Venus Zone'' (VZ) in which the planet is more likely to be a Venus analog rather than an Earth analog. We identify 43 potential Venus analogs with an occurrence rate ($\eta_{\venus}$) of 0.32+0.05−0.07 and 0.45+0.06−0.09 for M dwarfs and GK dwarfs respectively.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Signatures of Circum PLANETARY Disks
Accreting Circumplanetary Disks. I. Observational Signatures
I calculate the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of accreting circumplanetary disks using atmospheric radiative transfer models. Circumplanetary disks only accreting at 10−10M⊙yr−1 around a 1 MJ planet can be brighter than the planet itself. A moderately accreting circumplanetary disk (M˙∼10−8M⊙yr−1; enough to form a 10 MJ planet within 1 Myr) around a 1 MJ planet has a maximum temperature of ∼2000 K, and at near-infrared wavelengths (J, H, K bands), this disk is as bright as a late M-type brown dwarf or a 10 MJ planet with a "hot start". To distinguish the accretion disks around low mass planets (e.g., 1 MJ) from brown dwarfs or hot high mass planets, it is crucial to obtain photometry at mid-infrared bands (L′, M, N bands) because disk SEDs fall off more slowly at longer wavelengths than those of brown dwarfs or planets. If young planets have strong magnetic fields (≳100 G), fields may truncate slowly accreting circumplanetary disks (M˙≲10−9M⊙yr−1) and lead to magnetospheric accretion, which can provide additional accretion signatures, such as UV/optical excess from the accretion shock and line emission.
Magnetic Effects in Hot Jupiter Atmospheres
Magnetic Effects in Hot Jupiter Atmospheres
Rogers et al
We present magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the atmospheres of hot Jupiters ranging in temperature from 1100-1800K. Magnetic effects are negligible in atmospheres with temperatures ≲ 1400K. At higher temperatures winds are variable and in many cases, mean equatorial flows can become westward, opposite to their hydrodynamic counterparts. Ohmic dissipation peaks at temperatures ∼1500-1600K, depending on field strength, with maximum values ∼1018W at 10bar, substantially lower than previous estimates. Based on the limited parameter study done, this value can not be increased substantially with increasing winds, higher temperatures, higher field strengths, different boundary conditions or lower diffusivities. Although not resolved in these simulations there is modest evidence that a magnetic buoyancy instability may proceed in hot atmospheres.
Reexamining the TrES-2 System
Transit timing of TrES-2: a combined analysis of ground- and space-based photometry
Raetz et al
Homogeneous observations and careful analysis of transit light curves can lead to the identification of transit timing variations (TTVs). TrES-2 is one of few exoplanets, which offer the matchless possibility to combine long-term ground-based observations with continuous satellite data. Our research aimed at the search for TTVs that would be indicative of perturbations from additional bodies in the system. We also wanted to refine the system parameters and the orbital elements. We obtained 44 ground-based light curves of 31 individual transit events of TrES-2. Eight 0.2–2.2-m telescopes located at six observatories in Germany, Poland and Spain were used. In addition, we analysed 18 quarters (Q0–Q17) of observational data from NASA's space telescope Kepler including 435 individual transit events and 11 publicly available ground-based light curves. Assuming different limb darkening (LD) laws we performed an analysis for all light curves and redetermined the parameters of the system. We also carried out a joint analysis of the ground- and space-based data. The long observation period of seven years (2007–2013) allowed a very precise redetermination of the transit ephemeris. For a total of 490 transit light curves of TrES-2, the time of transit mid-point was determined. The transit times support neither variations on long time-scale nor on short time-scales. The nearly continuous observations of Kepler show no statistically significant increase or decrease in the orbital inclination i and the transit duration D. Only the transit depth shows a slight increase which could be an indication of an increasing stellar activity. In general, system parameters obtained by us were found to be in agreement with previous studies but are the most precise values to date.
ground based telescopes,
hot jupiters,
space telescope,
transit timing variations,
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Host Star-Exoplanet Interactions
Star-planet interactions
Stars interact with their planets through gravitation, radiation, and magnetic fields. I shall focus on the interactions between late-type stars with an outer convection zone and close-in planets, i.e., with an orbital semimajor axis smaller than approximately 0.15 AU. I shall review the roles of tides and magnetic fields considering some key observations and discussing theoretical scenarios for their interpretation with an emphasis on open questions.
Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability of Counter-Rotating Disks
Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability of Counter-Rotating Discs
Quach et al
Observations of galaxies and models of accreting systems point to the occurrence of counter-rotating discs where the inner part of the disc (r greater than r0) is co-rotating and the outer part is counter-rotating. This work analyzes the linear stability of radially separated co- and counter-rotating thin discs. The strong instability found is the supersonic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. The growth rates are of the order of or larger than the angular rotation rate at the interface. The instability is absent if there is no vertical dependence of the perturbation. That is, the instability is essentially three-dimensional. The nonlinear evolution of the instability is predicted to lead to a mixing of the two components, strong heating of the mixed gas, and vertical expansion of the gas, and annihilation of the angular momenta of the two components. As a result the heated gas will free-fall towards the disc's center over the surface of the inner disc.
Counter-Rotating Accretion Disks
Counter-Rotating Accretion Discs
Dyda et al
Counter-rotating discs can arise from the accretion of a counter-rotating gas cloud onto the surface of an existing co-rotating disc or from the counter-rotating gas moving radially inward to the outer edge of an existing disc. At the interface, the two components mix to produce gas or plasma with zero net angular momentum which tends to free-fall towards the disc center. We discuss high-resolution axisymmetric hydrodynamic simulations of a viscous counter-rotating disc for cases where the two components are vertically separated and radially separated. The viscosity is described by an isotropic α−viscosity including all terms in the viscous stress tensor. For the vertically separated components a shear layer forms between them. The middle of this layer free-falls to the disk center. The accretion rates are increased by factors ∼102−104 over that of a conventional disc rotating in one direction with the same viscosity. The vertical width of the shear layer and the accretion rate are strongly dependent on the viscosity and the mass fraction of the counter-rotating gas. In the case of radially separated components where the inner disc co-rotates and the outer disc rotates in the opposite direction, a gap between the two components opens and closes quasi-periodically. The accretion rates are ≳25 times larger than those for a disc rotating in one direction with the same viscosity.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Inner Disk in Mass Accretion into Host Star Early in Formation
The Role for the Inner Disk in Mass Accretion to the Star in the Early Phase of Star Formation
Ohtani et al
A physical mechanism that drives FU Orionis-type outbursts is reconsidered. We study the effect of inner part of a circumstellar disk covering a region from near the central star to the radius of approximately 5 AU (hereafter, the inner disk). Using the fluctuated mass accretion rate onto the inner disk M˙out, we consider the viscous evolution of the inner disk and the time variability of the mass accretion rate onto the central star M˙in by means of numerical calculation of an unsteady viscous accretion disk in a one-dimensional axisymmetric model. First, we calculate the evolution of the inner disk assuming an oscillating M˙out. It is shown that the time variability of M˙in does not coincide with M˙out due to viscous diffusion. Second, we investigate the properties of spontaneous outbursts with temporally constant M˙out. Outburst occur only in a limited range of mass accretion rates onto the inner disk 10−10 greater than M˙out greater than 3×10−6 M⊙yr−1 due to gravo-magneto limit cycle (GML). Finally, we discuss the case with a combination of episodic M˙out and accretion outbursts cause by the GML in the inner disk. The GML can drive accretion outbursts onto the star even for the case of fluctuating M˙out, although fluctuations of M˙ decay during transmitting the inner disk inwards. We newly identified two modes of outburst which are spontaneous one and stimulated one. In a stimulated mode of outburst, M˙out does appear directly in M˙in (the latter defining the stellar accretion luminosity). In a spontaneous mode of outburst, M˙out appears as the interval between outbursts.
circumstellar disks,
FU Orionis,
stellar formation
Examining the Gas Rich Circumbinary Disk of HR 4049
The Gas-Rich Circumbinary Disk of HR 4049. II: A Detailed Study of the Near-Infrared Spectrum
Malek et al
HR 4049 is a peculiar evolved binary which is surrounded by a circumbinary disk. Mid-infrared observations show that the disk is rich in molecular gas and radially extended. To study the properties of this disk, we re-analyzed a set of near-infrared observations at high spectral resolution obtained with Gemini-Phoenix. These data cover absorption lines originating from the first overtone of CO and from \hoh in the 2.3 μm region as well as more complex emission-absorption profiles from \hoh and the fundamental mode of CO near 4.6 μm. By using an excitation diagram and from modeling the spectrum, we find that most of the CO overtone and \hoh absorption originates from hot gas (Tex≈1000~K) with high column densities, consistent with the mid-infrared data. The strong emission in the wavelength range of the CO fundamental furthermore suggests that there is a significant quantity of gas in the inner cavity of the disk. In addition, there is a much colder component in the line of sight to the disk. A detailed analysis of the overtone line profiles reveals variations in the line widths which are consistent with a radially extended disk in Keplerian rotation with hotter gas closer to the central star. We estimate the mass of the primary to be ∼0.34~M⊙ and discuss the implications for its evolutionary status.
circumbinary disks,
circumstellar disks,
HR 4049
Do Two Temperature Debris Disks Have Multiple Belts?
Do Two Temperature Debris Disks Have Multiple Belts?
Kennedy et al
We present a study of debris disks whose spectra are well modelled by dust emission at two different temperatures. These disks are typically assumed to be a sign of multiple belts, which in only a few cases have been confirmed via high resolution observations. We first compile a sample of two-temperature disks to derive their properties, summarised by the ratios of the warm and cool component temperatures and fractional luminosities. The ratio of warm to cool temperatures is constant in the range 2-4, and the temperatures of both warm and cool components increases with stellar mass. We then explore whether this emission can arise from dust in a single narrow belt, with the range of temperatures arising from the size variation of grain temperatures. This model can produce two-temperature spectra for Sun-like stars, but is not supported where it can be tested by observed disk sizes and far-IR/mm spectral slopes. Therefore, while some two-temperature disks arise from single belts, it is probable that most have multiple spatial components. These disks are plausibly similar to the outer Solar System's configuration of Asteroid and Edgeworth-Kuiper belts separated by giant planets. Alternatively, the inner component could arise from inward scattering of material from the outer belt, again due to intervening planets. In either case, we suggest that the ratio of warm/cool component temperatures is indicative of the scale of outer planetary systems, which typically span a factor of about ten in radius.
circumstellar disks,
debris disk,
kuiper belt,
planetary formation,
protoplanetary disks
Friday, September 12, 2014
Spectroscopy of the Protoplanetary Disks of TW Hya and V4046 Sgr
Unbiased mm-wave Line Surveys of TW Hya and V4046 Sgr: The Enhanced C2H and CN Abundances of Evolved Protoplanetary Disks
Kastner et al
We have conducted the first comprehensive mm-wave molecular emission line surveys of the evolved circumstellar disks orbiting the nearby T Tauri stars TW Hya and V4046 Sgr AB. Both disks are known to retain significant residual gaseous components, despite the advanced ages of their host stars. Our unbiased broad-band radio spectral surveys of the TW Hya and V4046 Sgr disks were performed with the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) 12 meter telescope and are intended to yield a complete census of bright molecular emission lines in the range 275-357 GHz (1.1-0.85 mm). We find that lines of 12CO, 13CO, HCN, CN, and C2H, all of which lie in the higher-frequency range, constitute the strongest molecular emission from both disks in the spectral region surveyed. The molecule C2H is detected here for the first time in both disks, as is CS in the TW Hya disk. The survey results also include the first measurements of the full suite of hyperfine transitions of CN N=3-2 and C2H N=4-3 in both disks. Modeling of these CN and C2H hyperfine complexes in the spectrum of TW Hya indicates that the emission from both species is optically thick and may originate from very cold disk regions. It furthermore appears that the fractional abundances of CN and C2H are significantly enhanced in these evolved protoplanetary disks relative to the fractional abundances of the same molecules in the environments of deeply embedded protostars.
Dust & Kuiper Belts Around HD 30495, HD 110897 & HD 131511
Interpreting the extended emission around three nearby debris disc host stars
Marshall et al
Cool debris discs are a relic of the planetesimal formation process around their host star, analogous to the solar system's Edgeworth-Kuiper belt. As such, they can be used as a proxy to probe the origin and formation of planetary systems like our own. The Herschel Open Time Key Programmes "DUst around NEarby Stars" (DUNES) and "Disc Emission via a Bias-free Reconnaissance in the Infrared/Submillimetre" (DEBRIS) observed many nearby, sun-like stars at far-infrared wavelengths seeking to detect and characterize the emission from their circumstellar dust. Excess emission attributable to the presence of dust was identified from around ∼ 20% of stars. Herschel's high angular resolution (∼ 7" FWHM at 100 μm) provided the capacity for resolving debris belts around nearby stars with radial extents comparable to the solar system (50 to 100 au). As part of the DUNES and DEBRIS surveys, we obtained observations of three debris disc stars, HIP 22263 (HD 30495), HIP 62207 (HD 110897), and HIP 72848 (HD 131511), at far-infrared wavelengths with the Herschel PACS instrument. Combining these new images and photometry with ancilliary data from the literature, we undertook simultaneous multi-wavelength modelling of the discs' radial profiles and spectral energy distributions using three different methodologies: single annulus, modified black body, and a radiative transfer code. We present the first far-infrared spatially resolved images of these discs and new single-component debris disc models. We characterize the capacity of the models to reproduce the disc parameters based on marginally resolved emission through analysis of two sets of simulated systems (based on the HIP 22263 and HIP 62207 data) with the noise levels typical of the Herschel images. We find that the input parameter values are recovered well at noise levels attained in the observations presented here.
Observations of BD-21 1074 Suggest Close-in Planets do NOT Form Through Core Accretion
Evidence from stellar rotation of enhanced disc dispersal: (I) The case of the triple visual system BD-21 1074 in the β
Messina et al
The early stage of stellar evolution is characterized by a star-disc locking mechanism. The disc-locking prevents the star to spin its rotation up, and its timescale depends on the disc lifetime. Some mechanisms can significantly shorten this lifetime, allowing a few stars to start spinning up much earlier than other stars. In the present study, we aim to investigate how the properties of the circumstellar environment can shorten the disc lifetime. We have identified a few multiple stellar systems, composed of stars with similar masses, which belong to associations with a known age. Since all parameters that are responsible for the rotational evolution, with the exception of environment properties and initial stellar rotation, are similar for all components, we expect that significant differences among the rotation periods can only arise from differences in the disc lifetimes. A photometric timeseries allowed us to measure the rotation periods of each component, while high-resolution spectra provided us with the fundamental parameters, vsini and chromospheric line fluxes. The rotation periods of the components differ significantly, and the component B, which has a closer companion C, rotates faster than the more distant and isolated component A. We can ascribe the rotation period difference to either different initial rotation periods or different disc-locking phases arising from the presence of the close companion C. In the specific case of BD−21 1074, the second scenario seems to be more favored. In our hypothesis of different disc-locking phase, any planet orbiting this star is likely formed very rapidly owing to a gravitational instability mechanism, rather than core accretion. Only a large difference of initial rotation periods alone could account for the observed period difference, leaving comparable disc lifetimes.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Methane, Carbon Monoxide and Ammonia in Brown Dwarfs
Methane, Carbon Monoxide, and Ammonia in Brown Dwarfs and Self-Luminous Giant Planets
Zahnle et al
We address disequilibrum abundances of some simple molecules in the atmospheres of solar composition brown dwarfs and self-luminous extrasolar giant planets using a kinetics-based 1D atmospheric chemistry model. We employ cloudless atmospheres of approximately solar metallicity. Our approach is to use the complete model to survey the parameter space with effective temperatures between 500 K and 1100 K. In all of these worlds equilibrium chemistry favors CH4 over CO in the parts of the atmosphere that can be seen from Earth. Small surface gravity of planets strongly discriminates against CH4 when compared to an otherwise comparable brown dwarf. If vertical mixing is comparable to Jupiter's, methane becomes more abundant than CO in Jupiter-mass planets cooler than 500 K. Sluggish vertical mixing can raise this threshold to 600 K; but clouds or more vigorous vertical mixing could lower this threshold to 400 K. The comparable threshold in brown dwarfs is 1100 K. Ammonia is also sensitive to gravity, but unlike CH4/CO, the NH3/N2 ratio is insensitive to mixing, which makes NH3 a potential proxy for gravity. HCN may become interesting in high gravity brown dwarfs with very strong vertical mixing. Detailed analysis of the CO-CH4 reaction network reveals that the bottleneck to CO hydrogenation goes through methanol, in partial agreement with previous work. Simple, easy to use quenching relations are derived by fitting to the complete chemistry of the full ensemble of models. These relations are valid for determining CO, CH4, NH3, HCN, and CO2 abundances in the range of self-luminous worlds we have studied but may not apply if atmospheres are strongly heated at high altitudes by processes not considered here (e.g., wave breaking).
brown dwarf,
carbon monoxide,
gas giant,
giant planets,
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