Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Far-Ultraviolet Oscillation of Alpha Centauri AB

The Far-Ultraviolet Ups and Downs of Alpha Centauri


Ayres et al


Four years (2010-2014) of semiannual pointings by Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on nearby Alpha Centauri have yielded a detailed time history of far-ultraviolet emissions of the solar-like primary (A: G2V) and the cooler, but more active, secondary (B: K1V). This period saw A climbing out of a prolonged coronal X-ray minimum, as documented by Chandra, while B was rising to, then falling from, a peak of its long-term (8 yr) starspot cycle. The FUV fluxes of the primary were steady over most of the STIS period, although the [Fe XII] 124 nm coronal forbidden line (T= 1.5 MK) partly mirrored the slowly rising X-ray fluxes. The FUV emissions of the secondary more closely tracked the rise and fall of its coronal luminosities, especially the "hot lines" like Si IV, C IV, and N V (T= 80,000-200,000 K), and coronal [Fe XII] itself. The hot lines of both stars were systematically redshifted, relative to narrow chromospheric emissions, by several km/s, showing little change in amplitude over the 4-year period; especially for Alpha Cen B, despite the significant evolution of its coronal activity. Further, the hot line profiles of both stars, individually and epoch-averaged, could be decomposed into two nearly equal components, one narrow (FWHM~ 25-45 km/s), the other broad (60-80 km/s). Not much variation of the component properties was seen over the 4-year period, even over the major cycle changes of B. This suggests that there is a dominant "quantum" of FUV surface activity that is relatively unchanged during the cycle, aside from the fractional area covered.

WASP-28b's Weird Host Star

TTVs analysis in Southern Stars: the case of WASP-28


Petrucci et al


We present 4 new transit observations of the exoplanet WASP-28b observed between August 2011 and October 2013. Employing another 11 transits available in the literature we compute new ephemeris and redetermine the physical parameters of the star and the exoplanet. Considering 3 yrs of observations, we find no periodic TTVs or long-term variations of the inclination of the orbit, i, or the depth of the transit, k, that could be attributable to the presence of another planetary mass-body in the system. We also study the relations between i and k with different factors that characterize the light-curves. The fits suggest a possible weak correlation between k with the red noise factor, \b{eta}, and the photometric noise rate, PNR, and a weak anticorrelation between i and PNR, although more points are needed to confirm these trends. Finally, the kinematic study suggests that WASP-28 is a thin disk star.

Strong Evidence of Li Abundance Deficit in Exoplanet Host Stars

Parent Stars of Extrasolar Planets - XIV. Strong Evidence of Li Abundance Deficit


Gonzalez et al


We report the results of our analysis of new high resolution spectra of 30 late-F to early-G dwarf field stars for the purpose of deriving their Li abundances. They were selected from the subsample of stars in the Valenti and Fischer compilation that are lacking detected planets. These new data serve to expand our comparison sample used to test whether stars with Doppler-detected giant planets display Li abundance anomalies. Our results continue to show that Li is deficient among stars with planets when compared to very similar stars that lack such planets. This conclusion is strengthened when we add literature data to ours in a consistent way. We present a table of stars with planets paired with very similar stars lacking planets, extending the recent similar results of Delgado Mena et al.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Planetary Chaotic Zone Clearing

Planetary chaotic zone clearing: destinations and timescales

Morrison et al


We investigate the orbital evolution of particles in a planet's chaotic zone to determine their final destinations and their timescales of clearing. There are four possible final states of chaotic particles: collision with the planet, collision with the star, escape, or bounded but non-collision orbits. In our investigations, within the framework of the planar circular restricted three body problem for planet-star mass ratio μ in the range 10−9 to 10−1.5, we find no particles hitting the star. The relative frequencies of escape and collision with the planet are not scale-free, as they depend upon the size of the planet. For planet radius Rp≥0.001RH where RH is the planet's Hill radius, we find that most chaotic zone particles collide with the planet for μ≲10−5; particle scattering to large distances is significant only for higher mass planets. For fixed ratio Rp/RH, the particle clearing timescale, Tcl, has a broken power-law dependence on μ. A shallower power-law, Tcl∼μ−1/3, prevails at small μ where particles are cleared primarily by collisions with the planet; a steeper power law, Tcl∼μ−3/2, prevails at larger μ where scattering dominates the particle loss. In the limit of vanishing planet radius, we find Tcl≈0.024μ−32. The interior and exterior boundaries of the annular zone in which chaotic particles are cleared are increasingly asymmetric about the planet's orbit for larger planet masses; the inner boundary coincides well with the classical first order resonance overlap zone, Δacl,int≃1.2μ0.28ap; the outer boundary is better described by Δacl,ext≃1.7μ0.31ap, where ap is the planet-star separation.

Undead Zones in Protoplanetary Disks

Zombie Vortex Instability I: The "Dead" Zones of Protoplanetary Disks are Not Dead


Marcus et al


There has been considerable interest in purely hydrodynamic instabilities in the dead zones of protoplanetary disks (PPDs) as a mechanism for driving angular momentum transport and as a source of vortices to incubate planetesimal formation. We present a series of numerical simulations with both a pseudo-spectral anelastic code and the fully compressible Godunov finite-volume code Athena, showing that stably stratified flows in a shearing, rotating box are violently unstable and produce space-filling, sustained turbulence dominated by large vortices with Rossby numbers of order 0.2-0.3. This Zombie Vortex Instability (ZVI) is observed in both codes and is triggered by initial Kolmogorov turbulence with Mach numbers less than 0.01. ZVI is robust and requires no special tuning of cooling times, boundary conditions, or initial radial entropy or vortensity gradients. ZVI has not been seen in previous studies of flows in a rotating, shearing box because those calculations frequently lacked vertical density stratification and/or sufficient numerical resolution. Although we do not observe appreciable angular momentum transport from ZVI in small domains, we hypothesize that ZVI in larger domains with the fully compressible equations may lead to significant angular transport via spiral density waves launched by vortices. In a companion paper, we derive the instability criterion for ZVI; although ZVI is a subcritical instability, rather than a linear one, we show that initial Kolmogorov noise with Mach number no greater than 10^{-6} will trigger ZVI.

ALMA Detects Carbon monoxide in HD 142527's Disk

CO gas inside the protoplanetary disk cavity in HD 142527: disk structure from ALMA


Perez et al


Inner cavities and annular gaps in circumstellar disks are possible signposts of giant planet formation. The young star HD 142527 hosts a massive protoplanetary disk with a large cavity that extends up to 140 au from the central star, as seen in continuum images at infrared and millimeter wavelengths. Estimates of the survival of gas inside disk cavities are needed to discriminate between clearing scenarios. We present a spatially and spectrally resolved carbon monoxide isotopologue observations of the gas-rich disk HD 142527, in the J=2-1 line of 12CO, 13CO and C18O, obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). We detect emission coming from inside the dust-depleted cavity in all three isotopologues. Based on our analysis of the gas in the dust cavity, the 12CO emission is optically thick, while 13CO and C18O emission are both optically thin. The total mass of residual gas inside the cavity is about 1.5-2 Jupiter masses. We model the gas with an axisymmetric disk model. Our best fit model shows that the cavity radius is much smaller in CO than it is in millimeter continuum and scattered light observations, with a gas cavity that does not extend beyond 105 au (at 3-sigma). The gap wall at its outer edge is diffuse and smooth in the gas distribution, while in dust continuum it is manifestly sharper. The inclination angle, as estimated from the high velocity channel maps, is 28+/-0.5 degrees, higher than in previous estimates, assuming a fix central star mass of 2.2 Solar masses.

Friday, November 28, 2014

How the Initial Abundances of Nitrogen Effect a Protoplanetary Disk

The Effects of Initial Abundances on Nitrogen in Protoplanetary Disks


Schwarz et al


The dominant form of nitrogen provided to most solar system bodies is currently unknown, though available measurements show that the detected nitrogen in solar system rocks and ices is depleted with respect to solar abundances and the interstellar medium. We use a detailed chemical/physical model of the chemical evolution of a protoplanetary disk to explore the evolution and abundance of nitrogen-bearing molecules. Based on this model we analyze how initial chemical abundances, provided as either gas or ice during the early stages of disk formation, influence which species become the dominant nitrogen bearers at later stages. We find that a disk with the majority of its initial nitrogen in either atomic or molecular nitrogen is later dominated by atomic and molecular nitrogen as well as NH3 and HCN ices, where the dominant species varies with disk radius.

When nitrogen is initially in gaseous ammonia, it later becomes trapped in ammonia ice except in the outer disk where atomic nitrogen dominates. For a disk with the initial nitrogen in the form of ammonia ice the nitrogen remains trapped in the ice as NH3 at later stages. The model in which most of the initial nitrogen is placed in atomic N best matches the ammonia abundances observed in comets. Furthermore the initial state of nitrogen influences the abundance of N2H+, which has been detected in protoplanetary disks. Strong N2H+ emission is found to be indicative of an N2 abundance greater than nN2/nH2>10−6, in addition to tracing the CO snow line. Our models also indicate that NO is potentially detectable, with lower N gas abundances leading to higher NO abundances.

Exoplanets Suspected in HD 169142's Pre-transitional Disk

Variability of Disk Emission in Pre-Main Sequence and Related Stars. III. Exploring Structural Changes in the Pre-transitional Disk in HD 169142


Wagner et al


We present near-IR and far-UV observations of the pre-transitional (gapped) disk in HD 169142 using NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility and Hubble Space Telescope. The combination of our data along with existing data sets into the broadband spectral energy distribution reveals variability of up to 45% between ~1.5-10 {\mu}m over a maximum timescale of 10 years. All observations known to us separate into two distinct states corresponding to a high near-IR state in the pre-2000 epoch and a low state in the post-2000 epoch, indicating activity within the less than 1 AU region of the disk. Through analysis of the Pa {\beta} and Br {\gamma} lines in our data we derive a mass accretion rate in May 2013 of (1.5 - 2.7) x 10^-9 Msun/yr. We present a theoretical modeling analysis of the disk in HD 169142 using Monte-Carlo radiative transfer simulation software to explore the conditions and perhaps signs of planetary formation in our collection of 24 years of observations. We find that shifting the outer edge (r = 0.3 AU) of the inner disk by 0.05 AU toward the star (in simulation of accretion and/or sculpting by forming planets) successfully reproduces the shift in NIR flux. We establish that the ~40-70 AU dark ring imaged in the NIR by Quanz et al. (2013) and Momose et al. (2013) and at 7 mm by Osorio et al. (2014) may be reproduced with a 30% scaled density profile throughout the region, strengthening the link to this structure being dynamically cleared by one or more planetary mass bodies.

HD 104237 AB's Circumbinary Disk

Precession and accretion in circumbinary discs: The case of HD 104237


Dunhill et al


We present the results of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of the disc around the young, eccentric stellar binary HD 104237. We find that the binary clears out a large cavity in the disc, driving a significant eccentricity at the cavity edge. This then precesses around the binary at a rate of ϖ˙=0.48∘T−1b, which for HD 104237 corresponds to 40 years. We find that the accretion pattern into the cavity and onto the binary changes with this precession, resulting in a periodic accretion variability driven purely by the physical parameters of the binary and its orbit. For each star we find that this results in order of magnitude changes in the accretion rate. We also find that the accretion variability allows the primary to accrete gas at a higher rate than the secondary for approximately half of each precession period. Using a large number of 3-body integrations of test particles orbiting different binaries, we find good agreement between the precession rate of a test particle and our SPH disc precession. These rates also agree very well with the precession rates predicted by the analytic theory of Leung & Lee (2013), showing that their prescription can be accurately used to predict long-term accretion variability timescales for eccentric binaries accreting from a disc. We discuss the implications of our result, and suggest that this process provides a viable way of preserving unequal mass ratios in accreting eccentric binaries in both the stellar and supermassive black hole regimes

Thursday, November 27, 2014

J18212815+1414010 & J15074759-1627386: Two L Class Brown Dwarfs With High Altitude Haze

HST Rotational Spectral Mapping of Two L-Type Brown Dwarfs: Variability In and Out of Water Bands Indicates High-Altitude Haze Layers


Yang et al


We present time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy of two L5 dwarfs, 2MASS J18212815+1414010 and 2MASS J15074759-1627386, observed with the Wide Field Camera 3 instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We study the wavelength dependence of rotation-modulated flux variations between 1.1 μm and 1.7 μm. We find that the water absorption bands of the two L5 dwarfs at 1.15 μm and 1.4 μm vary at similar amplitudes as the adjacent continuum. This differs from the results of previous HST observations of L/T transition dwarfs, in which the water absorption at 1.4 μm displays variations of about half of the amplitude at other wavelengths. We find that the relative amplitude of flux variability out of the water band with respect to that in the water band shows a increasing trend from the L5 dwarfs toward the early T dwarfs. We utilize the models of Saumon & Marley (2008) and find that the observed variability of the L5 dwarfs can be explained by the presence of spatially varying high-altitude haze layers above the condensate clouds. Therefore, our observations show that the heterogeneity of haze layers - the driver of the variability - must be located at very low pressures, where even the water opacity is negligible. In the near future, the rotational spectral mapping technique could be utilized for other atomic and molecular species to probe different pressure levels in the atmospheres of brown dwarfs and exoplanets and uncover both horizontal and vertical cloud structures.

Circum Brown Dwarf Disks in TW Hydrae

Herschel/PACS view of disks around low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the TW Hya association


Liu et al


We conducted Herschel/PACS observations of five very low-mass stars or brown dwarfs located in the TW Hya association with the goal of characterizing the properties of disks in the low stellar mass regime. We detected all five targets at 70μm and 100μm and three targets at 160μm. Our observations, combined with previous photometry from 2MASS, WISE, and SCUBA-2, enabled us to construct SEDs with extended wavelength coverage. Using sophisticated radiative transfer models, we analyzed the observed SEDs of the five detected objects with a hybrid fitting strategy that combines the model grids and the simulated annealing algorithm and evaluated the constraints on the disk properties via the Bayesian inference method. The modelling suggests that disks around low-mass stars and brown dwarfs are generally flatter than their higher mass counterparts, but the range of disk mass extends to well below the value found in T Tauri stars, and the disk scale heights are comparable in both groups. The inferred disk properties (i.e., disk mass, flaring, and scale height) in the low stellar mass regime are consistent with previous findings from large samples of brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars. We discuss the dependence of disk properties on their host stellar parameters and find a significant correlation between the Herschel far-IR fluxes and the stellar effective temperatures, probably indicating that the scaling between the stellar and disk masses (i.e., Mdisk∝M⋆) observed mainly in low-mass stars may extend down to the brown dwarf regime.

Are Y & T Class Brown Dwarf Atmospheres low in Ammonia?

Near-infrared photometry of Y dwarfs: low ammonia abundance and the onset of water clouds


Leggett et al


We present new near-infrared photometry for seven late-type T dwarfs and nine Y-type dwarfs, and lower limit magnitudes for a tenth Y dwarf, obtained at Gemini Observatory. We also present a reanalysis of H-band imaging data from the Keck Observatory Archive, for an eleventh Y dwarf. These data are combined with earlier MKO-system photometry, Spitzer and WISE mid-infrared photometry, and available trigonometric parallaxes, to create a sample of late-type brown dwarfs which includes ten T9-T9.5 dwarfs or dwarf systems, and sixteen Y dwarfs. We compare the data to our models which include updated H_2 and NH_3 opacity, as well as low-temperature condensate clouds. The models qualitatively reproduce the trends seen in the observed colors, however there are discrepancies of around a factor of two in flux for the Y0-Y1 dwarfs, with T_eff~350-400K. At T_eff~400K, the problems could be addressed by significantly reducing the NH_3 absorption, for example by halving the abundance of NH_3 possibly by vertical mixing. At T_eff~350K, the discrepancy may be resolved by incorporating thick water clouds. The onset of these clouds might occur over a narrow range in T_eff, as indicated by the observed small change in 5um flux over a large change in J-W2 color. Of the known Y dwarfs, the reddest in J-W2 are WISEP J182831.08+265037.8 and WISE J085510.83-071442.5. We interpret the former as a pair of identical 300-350K dwarfs, and the latter as a 250K dwarf. If these objects are ~3 Gyrs old, their masses are ~10 and ~5 Jupiter-masses respectively.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Novel Method of Modeling the Evolution of Close-in Planets

Deformation and tidal evolution of close-in planets and satellites using a Maxwell viscoelastic rheology


Correia et al


In this paper we present a new approach to tidal theory. Assuming a Maxwell viscoelastic rheology, we compute the instantaneous deformation of celestial bodies using a differential equation for the gravity field coefficients. This method allows large eccentricities and it is not limited to quasi-periodic perturbations. It can take into account an extended class of perturbations, including chaotic motions and transient events. We apply our model to some already detected eccentric hot Jupiters and super-Earths in planar configurations. We show that when the relaxation time of the deformation is larger than the orbital period, spin-orbit equilibria arise naturally at half-integers of the mean motion, even for gaseous planets. In the case of super-Earths, these equilibria can be maintained for very low values of eccentricity. Our method can also be used to study planets with complex internal structures and other rheologies.

16 Cygni Reexamined

Asteroseismic inference on rotation, gyrochronology and planetary system dynamics of 16 Cygni


Davies et al


The solar analogs 16 Cyg A and 16 Cyg B are excellent asteroseismic targets in the \Kepler field of view and together with a red dwarf and a Jovian planet form an interesting system. For these more evolved Sun-like stars we cannot detect surface rotation with the current \Kepler data but instead use the technique of asteroseimology to determine rotational properties of both 16 Cyg A and B. We find the rotation periods to be 23.8+1.5−1.8days and 23.2+11.5−3.2days, and the angles of inclination to be 56+6−5∘ and 36+17−7∘, for A and B respectively. Together with these results we use the published mass and age to suggest that, under the assumption of a solar-like rotation profile, 16 Cyg A could be used when calibrating gyrochronology relations. In addition, we discuss the known 16 Cyg B star-planet eccentricity and measured low obliquity which is consistent with Kozai cycling and tidal theory.

Upsilon Andromedae's 3D Exoplanetary Architecture

The 3-dimensional architecture of the Upsilon Andromedae planetary system


Deitrick et al


The Upsilon Andromedae system is the first exoplanetary system to have the relative inclination of two planets' orbital planes directly measured, and therefore offers our first window into the 3-dimensional configurations of planetary systems. We present, for the first time, full 3-dimensional, dynamically stable configurations for the 3 planets of the system consistent with all observational constraints. While the outer 2 planets, c and d, are inclined by about 30 degrees, the inner planet's orbital plane has not been detected. We use N-body simulations to search for stable 3-planet configurations that are consistent with the combined radial velocity and astrometric solution. We find that only 10 trials out of 1000 are robustly stable on 100 Myr timescales, or about 8 billion orbits of planet b. Planet b's orbit must lie near the invariable plane of planets c and d, but can be either prograde or retrograde. These solutions predict b's mass is in the range 2 - 9 MJup and has an inclination angle from the sky plane of less than 25 degrees. Combined with brightness variations in the combined star/planet light curve ("phase curve"), our results imply that planet b's radius is about 1.8 RJup, relatively large for a planet of its age. However, the eccentricity of b in several of our stable solutions reaches values greater than 0.1, generating upwards of 1019 watts in the interior of the planet via tidal dissipation, possibly inflating the radius to an amount consistent with phase curve observations.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Applying Seismology to Giant Planets

Seismology of Giant Planets


Gaulme et al


Seismology applied to giant planets could drastically change our understanding of their deep interiors, as it has happened with the Earth, the Sun, and many main-sequence and evolved stars. The study of giant planets' composition is important for understanding both the mechanisms enabling their formation and the origins of planetary systems, in particular our own. Unfortunately, its determination is complicated by the fact that their interior is thought not to be homogeneous, so that spectroscopic determinations of atmospheric abundances are probably not representative of the planet as a whole. Instead, the determination of their composition and structure must rely on indirect measurements and interior models. Giant planets are mostly fluid and convective, which makes their seismology much closer to that of solar-like stars than that of terrestrial planets. Hence, helioseismology techniques naturally transfer to giant planets. In addition, two alternative methods can be used: photometry of the solar light reflected by planetary atmospheres, and ring seismology in the specific case of Saturn. The current decade has been promising thanks to the detection of Jupiter's acoustic oscillations with the ground-based imaging-spectrometer SYMPA and indirect detection of Saturn's f-modes in its rings by the NASA Cassini orbiter. This has motivated new projects of ground-based and space-borne instruments that are under development. In this chapter, we review the science that seismology could help understand about the four giant planets, the instrumental and modeling approaches, and the most recent observational results.

Detecing Exoplanet Mass With Transit Timing Variations

Measurement of planet masses with transit timing variations due to synodic "chopping" effects

Deck et al


Gravitational interactions between planets in transiting exoplanetary systems lead to variations in the times of transit that are diagnostic of the planetary masses and the dynamical state of the system. Here we show that synodic "chopping" contributions to these transit timing variations (TTVs) can be used to uniquely measure the masses of planets without full dynamical analyses involving direct integration of the equations of motion. We present simple analytic formulae for the chopping signal, which are valid (generally less than 0.1. Importantly, these formulae primarily depend on the mass of the perturbing planet, and therefore the chopping signal can be used to break the mass/free-eccentricity degeneracy which can appear for systems near first order mean motion resonances. Using a harmonic analysis, we apply these TTV formulae to a number of Kepler systems which had been previously analyzed with full dynamical analyses. We show that when chopping is measured, the masses of both planets can be determined uniquely, in agreement with previous results, but without the need for numerical orbit integrations. This demonstrates how mass measurements from TTVs may primarily arise from an observable chopping signal. The formula for chopping can also be used to predict the number of transits and timing precision required for future observations, such as those made by TESS or PLATO, in order to infer planetary masses through analysis of TTVs.

Hubble Space Telescope Cannot Find a Sub-Earth Sized Exoplanet in the Gliese 436 System



Stevenson et al


The detection of small planets orbiting nearby stars is an important step toward the identification of Earth twins. In previous work using the Spitzer Space Telescope, we found evidence to support at least one sub-Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting the nearby mid-M dwarf star GJ 436. As a follow up, here we used the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to investigate the existence of one of these candidate planets, UCF-1.01, by searching for two transit signals as it passed in front of its host star. Interpretation of the data hinges critically on correctly modeling and removing the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) instrument systematics from the light curves. Building on previous HST work, we demonstrate that WFC3 analyses need to explore the use of a quadratic function to fit a visit-long time-dependent systematic. This is important for establishing absolute transit and eclipse depths in the white light curves of all transiting systems. The work presented here exemplifies this point by putatively detecting the primary transit of UCF-1.01 with the use of a linear trend. However, using a quadratic trend, we achieve a better fit to the white light curves and a reduced transit depth that is inconsistent with previous Spitzer measurements. Furthermore, quadratic trends with or without a transit model component produce comparable fits to the available data. Using extant WFC3 transit light curves for GJ?436b, we further validate the quadratic model component by achieving photon-limited model fit residuals and consistent transit depths over multiple epochs. We conclude that, when we fit for a quadratic trend, our new data contradict the prediction of a sub-Earth-sized planet orbiting GJ 436 with the size, period, and ephemeris posited from the Spitzer data by a margin of 3.1?.

Monday, November 24, 2014

HD 100546b: a Protoplanet SuperJovian Gas Giant

Recovery of the Candidate Protoplanet HD 100546 b with Gemini/NICI and Detection of Additional (Planet-Induced?) Disk Structure at Small Separations


Currie et al


We report the first independent, second-epoch (re-)detection of a directly-imaged protoplanet candidate. Using L′ high-contrast imaging of HD 100546 taken with the Near-Infrared Coronagraph and Imager (NICI) on Gemini South, we recover `HD 100546 b' with a position and brightness consistent with the original VLT/NaCo detection from Quanz et al, although data obtained after 2013 will be required to decisively demonstrate common proper motion. HD 100546 b may be spatially resolved, up to ≈ 12-13 AU in diameter, and is embedded in a finger of thermal IR bright, polarized emission extending inwards to at least 0.3". Standard hot-start models imply a mass of ≈ 15 MJ. But if HD 100546 b is newly formed or made visible by a circumplanetary disk, both of which are plausible, its mass is significantly lower (e.g. 1--7 MJ). Additionally, we discover a thermal IR-bright disk feature, possibly a spiral density wave, at roughly the same angular separation as HD 100546 b but 90 degrees away. Our interpretation of this feature as a spiral arm is not decisive, but modeling analyses using spiral density wave theory implies a wave launching point exterior to ≈ 0.45" embedded within the visible disk structure: plausibly evidence for a second, hitherto unseen wide-separation planet. With one confirmed protoplanet candidate and evidence for 1--2 others, HD 100546 is an important evolutionary precursor to intermediate-mass stars with multiple super-jovian planets at moderate/wide separations like HR 8799.

Formation of Distant Jupiters in Circular Orbits

Orbital Circularization of a Planet Accreting Disk Gas: Formation of Distant Jupiters in Circular Orbits based on Core Accretion Model


Kikuchi et al


Recently, gas giant planets in nearly circular orbits with large semimajor axes (a∼ 30--1000AU) have been detected by direct imaging. We have investigated orbital evolution in a formation scenario for such planets, based on core accretion model: i) Icy cores accrete from planetesimals at ≲ 30AU, ii) they are scattered outward by an emerging nearby gas giant to acquire highly eccentric orbits, and iii) their orbits are circularized through accretion of disk gas in outer regions, where they spend most of time. We analytically derived equations to describe the orbital circularization through the gas accretion. Numerical integrations of these equations show that the eccentricity decreases by a factor of more than 5 during the planetary mass increases by a factor of 10. Because runaway gas accretion increases planetary mass by ∼ 10--300, the orbits are sufficiently circularized. On the other hand, a is reduced at most only by a factor of 2, leaving the planets in outer regions. If the relative velocity damping by shock is considered, the circularization is slowed down, but still efficient enough. Therefore, this scenario potentially accounts for the formation of observed distant jupiters in nearly circular orbits. If the apocenter distances of the scattered cores are larger than the disk sizes, their a shrink to a quarter of the disk sizes; the a-distribution of distant giants could reflect outer edges of the disks in a similar way that those of hot jupiters may reflect inner edges.

OGLE-2011-BLG-0265Lb: a Jovian Orbiting a M Dwarf

OGLE-2011-BLG-0265Lb: a Jovian Microlensing Planet Orbiting an M Dwarf


Skowron et al


We report the discovery of a Jupiter-mass planet orbiting an M-dwarf star that gave rise to the microlensing event OGLE-2011-BLG-0265. Such a system is very rare among known planetary systems and thus the discovery is important for theoretical studies of planetary formation and evolution. High-cadence temporal coverage of the planetary signal combined with extended observations throughout the event allows us to accurately model the observed light curve. The final microlensing solution remains, however, degenerate yielding two possible configurations of the planet and the host star. In the case of the preferred solution, the mass of the planet is Mp = 1.0 ± 0.3 MJ, and the planet is orbiting a star with a mass M = 0.23 ± 0.07 M⊙. The second possible configuration (2\sigma away) consists of a planet with Mp = 0.6 ± 0.2 MJ and host star with M = 0.15 ± 0.06 M⊙. The system is located in the Galactic disk 3-4 kpc towards the Galactic bulge. In both cases, with an orbit size of 2 AU, the planet is a "cold Jupiter" -- located well beyond the "snow line" of the host star. Currently available data make the secure selection of the correct solution difficult, but there are prospects for lifting the degeneracy with additional follow-up observations in the future, when the lens and source star separate.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

HD 107146's Debris Disk

ALMA observations of the debris disk around the young Solar Analog HD 107146


Ricci et al


We present ALMA continuum observations at a wavelength of 1.25 mm of the debris disk surrounding the ∼ 100 Myr old solar analog HD 107146. The continuum emission extends from about 30 to 150 AU from the central star with a decrease in the surface brightness at intermediate radii. We analyze the ALMA interferometric visibilities using debris disk models with radial profiles for the dust surface density parametrized as i) a single power-law, ii) a single power-law with a gap, and iii) a double power-law. We find that models with a gap of radial width ∼8 AU at a distance of ∼80 AU from the central star, as well as double power-law models with a dip in the dust surface density at ∼70 AU provide significantly better fits to the ALMA data than single power-law models. We discuss possible scenarios for the origin of the HD 107146 debris disk using models of planetesimal belts in which the formation of Pluto-sized objects trigger disruptive collisions of large bodies, as well as models which consider the interaction of a planetary system with a planetesimal belt and spatial variation of the dust opacity across the disk. If future observations with higher angular resolution and sensitivity confirm the fully-depleted gap structure discussed here, a planet with a mass of approximately a few Earth masses in a nearly circular orbit at ∼80 AU from the central star would be a possible explanation for the presence of the gap.

The Binary System GG Tau A Forming Planets

Possible planet formation in the young, low-mass, multiple stellar system GG Tau A


Dutrey et al


The formation of planets around binary stars may be more difficult than around single stars. In a close binary star (with a separation of less than a hundred astronomical units), theory predicts the presence of circumstellar disks around each star, and an outer circumbinary disk surrounding a gravitationally cleared inner cavity around the stars. Given that the inner disks are depleted by accretion onto the stars on timescales of a few thousand years, any replenishing material must be transferred from the outer reservoir to fuel planet formation (which occurs on timescales of about one million years). Gas flowing through disk cavities has been detected in single star systems6. A circumbinary disk was discovered around the young low-mass binary system GG Tau A (ref. 7), which has recently been shown to be a hierarchical triple system. It has one large inner disk around the single star, GG Tau Aa, and shows small amounts of shocked hydrogen gas residing within the central cavity, but other than a single weak detection11, the distribution of cold gas in this cavity or in any other binary or multiple star system has not hitherto been determined. Here we report imaging of gas fragments emitting radiation characteristic of carbon monoxide within the GG Tau A cavity. From the kinematics we conclude that the flow appears capable of sustaining the inner disk (around GG Tau Aa) beyond the accretion lifetime, leaving time for planet formation to occur there. These results show the complexity of planet formation around multiple stars and confirm the general picture predicted by numerical simulations.

Radiation-Driven Warping of Circumbinary Disks

Radiation-Driven Warping of Circumbinary Disks Around Eccentric Young Star Binaries


Hayasaki et al


We study a warping instability of a geometrically thin, non-self-gravitating, circumbinary disk around young binary stars on an eccentric orbit. Such a disk is subject to both the tidal torques due to a time-dependent binary potential and the radiative torques due to radiation emitted from each star. The tilt angle between the circumbinary disk plane and the binary orbital plane is assumed to be very small. We find that there is a radius within/beyond which the circumbinary disk is unstable to radiation-driven warping, depending on the disk density and temperature gradient indices. This marginally stable warping radius is very sensitive to viscosity parameters, a fiducial disk radius and the temperature measured there, the stellar luminosity, and the disk surface density at a radius where the disk changes from the optically thick to thin for the irradiation from the central stars. On the other hand, it is insensitive to the orbital eccentricity and binary irradiation parameter, which is a function of the binary mass ratio and luminosity of each star. Since the tidal torques can suppress the warping in the inner part of the circumbinary disk, the disk starts to be warped in the outer part. While the circumbinary disks are most likely to be subject to the radiation-driven warping on a AU to kilo-AU scale for binaries with young massive stars more luminous than 10^4Lsun, the radiation driven warping does not work for those around young binaries with the luminosity comparable to the solar luminosity.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Simulating Gap Clearing by ExoPlanets in Protoplanetary Disks

Gap Clearing by Planets in a Collisional Debris Disk


Nesvold et al


We apply our 3D debris disk model, SMACK, to simulate a planet on a circular orbit near a ring of planetesimals that are experiencing destructive collisions. Previous simulations of a planet opening a gap in a collisionless debris disk have found that the width of the gap scales as the planet mass to the 2/7th power (α=2/7). We find that the gap sizes in a collisional disk still obey a power law scaling with planet mass, but that the index alpha of the power law depends on the age of the system t relative to the collisional timescale tcoll of the disk by α=0.32(t/tcoll)−0.04, with inferred planet masses up to five times smaller than those predicted by the classical gap law. The increased gap sizes likely stem from the interaction between the collisions and the mean motion resonances near the chaotic zone. We investigate the effects of the initial eccentricity distribution of the disk particles and find a negligible effect on the gap size at Jovian planet masses, since collisions tend to erase memory of the initial particle eccentricity distributions. Finally, we find that the presence of Trojan analogs is a potentially powerful diagnostic of planets in the mass range ~1-10 Mjup. We apply our model to place new upper limits on planets around Fomalhaut, HR 4796 A, HD 202628, HD 181327, and β Pictoris.

The Unusual 49 Ceti Debris Disk

Volatile-Rich Circumstellar Gas in the Unusual 49 Ceti Debris Disk


Roberge et al


We present Hubble Space Telescope STIS far-UV spectra of the edge-on disk around 49 Ceti, one of the very few debris disks showing sub-mm CO emission. Many atomic absorption lines are present in the spectra, most of which arise from circumstellar gas lying along the line-of-sight to the central star. We determined the line-of-sight CI column density, estimated the total carbon column density, and set limits on the OI column density. Surprisingly, no line-of-sight CO absorption was seen. We discuss possible explanations for this non-detection, and present preliminary estimates of the carbon abundances in the line-of-sight gas. The C/Fe ratio is much greater than the solar value, suggesting that 49 Cet harbors a volatile-rich gas disk similar to that of Beta Pictoris.

Protoplanetary Disk Hosting Multiple Planets

Gas and dust structures in protoplanetary disks hosting multiple planets


Pinilla et al


Transition disks have dust depleted inner regions and may represent an intermediate step of an on-going disk dispersal process, where planet formation is probably in progress. Recent millimetre observations of transition disks reveal radially and azimuthally asymmetric structures, where micron- and millimetre-sized dust particles may not spatially coexist. These properties can be the result of particle trapping and grain growth in pressure bumps originating from the disk interaction with a planetary companion. The multiple features observed in some transition disks such as SR 21 suggest the presence of more than one planet. We study the gas and dust distributions of a disk hosting two massive planets as function of different disk and dust parameters. Observational signatures such as the spectral energy distribution, sub-millimetre, and polarised images are simulated for the various parameters. We confirm that planets can lead to particle trapping, although for a disk with high viscosity (αturb=10−2), the planet should be more massive than 5MJup and dust fragmentation should occur with low efficiency (vf∼30ms−1). This will lead to a ring-like feature as observed in transition disks in the millimetre. When trapping occurs, we find that a smooth distribution of micron sized grains throughout the disk, sometimes observed in scattered light, can only happen if the combination of planet mass and turbulence is such that small grains are not fully filtered out. A high disk viscosity (αturb=10−2) ensures a replenishment of the cavity in micron-sized dust, while for lower viscosity (αturb=10−3), the planet mass is constrained to be less than 5MJup. In these cases, the gas distribution is likely to show low-amplitude azimuthal asymmetries caused by disk eccentricity rather than by long-lived vortices.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Water Trapping on Tidally Locked Terrestrial Planets Requires Special Conditions

Water Trapping on Tidally Locked Terrestrial Planets Requires Special Conditions


Yang et al


Surface liquid water is essential for standard planetary habitability. Calculations of atmospheric circulation on tidally locked planets around M stars suggest that this peculiar orbital configuration lends itself to the trapping of large amounts of water in kilometers-thick ice on the night side, potentially removing all liquid water from the day side where photosynthesis is possible. We study this problem using a global climate model including coupled atmosphere, ocean, land, and sea-ice components as well as a continental ice sheet model driven by the climate model output. For a waterworld we find that surface winds transport sea ice toward the day side and the ocean carries heat toward the night side. As a result, night-side sea ice remains O(10 m) thick and night-side water trapping is insignificant. If a planet has large continents on its night side, they can grow ice sheets O(1000 m) thick if the geothermal heat flux is similar to Earth's or smaller. Planets with a water complement similar to Earth's would therefore experience a large decrease in sea level when plate tectonics drives their continents onto the night side, but would not experience complete day-side dessication. Only planets with a geothermal heat flux lower than Earth's, much of their surface covered by continents, and a surface water reservoir O(10 %) of Earth's would be susceptible to complete water trapping.

The Mill Condition in Planetary Formation

Hybrid methods in planetesimal dynamics: formation of protoplanetary systems and the mill condition


Amaro-Seoane et al


The formation and evolution of protoplanetary discs remains a challenge from both a theoretical and numerical standpoint. In this work, we first perform a series of tests of our new hybrid algorithm presented in Glaschke, Amaro-Seoane and Spurzem (henceforth Paper I) that combines the advantages of high accuracy of direct-summation N-body methods with a statistical description for the planetesimal disc based on Fokker–Planck techniques. We then address the formation of planets, with a focus on the formation of protoplanets out of planetesimals. We find that the evolution of the system is driven by encounters as well as direct collisions and requires a careful modelling of the evolution of the velocity dispersion and the size distribution over a large range of sizes. The simulations show no termination of the protoplanetary accretion due to gap formation, since the distribution of the planetesimals is only subjected to small fluctuations. We also show that these features are weakly correlated with the positions of the protoplanets. The exploration of different impact strengths indicates that fragmentation mainly controls the overall mass-loss, which is less pronounced during the early runaway growth. We prove that the fragmentation in combination with the effective removal of collisional fragments by gas drag sets an universal upper limit of the protoplanetary mass as a function of the distance to the host star, which we refer to as the mill condition.

Impacts Cause Atmospheric Loss During Planetary Formation

Atmospheric mass loss during planet formation: The importance of planetesimal impacts


Schlichting et al


Quantifying the atmospheric mass loss during planet formation is crucial for understanding the origin and evolution of planetary atmospheres. We examine the contributions to atmospheric loss from both giant impacts and planetesimal accretion. Giant impacts cause global motion of the ground. Using analytic self-similar solutions and full numerical integrations we find (for isothermal atmospheres with adiabatic index γ=5/3γ=5/3) that the local atmospheric mass loss fraction for ground velocities vg≲0.25vescvg≲0.25vesc is given by χloss=(1.71vg/vesc)4.9χloss=(1.71vg/vesc)4.9, where vescvesc is the escape velocity from the target. Yet, the global atmospheric mass loss is a weaker function of the impactor velocity vImpvImp and mass mImpmImp and given by Xloss≃0.4x+1.4x2-0.8x3Xloss≃0.4x+1.4x2-0.8x3 (isothermal atmosphere) and Xloss≃0.4x+1.8x2-1.2x3Xloss≃0.4x+1.8x2-1.2x3 (adiabatic atmosphere), where x=(vImpm/vescM)x=(vImpm/vescM). Atmospheric mass loss due to planetesimal impacts proceeds in two different regimes: (1) large enough impactors View the MathML sourcem≳2ρ0(πhR)3/2 (25 km for the current Earth), are able to eject all the atmosphere above the tangent plane of the impact site, which is h/2Rh/2R of the whole atmosphere, where View the MathML sourceh,R and ρ0ρ0 are the atmospheric scale height, radius of the target, and its atmospheric density at the ground. (2) Smaller impactors, but above m greater than 4πρ0h3m greater than 4πρ0h3 (1 km for the current Earth) are only able to eject a fraction of the atmospheric mass above the tangent plane. We find that the most efficient impactors (per unit impactor mass) for atmospheric loss are planetesimals just above that lower limit (2 km for the current Earth). For impactor flux size distributions parametrized by a single power law, N( greater than r)∝r-q+1N( greater than r)∝r-q+1, with differential power law index q , we find that for 1 less than q less than 31 less than q less than 3 the atmospheric mass loss proceeds in regime (1) whereas for q grater than 3q greater than 3 the mass loss is dominated by regime (2). Impactors with m≲4πρ0h3m≲4πρ0h3 are not able to eject any atmosphere. Despite being bombarded by the same planetesimal population, we find that the current differences in Earth’s and Venus’ atmospheric masses can be explained by modest differences in their initial atmospheric masses and that the current atmosphere of the Earth could have resulted from an equilibrium between atmospheric erosion and volatile delivery to the atmosphere from planetesimal impacts. We conclude that planetesimal impacts are likely to have played a major role in atmospheric mass loss over the formation history of the terrestrial planets.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Measuring the Magnetic Field of Hot Jupiter HD 209458b

Magnetic moment and plasma environment of HD 209458b as determined from Lyα observations


Kislyakova et al


Transit observations of HD 209458b in the stellar Lyman-α(Lyα) line revealed strong absorption in both blue and red wings of the line interpreted as hydrogen atoms escaping from the planet’s exosphere at high velocities. The following sources for the absorption were suggested: acceleration by the stellar radiation pressure, natural spectral line broadening, or charge exchange with the stellar wind. We reproduced the observation by means of modeling that includes all aforementioned processes. Our results support a stellar wind with a velocity of ≈400 kilometers per second at the time of the observation and a planetary magnetic moment of ≈1.6 × 1026 amperes per square meter.

Accretion and Differentiation of Terrestrial Planets

Accretion and differentiation of the terrestrial planets with implications for the compositions of early-formed Solar System bodies and accretion of water


Rubie et al


In order to test accretion simulations as well as planetary differentiation scenarios, we have integrated a multistage core-mantle differentiation model with N-body accretion simulations. Impacts between embryos and planetesimals are considered to result in magma ocean formation and episodes of core formation. The core formation model combines rigorous chemical mass balance with metal-silicate element partitioning data and requires that the bulk compositions of all starting embryos and planetesimals are defined as a function of their heliocentric distances of origin. To do this, we assume that non-volatile elements are present in Solar System (CI) relative abundances in all bodies and that oxygen and H2O contents are the main compositional variables. The primary constraint on the combined model is the composition of the Earth’s primitive mantle. In addition, we aim to reproduce the composition of the Martian mantle and the mass fractions of the metallic cores of Earth and Mars. The model is refined by least squares minimization with up to five fitting parameters that consist of the metal-silicate equilibrium pressure and 1-4 parameters that define the starting compositions of primitive bodies. This integrated model has been applied to six Grand Tack N-body accretion simulations. Investigations of a broad parameter space indicate that: (1) accretion of Earth was heterogeneous, (2) metal-silicate equilibration pressures increase as accretion progresses and are, on average, 60-70% of core-mantle boundary pressures at the time of each impact, and (3) a large fraction (70-100%) of the metal of impactor cores equilibrates with a small fraction of the silicate mantles of proto-planets during each core formation event. Results are highly sensitive to the compositional model for the primitive starting bodies and several accretion/core-formation models can thus be excluded. Acceptable fits to the Earth’s mantle composition are obtained only when bodies that originated close to the Sun, at <0 .9-1.2="" 10-60="" 2-4="" 20="" 6-7="" 60-80="" 8-9="" accreted.="" accretion="" added="" after="" also="" and="" are="" at="" au="" because="" between="" beyond="" blockquote="" bodies="" by="" compositional="" concentrations="" constrained="" contain="" content="" contribute="" core="" critically="" depends="" did="" distance="" earth="" embryo="" evolution="" examined="" feo="" final="" finally="" from="" h2o="" has="" heliocentric="" highly="" hydrogen="" ice="" icy="" in="" increasingly="" is="" its="" jupiter="" line="" low="" mainly="" mantle="" mantles="" mars-forming="" mars="" martian="" mass="" model.="" models="" not="" o.="" obtained="" of="" on="" originated.="" originated="" originating="" oxidized.="" oxygen="" ppm="" predicted="" reasonable="" reduced="" s="" saturn="" si="" silicon="" six="" snow="" swept="" that="" the="" they="" this="" those="" to="" up="" venus="" water="" were="" when="" whereas="" which="" wt="">

Emergence of Proto-Gas-Giants Cores versus Super Earths' Progenitor

Migration and Growth of Protoplanetary Embryos II: Emergence of Proto-Gas-Giants Cores versus Super Earths' Progenitor


Liu et al


Nearly 15−20 of solar type stars contain one or more gas giant planet. According to the core-accretion scenario, the acquisition of their gaseous envelope must be preceded by the formation of super-critical cores with masses ten times or larger than that of the Earth. It is natural to link the formation probability of gas giant planets with the supply of gas and solid in their natal disks. However, a much richer population of super Earths suggests that 1) there is no shortage of planetary building-block material, 2) gas giants' growth barrier is probably associated with whether they can merge into super-critical cores, and 3) super Earths are probably failed cores which did not attain sufficient mass to initiate efficient accretion of gas before it is severely depleted. Here we construct a model based on the hypothesis that protoplanetary embryos migrated extensively before they were assembled into bona fide planets. We construct a Hermite-Embryo code based on a unified viscous-irradiation disk model and a prescription for the embryo-disk tidal interaction. This code is used to simulate 1) the convergent migration of embryos, and 2) their close encounters and coagulation. Around the progenitors of solar-type stars, the progenitor super-critical-mass cores of gas giant planets primarily form in protostellar disks with relatively high (≳10−7M⊙ yr−1) mass accretion rates whereas systems of super Earths (failed cores) are more likely to emerge out of natal disks with modest mass accretion rates, due to the mean motion resonance barrier and retention efficiency.

A Collisional Origin to Earth’s Non-chondritic Composition?

A collisional origin to earth’s non-chondritic composition?


Bonsor et al


Several lines of evidence indicate a non-chondritic composition for Bulk Earth. If Earth formed from the accretion of chondritic material, its non-chondritic composition, in particular the super-chondritic 142Nd/144Nd142Nd/144Nd and low Mg/Fe ratios, might be explained by the collisional erosion of differentiated planetesimals during its formation. In this work we use an N-body code, that includes a state-of-the-art collision model, to follow the formation of protoplanets, similar to proto-Earth, from differentiated planetesimals (> 100 km) up to isolation mass (> 0.16 M⊕). Collisions between differentiated bodies have the potential to change the core-mantle ratio of the accreted protoplanets. We show that sufficient mantle material can be stripped from the colliding bodies during runaway and oligarchic growth, such that the final protoplanets could have Mg/Fe and Si/Fe ratios similar to that of bulk Earth, but only if Earth is an extreme case and the core is assumed to contain 10% silicon by mass. This may indicate an important role for collisional differentiation during the giant impact phase if Earth formed from chondritic material.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Stellar Chromospheric Flux and the Surface Gravity of Close-in Planets

On the correlation between stellar chromospheric flux and the surface gravity of close-in planets




The chromospheric emission of stars with close-by transiting planets has been found to correlate with the surface gravity of their planets. Stars with low-gravity planets have an average lower chromospheric flux. We propose that such a correlation is due to the absorption by circumstellar matter that comes from the evaporation of the planets. Planets with a lower gravity have a greater mass loss rate that leads to a higher column density of circumstellar absorption thus explaining the lower level of chromospheric emission observed in their host stars. We estimate the required column density and find that planetary evaporation can account for it. A theoretical relationship between the chromospheric emission as measured in the core of the Ca II H&K lines and the planet gravity is derived. We apply our relationship to a sample of transiting systems for which both the stellar Ca II H&K emission and the planetary surface gravity are known and find a good agreement, given the various sources of uncertainties and the intrinsic variability of the stellar emissions and planetary evaporation rates. We consider implications for the radial velocity jitter applied to fit the spectroscopic orbits and for the age estimates of planetary systems based on the chromospheric activity level of their host stars.

Tidal Evolution of Multiple Exoplanetary Systems Such as Kepler-62 & Kepler-186

Tidal evolution in multiple planet systems: application to Kepler-62 and Kepler-186


Bolmont et al


A large number of observed exoplanets are part of multiple planet systems. Most of these systems are sufficiently close-in to be tidally evolving. In such systems, there is a competition between the excitation caused by planet-planet interactions and tidal damping. Using as an example two multiple planet systems, which host planets in the surface liquid water habitable zone (HZ): Kepler-62 and Kepler-186, we show the importance and effect of both planetary and stellar tides on the dynamical evolution of planets and on the climate of the HZ planets.

Kepler 289 System Found to Have Three Low Mass, Low Density Planets



Schmitt et al


We report the discovery of one newly confirmed planet (P = 66.06 days, R P = 2.68 ± 0.17 R ⊕) and mass determinations of two previously validated Kepler planets, Kepler-289 b (P = 34.55 days, R P = 2.15 ± 0.10 R ⊕) and Kepler-289-c (P = 125.85 days, R P = 11.59 ± 0.10 R ⊕), through their transit timing variations (TTVs). We also exclude the possibility that these three planets reside in a 1:2:4 Laplace resonance. The outer planet has very deep (~1.3%), high signal-to-noise transits, which puts extremely tight constraints on its host star's stellar properties via Kepler's Third Law. The star PH3 is a young (~1 Gyr as determined by isochrones and gyrochronology), Sun-like star with M * = 1.08 ± 0.02 M ☉, R * = 1.00 ± 0.02 R ☉, and T eff = 5990 ± 38 K. The middle planet's large TTV amplitude (~5 hr) resulted either in non-detections or inaccurate detections in previous searches. A strong chopping signal, a shorter period sinusoid in the TTVs, allows us to break the mass-eccentricity degeneracy and uniquely determine the masses of the inner, middle, and outer planets to be M = 7.3 ± 6.8 M ⊕, 4.0 ± 0.9M ⊕, and M = 132 ± 17 M ⊕, which we designate PH3 b, c, and d, respectively. Furthermore, the middle planet, PH3 c, has a relatively low density, ρ = 1.2 ± 0.3 g cm–3 for a planet of its mass, requiring a substantial H/He atmosphere of $2.1^{+0.8}_{-0.3}\%$ by mass, and joins a growing population of low-mass, low-density planets.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

(Out There) Could the Spread of Technological Life in the Universe Have Cosmological Implications?

Homogeneous cosmology with aggressively expanding civilizations


Olson et al


In the context of a homogeneous universe, we note that the appearance of aggressively expanding advanced life is geometrically similar to the process of nucleation and bubble growth in a first-order cosmological phase transition. We exploit this similarity to describe the dynamics of life saturating the universe on a cosmic scale, adapting the phase transition model to incorporate probability distributions of expansion and resource consumption strategies. Through a series of numerical solutions covering several orders of magnitude in the input assumption parameters, the resulting cosmological model is used to address basic questions related to the intergalactic spreading of life, dealing with issues such as timescales, observability, competition between strategies, and first-mover advantage. Finally, we examine physical effects on the universe itself, such as reheating and the backreaction on the evolution of the scale factor, if such life is able to control and convert a significant fraction of the available pressureless matter into radiation. We conclude that the existence of life, if certain advanced technologies are practical, could have a significant influence on the future large-scale evolution of the universe.

Can Collimated Extraterrestrial Signals be Intercepted?

Can Collimated Extraterrestrial Signals be Intercepted?




The Optical Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (OSETI) attempts to detect collimated, narrowband pulses of electromagnetic radiation. These pulses may either consist of signals intentionally directed at the Earth, or signals between two star systems with a vector that unintentionally intersects the Solar System, allowing Earth to intercept the communication. But should we expect to be able to intercept these unintentional signals? And what constraints can we place upon the frequency of intelligent civilisations if we do?

We carry out Monte Carlo Realisation simulations of interstellar communications between civilisations in the Galactic Habitable Zone (GHZ) using collimated beams. We measure the frequency with which beams between two stars are intercepted by a third. The interception rate increases linearly with the fraction of communicating civilisations, and as the cube of the beam opening angle, which is somewhat stronger than theoretical expectations, which we argue is due to the geometry of the GHZ. We find that for an annular GHZ containing 10,000 civilisations, intersections are unlikely unless the beams are relatively uncollimated.

These results indicate that optical SETI is more likely to find signals deliberately directed at the Earth than accidentally intercepting collimated communications. Equally, civilisations wishing to establish a network of communicating species may use weakly collimated beams to build up the network through interception, if they are willing to pay a cost penalty that is lower than that meted by fully isotropic beacons. Future SETI searches should consider the possibility that communicating civilisations will attempt to strike a balance between optimising costs and encouraging contact between civilisations, and look for weakly collimated pulses as well as narrow-beam pulses directed deliberately at the Earth.

Radio Emissions of Exoplanetary Systems

Limits on low frequency radio emission from southern exoplanets with the Murchison Widefield Array


Murphy et al


We present the results of a survey for low frequency radio emission from 17 known exoplanetary systems with the Murchison Widefield Array. This sample includes 13 systems that have not previously been targeted with radio observations. We detected no radio emission at 154 MHz, and put 3 sigma upper limits in the range 15.2-112.5 mJy on this emission. We also searched for circularly polarised emission and made no detections, obtaining 3 sigma upper limits in the range 3.4-49.9 mJy. These are comparable with the best low frequency radio limits in the existing literature and translate to luminosity limits of between 1.2 x 10^14 W and 1.4 x 10^17 W if the emission is assumed to be 100% circularly polarised. These are the first results from a larger program to systematically search for exoplanetary emission with the MWA.

Monday, November 17, 2014

HD 209458b & XO-2b's Ionosphere

Electron densities and alkali atoms in exoplanet atmospheres


Lavvas et al


We describe a detailed study on the properties of alkali atoms in extrasolar giant planets, and specifically focus on their role in generating the atmospheric free electron densities, as well as their impact on the transit depth observations. We focus our study on the case of HD 209458 b, and we show that photoionization produces a large electron density in the middle atmosphere that is about two orders of magnitude larger than the density anticipated from thermal ionization. Our purely photochemical calculations though result in a much larger transit depth for K than observed for this planet. This result does not change even if the roles of molecular chemistry and excited state chemistry are considered for the alkali atoms. In contrast, the model results for the case of exoplanet XO-2 b are in good agreement with the available observations. Given these results we discuss other possible scenarios, such as changes in the elemental abundances, changes in the temperature profiles, and the possible presence of clouds, which could potentially explain the observed HD 209458 b alkali properties. We find that most of these scenarios can not explain the observations, with the exception of a heterogeneous source (i.e. clouds or aerosols) under specific conditions, but we also note the discrepancies among the available observations.

Hot Jupiter WASP-31b may Have Cloud Deck, Potassium and Exhibit Raleigh Scattering

HST hot-Jupiter transmission spectral survey: detection of potassium in WASP-31b along with a cloud deck and Rayleigh scattering


Sing et al


We present Hubble Space Telescope optical and near-IR transmission spectra of the transiting hot-Jupiter WASP-31b. The spectrum covers 0.3-1.7 μm at a resolution R∼70, which we combine with Spitzer photometry to cover the full-optical to IR. The spectrum is dominated by a cloud-deck with a flat transmission spectrum which is apparent at wavelengths >0.52μm. The cloud deck is present at high altitudes and low pressures, as it covers the majority of the expected optical Na line and near-IR H2O features. While Na I absorption is not clearly identified, the resulting spectrum does show a very strong potassium feature detected at the 4.2-σ confidence level. Broadened alkali wings are not detected, indicating pressures below ∼10 mbar. The lack of Na and strong K is the first indication of a sub-solar Na/K abundance ratio in a planetary atmosphere (ln[Na/K]=−3.3±2.8), which could potentially be explained by Na condensation on the planet's night side, or primordial abundance variations. A strong Rayleigh scattering signature is detected at short wavelengths, with a 4-σ significant slope. Two distinct aerosol size populations can explain the spectra, with a smaller sub-micron size grain population reaching high altitudes producing a blue Rayleigh scattering signature on top of a larger, lower-lying population responsible for the flat cloud deck at longer wavelengths. We estimate that the atmospheric circulation is sufficiently strong to mix micron size particles upward to the required 1-10 mbar pressures, necessary to explain the cloud deck. These results further confirm the importance of clouds in hot-Jupiters, which can potentially dominate the overall spectra and may alter the abundances of key gaseous species.

Diversity of Hot Jupiters' internal structure

Embryo impacts and gas giant mergers II: Diversity of Hot Jupiters' internal structure


Liu et al


We consider the origin of compact, short-period, Jupiter-mass planets. We propose that their diverse structure is caused by giant impacts of embryos and super-Earths or mergers with other gas giants during the formation and evolution of these hot Jupiters. Through a series of numerical simulations, we show that typical head-on collisions generally lead to total coalescence of impinging gas giants. Although extremely energetic collisions can disintegrate the envelope of gas giants, these events seldom occur. During oblique and moderately energetic collisions, the merger products retain higher fraction of the colliders' cores than their envelopes. They can also deposit considerable amount of spin angular momentum to the gas giants and desynchronize their spins from their orbital mean motion. We find that the oblateness of gas giants can be used to infer the impact history. Subsequent dissipation of stellar tide inside the planets' envelope can lead to runaway inflation and potentially a substantial loss of gas through Roche-lobe overflow. The impact of super-Earths on parabolic orbits can also enlarge gas giant planets' envelope and elevates their tidal dissipation rate over ∼ 100 Myr time scale. Since giant impacts occur stochastically with a range of impactor sizes and energies, their diverse outcomes may account for the dispersion in the mass-radius relationship of hot Jupiters.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Inside-Out Planet Formation

Pebble Delivery for Inside-Out Planet Formation


Hu et al


Inside-Out Planet Formation (IOPF; Chatterjee & Tan 2014, hereafter CT14) is a scenario for sequential in situ planet formation at the pressure traps of retreating dead zone inner boundaries (DZIBs) motivated to explain the many systems with tightly packed inner planets (STIPs) discovered by Kepler. The scenario involves build-up of a pebble-dominated protoplanetary ring, supplied by radial drift of pebbles from the outer disk. It may also involve further build-up of planetary masses to gap-opening scales via continued pebble accretion. Here we study radial drift & growth of pebbles delivered to the DZIB in fiducial IOPF disk models.

Using Supermassive Blackholes to Detect Planetesimals

Probing the formation of planetesimals in the Galactic Centre using Sgr A* flares


Hamers et al


Flares in X-ray and near infrared are observed above the quiescent emission of the supermassive black hole (SBH) in the Galactic Centre (GC) at a rate of approximately once per day. One proposed energy source for these flares is the tidal disruption of planetesimals with radius ≳10 km passing within ∼ 1 AU of the SBH. Very little is known about the formation and evolution of planetesimals in galactic nuclei such as the GC, making predictions for flaring event rates uncertain. We explore two scenarios for the formation of planetesimals in the GC: (1) in a large-scale cloud bound to the SBH, and (2) in debris discs around stars. We model their orbital evolution around the SBH using the Fokker-Planck equation and investigate the effect of gravitational interactions with various relevant perturbers. Our predicted flaring rate, ≈0.6day−1, is nearly independent of the distribution of perturbers. Moreover, it is insensitive to scenarios (1) or (2). The assumed number of planetesimals per star is consistent with debris discs around stars in the Solar neighbourhood. In scenario (1) this implies that the number of planetesimals formed in the large-scale cloud is strongly correlated with the number of stars, and this requires finetuning for our results to be consistent with the observed flaring rate. We favour the alternative explanation that planetesimals in the GC are formed in debris discs around stars, similar to the Solar neighbourhood.

The K2-TESS Stellar Properties Catalog

The K2-TESS Stellar Properties Catalog


Stassun et al


We introduce a catalog of stellar properties for stars observed by the Kepler follow-on mission, K2. We base the catalog on a cross-match between the K2 Campaign target lists and the current working version of the NASA TESS target catalog. The resulting K2-TESS Stellar Properties Catalog includes value-added information from the TESS Target Catalog, including stellar colors, proper motions, and an estimated luminosity class (dwarf/subgiant versus giant) for each star based on a reduced-proper-motion criterion. Also included is the Guest Observer program identification number(s) associated with each K2 target. The K2-TESS Stellar Properties Catalog is available to the community as a freely accessible data portal on the Filtergraph system at: this http URL .

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Transition from the Infalling Envelope to the Keplerian Disk around L1551 IRS 5

Transition from the Infalling Envelope to the Keplerian Disk around L1551 IRS 5


Chou et al


We present combined SubMillimeter Array (SMA) + Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE) images of the Class I protobinary L1551 IRS 5 in the CS (J = 7--6) line, the submillimeter images of L1551 IRS 5 with the most complete spatial sampling ever achieved (0″.9 -- 36″). The SMA image of L1551 IRS 5 in the 343 GHz dust-continuum emission is also presented, which shows an elongated feature along the northwest to southeast direction (∼160 AU × 80 AU), perpendicular to the associated radio jets. The combined SMA+ASTE images show that the high-velocity (≳1.5 km s−1) CS emission traces the structure of the dust component and shows a velocity gradient along the major axis, which is reproduced by a geometrically-thin Keplerian-disk model with a central stellar mass of ∼0.5 M⊙. The low-velocity (≲1.3 km s−1) CS emission shows an extended (∼1000 AU) feature that exhibits slight south (blueshifted) to north (redshifted) emission offsets, which is modeled with a rotating and infalling envelope with a conserved angular momentum. The rotational motion of the envelope connects smoothly to the inner Keplerian rotation at a radius of ∼64 AU. The infalling velocity of the envelope is ∼three times lower than the free-fall velocity toward the central stellar mass of 0.5 M⊙. These results demonstrate transition from the infalling envelope to the Keplerian disk, consistent with the latest theoretical studies of disk formation. We suggest that sizable (r∼50--200 AU) Keplerian disks are already formed when the protostars are still deeply embedded in the envelopes.

Circumstellar Disk/Host Star Interaction may be the Source of Tight Trinary Star Systems

Stellar orbit evolution in close circumstellar disc encounters


Muñoz et al


The formation and early evolution of circumstellar discs often occurs within dense, newborn stellar clusters. For the first time, we apply the moving-mesh code AREPO, to circumstellar discs in 3-D, focusing on disc-disc interactions that result from stellar fly-bys. Although a small fraction of stars are expected to undergo close approaches, the outcomes of the most violent encounters might leave an imprint on the discs and host stars that will influence both their orbits and their ability to form planets. We first construct well-behaved 3-D models of self-gravitating discs, and then create a suite of numerical experiments of parabolic encounters, exploring the effects of pericenter separation r_p, disc orientation and disc-star mass ratio (M_d/M_*) on the orbital evolution of the host stars. Close encounters (2r_p<~ disc radius) can truncate discs on very short time scales. If discs are massive, close encounters facilitate enough orbital angular momentum extraction to induce stellar capture. We find that for realistic primordial disc masses M_d<~0.1M_*, non-colliding encounters induce minor orbital changes, which is consistent with analytic calculations of encounters in the linear regime. The same disc masses produce entirely different results for grazing/colliding encounters. In the latter case, rapidly cooling discs lose orbital energy by radiating away the energy excess of the shock-heated gas, thus causing capture of the host stars into a bound orbit. In rare cases, a tight binary with a circumbinary disc forms as a result of this encounter.

Dust's Effects on Vortices in Protoplanetary Disks

Effects of dust feedback on vortices in protoplanetary disks


Fu et al


We carried out two-dimensional high-resolution simulations to study the effect of dust feedback on the evolution of vortices induced by massive planets in protoplanetary disks. Various initial dust to gas disk surface density ratios (0.001 -- 0.01) and dust particle sizes (Stokes number 4×10−4 -- 0.16) are considered. We found that while dust particles migrate inwards, vortices are very effective in collecting them. When dust density becomes comparable to gas density within the vortex, a dynamical instability is excited and it alters the coherent vorticity pattern and destroys the vortex. This dust feedback effect is stronger with higher initial dust/gas density ratio and larger dust grain. Consequently, we found that the disk vortex lifetime can be reduced up to a factor of 10. We discuss the implications of our findings on the survivability of vortices in protoplanetary disks and planet formation.

Friday, November 14, 2014

WISE J072003.20-084651.2: An M Dwarf & T Class Brown Dwarf Binary 19.6 Light Years Away

WISE J072003.20-084651.2: An Old and Active M9.5 + T5 Spectral Binary 6 pc from the Sun


Burgasser et al


We report observations of the recently discovered, nearby late-M dwarf WISE J072003.20-084651.2. Astrometric measurements obtained with TRAPPIST improve the distance measurement to 6.0±1.0 pc and confirm the low tangential velocity (3.5±0.6 km/s) reported by Scholz. Low-resolution optical spectroscopy indicates a spectral type of M9.5 and prominent Hα emission ( = -4.68±0.06), but no evidence of subsolar metallicity or Li I absorption. Near-infrared spectroscopy reveals subtle peculiarities indicating the presence of a T5 binary companion, and high-resolution laser guide star adaptive optics imaging reveals a faint (ΔH = 4.1) candidate source 0"14 (0.8 AU) from the primary. We measure a stable radial velocity of +83.8±0.3 km/s, indicative of old disk kinematics and consistent with the angular separation of the possible companion. We measure a projected rotational velocity of v sin i = 8.0±0.5 km/s, and find evidence of low-level variability (~1.5%) in a 13-day TRAPPIST lightcurve, but cannot robustly constrain the rotational period. We also observe episodic changes in brightness (1-2%) and occasional flare bursts (4-8%) with a 0.8% duty cycle, and order-of-magnitude variations in Hα line strength. Combined, these observations reveal WISE J0720-0846 to be an old, very low-mass binary whose components straddle the hydrogen burning minimum mass, and whose primary is a relatively rapid rotator and magnetically active. It is one of only two known binaries among late M dwarfs within 10 pc of the Sun, both harboring a mid T-type brown dwarf companion. While this specific configuration is rare (1.4% probability), roughly 25% of binary companions to late-type M dwarfs in the local population are likely low-temperature T or Y brown dwarfs.

Deep Z-band Observations of WISE J085510.83-071442.5

Deep z-band observations of the coolest Y dwarf


Kopytova et al


WISE J085510.83-071442.5 (hereafter, WISE 0855-07) is the coolest Y dwarf known to date and is located at a distance of 2.31±0.08 pc, giving it the fourth largest parallax of any known star or brown dwarf system. We report deep z-band observations of WISE 0855-07 using FORS2 on UT1/VLT. We do not detect any counterpart to WISE 0855-07 in our z-band images and estimate a brightness upper limit of AB mag > 24.8 (Fν < 0.45 μJy) at 910 ± 65 nm with 3σ-confidence. We combine our z-band upper limit with previous near- and mid-infrared photometry to place constraints on the atmospheric properties of WISE 0855-07 via comparison to models which implement water clouds in the atmospheres of Teff less than 300K substellar objects. We find that none of the available models that implement water clouds can completely reproduce the observed SED of WISE 0855-07. Every model significantly disagrees with the (3.6 μm / 4.5 μm) flux ratio and at least one other bandpass. Since methane is predicted to be the dominant absorber at 3-4 μm, these mismatches might point to an incorrect or incomplete treatment of methane in current models. We conclude that \mbox{(a) WISE0855-07} has Teff∼200−250~K, (b) less than 80% of its surface is covered by clouds, and (c) deeper observations, and improved models of substellar evolution, atmospheres, clouds, and opacities will be necessary to better characterize this object.

Do Young Brown Dwarfs Pulsate?

A Pulsation Search Among Young Brown Dwarfs and Very Low Mass Stars


Cody et al


In 2005, Palla & Baraffe proposed that brown dwarfs (BDs) and very low mass stars (VLMSs; less than 0.1 solar masses) may be unstable to radial oscillations during the pre-main-sequence deuterium burning phase. With associated periods of 1-4 hours, this potentially new class of pulsation offers unprecedented opportunities to probe the interiors and evolution of low-mass objects in the 1-15 million year age range. Following up on reports of short-period variability in young clusters, we designed a high-cadence photometric monitoring campaign to search for deuterium-burning pulsation among a sample of 348 BDs and VLMSs in the four young clusters σ Orionis, Chamaeleon I, IC 348, and Upper Scorpius. In the resulting light curves we achieved sensitivity to periodic signals of amplitude several millimagnitudes, on timescales from 15 minutes to two weeks. Despite the exquisite data quality, we failed to detect any periodicities below seven hours. We conclude that D-burning pulsations are not able to grow to observable amplitudes in the early pre-main sequence. In spite of the non-detection, we did uncover a rich set of variability behavior- both periodic and aperiodic- on day to week timescales. We present new compilations of variable sources from our sample, as well as three new candidate cluster members in Chamaeleon I.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Does WISE J072003.20-084651.2 Have a Binary Brown Dwarf?

Properties of the solar neighbor WISE J072003.20-084651.2


Ivanov et al


The severe crowding towards the Galactic plane suggests that the census of nearby stars in that direction may be incomplete. Recently, Scholz reported a new M9 object at an estimated distance d~7 pc (WISE J072003.20-084651.2; hereafter WISE0720) at Galactic latitude b=2.3 degr.

Our goals are to determine the physical characteristics of WISE0720, its kinematic properties, and to address the question if it is a binary object, as suggested in the discovery paper.

Optical and infrared spectroscopy from the Southern African Large Telescope and Magellan, respectively, and spectral energy distribution fitting were used to determine the spectral type of WISE0720. The measured radial velocity, proper motion and parallax yielded its Galactic velocities. We also investigated if WISE0720 may show X-ray activity based on archival data.

Our spectra are consistent with spectral type L0+/-1. We find no evidence for binarity, apart for a minor 2-sigma level difference in the radial velocities taken at two different epochs. The spatial velocity of WISE0720 does not connect it to any known moving group, instead it places the object with high probability in the old thin disk or in the thick disk. The spectral energy distribution fit hints at excess in the 12 and 22 micron WISE bands which may be due to a redder companion, but the same excess is visible in other late type objects, and it more likely implies a shortcoming of the models (e.g., issues with the effective wavelengths of the filters for these extremely cool objects, etc.) rather than a disk or redder companion. The optical spectrum shows some Halpha emission, indicative of stellar activity. Archival X-ray observations yield no detection.

Modeling the Atmospheres of Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets

On the Cool Side: Modeling the Atmospheres of Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets


Marley et al


The atmosphere of a brown dwarf or extrasolar giant planet controls the spectrum of radiation emitted by the object and regulates its cooling over time. While the study of these atmospheres has been informed by decades of experience modeling stellar and planetary atmospheres, the distinctive characteristics of these objects present unique challenges to forward modeling. In particular, complex chemistry arising from molecule-rich atmospheres, molecular opacity line lists (sometimes running to 10 billion absorption lines or more) multiple cloud-forming condensates, and disequilibrium chemical processes all combine to create a challenging task for any modeling effort. This review describes the process of incorporating these complexities into one-dimensional radiative-convective equilibrium models of sub-stellar objects. We discuss the underlying mathematics as well as the techniques used to model the physics, chemistry, radiative transfer, and other processes relevant to understanding these atmospheres. The review focuses on the process of the creation of atmosphere models and briefly presents some comparisons of model predictions to data. Current challenges in the field and some comments on the future conclude the review.

Assessing TiO2 and SiO Nucleation for Cloud Formation in Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets

Dust in brown dwarfs and extra-solar planets IV. Assessing TiO2 and SiO nucleation for cloud formation modeling


Lee et al


Clouds form in atmospheres of brown dwarfs and planets. The cloud particle formation processes are similar to the dust formation process studied in circumstellar shells of AGB stars and in Supernovae. Cloud formation modelling in substellar objects requires gravitational settling and element replenishment in addition to element depletion. All processes depend on the local conditions, and a simultaneous treatment is required. We apply new material data in order to assess our cloud formation model results regarding the treatment of the formation of condensation seeds. We re-address the question of the primary nucleation species in view of new (TiO2)_N-cluster data and new SiO vapour pressure data. We apply the density functional theory using the computational chemistry package Gaussian 09 to derive updated thermodynamical data for (TiO2)_N-clusters as input for our TiO2 seed formation model. We test different nucleation treatments and their effect on the overall cloud structure by solving a system of dust moment equations and element conservation or a pre-scribed Drift-Phoenix atmosphere structure. Updated Gibbs free energies for the (TiO2)_N-clusters are presented, and a slightly temperature dependent surface tension for T=500 ... 2000K with an average value of sigma_infty = 480.6 erg 1/cm2. The TiO2-seed formation rate changes only slightly with the updated cluster data. A considerably larger effect on the rate of seed formation, and hence on grain size and dust number density, results from a switch to SiO-nucleation. Despite the higher abundance of SiO over TiO2 in the gas phase, TiO2 remains considerably more efficient in forming condensation seeds by homogeneous nucleation followed by heterogeneous grain growth. The paper discussed the effect on the cloud structure in more detail.

Cloud Structure of the Nearest Brown Dwarfs Luhman 16AB

Cloud structure of the nearest brown dwarfs: Spectroscopic variability of Luhman 16AB from the Hubble Space Telescope


Buenzil et al


The binary brown dwarf WISE J104915.57−531906.1 (also Luhman 16AB), composed of a late L and early T dwarf, is a prototypical L/T transition flux reversal binary located at only 2 pc distance. Luhman 16B is a known variable whose light curves evolve rapidly. We present spatially resolved spectroscopic time-series of Luhman 16A and B covering 6.5 h using HST/WFC3 at 1.1 to 1.66 μm. The small, count-dependent variability of Luhman 16A at the beginning of the observations likely stems from instrumental systematics; Luhman 16A appears non-variable above ≈0.4%. Its spectrum is well fit by a single cloud layer with intermediate cloud thickness (f_sed=2, Teff=1200 K). Luhman 16B varies at all wavelengths with peak-to-valley amplitudes of 7-11%. The amplitude and light curve shape changes over only one rotation period. The lowest relative amplitude is found in the deep water absorption band at 1.4 μm, otherwise it mostly decreases gradually from the blue to the red edge of the spectrum. This is very similar to the other two known highly variable early T dwarfs. A two-component cloud model accounts for most of the variability, although small deviations are seen in the water absorption band. We fit the mean spectrum and relative amplitudes with a linear combination of two models of a warm, thinner cloud (Teff=1300 K, fsed=3) and a cooler, thicker cloud (Teff=1000-1100 K, f_sed=1), assuming out-of-equilibrium atmospheric chemistry. A cloud as for Luhman 16A but with holes cannot reproduce the variability of Luhman 16B, indicating more complex cloud evolution through the L/T transition. The projected separation of the binary has decreased by ≈0.3'' in 8 months.